Unlimited Data SIM-Only Plan $20/Month for 6 Months (Data Speed up to 20Mbps, Ongoing $40/Month) for New Customer @ Felix Mobile

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Unlimited mobile data

$40 $20/month for the first 6 months

Unlimited mobile data
Unlimited mobile data at speeds up to 20Mbps.

Unlimited talk and text
Std calls, SMS and MMS to mobile/landlines incl. voicemail 13 & 18 numbers.

5G/4G network
Access our 5G network on a compatible device.

No lock-in contract
No exit fees or 28-day expiry. Cancel anytime.

Vodafone Network

Referral Links

Referral: random (270)

Referee gets 50% off for 4 months. Referrer gets $10 credit.

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Felix Mobile
Felix Mobile


  • +7

    Can prior customers access this offer?

    Also 20Mbps, these data restrictions are ready counterproductive.

      • I think this list might have to do more with the 3G shut off? I have been using Felix sims on two devices that are not on the list without any issue.

        • +1

          It existed before the 3g shut down. I've been using my Samsung tab A8 without major issues.

      • +2

        I had to cancel because of this, it no longer works in 4G router

        • +3

          It's not meant to work in any router. It's against their T&C. They are actively blocking it.

        • +1

          You might be able to do Mac address and device spoofing so it works again on your 4G modem

        • +4

          Asus router and usb tethering from your phone lol

        • did it just stop working without any notification?

          • @rix: For me it was cut off no warning no email. Worked when Sim was put into phone. On the modem it could only load YouTube/Facebook . I wanna know if they are banning from mac address or model number of something. Would like to use a modem again as using a hotspot adds latency for me unfortunately

            • @SSToblerone007: Well, I'm glad to finally have an answer - i thought the hardware was going faulty! couldn't exactly contact Felix for support haha.
              All good things come to an end

        • Damn, I just paid $140 for a 4g router and signed up Felix. I used it a few years ago on my Huawei dongle and there’s no issue. So things have changed since ?

        • When did they cut you off? It seems they might be cracking down recently

        • +1

          They want to advertise unlimited data but will do everything in their power to limit you being able to use it. IE must be in a mobile phone, they’ll block laptops with WWAN modules, usb modems, hotspots etc. Basically anything that isn’t a phone where you are limited to lesser usage.

          Guess the ACCC needs to have another crackdown on “unlimited”. Seems some have forgotten.

          • @MetalPhreak: Unlimited but subject to their "Fair Use Policy". Except nowhere in this policy does it mention exactly what unlimited means or how many GB's of usage breaches their Fair Use Policy.

      • I've used Chinese imports (Xiaomi) for 7 years without issue and i upgrade phones every year so 7 deifferent phones with them.

        Also no issue with Telstra and resellers.


        • +1

          Why do you refresh phone every year if you don't mind me asking?

    • +1

      To be fair for unlimited data on a fairly cheap plan, 2mb/s is enough to do a lot of work. Even as a hotspot to a laptop, for a lot of office work, 2mb/s is decent.

      Would you be better off with an uncapped 30gb plan or whatever? Probably…

      • +3

        I worked from home 3 days a week for around 3 years, and just relied on my Felix data as a hotspot for my laptop. Worked fine for work video calls etc.

        In true OzB style, I didn't pay for home internet for those years, and I signed up to Felix back when it was $35/month.

        • +1

          That's tax deductible too

          • @Caped Baldy: Depends on what WFH deduction method you are using. If working on the 'Fixed rate' of $0.52/hr, you can't then claim internet, elect, etc

        • Yeah my friends home internet is just Felix, makes it work, gaming and everything!

          You would think we could get unlimited 4G plans at speeds higher than 20mbps these days but I guess it would either be too expensive or make it harder to justify the existence of other plans inc low tier home internet.

          • +1

            @Castcore: I have been using Felix as my main home internet for years now and no real complaints. Yeah it would be nice to have a 30-40Mbps connection but I would be paying double

            • +1

              @DannyBoy: I survive 95% of the time on a $20 optus data sim that's throttled at 1.5Mbps after 20GB/month. I have a Launtel HFC connection that I turn on whenever I need (pay per day) to download something huge, or need higher speeds for WFH, but for browsing and 720p streaming 1.5Mbps is enough. If I want to watch something in higher quality I will download it ahead of time.

              • @frugalferret: The Optus data Sim may be a suitable option when Felix stops working

                Optus url

              • @frugalferret: That's a tough one, we normally average 500-700gb a month and can stream Netflix at 4k.
                I think for $35 a month is a steal (new customers pay $40 now)

              • @frugalferret: I use that plan also that was reduced to $12 a month for first 12 months and it streams standard definition Netflix ok at 1.5mps. And if I need to download a crazy lot I just use the $5 per day unlimited download for 1 day.

        • +1

          be a trie ozbarginer, port out, and port back with 6 months $20 deal

    • Unless you're on the old $35 plan like me, you can always port out and in to make use of the deal, or just cancel the old SIM if you just use it in a modem.

  • Some dead spots for me in CBD when I was on felix

    • +2

      Which CBD?

      • +2


        • Same, sometimes will just drop off.

    • +1

      Vodafone is No-dafone for me.

      • Thanks for letting us know, I was wondering about that

      • If it rhymes, it must be true.

      • Information: vodafone block sites as well on 4g/5g data

  • Ah well, I might as well try it out… I'm in N.E. Vic, so was using a cheap Optus provider for my data sim. Sometimes get around 10 Mbps during some really busy peak times anyway.

