• expired

nbn 100/20 $62.90/M, 250/25 $79.90/M, 500/50 $99.90/M for First 6 Months (New Customers Only) @ Tangerine Telecom


Signup by 31 Jan 28 Feb to get a discount for the first 6 months. Available to new customers only. Terms and conditions apply

Plan Name Typical evening speed Price for first 6 months Price after 6 months
XXL Speed Boost 92Mbps $62.90/m $89.90/m ongoing
XXXL Speed Boost 205Mbps $79.90/m $109.90/m ongoing
Ultrafast speed N/A - new plan $99.90/m $129.90/m ongoing

Referral Links

Referral: random (121)

Both referrer and referee receive $25 for signing up to NBN offer.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Experiences with this one? I'm Considering switching from superloop

    • +2

      Customer service is not bad.
      Internet service is also decent, same as Spintel.

      I was with Tangerine, they didn't want to match a similar deal that I got with Spintel.
      Spintel is better customer service as I find the WhatsApp chat very responsive.

      You could contact Superloop and check if they'd price match Tangerine.

      • How's the overseas ping times to Hong Kong, China and Japan? Want to know for gaming

        • Will be similar to SL with Hong Kong and Japan, China is a tough one because it depends on the location your connecting to

          • +1

            @DalekZ: Not sure in my experience only ISPs that uses GSL networks for overseas links or have points of presence have good pings.

            Atm it's only Launtel, Superloop and Leaptel

        • Spintel uses CGNAT. Not sure if tangerine the same

          • @aladdin: Tangerine isn’t cgnat, sticky ip too.

          • @aladdin: First time heard of this. Mine with spintel is not on CGNAT - reachable IPV4 address from internet.

        • I’m curious as well. I predominantly play MMORPGs. I’m currently with Launtel and find the latency to be pretty good.

      • +21

        Spintel is no comparision, they have 1 POP for the entire country, meaning terrible latency unless you live in Sydney.
        You can't compare an ISP with 1 POP when all the others have 128 + POP's.
        PS Spintel and My Republic are the only 2 ISP's that are tight AF with a single POP.
        Spintel should be cheap for this reason, it's a cheap network to operate.

        • I'm in Sydney, so haven't had that issue yet. But thanks for the info

        • +2

          Aus post broadband (recent deal) also are similar, with two POPs in Sydney and Melbourne.

          • +1

            @muzzamo: shockingly auspost have more POPs but not for IPv4 traffic for whatever reason

        • How about MORE telecom?
          Does it have slow latency, too?

          • @Apue: More and Tangerine (same company just different brands) have plenty of POP's, so no issues with latency for most.

        • Interesting. I'm a long time customer with MyRepublic and wondered why latency sucked. Also drops out constantly whenever it rains. I'm in Brisbane with FTTP. About time I made the effort and changed to a better ISP, I've put it off because I can't afford any downtime. Others here have said it is pretty quick these days, only a few minutes to activate a new service.

          • +3

            @rokufan: There is no downtime to change if you are on FTTP, just get the new provider to connect your service on one of the other 3 fibre ports instead of transferring the same port (New connection, not a transfer).
            This allows you to have both connected at the same time for a couple of days if need be.
            Then just move your router from one port to the other when your ready.
            My Republic is not a great choice outside of Sydney (just don't forget to call MR to cancel when you are ready).

        • What about Mate? How many POPs do they have?

    • +5

      I found them ok, superloop had slightly better latency for me, but otherwise quite similar. I'll be churning back to either tangerine or superloop once I finish my 6 months with spintel who have had the worst latency of the 3

      • +4

        Poor latency is to be expected on Spintel if you are outside Sydney, for the above reason I've posted, they only have a single POP, they are an ultra budget ISP, from a network perspective.

        • +1

          100% - this completely matches my experience with Spintel in Perth.
          Latency on the exact same setup went from ping of 5-6ms to 50-100ms (measured in the Asus browser interface speedtest). Spintel told me it was acceptable latency if it averaged under 100ms.

          • +2

            @McCPT: Under 100ms.acceptable, wow, that's pathetic from a fixed wire service.
            I get well under 10ms on NBN, so this says a lot about Spintel and their 2nd rate network.
            Unfortunately so many just look at the monthly $$ and think all NBN ISP's are the same.

