• expired

Massive SSD Sale OCZ Agility 3 from $59 All Free Shipping


looks like this is the sale everyone has been waiting for

*people seem to believe that everyone lives in either sydney or a metro area where they have crappy MSY and arc
where in fact this is not the case site made for the whole of australia including tasmania and outer regions.
tas prices are way higher then this and we have no good pc stores here
and free shipping cant complain

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Looks good. Don't really need another SSD though, even though these are all better than my current SSD :P

    • HEY OP why not just create a coupon code, as prices are INCORRECT during checkout !

    • +21

      Hijacking top comment help potential buyers:

      SSDs are a replacement for hard disks. They make your computer load things much faster (but not "run" faster - e.g. not higher frame rates in games). If you won't open your computer and replace parts, an SSD is not for you.

      Intel and Crucial M4 have the best reputation for reliability, and Samsung is now looking good too (Important because SSD's seem to fail much more often than HDDs).

      As for speed, Tom's hardware has a quick guide to performance at the bottom of this page (more info elsewhere in that July 2012 article).

    • great info but i would add Sandisk to that list for Reliable SSD's. they use their own high QTY ram and have only positive comments from users who purchased one on newegg and amazon

  • +16

    Most are same price as stores like MSY or only a little cheaper, not such a big deal.

    • +7

      agreed, The prices here are about 90c/GB… nothing special since there's quite a few deals now for around 70c/gb

      • Not a big deal? It's free delivery.

    • +1

      Really? Thats awesome, I'll go into MSY and get one!
      But wait, the closest MSY is 120km away and they charge delivery costs for me to get it shipped increasing the price.
      Well there goes that idea of something obviously easily available to everyone around Australia.
      Unlike this, this is clearly just "average" when compared to MSY.

  • +9

    I wasn't waiting for this sale.

    • +22

      waves hand

      This is not the sale you were looking for.

      • +18

        Sorry Mario, your SSD is in another castle.

  • +2

    Hi all,

    Just want to add on some extra information:
    - Limited qty available for each models - any that run out before the promotion will not get restocked during this promotion
    - YES - they are in stock with 24 hour dispatch guarantee*
    * dispatch = product dispatched from warehouse within 24 hours of receipt of payment confirmation

  • how do you get free shipping?

    • +3

      free shipping auto applies when you checkout.

  • +3

    free postage over pick up at MSY is the winner for me..
    hate driving to their stores and waiting in line at usually busy and cramped stores..

    • +3

      yeah, 30minutes waiting lines full of hot headed buyers with staff that care less about your business…

    • +5

      why not just go arc? more store locations, more stock, less queues. Worth the extra dollar they charge on some parts imo

      • +2

        Arc worked out cheaper for my build than msy. Also closer for me too

        • +2

          been buying from ARC for 15 years… best PC store to deal with for warranty and buying in general.

    • +4

      I don't want to rock the boat here, but it seems to me that it's become cool to hate MSY.
      MSY is not that bad at all, and anybody who has paid a visit to FluidTek will agree that by comparison — MSY feels like a customer service paradise.
      Sure the waits can be annoying sometimes, and the staff aren't the most energetic, but the way people talk about MSY, it's like they're spitting on your products before they pass them over the register to you.

      • +2

        i stoped using msy because i made an online purchase of a siezable nature with all products saying instock. I recieved an email stating order had been shipped then about 4 days later i phoned them to see where it was and they told me they where still waiting on parts(extremly rude), i then told them it said all instock and they said it takes a while to update(was still showing evry component in stock on there website) i then escalated it to the regional supervisor and he said tuff live with it or wait 4 weeks for refund(paid through paypal and had it refunded by the same afternoon by them) so yea never again.

      • When Fluidtek was open I shopped there a fair bit and never had a single issue - however its opening hours (if there are any) are now very limited…

        • +3

          My only issue was when I approached the counter, the guy sitting there looked visibly displeased I had interrupted his internet session. I feared that he may have thrown his entire bag of Cheetos at me for such an intrusion. He said nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. Just gave me a look like I had killed his dog using his mother's ashes urn as a blunt weapon.

