This was posted 1 year 11 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Amazon Prime Video + Gaming TRY₺7.90 Per Month (~A$0.61) No VPN Required @ Amazon Türkiye


Great deal for people that wants prime video + prime gaming benefits + a monthly twitch subscription for a low monthly fee.
Not sure if this has been posted on OzBargain.

Copy&paste from ChoiceCheapies - all credit goes to @patwobbly

  • Go to the deal link.
  • Use google translate on Chrome or whatever translation tool in your browser. The site is not available in English.
  • Click the big yellow button that says "Try free for 30 days".
  • Log in with your normal Amazon account. You can register a new account for this but it is not required. (I registered a new one)
  • Use an existing credit card or add a new one. I used a Westpac Debit Card and it worked fine.The original poster used a Wise card, but I believe any card will work as long as your issuer doesn't block it.
  • Create a Turkish billing address. This is important. Use any Turkey address you can find (I used one from this site). It will require a Turkish phone number. Use the format 212XXXXXXX.
  • Complete the process.

Notes from the original post that is helpful:

  • You should received 2x card verification charges from Amazon; one that is $0.00 and another ~$0.08.
  • This is the full Amazon Prime membership with shipping benefits in Turkey. We can only take advantage of the Video and Gaming part of it.
  • Amazon Prime memberships are regional. This means you are not considered a Prime member in other countries like Australia and US. I am not sure what will happen if you have existing Prime memberships in other countries. But if you already do, you don't really need this.
  • This does not include Amazon Music Unlimited. If you want it you can subscribe to Prime in Brazil, which is slightly more expensive.
  • I don't see a yearly option in Turkey.
  • I haven't compared the library with our local version, but the big shows I can think of are all there. The Boys, 007, Mission Impossible, Transformers, Top Gear, Grand Tour etc etc.

Related Stores

Amazon Turkey
Amazon Turkey

closed Comments

  • +5

    this already included if you are prime membership right? i wonder who does not these day

    • +22

      If you're already an Australian prime member then you don't need this.

      • +7

        I read this as Australian prime minister…

    • +3

      I haven't found the need to purchase more than 1-2 months prime a year. Still ends up cheaper.

      If you live in/near a major city, you really don't rely on amazon as much. I pretty much just use amazon to bulk buy necessities when on sale with free shipping over $40

  • Since Prime is working different from Netflix - regional account. Can I watch Full liberary of Australian region videos in Australia without VPN ? or only Turkish or even a subset of Turkish video?

    • +1

      I believe so. Let me check for you, which videos do you want to watch?

      • actually it is more about watch US prime using Aus account via VPN. thought it is same scenario

  • I will have to try this later. Thanks OP.

  • +1

    I assume you can't use this for free shipping on the AU store?

    • +1

      Doubt it as it thinks you are in turkey.

    • +1

      Nope as this is Turkey based.

    • +10

      laughs in Turkish

    • +4

      How did you get $0 prime membership?

      • -1

        If you have an AMEX Platinum .. as a perk they are providing credits when you renew your membership on your AMEX until 2025
        you can either do it via Monthly or Yearly subscription .. and it's valid for existing members …

        so yes … $0 Prime Membership is possible

        • +5

          Does Amex Platinum have ongoing nil annual fees?

    • +1

      You talk cheap brah!

  • +3

    I guess good for $10-$20 of league of legends content monthly. Normally a skin and 320 premium points (roughly $4)

    • You get monthly games to keep as well.

      • Too keep? they give you free games to download and install that you have after prime?

        • +1

          Yep, they give all sorts of keys like steam/GOG/epic etc. Lots are the inhouse amazon gaming ecosystem though.

          • @Hinee: AAA games?

            • +1

              @Tollery: See if this search gives some idea. Yes definitely some absolute crackers. Wolfenstein this month for eg.

              • +1

                @Hinee: There have been some good games, thanks for the link!

                • +2

                  @Tollery: Prime is a rock solid subscription imo. video + gaming + free amazon delivery for $7/m is unrivalled.

          • @Hinee: Is there any way of automatically adding all these keys periodically to my account so that I can have some in 20 years when I have time to play games?

  • Great deal

  • Does amazon turkey have amazon music unlimited?

    • +1

      Nope. If you want amazon music, then I suggest prime in brazil; its R$14.90/month (~AU $4.35) or R$119.00/year (~AU $34.74).