    • +3

      I was with them for over a year, and no problems. The only thing is that when you cancel you have to pay for the whole month.

      • And if your card payment declines, they charge you $10.

      • +2

        Can't you just book your cancellation date so you use the month after you give notice?

    • +1

      First level customer service is okay. Anything requiring a level 2 is organised by a call back. Account portal is horrible. Speeds were okay.

      Combine it with referrals and $10 credit for reviews to make it really cheap.

    • Had both and Superloop is better with connection & customer support. I called their retention team and got 1 year of 'bonus' introductory prices and still going. Plus i get 105Mbps constantly with them. Rarely any drop outs. FTTN using TP-link AX55

    • +1

      I signed up for Tangerine last week and have already found another ISP. Constant dropouts from day 1. I called their "support" to complain (I was in my car at the time) and was told I needed to provide my account number before they could help me and to ring back when I returned home. Apparently my name, address and phone number etc isnt sufficient for them to identify my account!!!!

      • Their WhatsApp support is too notch.

      • Where about are you located

    • +2

      I've had bad experience with the speeds with Tangerine.

      I have FTP and I churn ISPs very often.
      Exetel, TPG, Belong, myrepublic, Mate, More..

      Tangerine offered the worst speeds during peak times. Speeds dropping to 30-50mbps on a 100 plan. Every other company I've been with never went under 90mbps.

      Gaming pings and server routing was also horrible.

      After mucking around with their tech support they said the speeds I was getting during peak times were "expected" from their service.

      Ended leaving the company after a few days and speeds back to 100-105mbps on a 100mbps plan.

      I would not recommend Tangerine to anyone.

      • +1

        What area?

      • I just switched to Tangerine last week and i am getting around 20-50 during peak on a 100 plan.

    • +1

      I have just left them after 3 years for a few reasons, all starting to occur in the last 6month.

      I noticed small ad-hoc charges ($10) appearing and they were fussy when I questioned why I was seeing them on the bill.
      They did not notify of a price rise of service, its not the cost, its the lack of communication.
      Drops in service becoming more frequent in the last year.

      To top it off I left a few month ago, and since then I get a $10 fee each month for a bounced payment. I keep contacting them and telling them there is no payment to make, I left and they actually say 'as a curtesy we will remove the fee' WTF it should not be there in the first place, sort it out and stop billing/allowing fees. I have considered reporting them as this could occur with somone who does not understand this overreach.

    • superloop customer service is terrible, trying to leave to tangerine

  • +3

    Been on tangerine for 18 months. Perfect.

    • -4

      How is it "perfect" if you cannot get this deal?

      • +3

        What you talkin bout Willis?

        • -2

          The deal is for new customers only.

          • +19

            @MKBHD: Right. I was letting others know that this company is a decent ISP. guess things are a bit quiet at your end.

            • @eyepeefreely: I live and breathe Ozbargain but not quite the JV yet.

              • +1

                @MKBHD: Haha at least you own it 😊

              • @MKBHD: To be a True ozbargain believer you need to also burp and fart ozbargain.

          • @MKBHD: So? Since telecom contracts are a thing of the past here in AUS, you can literally just call them up and ask them to give you the deal or you leave. If not them, someone else will.

            • @duckduckering: Yes I know that and I do the same. Actually I don't usually ask for a better deal, I just churn. But More Telecom 1 year deal for me is unbeatable for the moment which is $75 for 1 Gbps that I got through a staff friend.

            • @duckduckering: ""you can literally just call them up and ask them to give you the deal or you leave. If not them, someone else will.""

              Does this work with the evil empire?

  • +6

    Don't forget shopback 63$ cashback guys

    • +1

      It also says 12% cashback on shopbacks website. Any idea how that works? Is it for first month only or ongoing?

      • +1

        My bad actually,didnt see this offer was for telecom

        • Oh weird. That tangerine broadband on shopback takes you to a third party NBN comparison site not sure what's going on with that.
          Maybe one of the reps can tell us if its a stackable deal?

  • +1

    any idea if there is a cooling off period to be considered a new customer or for the same address?

    nevermind, found this in the t&c:
    It is not available to customers with an existing Tangerine nbn™ service or who have previously had a Tangerine nbn™ service. The offer is only available once per customer and per premises.

