• expired

50% off Your First Box from $4.49 Per Meal + Free Delivery @ Youfoodz

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In light of the ongoing EveryPlate deal, I figured I might as well post this for people to utilise both services.

The price comes down to $4.245 $4.49 per meal if you
1. Pick 18 meals
2. Use code 2023YOU
3. *Cancel your service once your first box arrives, like a true Ozbargainer

I'm aware that people might hold negative opinions on Youfoodz over their deteriorating services in recent years before/after HelloFresh takeover, but $4.245 per meal is the cheapest deal that I can find recently. Certainly better than the cheapest Coleworths own branded microwave meal IMO.

If you don't like ready meals, certainly stick to the EveryPlate deal, or comment below if you find other cheaper brands at the moment.

Referral Links

$200 off split between 1st 5 boxes: random (171)

Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

  • +15


    • Please remember to click on referral links to get $40 credit if you’re new to youfoodz.

      • -1

        I think it’s either referral or this code, not both

  • This is pretty good deal. My partner and I were very surprised, with all the meals we ordered quite tasty. In saying that, some meals aren't filling enough, especially the ones that aren't with pasta or rice.

  • +3


  • +12

    Legit this food isn't even worth $4.25 a meal.

    • +16

      That was the prior owners, since then they sold and made a tidy exit. Still, doesn't make it right what happened, makes me cringe thinking about how they acted.

      • +1

        That's fair. I wasn't aware of the ownership change.

        • +9

          Jordana Stott was the stupid person who deserves to be shunned but has probably learned to keep her racist remarks behind closed doors now.

        • +3

          Does it change your neg or?

        • HelloFresh bought them out a while back.

          • +2

            @yippy: So cringe aside now that it's different owners, I am not the Australian Netball team.
            Did they up the quality or not? Cause it was quite bad before

            • +1

              @fadeinthemix: The menu looks pretty much the same as it has been for ages apart from a couple of new meals so I would say it's the same quality as before.

            • +1

              @fadeinthemix: Doubtful. Just cancelled/deactivated my account with them - food was either too salty (might be just us with the saltiness as we don't add salt to anything) or too spicy or too gluggy. Threw out a couple of meals that we considered inedible for the crows, at least they appreciated them. Took them 3 weeks to actually get an order correct. 1st delivery was a day late, new warehouse issues apparently, and they just seemed to have swapped 5-6 meals for 5-6 random meals but at least we got a credit for the missing meals, 2nd week was a meal short - only got 11 of the 12 ordered, but couldn't be bothered having them on about it. Meal consistency seems a bit hit and miss - one week the other half got a meal which was really nice, re-ordered next week and the sauce was really gluggy so didn't mix thru it all and it was quite salty compared to the previous week.

    • +1

      The owners? I thought it was the girlfriend

    • +2

      The owners are openly racist towards Asians.

      You know, sometimes I really don't understand people.

      I'm Asian, I've personally faced several examples of very real discrimination which have had real-life impacts on my life. Many of my Asian friends and family have faced similar issues, not just in Australia, but in many places around the world.

      If only we cared as much about the real discrimination many Asians still face daily (including in their professional lives) as much as we cared about what some low-IQ knob decided to say in a video on social media.

      The issue is that real change requires us to do real work, to change the way we do things - it requires discomfort and a departure from the status quo. Making these posts just make you feel better about yourself without enacting any real change.

      I really hope all the people who seem to care so much about anti-Asian racism are out there actually enacting real change.

      • +2

        Real change involves making it clear to society that knob heads saying stupid shit isn't tolerated. That's the foundation that needs to exist before institutional racism can be erased. Saying that you think casual racism isn't important enough to tackle because institutional racism still exists is like saying there's no point trying to cure diabetes while cancer still exists.

        • Saying that you think casual racism isn't important enough to tackle because institutional racism still exists is like saying there's no point trying to cure diabetes while cancer still exists.

          This is a bit of a cheap shot, hey? You've completely missed the point of what I've said.

          I'm completely for tackling casual racism. I'm happy to talk about all of the things I've done to try and tackle casual racism in a variety of forums throughout my life, if you're interested.

