Now $60 cheaper than the previous deal
Still waiting for it to get closer to $1k, but we're getting there!
Now $60 cheaper than the previous deal
Still waiting for it to get closer to $1k, but we're getting there!
So it's actually cheaper than US RRP, as the GST free component is AU$1090 or US$725~
At 66.5usc to the A$ it’s not great but there are still deals to be found. The US is in crisis, hang in there it will get better
Hit us with the 1aud = 1.15usd. I remember 2011.
…and no gst on low value imports, 'twas heaven for a while!
Can you please tell about the crisis? What happened?
Haha, good one. I’ve a feeling you don’t want to hear it from an economist. I’ll let you do your own number crunching. Start with google.
Will be interesting to see how the 4070 is
when will you geniuses realise that the US pays the GST too on top of MSRP, they aint paying $799
Only worth considering when $999
The 3080 12gb got down to $900… this 4070ti has 12gb and performs a little better
Pretty sure it only got down to $999
@qtvinsta: only one showing up at $949 on the 3080 ozb list is actually just a 3070ti, was just a multi-post
@Pugkin: nah, for some reason, the back of my mind i have 3080 12GB ATL set at $949… i could be mistaken but in all honestly i don't believe the 4070ti is worth anything over $999… buts that just me
12gb is the bare minimum for a card this price, plus new generations are meant to bring a dollar per fps improvement
Should go lower. 900 for this and 1200 to 1250 fo the 4080 IMO is the best RRP.
So US$649 in 2014 is US$824.74 today, so this is actually already cheaper.
and properties in 1980's were cheaper than most deposits these days. What's your point?
That seems like a great price - is this the same card as the one here?…
No, the Amazon is OC version.
This is more like it…
I mean its good for 2k gaming
And good for SFF build, 2 slot GPU.
It's actually quite impressive that inno3d jammed this into a 2 slot design, given how comically large the 4080 and 4090s seem to be
250 to 270 watts. If I look at my 1080's heatsink, which consumed 210 watts or so, its so much smaller compared to even this one. These are much larger for just 50 watts more. But I would prefer larger heatsinks anyday as they run cooler and quiter. I live north QLD and bigger heatsinks definitely helps with average room temps around 28 to 32C.
@[Deactivated]: Curious how you find that to help? The energy used by your card will be dissipated as heat. If your card has a larger heatsink then sure it can dissipate the heat away from the card better, but either way that heat is going into your room unless you’re venting it externally to your room/house or something.
If anything, a smaller heatsink might make the card heat up and thermal throttle, reducing power usage and, in doing so, reducing overall heat output from your case.
Not saying that either scenario is better, but if you want a cooler room I’d suggest looking for a card that uses less power.
@ZJack: It helps in running the card cooler and avoids thermal throttling and less fan noise. Never said makes room cooler ;) I still need to switch on AC after above 31c
@[Deactivated]: Ah I’m sorry mate, completely misunderstood. You’re saying the room affects the PC, not the other way around. Yeah that’s understandable!
I’ve been looking recently at building an external venting system for 3D printing or laser cutting where you don’t want the smoke/fumes in your house. It’d be interesting to see how much it saved you on AC if you could somehow vent your PC outside.
@ZJack: That would be a cool thing to do. Or you can also keep the whole PC case in an adjusent room and have longer wires for display, power switch, audio and USB if thats feasible. I dont game much, so I didnt bother looking into that.
Most of the 4080 are so large because they just use the heatsinks from the 4090’s
I still can't get my head around the fact that Xbox Series X delivers 4k 120Hz gaming experience for $700 when not on sale, and here a card for 2k gaming goes for more
I gave up chasing GPUs last year, got Series X for gaming and my desktop has 2060 in it for photo / video processing and occasional game where I want to use a mouse or that's not on my Xbox
2k at mostly high/ultra settings is a different beast than 4k with settings equivalent to medium/high (and some off), is it not?
I seem to recall that, given similar settings, cards such as 3060 and 5700 XT could already let you outperform the PS5 and Xbox Series X.
yep, I gamed on a 3070Ti laptop before, no issues with QHD all high settings. been a PC gamer for years, then switched to laptops with crazy desktop GPU prices and chip shortage
but I find Xbox equally if not more enjoyable, since there's no noise / heat to be accounted for, no need to worry about drivers or OS, or component upgrades, just plug and play. haven't really noticed reduced quality. one of my favourites, Control, I daresay it looks and feels better than when I was playing on laptop/PC
sold my laptop and for this money I got a solid 65" gaming TV, Xbox Series X, elite controller, good headset, gaming chair, and still had hundreds of dollars extra left over
and happier overall. but I know a lot of people still prefer PC. I still use PC to play one game, Mordhau lol 2060 is plenty for that
Series X doesn't do 4k and 120hz at the same time outside of <10 titles, even if there's hundreds of others game it should be able to run at that res+refresh rate. That's the issue with consoles unfortunately, have to wait for devs to implement fps uncapping which they almost never do.
