Gender Pay Gap - What Happens Now?

For many years there have been attempts to reduce the gender pay gap in Australia. According to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (source):

  • The national gender pay gap is 14.1%.
  • Men are earning an average of $263.90 more than women a week.

In recent times, we have seen more and more people transition from one gender to another. So, how will this affect the gender pay gap?
Will this close the gap? Will it make the previous gender pay gap reporting redundant? Will the gender pay gap continue to focus on those two genders only?

Interested to hear everyone's thoughts.


Woah! Thanks to all for your comments. Just to clarify what this post was about, and sorry to those who misinterpreted what I was trying to ask (I should have written it differently) - I was merely posing the question from a statistics point of view, and nothing else lol. Meaning, something that has been reported on for a long time and what happens when the parameters change.

Poll Options

  • 9
    Gender Pay Gap figures will be skewed;
  • 222
    Gender Pay Gap figures will not be affected;
  • 8
    Gender Pay Gap reporting will be redundant.

closed Comments

                  • @[Deactivated]: Lol, the next time you post more than 4 words consecutively I might take you seriously but I understand that your vocabulary might not stretch that far.

                    And good job unintentionally complimenting my writing style.

                    Not all of us can use "lol" to make up 50% of our posts.

                    Are the negs keeping those panties all scrunched today and is that why you're following me around like a bad smell?

                    • @Miami Mall Alien: LOL

                      I see that you are indeed living large with your collection of up-votes, statistics and ironic posting.

    • +6

      Women don’t want to do the shitty jobs… just pay more in the better

      • +8

        Exactly this…

        "OMG, I just want the same pay as my husband gets… Gender wage gap is wage theft…"

        Meanwhile, wife is a part time hairdresser and husband is an underground coal face long wall operator who works 12 hour shifts on a rotating roster…

    • +2

      Are they still going on with this narrative?

      Are women really being paid less for the same position doing the exact same hours?

      • I think the OP was just trolling due the the absurdity of the world right now

  • It’s a complex issue where the averaging of wages doesn’t tell the full picture, having worked for one of AUS largest employers with an advanced people data team there are definitely better ways for organizations to evaluate their own gap vs simply averaging out and this being pushed publicly.

    On the comparison of other genders a lot of large orgs aren’t even set up systemwise to track this but can foresee this being added to the mix soon.

  • +1

    You know the old saying "if my Aunt had balls she would be my uncle" Well its not just a saying anymore. I do not care what you dress up as, what part of your body you amend, change, grow, cut off, sew up or more but COLD HARD FACTS say there are only 2 genders. Anything else is just made up in peoples heads (it really scientifically is) so these insignificant loud minority do not need a pay gap section of their own and should not be included in any figures as a new group and should not get.

    here comes the replies…….probably from young sad leftists.

    • +1

      Genders are literally made up. Scientifically, there are more than two genders since gender is a social construct.

      Funny how anti-science people claiming to be quoting science are and having a sook about invisible leftists who want to take away their female M&M's or want to trigger people by renaming cheese…

      • Thanks for the giggle 😂😂😂

      • -1

        Keep smoking the crack pal..

      • That is part of the game the left play.
        On the one hand they want to say that sex and gender are two completely different things - then they pretend they are the same…
        Can't win if you play by those rules.

        • Can you believe the crapola vanceer just wrote? I bet they have an arts degree…

    • +2

      Forget gender, there are 2 sexes and that's it.

  • It is ILLEGAL in this country to discriminate based on gender.

    Any one here who believes there is a genuine gender pay gap AND who knows of a real life pay discrimination case AND WHO HAS NOT REPORTED IT TO THE AUTHORITIES is a bigot.

    • +6

      The GPG is more complex than just "I'm a man so I get $250 a week more than the woman who sits next to me at work". It's about income averages over the course of a lifetime and, not withstanding men are often given favourable treatment in corporate workplaces (less so than in the past but still so now), income lost when people (predominantly women) take time off to birth and raise children. Addressing the GPG (which clearly exists) is more complex than just paying women more. It's about creating a sociey where men and women share burdens equally. Normalising paternity leave, having more dads give up work to raise the children and, of course, encouraging women and workplaces to embrace and be more open to greater female participation in senior roles.