          However, linking a news article from five years ago on an online forum is not "tackling casual racism", it's just trying to make yourself feel good whilst having no impact. I have a problem with this because it gives us the illusion of making progress whilst we are not making any progress at all, and it makes the broader public feel that because we're reporting on it and a whole bunch of people are outraged, that all of a sudden, we all care so deeply for Asian people.

          Just as an example, in the news article above, Woolworths came out to say that they "we deplore racism in any form", yet an Asian person I know (from work) previously worked at Woolies and was racially abused by customers, and when she reported the issue to store management, nothing was done at all, and the abuse happened again several weeks later, after which she left.

          But hey, they came out to say they "deplore racism", so we're all good rightio?

          • @p1 ama:

            However, linking a news article from five years ago on an online forum is not "tackling casual racism", it's just trying to make yourself feel good whilst having no impact.

            I disagree. Letting racists know that they people won't forget their bigotry is a fundamental part of keeping people accountable.

            But hey, they came out to say they "deplore racism", so we're all good rightio?

            Corpo speak is always going to be lip service. Isn't it better to let woolies know that public sentiment is pretty harsh against racists? If they weren't a complete duopoly, it might make them second guess their own policy. That said, your friend's situation is an industrial relations matter that is already covered by our current laws and she could've probably raked them over the coals for creating an unsafe working environment.

            • @Charmoffensive:

              I disagree. Letting racists know that they people won't forget their bigotry is a fundamental part of keeping people accountable.

              What impact does this actually have on people who are being discriminated against?

              As I said in my original post, at some point, the words ring hollow when people are happy to "point out" racism, but aren't actually going to do anything to fix it.

              Corpo speak is always going to be lip service. Isn't it better to let woolies know that public sentiment is pretty harsh against racists?

              Sure, but again, "public sentiment is pretty harsh against racists" is pretty weak don't you think? I'm sure that the racist knobs are thinking twice about their actions knowing that some people don't like them. The reality is that racists will continue to be racists until they face real consequences - whatever those consequences may be (being kicked out of a store, being fired from their jobs, being humiliated to their face, being whacked with a cricket bat…etc.)

              Ultimately, I think we both probably agree that "real change" requires more than forum posts or corporate lip service. I think we both probably also agree that we could all do more to step-up and combat racism.

              Where I think we're probably diverging is that my (perhaps cynical) view of the world is that we've become obsessed with "calling out" things, but more often than not, those things don't actually lead to any large scale change because pursuing change often requires discomfort, difficulty, or a break from the status quo.

              • @p1 ama:

                What impact does this actually have on people who are being discriminated against?

                If being racist has social consequences, people will be less likely to be publically racist, therefore people like us will encounter less open racism.

                The reality is that racists will continue to be racists until they face real consequences

                You're going to have a tough argument advocating everyone assault racists. You'd also can't discount how effective social ostracism can be on a person. Someone losing a friend is more damaging to people than being punched in the face.

                Ultimately, I think we both probably agree that "real change" requires more than forum posts or corporate lip service.

                Sure, but I think you'll be surprised by how powerful forum posts can be. Like or not, we are social creatures whose views of the world are shaped by an aggregate of the views we are surrounded by. In communities where racism is tolerated online, people are more likely to be openly racist in real life. The converse is true for people who see everyone making posts about how some racist is a PoS every time they log onto their favourite forum.

                Where I think we're probably diverging is that my (perhaps cynical) view of the world is that we've become obsessed with "calling out" things

                I'm not nearly as bothered by what you would consider "slactivism" or "virtue signalling". It's dangerously close to the sort of anti woke reactionary rhetoric of the alt right and those guys are the biggest racists around. I'll take 100 people ineffectually calling out racism online over even one 4chan user. At least I know the virtue signallers consider opposing racism to be a virtue. And honestly, we need all the help we can get if we want to overturn the deep seated anti Asian racism in Australia.

  • +1

    $28 cashrewards back on a 18 pick

    • I went 14 and was around $3.22 a meal . 18 a little cheaper like $2.94 a meal .

    • Not eligible for cashback with codes.