      • Thx. I tried Argentinian amazon music unlimited. It doesn't let me pay with Aussie cards.. Maybe Brazil is the only option now.

  • +1

    Don't forget if you have a subscriber on Twitch you get $4/Sub/Month
    Stack a tonne of these accounts and make $3.50~/month per account you create.

    I made $69,000 last month from this.

    • +21

      This comment right here ATO officer.

      • Why? Amazon must be paying the withholding tax.

        • -1

          So you made $69000 a month. Thats income yeah. You mean to tell me you not going to declare that to ATO?

          Many with crypto dont even make that and they declare it.

          • +7


            Many with crypto dont even make that and they declare it

            You don't need to declare the losses you make on crypto every year.

            • @serpserpserp: Was saying if one made money on crypto. Dont have to amount to $69k. They declare it. So why not $69k earned from twitch.

              • @xoom:

                Was saying if one made money on crypto.

                Who does that tho?

                • @serpserpserp: If nobody did. You think people would still invest in it?

                  • @xoom: Maybe it is like the lotto, a person wins every now and then. The people that run it make heaps.

    • +1

      What's this all about?

      • It involves losing ones dignity.

        Along these lines.


        • +4

          Happy to loose my dignity for $70k a month

          • @easternculture: This place. Many have lost their dignity for far less.

        • I missed the bit where that clip showed anything undignifying.

          • @Hinee: Alright. Think Belle Delphine and her bath water merch.

            • +1

              @xoom: Uhh…. she's selling bathwater for thousands of dollars. That's pretty impressive to have built a market for in my view. I sure as shit wouldn't be working a 40hr week if I could do the same. Is this really the stuff in life you take umbrage with?

              • +2

                @Hinee: You do know she is in pr0n now right?

                Some might not bat an eyelash getting into that industry while others see it as selling your dignity.

                • @xoom: She's not doing it through the industry though, just self produced stuff. OF.

                  • +1

                    @Agret: Ok poor choice of words. Still doesn't change the fact she is selling her body by having sex in front of a camera for just about anybody to see. That to many people is selling your dignity.

                    • +1

                      @xoom: Doesn't change the fact that she is making bank in a world that is ruled by $$$. Meaning she gets to live a quality of life most of us won't ever get the chance too. Never heard the expression " Don't hate the player, hate the game"?

                      And before you use other people subjective opinions to form your own, it might be worth reminding yourself many people belief in different imaginary characters as Gods cause they fear their own mortality and believe so intensely that the murder, go to war and or otherwise harm others in their name.

                      Least her being on her knees is seeing observable, quantifiable benefits in her life.

                      • @ceroau: @ceroau except that individuals don't live in bubbles and she will be judged by a good % in society, and have other impacts on her life of those beyond any who hold religious beliefs.

                        Even if you don't and you don't care.

                        • @Koffee: What are you talking about? Most of society live in their own little bubbles. Most humans are incapable of truly seeing and understanding the bigger picture and thinking beyond their own little parts of society.

                          You talk as if the most of society are some ethical (profanity) with strong virtues and a strong sense of morality, shit couldn't be further from the truth. You want proof, just look at any of the "SMUT" industries, sex work, porn, adult toys etc all billion dollar industries. The former president of the united states is being indicted for FFS for paying of a porn star and if he runs for President again this year, far too many people will still vote for that (profanity).

                          There would exist alot of people on this planet who don't even know who she is, and so many that even do know her name would never recognize in the real world if she was just out and about doing the day to day shit and with the kind of money I am sure she is banking, so she can go anywhere and do anything and protect herself from any lunatic who may wish her harm.

                          We live in a world dominated by Capitalism, in capitalism the almighty $ is god and the more $$$ someone has the closer to god they are and therefore the more power they have.

                          Face it Bella Delphine is living a better life than most people could ever possible imagine and even when she becomes irrelevant aslong as she can put her ego aside and disappear into obscurity she'll still have more money and a better life than most people. And if the "worst" thing she had to do to achieve that was film her doing shit she probably does for fun behind close doors? That's a sweet deal if you ask me. I'd do it if it was an option.

    • +1

      You created ~20,000 Turkish Prime accounts for this?

      • +1

        Thats commitment and dedication.

        • +2

          Before getting banned a day before payment. While Amazon keeps your $12k from prime membership. Now who’s winning.