        • is fluidtek even open these days? i thought they were too busy running logitechshop.

        • I wouldn't know. Never gone back.

    • These prices wouldn't be bad if this wasn't considered a "special". I prefer to spend just a little (5-10%) more and give it to companies who can be trusted to consistently have competitive prices.

      Example would be the OCZ Octane S2 128GB SSD;

      PC Case gear has it for $89 (plus shipping of $10) STANDARD price

      Shopping Express has the same product for $85 (plus free shipping) 56% off or $109

      In saying that, the Samsung 830 Series 512GB isn't a bad price for $599! But its still only $34 (including shipping) more than I paid recently at the shops "standard" price

  • for around $100 for a 120GB SSD, which is better? OCZ? Kingston? Sandisk? Intel 330? or Samsung?
    I think i am choosing Sandisk, what do you guys say?

    • +5

      Intel = samsung > sandisk > rest

      Intel and samsung is highly regarded for reliability. They have higher random read iops. The other manufacturers have higher write iops, not as important as this wont be a media dumpbox.

      I'd put my money on the samsung 830.

      • Thanks for that. Would you know how an Intel 330 compares to an OCZ Agility 3 and Crucial M4?

        • If i was to rate them id go with;
          330 > agility > m4

          TBH all the ssd's will be the same on normal usage. You'll only notice the performance difference when you stress them under synthetic benchmarks. But i'd buy the 330 for reliability alone. Intel has a pretty good track record regarding that so far.

        • Thanks mate, will wait for 330 120gb for <$100 again.

    • +1

      For around $100 for a 120GB SSD, Sandisk Extreme would be a good choice. It is the only Toggle NAND SSD in that price range (fast). Make sure you have SATA3 on your motherboard or laptop though.

      Intel 520 and Samsung 830 are better, but they are not in the low $100 price range (not yet anyway). If you found one in that price range, don't hesitate, just get it.

      Intel 330 is also worth considering. It does not use Toggle NAND, but still quite fast and more reliable than OCZ. Kingston, the fast one is over $100 for 120GB SSD.

    • In terms of getting Intel 520, Samsung 830 or even Sandisk Extreme, you are better off getting the 240GB / 256GB model (not sure about the 180GB model). Reason is, these 240/256GB Toggle NAND SSDs are faster than 120/128GB equivalents.

      For me, 240/256GB SSDs go to systems which I will use regularly. 120/128GB ones go to systems which are either old or only being used occasionally. So for 120/128GB SSDs, price is a big factor (knowing that they don't really stand a chance against 240/256GB SSDs).

  • +1

    I ordered a 480Gb SSD and was asked to pay $8.75 for postage.
    How can I get it free shipping?

    • +1

      2 ways:

      1. At your shopping cart - enter your postcode and apply - the discount will apply at the total amount section
      2. continue to checkout page and fill up all the details, as long as your postcode has been updated - the discount will apply at the total amount section
    • +1

      OzBargain: the only place where people will look to save $8.75 on a ~$400 purchase. I love it.

      • Sometimes you can find it internationally for cheaper and the $8.75 will make a difference in which has better cost.

  • +1

    Agility 4 128gb says $115 on the front page and $119 when you click in to it?

    • +3

      check again, should be fixed up :)

      • +1

        Sandisk 240GB says $199 on front page and $205 when you click in too :)
        Sorry just trying to make sure people aren't getting charged extra without double checking when they click in to it.

        • +5

          thanks for the help :). Anyone that gets overcharged before, please send email to: mail@shoppingexpress to get the issue sorted.

  • +2

    The poster could do with a little more punctuation and capitalisation during the anti MSY rant.

  • +1

    Do the Samsung 830 128GB MZ-7PC128B/WW & 256GB MZ-7PC256B/WW SSDs that u are selling, include a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter for installation in desktops?
    Thank You Very Much,
    Best Regards,

    • +4

      Hi Roberta,

      They do not include any adapter. You need to look at the KIT version of the Intel 330 / 520s at the same page - for the brackets to be inclusive. If you are looking at the ssd sale page: look for all the images with the word "kit"

    • +2

      (I'm sure you know this but) you can buy those for very cheap on ebay etc.

