Some of you have been holding out waiting for the Eneloop Glitter batteries to come on special, and here they are.
No longer available for click and collect. Booo.
Postage looks to be $4.95, maybe more if you're out in the sticks, just enter your postcode to find out before you order.
Copied from the website unedited:
Just as the classical eneloop, the eneloop glitter batteries get pre-charged at the Japanese factory with electric power, which is generated from solar energy. For this reason the batteries are ready to use directly after being purchased. Thanks to its low self discharge eneloop glitter keeps approximately 75% of its initial charge even after 3 years of storage. Like eneloop, eneloop glitter can get recharged up to 1500 times. The batteries are having a nominal voltage of 1,2V and a rating capacity of2000 mAh.
Additionally the limited edition packs include batteries in 8 different glitter colors: purple, pink, orange, yellow, light green, light blue, silver and black, which enables users to pick colors according to their taste or to use colors to remember which batteries are charged and which ones need to be recharged.
I thought the glitter versions were the older 1000x recharge type, but according to the spiel, they're also 1500x now.