  • This isn't like Spintel is it? Good speeds in Sydney crap speeds everywhere else.

    • With spintel I get great speeds but average latency due to routing through sydney

  • Currently on More 50/20 on commbank discount for 12 months. Not particularly happy with the speeds. Worth switching?

    • +3

      i wouldn't be happy with 50/20 either mate

      • Its ok for my usage I guess but been experiencing issues with video meetings lately. Not sure if thats down to being on 50/20 or More

        • +6

          Tangerine is sister company of More Telecom.So should be similar performance.

    • I think more NBN is basically the same as Tangerine

    • +4

      Tangerine owns More. When my signup discount with Tangerine ended and I asked what they could do for me in terms of pricing or leaving, they asked if I was a CBA customer and told me of the 30% discount with More. No difference in speeds until I decided to switch to a higher speed plan. No down time with the switch and all NBN login details remained the same.

    • Check the critical information summary. I think it says month to month but the discount is "good for" 12 months

    • More is rebadged tangerine. Same exact service and company. Pay the extra few dollars and upgrade to NBN100.

    • For watching Netflix , YouTube, internet surfing , is 50/20 enough? My landlord set up the internet, not sure wat connection speed I'm on.

      • +1

        plenty enough as long as your peak time speed isn't crap

        • Thanks, moving out in 2 weeks so I should probably start at this speed option then when setting up nbn.

  • Currently with spintel they are pretty good but discount ending soon so might make move over

  • Signed up with them a few weeks back to get the free fibre to prem upgrade on the 250/25 plan. I couldn't find any lock in contract to trigger the upgrade.

    Process was smooth and all done within a few weeks of signup.

    Speed is good, I'm seeing 33 mb per sec in steam. So I'm happy so far.

    • Do you need to have the existing NBN service to be active at the time of the Fibre upgrade?

      Do you need to stay with them for a longer duration when you sign up to have the fibre upgrade?

      • Don't believe so, just an eligible address

    • I did this, super smooth process. There is no lock in contract but if you leave before 12 months, I believe there is a fee due to the fibre upgrade (NBN imposed??).

      It's not unique to these guys.

      • Couldn't find it in the T&Cs like I could with other providers

      • that is what my concern which i read last year they have this term on Superloop and Aussie bb, but it seem these term is no longer listed on the NBN provider

    • What do i have to do to get FTTP? My existing copper is limited to 45mbps and thats after professionally replacing the line in the house

    • 33 mb per sec

      33 MB/s


      • -1

        Should be 33 megabytes per second

        • +1

          That's what I said? 🤨🙂

  • I’ve got a few family on Tangerine, their experience has been good.

  • +1

    anyone from brisbane using this provider? hows your experience? keen to know as i am considering cancelling my current plan with More nbn.

    • +1

      it's the same company as More

    • +1

      Yep, at Bribie Island and been with them since April 2020 - absolutely no issues. I wfh and wife watches Netflix etc while I'm working and doing video calls… For my use case they have been awesome. Stream Kayo on Kodi on 2 devices at highest settings, no buffering.

      Im on 50/20 plan and get 52 down all day every day using Fast.com and ping speed is very good. Around 10ms

    • How is More in Brisbane? I am considering signing up.

  • Anyone in Perth with tangerine? How’s the speed? Thanks

    • +1

      I was, fttn. Husband said it was the worst ISP we've been on, so this is off the churn list lol. Speed drops and lags

  • +3

    should i swap from aussie

    • This is a good deal til u have to switch again in 5 months time. Arg head F.

      • What's been the issue switching out?

  • +4

    Might be time to leave Superloop

    • Do it. I'm leaving superloop after 2 years with them. 250/25 is cheaper with tangerine than 100/20 with superloop. No brainer.

      Best thing is free sticky up address with tangerine, I'm paying $5 extra month with superloop for that.

      People don't forget to use referral code for $25 free credit to your account.

      • Forgot to use a referral code.
        I wonder if it’s worth cancelling then signing back up for it

  • Good for new customoers only… as a long-term user with Tangerine, im looking to churn.

    • Churn to Leaptel for 12 month discount - $15 or $20 off depending on the plan

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