Curious to see everyone's ages and incomes? Not your household income, just your own.
Promise I'm not the ATO ;)
ETA: Just a quick addition from the ATO website:
Employee median income was $54,161
Curious to see everyone's ages and incomes? Not your household income, just your own.
Promise I'm not the ATO ;)
ETA: Just a quick addition from the ATO website:
Employee median income was $54,161
I included under 50k :D
Now im sad
OP also missing some important metrics, happiness, stress, relationships, and mental health. Only IF munies could be the sore metric for success … Also $$$ in # $$$ out
Over 200k & Under 30
Everyone going straight for this
I suspect this will be trolled :)
Or people just wanting to flex
if the median personal income in aus is 52k according to the ATO, somehow, I don't think the majority of OzBargainers are in their 20s and on over 200k :)
@clownfish: you're comparing the median income in an entire country to a niche community that probably attracts a certain type of person. not outside the realm of possibility that there are people on those salaries but definitely not the majority of OZBs.
@coffeeinmyveins: True, there will be some, of course, but it's also a niche community that attracts trolls ;)
@clownfish: If you remove that one entry, this might be a reasonable view of what ozbargainers actually earn at their age. A master stroke to have so many options and attract the trolls to one single outlier. Now to just summarise it so we don't care about age anymore and we have some good information
@clownfish: That includes pensioners and 18yo students. A better measure is median full-time earnings, which is $78,900pa.
@clownfish: yes I'm surprised that all of the 113 Oz people that are 'Over 200k & Under 30' are on OzBargain
methinks somebody's telling porkies ?
@Brianqpr: Devils advocate here - the thing about income, is it doesn't represent wealth.
Especially if you're young, you can be earning a lot, but not have had the time to build up wealth yet. Being cheap, helps build wealth faster.
This is a big enough phenomenon that there's an acronym for it. HENRY (High Earners Not Rich Yet) and whole subreddits dedicated to this.
But yes - the title of this forum post would have definitely incited people to vote in that category as a joke..
Or people just replying to a dumbass poll
@cashless: Absolutely correct, - "its an internet poll…. therefore it MUST be accurate", sad but true.
Maybe we need a IQ or gullibility survey
Young, wealthy and absolutely dedicated to scoring the best possible price on Domino's Pizza.
Our next poll should be "What's your age and how many beautiful women are you currently sleeping with?"
I think the very high numbers and supreme allure of OzBargainers might surprise some people.
I've answered truthfully :)
It's everyone coming over from Whirlpool to vote.
Under 30 (majority teens or preteens),
many of those clicking 200k because they either:
A. don't understand what '200k' means,
B. millenials think that's what they're worth,
C. they wish they had a job that paid that much, or
D. they just wish they had a job.
How does one not understand what '200k' mean..? Please explain.
200k in unrealized gainz, like a high yield investment car.
We need a poll for this.
Definitely B. It's all about an individual's feelings these days over facts…then those feelings become fact 🤣
They became entrepreneurs last week and so have projected their income over the next 12 months to be over 200k
fAkE iT tIlL yOu MaKe It!1!1!!1
Or they are just in mining or software
E. People pick the most extreme option, like in every ozbargain poll ever.
80k cars and selling PlayStations. >200k ez
is this where i click to be over 200KG & looks under 30?
Mr. Beast would like to know your location.
I get a payrise whenever Centrelink payments get indexed.
Government Arts Scholarship payment according to Steve Hughes.
Avg of $250,001
40 people.
$10,000,000 (person A)
(everyone else)
$250,000.975 if you really want accuracy
This guy stats
I think he's so mean, that his Standard Deviation is zero.
This cracked me up. Time to wipe the coffee splatter off my monitor and keyboard! :D
Guess I am in the majority group :-(
"Employee income recorded the highest median income ($54,161)
What does this mean?
Exactly, how can you have a highest median?
Highest compared to other types of income - pension, passive etc
Yes, amazing to think that employed persons would have a higher median income than all the various types of unemployed persons!!
OzBargainers' incomes are not monitered by ATO.
The stats show that a lot of respondents are whirlpool IT workers.
There's a lot of expats here on high salaries. It's one of the main reasons we moved here, being paid 50-60% more than UK salaries plus better weather and outdoors and lifestyle and quality food and higher standard of living and and and etc.
And Breathe… XD
In case anyone's wondering,
Expat = Fancy term for Immigrant :)
Expat = Fancy term for Immigrant :)
That is, 'immigrant' on super high pay!
In my experience, people who refer to themselves as "expats" are generally against immigration.
Go figure.
Maybe, but are strong supporters of emigration.
Yea. But "their immigration is different".
