Cheapest in Australia with free shipping! Only @ NetPlus.
Type in promocode: SSDNOW
edit: Let's make it below cost at $92!
Cheapest in Australia with free shipping! Only @ NetPlus.
Type in promocode: SSDNOW
edit: Let's make it below cost at $92!
Haha do you guys look to snipe deals posted on here? keep up the good work!
How so?
Actually, what constitutes a "bargain" is completely and utterly subjective. A bargain occurs when there is an agreement to exchange goods at a certain price, where one of the parties believes that the price is favorable.
If there are two Ferraris for sale, one is $25 and the other is $24; by your logic, the $25 Ferrari isn't a bargain.
So you're telling me, if I posted a $200,000 Ferrari on OzBargain for $25, keeping in mind this is 0.0125% of the original price, this would be shunned as "Not a Bargain", for the pure fact that there's one on sale for $24.
If so, you're delusional.
Also can you please direct me to the section of the rules where it states "Products that are not sufficiently discounted may not be posted. If you dare post a $100 SSD when it's on sale elsewhere for $96, you will be perma-banned."
It amuses me that you throw around definitions and rules without actually making reference, or even thinking.
is the shoppingexpress inc deliver?
Yes $94 delivered.
Says $9.85 for delivery on shopping express
WIth their coupon posted on ozbargain its $5 making the total price 94 inc delivery.
I didn't neg you and I don't work for net plus. They are cheaper than everywhere else so it is the real bargain. You have not provided a link to cheaper product.…
$94 delivered, free shipping when you get to checkout
Still have to pay delivery. Try checking out, $9.85
yep, im getting free shipping on that too:
Shopping Cart Total $94.00
though for 2 bux id get it from netplus who typically have decent service as well as shopping express being dodgy…
Is there a code for the free shipping? its trying to charge me $9.85
Read here.
ShoppingExpress 23 hours 4 min ago
free shipping auto applies when you checkout.
Ok but you shouldnt accuse me of sniping when all I was doing was asking a genuine question.
I didn't accuse you of sniping, the comment was aimed at netplus as a similar deal was posted minutes before for the same driver $98.59. If you look my comment wasn't in reply to you it was posted at almost the same time as yours.
you are too paranoid
That is for a different product. Free shipping is not coming up for me on the kingston. I go all the way through to pay and it still wants $9.85 for shipping.
Sorry mate my apologies. Ive been around forums too much it seems.
Try this coupon
If it still doesnt work maybe ask the shopping express rep on here. He posted not that long ago in the other kingston bargain below this one that thats their price
when have been dodgy? doyou mean shopping square?
netplus > shopping express
shopping square:
shipping prices, slower in delivery, (do they operate- ship from outside Aust)?
Ahh completely agree then :)
How do these compare to other SSD's in the same price range? I am not up to date on my ssd specs they keep changing so quickly =(
It's OK, mid range of Kingston's product line.
Exellent for me, close to par with intel from user pov
on par with intel? I don't think so for many reasons…
These seem to be midrange SSD's
You may think and read what you like, in reality the perfomance on my system was similar between the 2
i think the Intel 330 has longer life and is faster in heavy work, but for most users most of the time the difference won't be noticeable.
intel drives.. nan ram reads on up and down much like toggle ram…
This kingstone drive uses SLOWER! single read cheaper QTY ram… its still a good drive and in real world use you wont be able to tell the difference but its not the same as Intel in any way
in "real world" the cheapest SSD's appear similar to the most expensive SSD's.
Just because you don't notice something it doesn't make it the same.
It depends on how you use it and how long they generally last.
I guess the original topic being how do they compare, as oppose what makes them different.
Noticing something, ie the user effect is actually more important.
The most expensive and cheapest is the same is a weird thing to say, the intel 7 series is far more expensive than the ocz2. Your point once again is moot
Does the XPS 1330 handle this SSD?
Please make it $29!!!
"edit: Let's make it below cost at $92!"
Lol. Yeah right! :D
Any special deals for the OCZ Vertex 4 256GB?
blinded by all these SSDs
Yes, seems like every day there is an SSD sale.
I love that netplus pay attention to ozbargain :)
+1 have credit card ready.
That is awesome deal but will it blend ?
Would this particular SSD be compatible with my PS3?
yeh! just ordered to for RAID0 in my gaming PC..:D nice and quick and cheap!
Would not deal with these guys again after the way they handled a warranty issue with a graphics card I bought a few years ago.
What was wrong with the handling of your issue?
Still waiting for a deal on Samsung 830 ssd's from NetPlus
Anyone got their order yet? I'm still waiting for mine.
Can u match Shoppingexpress?