  • +4

    Not so sure about the MSY bashing. MSY prices are the benchmark prices.

    Without MSY, we could be paying much more. TAS prices being higher is not MSY's fault. If anything, it actually proved that having MSY in your state will be good for consumers (more reasonable prices). Would't you prefer to have MSY in TAS? Even if you cannot stand it, more competition can only be a good thing.

    ShoppingExpress is fast at processing orders. Pity I have too many SSDs already.

    • +3

      not really i called msy they have multiple numbers for the same store
      rang all their numbers and then went on to call every office listed on their site none answered id rather a store that actually helped customers

      • +1

        When did you call? On the weekends? They are generally quite busy on the weekends. For popular items, you can check their stock level online now I think.

        If you prefer to call a store and talk to someone to check stock / hold item, then MSY is not a good choice. But then again, one Harvey Norman store promised to hold an item for me on the phone… by the time I reached the store, they told me they sold it.

        Otherwise, pick an MSY store which has other stores nearby.

  • +2

    To those who are considering buying the OCZ Agility 3:
    Sandforce 2000 controllers experience compatibility problems with Intel chipsets and about 1% of total stock from OCZ was said to be effected. In order to fix it you will have to update the firmware on the SSD.

  • +4

    I'm holding back, word on the street is prices will drop dramatically this month (see Intel rumour), hasn't happened yet. I bet that's why ShoppingExpress is having this "sale" now, to get rid of stock before prices fall.

    • +2

      Price will always drops over time and there is always the next best thing around the corner but the differences is hard to observe and since these SSD is affordable and very fast already there is no point holding back if you need one.

      • +3

        I'm talking about a 30% price drop for the exact same thing, by waiting for only 1 month. That is worth waiting for.

        • +4

          yes… intel are bringing our 20nm NEW 335 drives and 25nm 525 drives…
          The 335's will be much cheaper to make and will be cheap when they hit stores for sale..

          Other companies will soon also be switching over to 20nm nan ram soon after and prices will drop..

          OK here's the catch! :) those new 20nm nan are SLOWER and will die sooner then 24/25nm ram that's used in these current drives. unless you get an Intel 525 drive.

          so i guess it comes down to buy now and get some great QTY nan… or buy later and get some poorer QTY and slower nan.

          Now if you can get some of these same drives for 30% less in a month then its a win win… but i wouldnt wait for the new cheaper tech though… as thats not going to be as good unless you "pay" for the better stuff like the new Intel 525 that's going to continue to use 25nm

        • actually to me that sounds like a good runout buy opportunity, when the new stock lands find stores that have the older 'inferior' stock which is bargain-priced rather than buying the new stuff which people assume is better.

          I bought a bargain non-3D capable TV and receiver just as 3D was coming out as not really interested in 3D, certainly not 'inferior', just suits my needs better.

          To help differentiate, will there be visible difference in the new 20nm drives, ie is it something they'll proclaim loudly on the packaging?

        • unless you read a review or the specs online, they generally do not include tech specs of the new product on the box. so there's no way to know what nan flash your getting inside… but at the moment everything out at the moment is 24/25nm 34/35nm was what was being used in the previoius generation of SSD drives… but SATA2 and slower controllers held the 35nm nan back even though its faster then 24/25nm

  • +3

    For all those who hate on MSY, noone said you have to buy from them; there are plenty of alternatives, which all cost around the same +/- $1. Their customer service keeps the prices down (and the noobs out!)

    Try PC DIY opposite MSY Auburn next time.

  • Damn, these price has surely tumbling. I have recently bought a 120G Intel 520 for a new PC, a 60G Intel 520 for my FreePBX system, and now I will try the Samsung 830 for my other PC but so far I am loving it. I also have a 120G Intel 510, a 120G Crucial M4, and an OCZ Vertex 3 120G. Out of all the SSD I have the OCZ is the problem one and it was my first SSD. I have now upgrades the firmware on the 4 occasions and having to reinstall the system because certain file is corrupted. It has wasted a lot of my time but thankfully the latest firmware so far seems to be rather stable.

