• expired

$1 Per Month for The First 3 Months on All Mobile Plans @ Mate Communicate


Between 15 February 2023 and 31 March 30 April 31 May 2023, sign up using the promo code MATE1 and activate a new MATE mobile plan to get your first three months of standard service for $1 per month.

Applicable for any MATE mobile plan:

  • good mates 10GB | usually $20/month
  • better mates 22GB | usually $25/month
  • great mates 32GB | usually $30/month
  • best mates 42GB | usually $35/month
  • elite mates 100GB | usually $45/month
  • soul mates 60GB 5G | usually $45/month

These are all postpaid plans (not prepaid) and use the Telstra Wholesale Network. See a coverage map.

Selected plans include a 5G network trial until 28/02/2023, while the soul mates plan is 5G enabled.

All plans include:

Offer not applicable to existing MATE service numbers. Additional charges may apply for non-included service features.

Full T&Cs.

Mod: Billing starts from sign up, not activation.

Referral Links

Referral: random (81)

Referrer receives $50 bill credit.

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Mate Communicate
Mate Communicate

closed Comments

  • +16


  • +12

    I use these dudes, reception appears to be as good as any for me. Mobile download speeds are consistently better than their NBN speeds. The databanking is nice too.

    • +1

      their nbn is solid too now, they ditched vocus and now use TPG and Singtel.

      See now they have pops everywhere https://www.peeringdb.com/net/9917

    • Are you on 5G plan? I've been tested mine 104dbm (reception-signal) telstra-mate 4g network on 4G 100GB plan, download and upload speed are about 5-7Mbps in the morning about 8am. this is my best result https://www.speedtest.net/result/14571146401

  • +1

    do you guys offer e-sim?

    • +5

      No, according to their FAQ; search for esim

      • +5

        Would've been a cracker deal if they did. Oh well, I'll pass.

        • +4

          What's so good about having e-sim? Can't you just put a normal SIM in your phone

          • +5

            @x x: Get the data (and an extra number - hello GyG) without having to worry about existing one.

            • @AmexReferralPlease: Just turn your current Sim into an esim

              • @redfox1200: this is the way. I use amaysim for esim, then get whatever other physical sims for extra benefits.

            • +1

              @AmexReferralPlease: Is this to get the free birthday burrito? I had it for the 1st time last week and thought it was good, deffo worth having multiple acc's for

          • +4

            @x x: One number for personal stuff, one for work. If boss won't pay for overtime, s/he doesn't get my personal number. Most modern phones (iPhone and Google Pixel) are one physical sim + one esim.

          • @x x: I have a e-sim in my work phone - so I just park my personal number I barely use. Good use case for this

  • +2

    Any credit checks??

    • +5

      "At our discretion, we may obtain a credit report about you to help us decide whether to accept your
      application for service and to help us collect overdue amounts."

      • Not worth it

    • +2

      No credit check on sign-up, you just need a valid credit card.

      • @rfc850

        Can you please confirm if any credit checks are done when activating the Mate mobile service?

        • No credit check on activation, it's postpaid not prepaid.

          • @rfc850: So when do you guys actually do a credit check? NBN signups?

      • @rfc850

  • +1

    Is it ok to port out after 3 months?

    • And cant see an option to port in your number

      • +14

        There's no contract, you can port out at anytime, no restrictions.

        And yes, you can port your number in. You do this when you activate the SIM.

        • +1

          30 days notice period apply? Basically i can use it for 3 months and chuck it?

  • +6

    bad for me as I use annual prepaid plans…

    • +7


  • -3

    I notice the soul mates plan with 5g enabled just increased from $40/mth in the last month to now $45/mth. Too bad, I was going to go on that but now reconsidering.

    • +1

      Just get it for the next 3 months and then switch to another provider, unless you're already on a plan.

      • good point. currently on moose and have finished the lower special price period of time. so can jump onto mate for the 3 months and then move back to moose on their lower price plans again.

  • +3

    what if I don't like the services after say 2 month, since it's postpaid is there any restrictions of transfer out to some other prepaid?

    • +2

      No restrictions to port out.

      • +3

        any restrictions on like 30 day notice before port out etc?

        • +7


          • @rfc850: So what do you do, just untick the auto-recharge button?

  • +6

    Their NBN for me was the slowest piece of …

    Wouldn’t want to imagine how their mobile service is.

    • +2

      I am using both actually.

      It's alright. Nothing to write home about but does the job. Having a drop in connection once in a while.

    • they only have 1 pop for the entire of australia so unless your in Sydney you get terrible ping

    • +5

      I had their NBN and mobile. The NBN service was garbage, mobile service is good.

      • Can't be as bad as NBN Fixed Wireless!

        $95pm with Telstra with average speed of 30/1. Direct line of site to the tower.

        I usually drive to the nearest base station when I have to upload large chunks of data for work.

      • Same here, their NBN went down the toilet however the mobile stayed good.

    • they are using Telstra wholesale, so it will be just like, Aldi, Belong, etc

  • +3

    Good deal, would have tried it out if they supported roaming.