Damn immigrants, rorting the dole, stealing our jobs and taking our franking credits.
*end sarcasm
Don't even learn to spell, Dam immigants
I always thought expats were people who left “here” and are living overseas. “Here” in this case being australia.
that’s what i thought expats meant too
@TrustNoBody: Hybroid is a pommie.
For him, an expat is someone from the UK who immigrates overseas to enjoy a better financial lifestyle. Australia can be seen as "cheap" compared to certain parts of the UK, just like our Aussie Expats move and retire in the Phillipines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc etc.
@Kangal: What?
People move to Australia for a "cheaper" lifestyle?
Australia is expensive as f…
Especially if you are renting in a major city.
People move to Australia for a "cheaper" lifestyle?
Australia is expensive as f…
Especially if you are renting in a major city.
I realise this is an old post, but Australia can absolutely be a cheaper lifestyle.
A friend of mine in IT moved here from London.
His salary went up by 50%, and he bought a 4 bedroom house with a garden in Melbourne.
Back in London, a 4 bedroom house with a garden is barely even a thing - the ones that do exist are priced way above what a "normal" worker could ever afford. House-with-land would only ever have been a dream for him unless he left London.
@TrustNoBody: Expatriate means someone who lives outside of their native country so yeah, for us it usually means Aussies overseas. But it really depends on the perspective. So "expats who live in Australia" it's usually a way of referring to immigrants who live here. Curiously, I most often see it used to refer to those from developed countries like the UK, US, and Japan. Not sure if there's a connotation there of expatriate sounding more civilised/respectable.
@Diji: oh ok thank you for explaining it to me ..yeah i usually only heard on like aca aussies “expats” living in like uk , bali ect ..
Expat = immigrant from a country you like
Immigrant = immigrant from a country you don't
So you’ve just confirmed, he can’t be an expat. He’s a Pom.
I thought that UK salaries are higher than AUS after currency conversion. Is that no longer the case?
Definitely not in resource-constrained skilled industries like Engineering. Much much higher salaries here as they are desperate for people.
maybe when the pound was >= $2.5, not the case now.
really is highly dependent on the job sector, it has also changed a lot lately with insanely high paying IT jobs here.
And yet we still pale in comparison compared to IT pay in the US.
@gromit: In general, absolutely. Pay in the US for most skilled fields substantiually exceeds pay in Australia. I'm planning to move there for that very reason to work in private equity where compensatiuon is, to put it lightly, very genorous.
But I guess us Aussies get a wage discount for better liveability and lack of gun culture and violence.
@El-Baba: maybe for that, but certainly not for IT, it is the reverse, Australia pays substantially more at the moment.
@El-Baba: You mean apart from working in the industry for the last 30 years with both US and Aussie companies? Current pay rates in IT in AU are through the roof for anyone with half decent skills.
@buckethat: IT jobs in general pass less in the US i have a cousin who works in that sector. Its also getting very competitive with so many wanting to choose that career path. The same is going to happen here as more younger people are looking at it as a career path though he thinks it may take 8 to 10 years before it really become noticeable.
@2esc: I think it depends on how good you are besides your experience. In US they usually pay your worth.
Entry level to mid senior level, salaries in US are generally poor.
On average, pay in IT in Australia may be better, but there are roles and skills where the pay in US is better. Usually as the experience grows.
So, most of the USD 250k+ jobs in US.( So they pay approx AUD 360k)
Similar roles are around AUD 300k here.
Please note that while retail things are generally much more expensive in Australia, but unless you are getting medical insurance from your employer, having a medical condition is very expensive in US.
In US, you might have additional tax depending on where you live ( US state).
And the Gun violence is another reason to shun US.
I am not moving to the US in a hurry.
Source: Worked in US a couple of decades back, among several other countries.
In a few inches but in most industries significantly lower. I was considering going there for a while when they added some new visa options post brexit, but positions exactly like mine paid about half as much (after currency conversion of course).
What I don't understand about this is I was under the impression many high skilled or white collar jobs paid more in the UK…
I'm sure construction (particularly of the unionised persuasion) pays better here though
The UK however have culture unlike us.
Oh, Big W just had 50% off the "Spare" book that could have been downloaded?
Needs more poll options…
Your poll options hurt my eyes.
ETA: Just a quick addition from the ATO website:
Employee median income was $54,161
Do you mean ABS?…
never mind the quality - feel the width !
I suspect the results will be as accurate as every other salary poll on ozbargain
The results are probably skewed upwards by people who are counting rent from their investment property as income even when the majority of it is being eaten up by interest repayments.
That’s still income lad. Just means less “real” income.
What about us poor bastards?
You missed us out