• expired

30GB $10/M, 50GB $15/M, 100GB $28/M for 13 Months on New Post Paid Plans @ Circles.life


Shamelessly copied from previous deal. I tried to comment it is still available but comments have closed.

For new customers

Discount is for 13 months (12 renewals)

Unlimited* standard national calls and texts
Powered by the full Optus 4G Plus network
SIM card included

  • 30GB of data for $10 per month (for 13 months) was $25/month

  • 50GB of data for $15 per month (for 13 months) was $25/month

  • 100GB of data for $28 per month (for 13 months) was $45month

Deal extended to 1 May 2023

Terms & Conditions

Referral Links

Referral: random (80)

Both referrer and referee get $5 bill credit for 6 months and bonus 5 GB for 6 months.

Related Stores

Student Edge
Student Edge

closed Comments

  • +3

    I wouldn't trust Circles.Life based on the recent email I got from ACMA.

    • Do you have a tl;dr?

      • +6

        Circles Australia Pty Limited (trading as Circles.Life) has paid a $253,080 infringement notice after the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) found large-scale breaches of rules intended to protect the safety of Australians.

        • +1

          Not a big deal if youre using the sim for just data i.e on ipad etc

    • +3

      Circles.Life penalised $253,000 for public safety failures

      Circles Australia Pty Limited (trading as Circles.Life) has paid a $253,080 infringement notice after the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) found large-scale breaches of rules intended to protect the safety of Australians.

      An ACMA investigation found that mobile service provider Circles.Life failed to provide customer information to the Integrated Public Number Database (IPND) on more than 60,000 occasions between January and August 2022.

      The IPND is used by Triple Zero to help locate people in an emergency, for the Emergency Alert Service to warn Australians of emergencies like flood or bushfire, and to assist law enforcement activities.

      ACMA Chair Nerida O’Loughlin said Circles.Life’s failure to upload customer information to the secure database potentially put its customers’ safety at risk.

      “It is alarming that Circles.Life had no idea that its customer information was not being uploaded until contacted by the ACMA,” Ms O’Loughlin said.

      All telcos are required to upload customer details to the IPND for each service they provide under the Telecommunications Act and the IPND industry code.

      The investigation uncovered that Circles.Life’s IT systems had an error that prevented its IPND data files from uploading. The ACMA also found that the company did not conduct required regular checks of its IPND data that would have alerted it that something was amiss over an extended period.

      The ACMA has also accepted court-enforceable undertakings from Circles.Life that require it to have an independent review of its compliance practices for IPND obligations and to make improvements where required.

      This action follows Circles.Life paying a $199,800 infringement notice and $100,000 in compensation in August 2022 after an ACMA investigation found consumers had suffered financial fraud due to the telco’s failure to have adequate multi-factor ID checks in place.

      Since 2018 the ACMA has taken action against 31 telcos for non-compliance with the IPND rules, including giving remedial directions and nearly $4 million in penalties.

      For more information, please contact ACMA Media on 0438 375 776 or [email protected].

      • +7

        Since 2018 the ACMA has taken action against 31 telcos for non-compliance with the IPND rules, including giving remedial directions and nearly $4 million in penalties.

        Sounds like something common for telcos to get penalised for.

        In theory, after they've been penalised, it will be less likely to occur again :p

        • +1

          This is Circles we're talking about here…

          I wouldn't bet on it.

        • Who else was on the list?

    • They're seriously dodgy.

      I ported in to them in 2021, ported straight back out because the service was so poor (Optus is especially bad here). They billed me the next month. After I'd gone through their laughable support process which required me to re-identify myself multiple times in the same support thread, they claimed I'd ported out after the next month started. Sent screenshots showing the port out date. They said they'd get on it. Billed me again. No response from their support.

      I had to get my bank to do chargebacks.

      And yeah, they don't take emergency calls seriously. What else don't they take seriously?

  • +3

    Circle.life is horrible, the tried to keep my number and telecommunications ombudsman had to step in then it was released. they tell a lot of lies.