  • great price, ordered a 330. Cheers

  • +1

    The 240GB Sandisk SSD looks to be the best value at the moment.

    • +1

      Mine has been going awesome. Cost me $240 about a month and a half ago. Wonder how much lower they will end up?

  • great deal…as far as msy is concerned…is it me or they are no longer as busy. i use to line up for hours years ago but i went to swater store twice last month and i was the only customer in the store.

    • +1

      Nope its not just you.. but at lunch time and early in the morning they can still be busy! :)

  • Again there having these massive SSD sales and price cuts due to OCZ being a horrible brand for SSD's. Please member do not buy this hard drive for a boot drive I guess a gaming drive would be okay with the OCZ brand but if you really would like an SSD save up and wait for crucial M4 prices to cut down. If you do decide to buy one and ignore my comment then have fun with your BSOD :)

    • Have never had problems with my ocz although its my first. Perhaps you got a bad drive ?

    • -1

      Beware of Ocztechnology,s Octane Sata 2.0 SSD's - Major disaster for the Apple/Mac community.
      The Octane SATA 2 are unable to reboot after Apple's new operating system, Mountain Lion 10.8 has been installed.
      Forum sites around the world indicate that this is not an isolated problem with Octane SSD's.
      Octane have so far been unable to solve his problem and are unwilling to discuss the matter.

  • good prices grabbed a Samsung 128gig :)

  • Am I right in saying that the Intel ssd's come with everything you need to instal in the box?

    What do you need to buy extra to instal one of the others here into a regular (not ultrabook) laptop, and how much would that cost?

    • No extras needed for normal laptops.
      For ultrabooks - need the slimmer SSDs 7.00mm thickness - eg. All the Samsung SSD models in the page.

  • +4


    June return rates- ssd's

    "- Crucial 0.82% (as against 0.8%)
    - Intel 1.73% (as against 0.1%)
    - Corsair 2.93% (as against 2.9%)
    - OCZ 7.03% (as against 4.2%)

    Crucial has taken top spot from Intel thanks to a notable increase in Intel’s returns rate. We should say that this time, the Intel sample is only just above the minimum required and that some of the Intel returns are linked to the 8MB bug which has since been resolved. The OCZ rate has got a lot worse, going up to 7%, and only OCZ has models with rates of above 5%:"

    • Mine started dying after 2 months, only reason i didn't return it straight away was that D3 had been released. When my whole PC BSODed in the middle of a D3 session, I immediately ripped it out and sent it back. It was replaced with hopefully a more reliable Vertex 3.

    • I'm sure the return rate on the OCZ Vertex 4 would not be anywhere near 7%. OCZ's overall return rates are still being adversely affected by the OCZ Vertex 3 series.

  • It is finally time, ordering a 128gb Samsung 830 now.

    BTW if you're having trouble getting the free shipping like i was, try changing the shipping option to the one with insurance. Applied free shipping after i did that.

  • Great Deals! Picked up a Samsung 830 finally

  • Does the Intel 330 come with both 3.5" adapter and SATA III cable? I've heard the retail package comes with these items.

  • This is good timing. The SSD in my laptop died and the missus complained how the old HDD I put back in was too slow. $60 for the OCZ Agility 3 60GB SSD, thank you.

  • +1

    Picked up a 120GB sandisk SSD last week, tempted by the 256gb as it has slightly better performance but most importantly more space!

  • This might be a dumb question, but if you can get 128gb of Samsung SSD for $115, how come 64gb of Samsung flash memory in tablets costs hundreds?

    • +1

      they make profit on the device.. its the same reason Dell, HP and Lenovo charge $300 to upgrade to a 128GB SSD from a 320GB 2.5" Hard drive

      They make the bulk of their money on the higher up models… same thing goes for cars…

      The high up models can cost $10,000 more but probably only cost the the car company $1000.