Doesn't matter if they can't, they generally do 60fps in modern games and perform much better than a pc would due to optimisation. I've moved away from pc to xbox whereby the value of games pass / console itself is just tenfold more than a gpu alone.
I'll probably build a pc again if gpu prices come down though.
perform much better than a pc would due to optimisation
Watch Digital Foundry's videos for details, console games tend to run games at significantly lower graphics settings — there's no magic bullet that makes consoles perform better than PCs (and I say this as someone who mostly plays games on console). There's also a growing number of games that can only run at 30fps or 40fps on current-gen consoles.
Consoles can only achieve ~4K/60fps with significant compromises.
Having said that, the value proposition is 100% in favour of console gaming, with the ongoing ridiculous GPU pricing strategy from NVIDIA and AMD.
If it weren't for PC-only games like Armored Warfare and Ready or Not/Ground Branch/Gunner, HEAT, PC!, I'd be gaming exclusively on my PS5.
@deadpoet: Graphics wise computers are tenfold better but how a game actually runs is generally better on console. There's countless releases where the pc ports have just been garbage. It's weird the fps might be lower but the stuttering doesn't seem to be as bad on consoles. I am absolutely loving my xbox one x with games pass.
In saying that my 1070 is still going well, not as great now but it has stood the test of time haha
@purelysam: Yeah you're definitely right about the awful PC ports, that seems to be a recurring pattern.
It doesnt, its upscaling
stop thinking that Xbox and PS5s have magic hardware
I don't, working in IT and all
I don't care what it is that it does, it just does it well
good times ahead, thought inflation and war sucks :( but good time to buy GPU!
Its still not a good time to buy a gpu, good time to buy RAM, AM4, SSDs etc though. But even thier prices are falling, so I would HODL for another 2 months if not in a hurry.
!remindme 2 months
Personally waiting till mid April to see what 4070 is like, either that or a 3080 depending on price/performance and considering preowned
12 GB minimum on the 3080. 8 GB cards are running out of vram even at 1440p.
@[Deactivated]: Given 4070 is expected/rumoured to be 12gb and the 3080-12gb is hard to find for a good price, i'm interested to see what its like
oh Im waiting on next gen or two :) but saying, prices are in the bin and only gonna get worse/better but so will the standard of living so take that as you migh
Nice price keep it lower hodl
How is this card compared to other 4070tis?
Bummer, bought my Asus TUF 3080 for $1299 a month and a half ago, the 4070Ti is 10-15% faster and obviously current gen tech.
People should be boycotting overpriced products not buying them. But the 4070ti has a gimped memory bus, 3080ti probably better for higher res
It's not always that easy. Take my situation, my 2 1/2 year old 3070 went in for repairs for 2 months before getting a full refund of $965. Now what should I have done? HODL for an unknown period of time with no working pc or just buy a 4070ti and be done with it? Looked at team red, but I wanted solid VR performance as well.
Fwiw I couldn't be happier. It runs silent and consumes way less power while putting out way less heat and it's a hellavalot faster. I know this is OZbargain, but waiting a year or more to save a couple of hundred bucks isn't worth worrying about.
Yeah but 3080ti is like $500-$700 more expensive. It's not worth it.
Jensen wanted to sell it as a 1440p card even tho it was quite capable for 4k, so what to do? gimp the bus. Break its leg. lol.
Boycott and what, buy nothing? Give up on the hobby?
Nice advice
It's good advice actually. Gaming is pretty shit there are more enjoyable things. Most the time people just rage at eachother and are miserable lol. Single player is even more pointless and boring
You don't need a 40 series card to game. Buy a 2nd hand 6800xt
You paid 1299 for a 3080??? wow.
Well I could of paid $1,099 but that would have been for shitty brand. I bought Asus TUF version. I was building a new PC, I couldn't keep waiting.. Prices have not really dropped for a long time now
3080 is still a decent card. Enjoy it :)
@[Deactivated]: building a new PC then speding over RRP price on 2 year old card with not even 10 gs VRAM, Im sorry…just no
@botchie: What do you expect me to do? Disappoint him? What will I tell gamers who paid 2k for the same card a year ago?
@botchie: 3080 is 10GB of VRAM? What are you on? So what would you do in my situation? Just wait for eternity, I already waited 6 months to build my PC when I purchased the 3080 a month and a half ago.