    • can you confirm if this worked with the above code as i dont think its on their list of eligible codes

  • +6

    after all these free meal boxes its hard to go back paying for meal boxes

    • How’s you get it for free?

      • +2

        I believe he's referring to the delivery fee only Everyplate then Hello Fresh deals. Worked out to $10 for 3 meals for 4 people for each of those services. Sidenote: The everyplate noodle meal was quite good!

        • was that the udon noodle. It was bomb, I forgot to put a packet of udon in and wondered why the hell do I have so much mince to noodle ratio.

    • +1

      Really? Is the food really not that nutritious?

      • +17

        No, this user is just trying to badmouth YouFoodz wherever possible, they are being disingenuous & not telling you they are being a phony.
        Probably works in real estate, car or door to door sales… "If i'm being honest' - LOL, You're not.

        unfinishedsentenc commented on Summer Lunch Pack (5 Meals) + 2 Meals for $35.25 ($5.04/Meal) @ Youfoodz
        "Racist owner beware"

        unfinishedsentenc commented on YouFoodz 8 Meals for: $40 (Clean Meals) $48 (Others)
        "The Ozbargain community needs to support businesses based on ethics, not just how cheap their products are. The racist remarks made by the…"

        • I've had a free box since Youfoodz transferred ownership (the previous owners are who I had issues with).

          My honest opinion of the food is pretty average, bar the lasagne and carbonara.

  • What's a 'first box'? Do they check household address 😟? Name 😐? Or email address 🙂?

    • I used everything the same as my old account via SB . It worked fine . I choose SB as better deals than CR and 1% gift card bonus internally :)
      $28 bonus is already pending . Whether it releases or not I guess is another story :)

  • Can these be frozen?

    • +2

      I can never see it written on the any boxes. But I've done it, and I know many others who do, aswell.

      18 boxes in the freezer, and pull them out as required for lunch onsite.

    • I just ate one frozen since December - no problems 👍

  • +5

    Guys you cant even buy bloody anything for 2.94$ a meal, it doesnt matter how "not filling it is" even at 6$ for 2 meals its dirt cheap.

    • +1

      It’s $4.24 a meal not $2.94.

      There is no cashback either if using codes not listed on cash rewards

  • +4

    I tried a few boxes of this, and my takeaway is that they use way too much sweet potato. Just about every meal gets bulked out with it. I'm so so sick of sweet potato, can't say I'll order from them again.

    • +1

      Here’s a thought, don’t select meals with sweet potato?

  • -1

    Other companies do offer free first box

  • +1

    The portions are a bit small, need 2 to fill you up.

  • -3

    Ozbargain is half Asian, why are we supporting this company here

    • +2

      please elaborate, in all seriousness. all i know is that PCbyte is somewhat related to OZB. keep the gossip coming please mate

    • +3

      Youfoodz aren't making a profit from a one time order with a 50% off coupon.
      So you aren't supporting them, you are hurting their bottom line.

    • +2

      Still going on about that? Get a life.

    • +3

      Youfoodz was sold to hellofresh. You can move on with your life.

      • This is why certain portions of the population should be banned from watching main stream media.

    • Feel like a better person when you cancel someone?

  • +2

    Origami mate! Origami!!

  • Do you cancel the plan straight after placing the first weekly order? They have not deducted my card yet.

    • +2

      Apparently you can cancel your plan and still have your first order delivered, as I have accidentally done so today. You won't be able to modify your order anymore after cancellation, and your card won't be charged till after Tuesday, which is the cut off day for every week, same as the other 2 services this company has.

  • Thanks op. Ordered

  • +4

    I stopped since they got taken over by Hello Fresh, no more consistent promo codes and the ordering process im not a fan of

  • +2

    Can someone check if it lets you choose the larger FUEL'd meals ? Even if its a little more it would be worth it.

    Last time I got YouFoodz, I ordered a few of each and the only ones that were even remotely close to a proper size meal are the larger FUEL'd sizes.

    • It does but you pay extra per meal.

  • Does this work with existing accounts?

    • Yes.

      • Nope, Invalid code. Check your code and try again, if I login to an existing account.