      • +5

        A reasonable response in this trainwreck of a post - what I don't understand is the expectation that even after achieving all of those things that there will be an even split. I fully expect there to still be a difference as more women than men will give up time at work to spend with children and as more men are aggressive there will still be more in senior roles…

        I.e. my workplace has amazing paternity leave, but the maternity leave is still higher

        • Weird. Where I work it's just based on who the primary/secondary caregiver is. Makes more sense.

          • @Miss B: Sorry - so does mine, what I should have said is that the primary carer's leave is higher. The primary carer is almost always the birthing parent (mostly mothers)

      • income lost when people (predominantly women) take time off to birth and raise children.

        Men should be given 8 weeks annual leave a year instead of the normal 4. This would both lower men's wages and balance out all that extra time the women had off.

        • Your AL rate should be the same as your regular rate, so this wouldn't do anything.

          • @RolandWaites: Companies don't give you AL for free. It's accounted for in your salary.

            So if you get 4 weeks more AL, then your salary should be reduced by a proportional amount.

            Here's a rough example calculation…

            A $100k salary with 4 weeks leave is 100k/48=$2083 per working week. It gets averaged out over the year so you actually get 100k/52=$1923pw

            If you reduce the working weeks to 44 then the new salary would be $2083*44=$91.7k, so a $8333 pay cut.

            This will again be averaged over the year giving you 91.7k/52=$1763pw

      • +1

        Men are more disagreeable in the workplace and are less likely to accept a bad deal….I disagree that men are often given favourable treatment in corporate workplaces.. due to the woke brigade enforcing the equal numbers in workplaces… I find men get overlooked more often due to the BS… All women deserve equal opportunity not equality of outcome… ie… they should have the same chance to try for positions….


  • +6

    Thought gender pay gaps don't exist? Figured it's just typical media shit stirring

    • +9

      It doesn't and it is.

      However it's more than media shit stirring, it's entrenched in government and big corporations all the way to the top.

      People who are definitely smart enough to know it's bullshit, still prattle on about it all the time, because their position depends on it, it's literally the definition of propaganda.

      I have a cousin who is an organic chemist, she's obviously quite intelligent I imagine, yet still carries on about the gender pay gap. I feel like saying, in your job you wouldn't accept the bullshit methodology behind how they come up with the "pay gap" but somehow, because it's a "feminist" issue, all of a sudden it's sound science to just get an average pay for men and average pay for women and come up with a figure without accounting for the hundreds of other variables in the equation.

      It's ridiculous how much bullshit people are willing to swallow if it lines up with their "politics".

  • +7

    Was debunked time and time again… it went against the narrative so it got ignored… OP must just be a troller…

  • +6

    Oh this gender pay gap non sense again. Why dont we just put Jordan's video explaining the gap via a muti varied analysis and get done with instead of going through wokeness cringe all over again?

  • +1

    Why there’s only pay gap between men and women? Where’s the stats for the other 256 genders? How dare you

    • -1

      I was just about to mention Jordan’s video haha.

      I’m all for equal pay for equal work but for example if I have to lift 10kg for my task at work and the female in the same role has to only lift 5kg then they don’t deserve the same equal pay.

    • I want to know what the pay gap is between children and women. Why isn't a 15 year old Macca's employee getting paid the same as a Head of Surgery?

  • +1

    There is no gender pay gap, you are paid based on your performance and efforts…

  • +4

    Close this thread.

  • +4

    Just an example, when i was in the uni a year back, did an awful amount of risky jobs, high rise window cleaning etc.

    Never witnessed once women doing this job. Not that employer didn't accept any applications from women, fact was they only received 1 or 2 applications from women out of 100s from men.

    Pay was definitely good for the risk takers.

    Same goes for long haul truck drivers, earned a hell lot more and never accompanied by any women drivers.

    • -2

      So those are the only risky jobs?
      Did you consider doing "less risky" jobs like adult R rated work?

      • +3

        Ughhh..!! No

      • +5

        He literally said in his first line

        Just an example

        • Just an example, all the men at my old work were lazy and useless.