  • +1

    Cheap way to get more JB hi-fi perks

    • +2

      Better to use Boost cashback, free or sometimes even profit lol

    • Edit: oh burner, got it

  • +1

    Could you data share with another plan?

    • +3

      Unfortunately not at this stage. On our radar, but no timeframe to share.

  • +2

    Can I transfer the number after 3 months

  • +2

    Hi Op, I have my kids SIMs under my name. Can I get 3 separate services set up with this deal under my name?

    • +2

      Yes, you can. The name of the current account doesn't matter - you just need the account number (if it's postpaid) or DOB associated with that service with the current provider (if it's prepaid).

      • +2

        So I can port in 3 numbers, me and the two kids, and I can get the $1 deal for each number? Or just the first number? 3 different emails required and have on separate accounts?

        • +8

          You would be eligible for all three numbers provided you use the promo code when you sign up. You can sign-up and add 3 plans - the code will discount all plans in the cart.

          • @rfc850: Doing similar, but for my parents, porting numbers which are under their respective names, can I order the 2 SIMS to myself and port their numbers (using their details)? Or must they sign up their own 2 seperate accounts?

  • What on earth is a good reason for not offering e-sim?

    • +6

      It's definitely coming but no ETA at this stage. It requires a fair bit of integration work.

      • It’s a fair bit of work when you are a market follower who’s late to the party.

        • +1

          Some party! Seems like everyone’s planning on trashing the house and moving on to the next target of exploitation

    • probably cuz some phones aren't working properly with esims. Search samsung galaxy esim issues.

  • +2

    If I travel overseas, can my phone number roam? How much does it cost to receive phone calls and messages when I travel overseas?

    • International roaming is not available at this stage.

  • +3

    When each account billing date starts? Is it when you activate a sim or port in date? Or is it every calendar month?

  • +1

    Is the 5G plan backwards compatible for 4G only areas? As in if I can't get 5G at the moment will the 5G plan revert to 4G as soon as it's inserted in a 4G only device?
    Might be a dumb question but thought I'd ask.

    • It is how the mobile network works, always look for the best/fastest option, if not available go down to next level like 4G and even 3G

    • +3

      That's correct. Outside of 5G coverage, 5G devices will continue to use our 4G network, or 3G if 4G is unavailable.

  • Any deals on NBN?

  • I've got a plan that expires late April. Would I be able to sign up late March when the plan is still valid, and set the start date a few weeks later?

    • +2

      You need to sign-up AND activate by 31 March so unfortunately not.

    • +3

      Offer is extended until end of May, in case you were still looking.

  • +1

    Im using it. 1 think i dont like is it got no option for roaming if you going overseas

  • Oh man, this is so good!
    Have parents visiting us for the next 3 months… This is perfect, except I literally bought TPG sims yesterday… Wondering if I want to go through the hassle of trying to get them refunded somehow…

  • need me some telstra coverage

  • +1

    Does anyone know if the referral bonus is credited, or if downgrading plan removed banked data.

    • +2

      Referral bonus is not refunded if you leave.

      Any data in your data bank is forfeited if your mobile plan is downgraded to a lower-cost monthly plan, or if you move from a 5G-enabled plan to a 4G plan. Your banked data will remain if you upgrade to a higher-cost monthly plan, or switch from a 4G plan to a 5G plan.

      • Okay so I can confirm that data storage can only stay if upgraded.

        But what does the referral mean, is it eligible with this promotion?

        • Referrals benefit the referrer not the referree

  • +2

    Whose network are they on please?

    • +2

      Telstra wholesale

  • Seems better than Boost $300 over 12 months you get more data but no 5G (which for Boost is transitional anyway)

    • +1

      Boost has access to the full Telstra network while this has access to the wholesale telstra network (slightly worse)

      • You'd think so.
        Actually I have Boost & optus dual, and in the same area sometimes Boost is 4 vs 3 bars, other times it's reversed.
        In city areas may not matter.

        • Problem with dual sim is that it’s slower than having only 1 sim enabled at least on iPhones. I don’t use physical sim at all since ip13s and newer let you use 2 Esims at once but I have to disable one of the esims sometimes to speed things up.

  • "there seems to have been an error with your payment:
    Failed to fetch"
    I've never seen this kind of error with my credit card transaction. I'm 100% sure it is not my cc account error as I've used it as my main everyday cc account including just 30 mins ago.

    • Did you receive an email after you signed up with the details?

      • had same issues, charged my card the full $45 instead of the $1 even after signup with MATE1

      • Same problem here. I got can't process payment message. Did get email though. What are my next steps?

    • got the same error, but won't allow me to re submit, the error remains and the confirm button is greyed out

  • I had the same issue, after I changed the email address and the credit card it went through.

  • +1

    Are the delivery times for a Sim pretty quick?

    • +1

      Generally anywhere from 2 - 10 business days depending on Australia Post.

  • 31 March 2023 is sign up date. when is last day i can porting number?

    • +1

      Same day - has to be signed up AND activated by 31 March.

    • Given you have to port the number by March 31 as well, you need to sign up at least a week before that to allow some time for the sim card delivery

      • Arrived in Melbourne from Syd in about three days for me, tracked envelope.

  • A fantastic deal!

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