        • That's weird. I ordered mine which is on my existing account.
          Thanks for confirming though, it seems YMMV.

          • @Smilence03: It offered a 'get new code option' which gave me 30% off. Ended up using a 40% off from my email.

    • I'm 60-80% wfh now so its far less value

      you're not working hard enough

  • +1

    Certainly better than the cheapest Coleworths own branded microwave meal IMO.

    How much are the colesworths ones? Quality and serving size?

  • +4

    Youfoodz are known to change their ingredients without notifying customers, and meals that do not normally contain allergens can suddenly have them added.
    Specifically, they put pesto in one of their two spaghetti bolognese dishes.

    I nearly ended up in hospital because they didn't make ingredient changes obvious in the app. They also refused to acknowledge an issue even after I raised this as a serious safety risk to customers.

    If you have any sort of allergy avoid Youfoodz, they don't give a damn about your health and safety.

  • No idea they have changed ownership, no wonder less promos, and subscription only.

    Was about to place an other last month using a credit card offer, but couldn't work out how to place a one off order.

    $4.25/meal is pretty good for the convenience factor, sometimes just lazy or too late to prepare a meal. Especially considering even junk good can set you back $10 to $20 per person.

  • -4

    The meals are terrible, in the end you are only buying packaging, so if you. enjoy eatting plastic go for it.

    • +4

      You're terrible, Muriel

  • +6

    Went for it. Have had Youfoodz before - this is a decent deal.
    Try and look past the politics and remember this site is for posting bargains.

  • Simply terrible these days. Macros Australia is my meal provider of choice. Ridiculously higher quality.

    • +3

      Ridiculously higher prices too?

      • $13+ for a meal + delivery is getting a bit steep…

      • I pay $11.25 per meal for 10 meal plan. But like… the meat isn’t putrid and is actually nice, the vegetables don’t taste wierd and I’m genuinely happy to eat it. You get what you pay for.

        Dineamic is also pretty good but leaning too much toward vegan and vegetarian meals, which are not for me.

        • Hey, thanks for mentioning some alternatives, I've really been enjoying the convenience of Youfoodz but only a handful of meals are actually my jam. Feel free to shoot me your referral code for Macros or Dineamic.

        • Macros are pretty good for sure.
          Some others to try in similar price ranges (in order of good)
          Delidoor, Chefs on Wheels, Gourmet dinner service and Chefgood.

          Delidoor especially is borderline restaurant quality (and from former restaurant chefs)

  • Had subscription to this a few years back when I was bulking for gym. Servings were that small I was eating 7 days food in 3 days. Worked out pretty expensive tbh.

  • +1

    On another note, Do people know if you can remove a vote on a comment? Or once done does it stick?

    • +2

      You can, click 'votes' which is next to the reply button

      • Thanks mate.

  • +1

    There’s a lot of comments about serving being too small. My hack would be to order meals with vegetables which you can then bulk up with home cooked rice

    • +1

      The small-mealed people are just saying that because they have an axe to grind tbh…

  • My mum had a bad experience with this lot - multiple requests to cancel the service and they continued to send meals. Would avoid.

  • +1

    As a long time youfoodz purchaser, I've just finished the first 4 drop subscription. I really only finished it so I will be able to order in the future if needed, but doubtful I will. I worked out the price over 72 meals (4x18), and just postponed deliveries until I was ready for more. It was better when owned by 'the racists' and with codes. They're Facebook page is inundated with complaints about not receiving delivery. They sent an offer inviting 4 friends to a free box. I invited 3 people and 2 never got delivered and 1 was delivered a day late and sat on the front step all day.

    If you can find codes for street food co, they are very tasty, and the recent 'cooked up' deal delivered nice meals.

  • when do you cancel the subscription? after getting the box or is there a cut off day to cancel it before being charged for the next delivery?

  • Anyone know of compatible lids for the youfoodz plastic containers? I’m thinking of reusing them

  • my box got stolen:( seems like this is a common issue. do they refund?

  • Whats the best way to leverage this deal?
    refferal link or cashback pathway? will it work with this code?
    Need to kick start a lifestyle change but also can't cook for the next few weeks so figured this would get me through

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