          • +6

            @Ughhh: OMG! All men and lazy and useless

            Based on how you would respond.

          • @Ughhh: Good example now don't lose your sleep over it

  • +1

    How many hours are people doing?

    This is more important than a fictional pay gap. It is very difficult to get away with paying one employee one amount and another equally important employee another amount.

  • +14

    If women get paid less, why wouldn't employers just hire women over men?

    • +6

      I asked this in a workplace equality and harassment brainwashing lesson recently and the lefty work HR lady was spitting chips…

      • +1

        hahaha! did noone say a thing? 😂

  • +1

    Simple solution - get good grades at school, select a profession that pays more based upon skill, demand/ supply etc., be ambitious. So you should rethink marketing and psychology if money means a lot to you and maybe select engineering, computer science, accounting etc. I work in a corporate environment and many of the people earning in the top 1% of salaries nationally are women. Everywhere I have been over a couple of decades, there has been an even split of male to female management. In fact it has swung in favour of there being more women in charge than men from what I am seeing lately. There is no glass ceiling. So many women I know are now working 3 day weeks and doing job shares etc. when it suits them and still occupy very senior positions. The explanation for the broader variance in the community comes down to career choice predominantly. There are actually a lot of qualified, skilled, experienced and highly intelligent men I know now who are being held back in their careers due to discriminatory hiring and promotion processes that should have gone out of the window a very long time ago, when you look at what is going on now at the elite corporate level. Can we put this BS to bed now?

    • +2

      Shhhh.. stop saying the truth.. it goes against the narrative that all women are repressed…BTW females do much better in school then the males…

      • +1

        I have the misfortune of belonging to a traditionally male profession.
        Women have made up more than half the profession now for several years - but even though they are now the majority, they still talk like they are a tiny, deeply oppressed, minority.
        Nothing I say will get them to accept that it is now men who are the minority.
        Nothing I say will get them to do anything to address the increasing gender imbalance in the profession - because their dial remains stuck on 'women are the minority and are oppressed'.
        They even have actual policies for the advancement of women in the profession - even though they are the majority and have been for several years - with grads increasingly being female.

        • +1

          When I started work, all of the women would "down tools" to go to special free luncheons and events for networking with other women in the city and to be indoctrinated on how they are being oppressed, and how once they had the opportunity to make hiring decisions, they should try to hire other women they were meeting at these events. The funny thing is that more than 50% of the office would empty out, including all the female partners and senior management. No events of this nature were run for the minority, who were males. I now meet women who have been hired off the back of these "networking events", who have questionable experience and credentials for their jobs. Its certainly no longer "jobs for the boys". I've got no time for discrimination, whether it be described as "positive" or negative.

  • It won’t affect it because when one changes gender from male to female, they lose about 15% of their wage anyway. And vice versa, they just gain 15%. Everyone knows that.

  • +7

    There is no evidence that women get paid less for doing the same job as men. This is illegal and has been for a long time. I work in a male dominated sector and my wife in a female dominated sector and there we see no evidence of this.

    The gender pay gap is based on some women get paid less for doing a different job to some men and when averaging all pay across all jobs, the average is less for women. But is this because of what's between are legs (the whole basis for closing this specific pay gap) or some other reason (which takes some thought, so it's just considered to be what's between your legs)?

    92% of deaths at work are men. I guess if you are 12 times more likely to die on the job as someone doing a less dangerous job, then you might expect a bit more pay.

    Only the very top fraction of men earn a lot of money. The men in these positions are very competitive with each other and got there by basically sacrificing their lives to put in the long hours and effort to battle their way to the top. This is not representative of most men though.

    Some things to consider why some men's jobs get paid more the some women's jobs for doing a different job:
    Men gravitate to working with things, women gravitate to working with people.

    Designing things requires to be educated to a high level in technical and stem subjects and is extremely mentally challenging and it's a lifetime of work and effort to master it. I spent 6 years in full time higher education and 15 years as an engineer and I'm still learning.
    Making things requires a lot of physical skill, strength and stamina and is often dangerous (hence the high death rate). I've seen more and more women working on road infrastructure, but none yet doing any dangerous work, shovelling concrete, jack hammering, operating machinery.
    These "things" make a lot of money for corporations, business and government. This, along with significantly less benefits and support, means men are a net financial contributor to the economy.