    Can't be so bad if Vodafone's joined the Optus network. Though I'd never entertained the notion before.

  • I know it's speed limited, but do people find it responsive? I switched from boost to aldi (4g) a few months ago and despite both being on Telstra, I find aldi to be dog slow and barely loads web pages sometimes. 20mbps is fine as long as it actually works!

    • +1

      Its weird because i was on a full standalone sim only plan on Vodafone for like 80 bucks a month and reception was horrendous. Youtube clips kept loading/buffering mid clip, lags in games etc that was on a full 5G plan.

      Was with Felix before them for 3 years on umlimited plan. No issues whatsoever. Went back to them on same plan and again no issues.

      Used same phone, same spots daily etc so no idea why vodafone was crap and felix was fine. Both use voda network. You'd think voda direct customers get priority plus it was a much faster plan whereas Felix capped at 20.

      Im in Lidcombe and travel all over Sydney. Delivery driver. No issues 99% of the time with Felix!

      • This is interesting, I use a Felix SIM in a router at home and I find it loads better overall than my full Vodafone network SIM in my mobile. Some locations throughout Adelaide hardly load on Vodafone but all the 3rd party versions I've been with in the past have always been fine

      • i found voda to be the worst of the 3 in lidcombe, but never that bad unless you were inside lidcombe shopping centre. Wonder if felix uses TPG DMC, or EPC.

    • Boost is full Telstra. Aldi is reseller Telstra and not as good. Very sneaky and Aldi (and other Telstra resellers) definitely ride the Telstra "superior network" marketing without making the distinction.

  • +4

    Lost me at "Vodafone Network"…

    • actually not terrible these days and better since the Optus network sharing deal

  • +1

    As someone who is currently with Felix, I personally wouldn't recommend them. My phone works great at home, but out and about it's hit and miss if I'll have service. Sometimes I need to toggle between 4G and 5G and will have some luck doing that, but it's a hassle and I'm currently trying to work out my next company to switch to.

    • +1

      Strange…… Ive been with them for over 4 years without issue!

      What are are you in?

      • I should make it clear that I always have phone service, just internet is hit and miss. I live near Camden, NSW but have the issues no matter where I am in Sydney.

    • I'm with Felix, in Sydney, travel from western Sydney to the CBD on the metro line 3 times a week, and most days also drive a lot in western Sydney, haven't had any complaints in the last 2 months.

      • Strange, might just be me haha

  • Thanks. I've only just started a 4 month half price plan today. I wonder if I could refer myself to this plan to get a second plan and cancel the first one.

    • you want to change your number?

  • +1

    how can i get this as an existing customer? do i need to port out, wait 1 day, then port back in?

    • yep this will work

  • Dang just signed up to 50% off 3months only a few days ago. Quite happy with the service, live ~10km north of Perth

    • if you had used a referal code you could have got 4 months half price. Port out and port back

  • +1

    I got this SIM in my Huawei B818 and working fine from the day 1 (1 year ago)

    • +4

      Lucky so far.

      After 6 months i got a warning, 7 days later they suspended the service until i emailed and agreed to take out of modem.

      I then bought a old LTE phone and usb tethered via my asus router for the next 4.5 years until i was made aware of the free student broadband initiative and have been rocking free NBN since last feb

      • I think because I'm not using that much data so maybe lucky.

        • I was using at least 500GB per month

      • Oh I didn't know of the initiative

        Can i ask - what didi they ask for eligibility?(Other than what's noted on the website e.g. no existing connection, school aged kids etc)?

        • I think you have to be nominated by your school or one of those charity orgs.

          Normally you gotta be poor (qualify for a health care card) though I dont think thats enforced much.

  • +3

    Kinda tempted to go full OzBargainer and migrate my main mobile number to an aldi $5 yearly one while I keep making new referrals to myself for the Felix credits.

    • +1

      That $5 one no longer lasts for a year.

      • At least at felix they keep your number for 224 days (got an email when I paused subscription)

      • "The Pay As You Go $5 plan comes with $5 of included credit to be spent on calls, messaging and data as outlined below. The expiry period of the included $5 credit is 60 days. The expiry period of the subsequent PAYG Top Up credit is 365 days."

        Might just do the smallest top up

  • I would like to switch to Felix but still keep my existing phone number. Has anyone switched to Felix previously? I am afraid of losing my existing number which I have been using the same phone number for over a decade. Also how is Vodaphone network these days in Sydney?

    • +1

      I just did it, switching numbers is really easy in the ap and takes about 10 minutes

  • +1

    As someone who has used Felix for about two years, I can confirm the service has gone downhill

  • Can't stack with referral :(

  • Anyone know when to activate by? Cant seem to find that info

    • from where I can see on their page the promo ends on 06/04

  • Was Felix the provider with some good international roaming deal using referral credits?

  • Get boost instead. With cash back it's a much better value

    • boosthas unlimited data for $20 a month? totally differant product

  • Esim?

  • I wonder if this influx of new customers are the reason for last night's choppy performance

    • +1

      wouldn't change the needle that much, it uses the full vodafone network.

  • anyone know if it is possible to create a new account with them and disconnect the old one?

    • port out then port back?

    • Def. Done that numerous times. Just use a different email address to sign up and get a new number. It's a prepaid SIM, essential the same with Boost 28days ones.

  • Anyone else find it difficult to reach Felix Customer Support? Only way to contact them is via chat and they never reply!

  • Does anyone know if I can use my own referral code when porting my other family member to Felix under my existing account/name?

    If not, can I use another members referral code to port a number under my existing account/name with Felix and still get the 4 months 50% off?

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