  • I've just received a Sandisk Extreme 120GB from the last week's deal but it makes a high-pitch noise. Is it normal?

    It is not too loud but very irritating and gives me a headache. I thought SSDs were supposed to be absolutely silent.

    • +1

      Hi skatoz,

      As we are not aware of the level of pitch noise you are experiencing, you should send email to: [email protected] (along with your order number on the title) and Sandisk explaining the situation - eg, the pitch noise is constant or only during bootup etc. This will get both Shopping Express/Sandisk technical department to do some follow up for you.

      Our customer support will usually reply within 24 hours of business days (monday - friday) - keep in mind: the more specific you mentioned about the issue you are experiencing - the quicker it is for us to give you the appropriate advice.

      • +1

        Thanks, I received a response from your support promptly this morning. The noise is constant and immediate right from the moment I start the computer. Kudos for the quick communication.

      • As instructed I also contacted Sandisk and they informed me they would be happy to send me a replacement straight away but that I should take it up with you as it is within the 30-day replacement warranty.

        Let's see how fast ShoppingExpress can handle this. I will update this thread about my experience. So far it's been quite disappointing: 7 days to deliver to Adelaide metro and 3 days still waiting just to get an RMA number.

        The other concern I have is - should there be any private information stored on the drive that I am requested to send back, what is the best way to delete it so that no one in ShoppingExpress or SanDisk can access it?

        • Use a program to do a multiple pass zero out or random data write across the drive. If you are on mac, the feature is available in the pre-installed disk utility app. If on windows, just google for an app with this functionality - there should be a free one around that you can download.

        • +1

          Hi skatoz,

          Thanks for the update. You have purchased from this post i assume?
          There was an annoucement that we need 2 - 3 working days to dispatch some of the 120GB & 240Gb SSDs as we put in more stock to last for the whole duration.

          I am interested to know:
          1. Did we dispatch within 2-3 working days of purchase? If not, let me know
          2. Did our customer support advice you the rough time taken to get an RMA issued?
          3. Did you get a response for the RMA number yet? If not, please call us now on 02-83388899, to get our immediate attention. (Our operating hours: weekdays 9:30am to 5:30pm)

          Let me know because: what we promised, we need to deliver.

          Shopping Express

        • Hi Shopping Express,

          Yes, from that deal.

          1. Yes, you did.
          2. No, I was asked to provide the serial number and told that I would be issued an RMA. I hoped the RMA would come through on the same day.
          3. Yes, the RMA came through right after my previous post here. Sorry that I rushed my comment, I did not expect it would actually still arrive late in the evening.

          I understand it is out of your hands that Australia Post takes longer to send things down here. So far, you seem to be very responsive and understand how important it is that customers are well informed about waiting times and adjust their expectations accordingly.

        • Hi skatoz,

          Thanks for your feedback. It is good to hear that your RMA is being taken care of adequately. We will try to provide more information where possible with your valuable feedback on the 3 question - to make customer feel more comfortable when having a RMA issue with us.


          Shopping Express

  • How easy is it to pursue the warranty with shoppingexpress? I've already ordered an intel drive from this sale… but I'm kinda regretting not paying an extra $6 at MSY since I'm in VIC and it'll be easier to deal with a local bricks and mortar seller when it comes to warranty.

  • -4

    Beware of Ocztechnology,s Octane Sata 2.0 SSD's - Major disaster for the Apple/Mac community.

    I purchased the Octane SATA 2 and installed Mountain Lion 10.8 operating system.

    When I rebooted the operating system the drive would not respond.

    Forum sites around the world indicate that this is not an isolated problem with Octane SSD's.

    Octane have so far been unable to solve his problem and are unwilling to discuss the matter.

    Where to from here??

    • +1

      So you neg the deal, just because you bought ONE of the SSD's in this sale and it caused a problem, which is commonly known, with your Mac? Did you research it at all beforehand? And did you even click on the link to see that not just OCZ SSD's are on sale? I'm going to assume 'no' for both.

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