Just saw it today on my app, McDelivery only with purchase $25
Never use McDelivery, not very sure if need to pay extra or not.
Just saw it today on my app, McDelivery only with purchase $25
Never use McDelivery, not very sure if need to pay extra or not.
It's the same as delivery through the KFC app. Both delivered by DoorDash
Those McDelivery prices though 😬
40pc McNuggets jump from $23.35 to $29.95
McDonalds is far from a value-for-money proposition and much better nutritional options are out there. Pass.
What made you click on a maccas deal if you're worried about the nutrition of food?
Like I did possibly. To see why people would want this
Because they're buying maccas and they would get a free item with their order.
If you don't understand the basics behind unhealthy, quickly prepared food and it's mass appeal I don't think this thread will help you.
@freefall101: Never said I didn’t understand it.
Nice try to place words in another’s mouth.
I understand it quite well tbh.
What I don’t understand is how gullible some ozbargainers can be towards such processes and still think they’re getting a bargain in the process.
Let me know when you want me to elaborate on other fast food deceptions. Such as why they offer ‘fries and drinks’ with that.
@Spending2Much: Im hoping you’re asking honesty, as so many trolls here lately.
So… sugar and salt act differently in our bodies, but when it comes to causing thirst, their effects are pretty much the same. The particles of salt or sugar are absorbed into the bloodstream soon after eating them. As they circulate through the body, the particles act like little siphons, pulling water out of our body cells. The cells notice the change right away, and they don't like it! So they try to hold in water and they send chemical messengers to alert the brain.
The brain has its own sensors that detect when the blood becomes too concentrated with particles of sugar or salt. After the brain gets the message that the body needs water to dilute the sugar or salt, you start to feel thirsty.
As we are learning, thirsty cravings can be confused with hunger cravings and thus why places like McCrappy will always offer you food and drinks that are high in salt and sugar. The more you eat/drink the more you want to eat/drink.
Combine that with caloric rich food, means you can slam down more than you would in a healthier alternative.
Let's be honest, McDonald's is well aware that their cuisine isn't particularly tasty or healthy for people.
McDonald's recognizes that its strengths lie in aspects such as familiarity, value, and convenience, rather than food quality.
They're also well aware that they don't offer excellent meals worthy of a 5-star rating.
This is why McDonald’s marketing strategy never competes on food quality. Instead, they concentrate their marketing efforts on their core competencies: familiarity, convenience, price, and enjoyment.
I clicked and commented on this 'deal' because: (i) I wanted to and I can; and (ii) OzBargain is about "bargains", and I cannot see how a 'free' miniscule burger (of little nutritional value) with a $25plus purchase from an already inflated priced takeaway menu is value-for-money let alone a "bargain". As simple as that…….
Won't "McDelivery" still just be delivered by Uber?