    • Hi mate, we sincerely apologize for having a hard time releasing your mobile number with us. Please hop on to our Live Chat service on the website for further assistance: https://www.circles.life/au/help/

      • +1

        you live chat means nothing this was over a year ago.

  • Does it means if I sign up on
    "30GB of data for $10 per month (for 13 months) was $25/month"

    and use Referral
    "$10 Bill credit for referrer, referee (new signup) receives $10 monthly credit applied for 12 months."

    It will be $0 for a year?

    • You can only use 1 code when you sign up.

    • Hi there, first of all, we appreciate your interest in using our promotions and a referral code for your plan. Please be advised that you can only use one code upon signing up with us. It is either a promo code or a referral code. In case, you need more reference about your concern, you can go ahead and visit our FAQs page via this link: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

  • -1

    Goes without saying they do a credit check, I’m not sure why but my credit score tanked after I signed up for a free 6 months deal 2 or so years ago

    took most of the year to recover whilst credit card swapping have very little impact.

    • +1

      It's only one credit check though and I didn't think it impacted that much.

    • Hi Rodger1, we run a credit check on all signups to ensure that our soon-to-be customers have the ability to make the upcoming payments for their Circles.Life plan. A failure can happen if your profile does not pass our partner vendor’s verification measures. No worries, you can try to place an order on our website again after 6 months. For more additional information about your concern, you can visit our FAQs page using this link: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

  • Can I use this as data sim and put it in router?

    • Hi PeppaCat, in line with your concern, I'm happy to inform you that you can use our SIM for your router to connect to the internet. In case you'll be needing more information about us, you can head on to our FAQs page: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/

  • If I understand this .. it means that whatever your Australian balance is .. you can use overseas?

    If so .. that is pretty cool for my upcoming USA trip :D

    Anyone able to confirm or deny ? @CirclesLifeAU

    • Hi Cereal, we truly appreciate your interest in using our roaming service. Please note that roaming service is not included with your plan and it will incur extra charges. Should you have additional concerns please reach out via the link provided below and we'll be more than happy to assist you further: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

  • The codes don't seem to work and I get error message.

    • Never mind, it works. I clicked the wrong plan

      • Good day, mate! Thank you for your interest in joining us. We are looking forward to serving you and hope you enjoy your service with us. If you need more information about us, you can check out our FAQs: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

        • Is it contract or no contract plan? Thanks.

          • @shoppinginsyd: Hi mate, Circles.Life provides a month-to-month plan with no lock-in contract and you can cancel your service anytime with us with no penalty fee. For more information regarding this, please check our FAQs page: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

            • @CirclesLifeAU: Do we have to cancel 30 days in advance if we want to leave to avoid getting charged for another month?

              • @CodeXD: Hi, For you to avail our 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee on the first month of your SIM activation, make sure that your data usage is not more than 5GB, otherwise, you have to pay it. But if you are an existing customer and wanted to cancel your plan, make sure to process it within 30 days so you will avoid getting billed for another month. Please note that the earliest termination date will be on the last day of the month, and the cut-off to submit a termination request is on or before 12 PM on the last day of the month, otherwise, the termination will not be facilitated. Should you have additional concerns please reach out via the link provided: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

  • What happens when data is used? Do you continue to allow unlimited data use with throttling?

    • Hi mate! That's a good question. Since this is a Postpaid service, please be advised that the data does not throttle and the pay-as-you-go rate of $0.01 per MB will be incurred as indicated on our T&C, and the alerts sent once you consume all of your data allocations. For more information about our Billing, you can check out our FAQs page: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categor…

    • They're on Optus but not sure if speed is capped.

    • G'day mate! Please note that speeds on Circles.Life plans are limited to a maximum download speed of 25Mbps and a maximum upload speed of 2Mbps. Data speeds for the 4G Internet Service are variable and for basic internet connectivity. Please also note that signal and speed may vary to your location. For more info, you can visit our FAQs: https://circlesaustraliasupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us

  • 50GB of data for $15 per month (for 13 months) was $25/month

    It was actually $35 per month.

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