    Working with people requires feelings, care and empathy. Generally, there are no very difficult skills or education required (my wife spent just 3 months doing online aged care training whilst doing a teaching job at the same time, to become qualified). Most work is funded or subsidised by the tax government (hospitals, schools, child care etc) and is non-profitable. it is generally less dangerous (hence the low death rate). This and the plethora of financial and leave benefits and support, means women are a net financial drain on the economy.

    In male dominated work (eg., engineering), there are quotas to meet to get an equal number of women, no matter whether they're suitable (qualified and experienced) or not. My company prioritises onboarding women and quickly promotes them out of engineering into management, whereas most men have been engineers for a long time, with no hope of promotion. There are also many examples of business's excluding men from applying to meet their female quotas, so called "positive discrimination against men".

    My company also heavily promotes and sponsors LGBTQ+ and is also prioritising onboarding and promoting them ahead of straight white men. So yes, I've given it some consideration. My kids would be perfectly ok with it, because they are taught at school that it's weird to be straight and keep your gender assigned at birth (hence the large number of kids at school who are now LGBTQ+) and already think it's strange that they have male and female parents, so would be cool with the change.

  • +8

    The gender pay gap is effectively a myth. It does exists when you consider gender as the ONLY variable… but of course no social phenomenon can be explained by a single variable. It would be more correct to say that gender and pay are CORRELATED (specifically being a female is correlated with a 14% lower pay)… but this does not mean that gender EXPLAINS lower pay. It also does not 'prove' that misogyny exists at a cultural level (as some presume)

    I've heard that multivariate studies (one's that include other personality/social impacts/logistical impacts…. as they should) show that maybe 1% of the gap is reliably explained by gender biases (at least in a statistical sense).

  • +2

    Wow its funny how people think men earn 14% more.

    Truth is in the past 20 years when women went to work on masses, everybody lost. The price of houses went up 10x, commuting went up at least double. Did anyone really win ?

    Guessing from the title, but you are fighting for the wrong thing. THe problem isnt money, the problem is TIME.

  • +9

    There is no gender pay gap, if it was a thing then all companies would hire women and save themselves money.

    People that think gender pay gap is a thing are morons.

    Also, for the uneducated people that think gender is fluid and you can identify as another gender, why dont you just identify as a man and get paid more. Oh wait, doesn't work does it…

    • I am gender fluid and I've a degree in psychology. don't you dare tell me who are educated and who are not! #LGBTQIA+LivesMatter

  • Need an option for indifference

    Because that's my answer to your question.

  • +2

    As a personal anecdote, in my previous company in finance, within the Infrastructure Team, we've had 2 women apply in 3 years and we've interviewed both because we wanted to increase representation. There's nothing stopping them from applying if they wanted to and they would have been given preference as well (which in itself is a reverse preferential situation problem).

    The fundamental facts are that in most EU/US/AU countries, women don't choose these subjects as their major and in places like India, Iran and China, they do, because they have to based on economic conditions. So instead of articles and debates pointing at the strawman give me a study coming up with 100 similar profiles, same field, same company, same profession, same hours, and saying "yep women earn less".

    • +6

      Don't you dare come in here with that commonsense saying they should compare a male doctor to a female doctor and not a male doctor to a female kindergarten teacher.

    • +7

      Wanting to up the female quota is not a "reverse preferential situation problem". That's blatant sexism towards men. Call it like it is.

      • +1

        "Legal" sexism…. the misandrists don`t want egalitarianism…they want more for women…

  • +3

    We really need to look at getting more mental health support services for these people. Something like 50% of trans attempt suicide.

    • Unfortunately these days we have people that don't want to help them, instead they tell them everything will be ok if you chop X Y Z off, despite statistics showing it doesn't help. It needs to be treated like the condition it is, not what people want it to be.

      The money doctors and "health professionals" are making off this "Trans" fad is ridiculous.

      • I think the best approach would be to accept trans inclined people fully, and encourage full acceptance. As they have emotions just like everyone else and equal value to others. The evidence is it's a hard journey for them to go through.

