This was posted 2 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[Used] GALAX GTX 1660 Ti Graphics Card $179 Delivered (eBay Plus, C&C, Website) @ Relife Gaming Technology eBay, Website


GALAX GTX 1660 Ti Graphics Card (Ex Mining)

Original Coupon Deal
UPDATE: SOLD OUT in 1:30. There are some cancellations so we might have a few more units tonight or tomorrow after packaging.
UPDATE 2: 3 more available at 9:30pm sharp.
UPDATE 3: last 3 sold! Thank you everyone, we will send them ASAP. Stay tuned for more!

Galax 1660TI Graphics Card for $179 shipped with eBay Plus (PLIDFY), C&C or on our website with code NEWYEAR. Pickup location Lynbrook, Melbourne.
Ex-mined card for 1 month. Great for budget gaming build.
3 months warranty and 3 days change of mind return.
Combine with giftcards for more savings.

22 units available

Hi everyone! We are ReLIFE Gaming Technology, a new computer business focused on providing gamers with affordable graphics cards by liquidating miners. We are a tiny family business ran by myself (Andy) and my father (Gavin). I've been a long time lurker and this is actually my first post. We hope to make purchasing second hand and mined GPU less stressful by offering change of mind and warranty. Orders are packed and sent in 1 day. Our first lot of 1660 Super got sold out at $159 before I could make an ozb post. This lot is the best condition mining card I've ever seen, afterall it only has been mined for a very short duration. Feel free to check out our other listings too and give us a like on Facebook!

ABN: 81 275 738 272

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closed Comments

  • +3

    How do you verify that it has only been mined for one month? Do you do any tests on your GPUs?

    I feel 3 months isn't long enough of a warranty to make me feel completely comfortable with my purchase, particularly if I were buying a more expensive GPU from you.

    EDIT: Ebay says out of stock, website says in stock

    • I accidentally only put 1 up, fixing it right now!

    • +10

      Fixed now.

      To answer your question:

      We ask the miner for information about mining duration, and if possible, check against invoice and report the maximum duration (i.e. from purchase date). In this case, we don't have the invoice available yet but the condition of the card is very new, so we took their word of 1 month. I wanted to post it today so people can take advantage of the Westpac deal.

      We test all GPUs to make sure they are running well. For more information about our condition grading and testing you can check out the FAQ on our website.

      I agree 3 months warranty can be worrying especially for higher end purchases, but it is reflective of the inherent risk of buying a second hand GPU. It is also on top of any remaining manufacturer warranty (for listings with receipt available), and on top of ACL as required. We are also a two man business so can't provide long term support from a financial perspective unfortunately.

      • Any modifications done to the card?

        • No modifications. A+ condition is card not opened at all.

          • @rlgtech: Thanks for the reply op! Appreciate it. I thought I had updated my comment =/

            Do they come with stock bios/clocks?

            • +1

              @incipient: Yes. FYI miners don't mod bios for Nvidia cards because there is no gain. The only (meaningful) modded cards are vega 56/64, rx 580 and others, 5600xt/5700xt.

              There's also the rare MSI Gaming X Trio 3080 bios flash into a Suprim X or Strix to remove the power cap. This actually improves gaming performance as well. Lastly there is the ultra rare Dell 3080ti flash into a 3090 which is also a performance boost.

  • Thanks. Got last 1

    • first and last

    • +4

      Thanks for the 1st ozb sale ever!

    • +2

      hah I thought it was the last one but it was the first

  • +3

    Have one of these from a couple of years ago; seems pretty good for 1080p gaming but struggled with VR and definitely not up for ultrawide gaming.

    Given the prices for a new 3060 though this is an excellent deal I think.

    Listing still shows 10+ in stock currently.

  • +1

    Bargain for a plex transcoder

    • Exactly what i thought

    • Only if you install the modified drivers, NVIDIA locks it to 3 streams but you can unlock it to 20.

  • +6

    Most second hand sellers overvalue these way too much. You can certainly get an rx6600 secondhand for about this price or slightly more if you are vigilant though.