@Justin9mm: Don’t fret about it too much. There’s always something better around the corner. You’re better off buying something you want / need now, rather than waiting for an unknown product yet to release. The 3080 is still a great card and will serve you well :))
@Justin9mm: do you not know what VRAM is? video memory and you have 10 gb which was always a rip off
not enough for half the games today - you already get bottlenecked
if you waited this long should have just paid little extra for a new gen card, if you paid $300 more for a 4070ti you'd be better off
@botchie: Nice lies there, its more than enough, only a few games like RE4 remake even comes close to using it all and its not end of the world reducing the texture density in that game anyway, literally doesnt effect visual fidelity just how much textures can be stored inside the VRAM
@botchie: bruh i own the bloody card i know how it works
a lot of people do and are happy with it. Also most people play at 1080p or 1440p not even 4k so wtf even are you on about
@botchie: No i paid $1139 2 years ago because i’m not a salty naysayer like you who just loves to spread lies for no reason
@Freestyle: 3080 10GB can't run RE4 remake at 1440p with textures at High 3GB without experiencing stuttering or crashing to desktop. amazing future proof card fyi
@botchie: yeah thats why i’m running it perfectly fine, it took you 4 days to think of this? are you ok in the head?
Amazing IQ
@botchie: In his defence everyone who buys a high end gpu is a money burner.
Imagine paying $4000 for 3090 less than 12 months ago lol. The $1200 4070ti sits between it and the 3090ti. That's a $2800 loss to play 4k 60fps 12 months early.
They also paid $2000 for the AW3821dw non-oled monitor
How did you pay so much for a 3080 so recently? Did someone have a gun to your head or something?
Depends on the brand yeah? The same one I bought you can't find for less than $1249.. I didn't want shitty PNY for $1,099. Where are there cheap 3080's? This was a month and half ago, I'd already been waiting for prices to drop in so many months, and it hasn't.
Depends on the brand yeah? The same one I bought you can't find for less than $1249.. I didn't want shitty PNY for $1,099.
You realise they're basically the same, right? All that extraneous stuff tacked on is to justify the price premium over FE. Only time you should pick a specific AIB is for aesthetics, warranty, or size restrictions.
@SydStrand: Well a lot of technical breakdown testing vids and articles that you can find by reliable sources say they are the same performance spec wise but as far as quality and longevity they are simply not. I built my PC with high end components and for the sake of $200 I'm not going to shove a low brand card in there. The comments from people on here are acting like I should either not have bought a $1000+ 3080 at all or I should of somehow paid some unicorn non-existent cheaper price. At the time I bought my 3080, 4070Ti prices were like $1500-$1600 which I could not justify for a 10%+ approx. performance increase over a 3080.
@Justin9mm: They were cheaper than what you are stating. That's simply not true that they were $15-$1600
@Justin9mm: You're still not articulating why one card is better than the other. Define 'quality' and 'longevity.' The most important component of a card, the GPU, is shared. What you're paying extra for extra for, is things like quieter fans, a bigger backplate, etc., but you'll be splitting hairs to notice any performance difference. As for longevity, not really. You may have quicker customer support with an Asus card, but you still have local consumer protections. And there's no evidence that cards from brand X last longer than brand Y.
If you told me you bought that card because you like how it looks in your case, or you wanted that card's specific I/O, no one can argue that. But it sounds like you overpaid, and now trying to justify that choice.
@SydStrand: Not trying to justify anything.. You just answered quality - quieter fans for example. Also better cooling solution and designed a little better to add to that, longevity because the quality of the design is a little better, maybe less risk of failure. But whatever, I'm not arguing about that and what the price difference is between cheapest 3080 and most expensive, the price I paid for the 3080 has sat at the $1200-$1300 mark for a very long time for any brand that basically isn't PNY apart from the odd sale which looks like I apparently missed out on. Can't turn back time now but keep making me feel bad because that's what keyboard warriors do.
@Justin9mm: No, not 'better longevity.' I don't cede that point. I'm throwing out vague examples that AIBs use to justify mark-ups, not that they're actually justifiable. Also, AIB cooling solutions are always over-engineered because Nvidia already accounts for thermals in their basic ass reference cards. When you pay over FE, you're paying for branding, LEDs, and slightly fancier plastic. I'm not trying to roast your GPU, but your insistence on avoiding, as you put it, a 'shitty brand' video card has bit you in the butt. In the future, I'd take off the brand name glasses and make more objective purchasing decisions.
Yeah a bit weird people are singling you out. You only paid $50 more and they all just upvoted a 2yr old 6750xt for $600 (which should've been $530 2yrs ago and even less now).
The 4070ti was the better option but both are terrible options. RX 6700 for $450 is the only option atm and even that sucks
How on Earth did you pay 1299 for a 3080. Mind-boggling.
See above
you bought last gen card for above RRp - you my friend need a medal from Cashvidia
How is it above RRP? Where are there cheap 3080's new? So no one should buy a 3080 and either buy something inferior or not at all?
yes, no one should pay above RRP for a 2 year old card
Dude the 4070 ti have been around that price from when you bought it….
Superior card in every aspect..
Not the best purchase you would have done.
Just one example
This price is almost exactly equivalent to the USD$799 RRP (which doesn't include sales tax). Our exchange rate sucks for buying things at the moment!