        But it also seems problematic to encourage children to think about whether they are a different gender to their birth gender - particularly in schools (which is happening these days and a much higher ratio of gen z identifies as a different gender), because of the difficult journey that changing gender implies. How many gen z's would identify with another gender if they had not been taught to think about it? Perhaps far less.

        It's hard to teach acceptance but also not encourage it, though it's not a contradiction.

    • Yeah, I would imagine so many people who go down that path have built up this idea in their head that as soon as they are their "true selves" all their issues will suddenly go away and life will be rainbows and fairytales.

      Then reality hits, nothing has really changed but your penis has been turned inside out and your voice is like a 12 year olds or your boobs have been chopped off and you've got hair on your face.

      Then you face the prospect of losing your whole "community" if you decide you no longer want to be "trans" and the road to "de-transitioning" is even messier than getting their in the first place. That's gotta be a pretty F'd up position to find yourself in.

    • +6

      The real problem is that the suicidality is WORSE post-op than prior.

      • Dont be truth bombing people… it hurts their fragile minds

      • Link?

          • -2

            @Almost Banned:

            Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group

            the study that you yourself gave promotes improved mental health care for transgender people. maybe if they didn't have people like you calling them "deviants" and shaming them for who they are there would be lower suicide rates among them.

          • +3

            @Almost Banned: That 20 year old study was comparing the mortality rates of trans people against the general population, or course it would be higher

            The 2009 follow up study focusing on outcomes after transitioning showed that 95% of people surveyed were positive about their outcomes

            If you're going to quote a study, at least read it first?

            • -1

              @Jolakot: No - the study shows that suicidality among trans-people is highest AFTER surgery - not before, which is the point I was making.

              • +3

                @Almost Banned: No, you're just objectively wrong here, the study explicitly says this isn't the case:

                "For the purpose of evaluating the safety of sex reassignment in terms of morbidity and mortality, however, it is reasonable to compare sex reassigned persons with matched population controls. The caveat with this design is that transsexual persons before sex reassignment might differ from healthy controls (although this bias can be statistically corrected for by adjusting for baseline differences). It is therefore important to note that the current study is only informative with respect to transsexuals persons health after sex reassignment; no inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness of sex reassignment as a treatment for transsexualism. In other words, the results should not be interpreted such as sex reassignment per se increases morbidity and mortality. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment. As an analogy, similar studies have found increased somatic morbidity, suicide rate, and overall mortality for patients treated for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.[39], [40] This is important information, but it does not follow that mood stabilizing treatment or antipsychotic treatment is the culprit."

                • -2

                  @Jolakot: No - you are objectively wrong.
                  The study shows that suicidality is higher post op.
                  The authors included your quote precisely because this is what the study found.
                  However, they are trying to clarify that although suicidality is higher, they cannot say this is BECAUSE of the surgery - and specifically that they were dealing with a cohort that may already have such tendencies.
                  No-one claimed that the higher rate of suicidality was because of the surgery. I merely claimed that it was.
                  Thank you for confirming that is the case.

          • +3

            @Almost Banned: There are numerous studies which do not support your position.

            Here is a more recent study…


            I am sure you know about confirmation bias. I hope you can recognise it within yourself as well as others.

            PS. The 'deviant' position in this debate is not having the empathy to support trans ppl in their struggles. Congratulations.

            • +1

              @Eeples: I have sympathy for all sorts of people with mental illness.
              I do not have sympathy with a society that promotes mental illness.

  • +4

    Damn, people on this site are tight with their money but completely the opposite when it comes to their time looking at these daily threads and discussions within them. Not sure if this wins the goofiest post of the day award or the one asking if exercise is bad for you. Probably nothing will top the 'help!, neighbours showering with their windows open' post.

    • +3

      The demographic of this site are mostly married version mens who thinks they are better than their wife's boyfriend (but in reality they really aren't.)