  • Any plans for higher end cards soon by any chance?

    • On our website we got 6800 $599 and 3060ti $459. 3080 will be available soon (3 units, ~$749). Though we won't be putting them on eBay because the fee would make it too unattractive.

      • Doesn't the huge profit from crypto cover the fees?

        • +6

          The seller hasn't used these for mining, they are just the middle-man.
          So doesn't cover eBay fees.

      • -4

        Should specify that the 3060ti are the 8GB ver in your comment. Much less performance than the bigger model

        • +7

          My understanding is that all 3060 ti models are 8gb, only 3060 has 12gb and 8gb variants

      • I'm interested in the 3080. When are you listing?

  • +4

    I've bought ex-mining site computer gear before. Full of red dust, even though they tried to clean it.

    • +15

      Or black dust if it was used for coal mining

  • +3

    Decent deal considering the gpu market, if you were after a GPU for basic gaming for a kids pc this would be fine.

    • Yeah this plays all current games smoothly at 1080p and high or even Ultra settings (excluding one or two titles if raytracing is on or they are famously badly optimised).

      I hope there's a deal like this when my kid's r9 280x finally dies.

  • +1

    Just realised I don't think you can combine Westpac 10% off with eBay codes, from a comment in that deal post.

    • oh that's a shame

  • I've got 4 Zotac 1660S used for mining got about a year sitting in a box. What's the easiest way to sell these?

    • +1

      Sell on ebay or Facebook. We also buy cards but at bulk prices, so if it's just 4 best to sell it privately.

    • Seriously? Gumtree has been there for ages, also Facebook Market place is popular or you can sell on Ebay buy they take a massive cut plus you have to pack it yourself and send.

  • -2

    Miners should get stuck with their overused flogged out hardware.
    They are the reason today GPU pricing is so bad. (why a 70ti now cost $1400+, 80 2K, I should be able to do prebuilds with lastest cpu and gpu under 2k for people with a 70ti in it, but cannot due to this bad pricing, making it hard to help people out. PC stores are now applying this pricing model to other parts now as well, trying to run two gens of parts side by side with lastest gen costing was too much, and keeping last gen at last years prices for max profit, e.g 13400F release)

    2 Gen old card used for mining, this will need a teardown and repaste at the minimum due to age and useage as mining card.
    Since the start of the year (A WEEK), I have had 3 people come by with ex-mining cards from ebay that have all needed to be teardown and fixed due to out of control hotspot temps. One was so dirty the paste was so dried up and mixed with dirt, it was lucky there was not damage to the core.
    So just keep in mind that you might need to repair/service these cards the moment you get it or after a few weeks of use. Im thinking about not fixing anymore, because the last thing I want to do with my day is pull apart a not look after, abused and neglected part use to make some lazy person fake money.
    Its the poor gamer who buys it in the end looking for a good deal that suffers in the long run.

    And the last thing we need is more hands in the pie to take a slice.
    Just IMO and experience. Waits for the Negs. Hopes this helps some tho.

    • +2

      Just in regards to hotspot temps:

      I've been in the business of fixing up mining cards for a little bit and hotspot temp is the no.1 factor affecting performance (gave up because they took so much time to diagnose). Hotspot temp problem is very model dependent. Gigabyte cards are the worst in this respect - something about their thermal pads and paste is weird in that they don't last very long and thermal pads/heatsink lose contact with modules/die after being opened, causing hotspot temp being high. I had to open up and replace paste for all the 3060ti listed on the website. Luckily according to the retailer, gigabyte don't void warranty for thermal paste replacement.

      Tldr: for gigabyte cards make sure to check hotspot temp, and the solution is to replace paste. If that didn't work, replace pad.

      • I have a Gigabyte 1660 Super. Bought brand new before the mining boom and it's always had insane hotspot temps. 60C idle, almost 100C gaming. The edge temp delta is a massive 30C. Hasn't really affected performance that much, it can maintain 2000MHz~ in gaming. Also it rattles like crazy in horizontal position at fan speeds above 85%. I would avoid Gigabyte too.