        • +1

          Ironically this comment is from the same user:

          I, unfortunately and illogically believe in Karma. Always seem to get bitten on the arse if I try pull shit like this.

          • @bio: Money talks my bro

          • +2

            @bio: He is joking..

            Amazon would ban you if you tried this and if you somehow got away with it, you would keep your mouth shut.

            • +3

              @Aureus: This how some crooks get done. Just can't keep their mouth shut.

        • Thats commitment and dedication.

          Or a bot created by ChatGPT.

    • +1

      Come on guys. Think about this. It's insane I have to explain why it's a joke.. But.

      1. 3.5/69,000 = 19714. This guy did not create 20,000 accounts, avoid detection, and get paid.
      2. 69,000. 69. Come on guys….
    • TCH is seeking to topple Broden's brigand folklore status lolz 😜😂

  • Worth it for prime gaming alone. I think creators get paid the same for a prime sub regardless of country which the prime is from?

    • nah pretty sure prime subs pay out based on the amazon prime sub.
      If I recall correctly, it was corrected a few years ago

  • +5

    This is a great way to get free delivery from Amazon's Turkish store…

    Stock up on Turkish delight…

    Showing as cheapest price on emuemuemu

    • Any deals on turkish bread?

      • +1

        Not sure but ordered some turkish coffee

    • +1

      It's not authentic, though (corny syrup? Really?).

      The best Turkish delight must be bought fresh, but try this for a better brand:

  • +1

    If you're an Optus customer check your SubHub in your My Optus app, they had 6 months for free available for me (works if you're either current subscriber or new customer).

    Saved myself $42 :)

    • Only post paid tho right

  • Hallo can you please plzzz make a post on the brazil prime unlimited music I have turkey yt music and it is very funky I need the lossless audio and high quality that prime unlimited offers to make full use of my XM5s

    • Just follow the same steps but instead of a Turkey address + phone number; you'll need a Brazil one for both. This is the link for Brazil prime.

  • I am not sure what will happen if you have existing Prime memberships in other countries. But if you already do, you don't really need this.

    Yeah you do for cheaper Amazon Prime Video!

    • But dont you already get amazon prime video with a prime subscriptions?

      • If you got Amazon sub for Prime Videos then the OP deal is a cheaper way of getting it at $0.61 AUD

        If you got Amazon sub just for Amazon then this deal makes no difference.

  • Any way to do this but get AU Prime delivery included as well? Thats the most useful part of Amazon Prime imo.

    • +1

      This is amazon turkey. So no chance.

      • Yep, I understand this method is out of the question.
        I was more looking for an alternative.

  • Do they charge ur card in Turkish currency in which case u could get a $4 fee from the bank? Should use a card that has no currency conversion fees? or is this not a concern?

    • +1

      Yes to both your questions. Use whatever card that doesn't charge you an arm&leg for currency conversion.

      • thanks for this OP much appreciated.

        So at the end of the 30 day trial, it will charge 60 cents to the card I entered (used a Revolut). Signed in to Amazon Prime with Google Chromecast, and it signed into the Aussie account but guess it's still working on the payment end with Turkey?

        • +1

          It will charge you 7.90 TL on your card. As long as your account has prime membership, you can use prime video on your devices.

    • It’s not a $4 fee for exchange rate difference. It’s going to be like 20c

  • Thanks OP! I don't use Amazon prime here in AU but don't mind the prime video bit. Signed up no issues, also just used my au number.

  • Thanks op. Sign up was easy. The fidly bit was getting my tv app to link up my account. Which i eventually figured out.

  • Thanks OP. Even with currency conversion fees etc, it wont cost more than $1 per month

  • What's the best way to get Prime membership?

  • great!!

  • Hope to see something like this for the Xbox Pass

  • Why is stuff like this so cheap in Turkey? Is everything else cheap like if you buy food or a house? What about if you buy electronics that are not made in Turkey?

  • There is no mention of using a VPN to watch Turkish Amazon Prime in Australia. Do you have to?

    The reason I ask is because I am going to France tomorrow for a month. I have an Oz Amazon account. If I take my Firestick will I be able to watch Amazon Prime without a VPN?

    • You don't need a vpn for this, by default It shows AU library for me on my tv, however you can use the vpn to get library from US or wherever.

  • I have tried this. For me, it's loading the European Library . The link is like this I couldnt load the AU library.

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