      • +1

        There needs to be separate OzBoomer and/or OzMurdochSimps sub-sites where these people can be segregated off to cleanse OzBargain. These people are close to their deathbeds anyway, might as well future proof the site. (/s of course, Just trying to match OP's level of hysteria)

  • OP, it is hard to believe that you really think the number of people transitioning (a very small number) would have any effect on the gender pay gap.
    Perhaps that is why some people suspect you have ulterior motives ie. just want to dump on trans, or trolling, or trying to gain attention.

    I suspect the main contributors of the gender pay gap are….
    1. Men work more hours (society does still pressurise men in to being the main breadwinner).
    2. Women take time out to have children (and so miss advancement opportunities)
    3. There is probably more money on average in competitive occupations rather than in cooperative occupations (… a few assumptions here).

    So what can we do about these things? Do we need to do anything? Probably a few things but changing genders would probably not be one of them.

    • Do we need to do anything?


  • +2

    ‘I don’t give a (profanity)’ should be one of the answers.

    • Exactly my opinion, I think we should have a further private conversation about this. btw, Is that you holding a fish? I'm a big fishing guy too.

  • +3

    The level of “angry old man yells at cloud” is strong in this thread.

    • report report report

  • +1

    gender pay gap is myth started by the feminist movement, it does not exist, when you apply for a job the salary is set and advertised before hand, furthermore if a man can negotiate a better deal and get more money P.A than good on him, the women should put in the same effort in negotiation skills, the truth is women are more agreeable and that's on them. also men are more likely to do more dangerous and physically challenging jobs which woman are just not interested in doing..

    the feminists also like to complain about not having enough roles in positions of power, however you don't hear them complain about not having roles in positions that are not very desirable but absolutely crucial to the day to day functionality of society, like waste disposal, and waste water management where you got to climb in shit infested water to clear up clogs.. yes they only want to fight for the easy jobs they don't want to request the same amount of equality and attention to the hard jobs.

    OP i think you should put a 4th option as many here seem to believe so, 4th option "the gender pay gap is a damn lie!" There are no feminists on a sinking ship.

    • +1

      You don’t think women taking time off to have children impacts their career path (by them taking breaks from work) and hence their income?

      • +3

        That's a choice, isn't it?

        Choose not to have kids, stay career-focussed
        Have kids, have minimum downtime (or little downtime via adoption/surrogacy), find a spouse willing to be the primary caregiver, whilst you stay career focussed
        Have kids, have minimum downtime (or little downtime via adoption/surrogacy), hire a nanny, and the couple (or single parent) stays career focussed

        (anecdotally, I've been involved in a couple of hundred hiring decisions over the years, for the vast majority of those hires gender hasn't been a factor, and for the few where gender was a factor it was always in favour of women as there were diversity goals to meet)

        • Yes, it is a choice.

          A choice that lowers a woman's earning capacity as her career is interrupted. (This helps to create the gender gap)

          Just because it is a choice (which I am not 100% sure about) doesn't mean the gender gap is in your words 'a myth'.

          Thank- you for outlining some of the possible partial(?) remedies.

          • +1

            @Eeples: so don't have kids

            • @striker5950: That is not really something that is socially desirable though, the low birth rate is causing problems around the world.

              Japan's prime minister was saying the other day that the country can barely function anymore. They have had a low birth rate for longer than most.

              • @acersaurus: The elephant in the room for Japan is immigration (to Japan).

                • @Eeples: That's true, however skilled immigration results in people of all ages (of working age) coming to Australia not just young people. Also, our sources of immigrants are not getting the birth rate they once were, with India for instance now getting a birth rate below replacement level.

                • @Eeples:

                  The elephant in the room for Japan is immigration (to Japan).

                  I think they rather keep their country/culture for as long as possible.

  • I think i do appreciate this extra 263$. Coz they are spent on anniversaries, woman day, gf day, mother day, whatever “day” it is ;-))

  • +2

    In a sane world this is a shitpost but I can't be sure these days

  • +4

    Are you suggesting that men should invert the gender pay gap by transitioning from male to female on mass?

    • +2

      We have transitioned from seeking equality of opportunity, to equality of outcome. All career paths are now meant to pay the same.

      • equality of opportunity is not wanted, they want equality of outcome.. when all logic and reasoning goes out the window an attempt at reasoning with this crowd is futile (feminists)

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