        • +1

          I would RMA that card if you still can. You should see about 10c between hotspot and GPU temp. Could kill the card in the long run.

        • Would also recommend RMA. I have see a lot of 1660 Super fan rattle problem for gigabytes too. In saying so, it might be difficult to RMA due to it being "in spec" and not underclocking itself (>106C). Otherwise you can try repairing it yourself by getting new paste and new fan, not too difficult to do on 1660 Super.

          • -1

            @rlgtech: That is not in spec, the hot spot temp difference, 100c on any card at high fan speed is bad, and is more than reason for them to RMA the card. I have RMA a few in the past for the same reason and always serviced. If you contact their support and tell them about it, they will tell you too RMA it. Best to get them to pay for the service, if still under warranty, might as well get them to pay for it, that's why you paid for a New card for.
            Contact their support if unsure and then return to place of purchase with the email from their support and I'm sure they will RMA and repair for you.

      • -1

        1 card this week was Gigabyte, 1x Asus and 1x Zotac.
        It can depend on many things. Quality of paste and pads, also assembly quality, assembly line quality (bad day at work for someone), design, how it has lived its life, where has it lived it life (more important than most think), how it treated is a big factor as well.
        Australia can be bad for thermal paste as we have hot and humid weather, it can surprisingly affect it a lot.
        In my experience mining cards are the worst, as they are treating as a tool to make money, not loved by a gamer who try's to keep it as cool as possible, alot of cases (not all) a clean part as well. Keeping the part clean and cool help alot for its life as well, more than most would think.
        Gigabyte pads I used to hate alot, so oily and can break easy, but from what I have seen there is a reason for it. In here and parts of Asia, its very hot and humid, so the oily pads dont dry out as quick as some pads do, I am not saying they are good pads or design, some non oily can perform and last longer, but I think this is why Gigabyte have keep using these pads. The paste will dry out way before the pads will.

        I think the best advice is to check all cards, despite that brand, as all brands can have good and bad elements.
        Gigabyte also do void warranty if the card is opened, Just some models don't have a service sticker to break, so they don't 100% if you did open it. But if they think is has been because there is way too much paste, or different color paste, they can see it straight away. It also comes down to the repair tech doing the RMA if he wants to fix it or not, or they are told to void it for X reason.

    • before I upgraded to a 3080ti I was using an ex miners 1060 6gb card and it runs perfectly fine without replacing thermal paste/pads.

      So definitely a case by case basis, but In my experience the cards are fine.

      • I got a dead RX 580 still sitting in my workshop from the first mining crazy, dead memory chips. I have kept it for testing and spare parts. Might pull the core and turn it into a keychain or something. I'm guess they were from the same mining boom. Seen my share of dead 1060, 1070, 580 from that phase. Serviced a few back then too.

        Might have got lucky too, and got someone who stripped it down and serviced it before selling it to you. There was some people doing that back then. I have not heard of it as much this time around.

        • -2

          I know the person that I bought it off and that's not the case

          • @Willy Beamish: ok, then your still lucky then with a card that might have had good conditions and assembled well at the factory.

            • -2

              @Auspcbuilda: Stop reaching kid, not all mining cards are what you think they are just because they are "mined" on.

              • @Willy Beamish: LOL, kid.
                You can buy a card that was only ever used for gaming and it can still become faulty. And can be unlucky.
                If it have a good life with no issues and you get many many year with no service or repair you are lucky.
                I am just sharing my experience with mining cards. You can take it with a gain of salt if you like, it is the internet.
                But the only reaching here is to share my experience (over 20 years in IT) with others in the hope it will help them out.

                • @Auspcbuilda: If you actually had 20 years experience you wouldn't be trying to argue what you were and labelling mining cards as all the same. If you know they aren't all the same why do you consider the instance that it's not an issue as being lucky, stop backpedaling.

                  You were the one with that blanket stance on mining cards to begin with, remember.

                  • @Willy Beamish: Who's arguing lol, if your looking for that , your on the wrong site. only you think this is a argument mate. If someone thinks different to you, that is not arguing, just so you know. I know your trying to make it personal with your comments, but it's the internet, I just laugh when people do that, hey kid lol.
                    No one's backpedaling lol. All I said is you and others were lucky if you had no issues, I'm not sure how that is backpedaling lol.
                    Like said, I do not recommend anyone buy ex mining for many reasons (warranty, hard life, possible service costs, unknown history, etc) and IMO it is better to buy new.
                    From my experience (of more than one card) is that it is not worth buying them. And I am sharing that with others, you can like it or not, not my problem.
                    Think it might be time to let it go mate, the post is a few days old now and your reply is very late, everyone else has moved on.

    • Miners should get stuck with their overused flogged out hardware.
      They are the reason today GPU pricing is so bad.

      If miners were not allowed to sell their hardware, pricing would be even worse.

      • not really might affect some 2nd markets.
        miners have been trying to sell their cards on the 2nd market for a while now, prices are not going down for new, in some cases they are more then 4-5 months ago.
        only going to affect 2nd market from what I have seen, and I feel for those people because they are trying to get a good deal for the money they have, then if it turns out to not be a good card and needs service, it costs them more, or worse it ends up with less life in it.

        For some people spending $300 is the same as some spending $3000
        It might have taken they a long time to save for that part and hope it will last a long time.

    • They are the reason today GPU pricing is so bad.

      This is naive, the blame is squarely on the manufacturers. Nvidia and AMD could have flooded the market, avoided doing b2b deals with miners, etc.

      Further, gpu mining is now basically dead yet the gpu manufacturers are still pushing the ridiculous pricing in spite of fewer sales.

      • +1

        I don't just blame them, but they are a big part.
        They set the new price point for them to charge.
        Also increased demand. There greed drove up the price.
        If they pay high prices, the companies will sell it to them.
        The companies loved the profit and wants to continue it.
        Companies will always be greedy, that's how they work.

  • +3

    Sold out in 1:30! Thanks everyone, we will get them sent on Monday. More deals to come soon!

    • Says still in stock on the website. Was going to put the order through… but not sure if it just hasn't updated.

      • +3

        Yeah it's not synced. Some people cancelled though so there will be a bit more tonight after I count up the numbers.

      • Going to update with 3 more at 9:30pm sharp, hopefully you don't miss it again.

  • wow a good card under 200 bucks I never would have thought i woudl see that day lol.

  • Crypto is a long way out of my field of expertise so these may be dumb questions.

    1) Isn't the 1660Ti a long way short of premium cards (3080/90 etc). Why would miners use these? Is it a bang per buck thing?

    2) Why would a miner sell a card after just one month? Is it a reflection of the current crypto market?

    • +1

      Back when it was profitable, mining was about the wattage per megahashrate, the conversion of electricity into crypto.

      The 1660ti/super could run at 80w while still mining at 30+ MH, multiple times it's value in electricity.

      The profit per watt was a little better as rest of the Turing 20-series at the time was kinda inefficient.

      GPU's where being bought up so if you had access to any models that generated more value in crypto than it's cost to run you buy them.

  • +3

    Can we get a “used” tag or “second hand” to hide stuff like this?

    • +4

      clapped out mining card category

    • +4

      "oh no i see 1 post a month like this, my life is ruined"
      They should definitely add a whole new function on the website to save you from 0.7 seconds a month of reading a title and moving on.
      You have almost certainly spent more time making this comment than reading titles about mining cards on here.

      • And recycled PCs and other garbage that isn’t new.
        Nekminnut OzClassified
        Check your facts. It isn’t a whole new function. It already exists. Duh

  • +1


    Prices are dropping like it's hot lmao

    • If tons of vendors start pushing out 10,000ssss of cards at cheap prices then that will drive new gpu prices down, hopefully this deal is the start of this. Otherwise, the criminals at nvidia and amd are still laughing at us. That's right everyone who buys gpus at stupid prices is getting laughed at.

  • Worth maybe $20.

  • Update: all orders are now dispatched. We had a delay due to us accidentally buying drop-off labels rather than pickup. They should be in transit tomorrow.

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