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Asus Transformer Prime TF201 32GB Wi-Fi $369 @ JB Hi-Fi


Hi guys,

JB had the TF201 last night for $598… after some massive haggling, quoting the TF300 currently being out and the TF700 coming out soon, I managed to get it for $369. I used a $70 JB voucher work gave me for my birthday to get it down to $299, but you guys won't be able to get that same price.

Pretty good price considering JB sell the 32GB + Keyboard for $792: http://www.jbhifi.com.au/computers/tablet/asus/-10-inch-tran…

Not sure if someone else has found a cheaper price but I'm happy with it. Maybe Officeworks will do the 5% price match for people?

Note: I would've waited for the TF700 but I heard that they're only releasing the 64GB variant + keyboard for RRP of $999… No thanks.

Good luck :)

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JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • "after some massive haggling, quoting the TF300 and TF700 coming out soon"
    The TF-300 has been out at JB for quite a while now.

    A great deal but highly unlikely other stores will give you that price. Officeworks won't price match or price beat it because its not an "advertised price" but not harm in trying though.

    • +1

      Hey mate u would be surprised, I've had an officeworks member take a look at a receipt one time and said sure no worries.

  • umm…..you lucked out, plain and simple, the sort of haggling required and the salesperson to work on is hit and miss, oh wells good luck to those who tries.

  • nice deal, good effort

  • +2

    I've always admired people who can haggle well, I usually try once then when they say no just say "oh ok" and walk off.

  • -8

    Where's the deal? This is not one, it's just a brag shot. Belongs in a forum post.

    • +6

      If it's not useful to you then that's fine, just trying to help fellow OzBargainers get a good price on this tablet :)

  • +1

    But that receipt may provide some bargaining power. I used an uploaded receipt a couple of years ago to haggle for a TV. All it took was 5 minutes and I saved maybe a few hundred if my memory is right.

    Having said that you do need a bit of luck.

  • +2

    JB are easy, you just go when it's quiet, have a chat with one of the people who've got a handheld pricer.
    They can see what the store pays for it and then decide on the margin.

    So be nice, ask them how their day/week's been, show some interest in the product and ask what sort of price they can do it for. Numerous times they've showed me the cost price & added $1 and asked if that's ok.

    • +4

      but is it the real cost price? or an inflated one to make you believe that youre getting value for money. perception is key here.

      • +2

        I am guessing people will do some research before going into the store and will have a fair idea as to what the device costs. This should give an idea if their cost price is good enough or not. And, if you are really not happy with the price, you can just walk away. At least you tried :)

    • +1

      I can see why they call you supa….

    • +2

      Or you can just ask them to sell it at cost and throw them a little something under the table. It would be cheaper for you and most likely higher than the commission they'd make on the sale.

      • as you mentioned the commission, can someone confirm if the sales in JB do get commission or just fixed salary?

        • Both, they get commission based on the cost price that they see on their little handhelds and the price they sell it for

    • +3

      The cost price is seldom the real actual cost price.

      • +1

        Of course not. If JB (or whatever store) is smart they will know they need to factor in wages, utilities, rent etc as an apportioned markup on the items to make it a true 'cost-price' .. after that it's profit margin.

  • +2

    Numerous times they've showed me the cost price & added $1 and asked if that's ok.

    And you believe them? I highly doubt any floor staff would know the real cost price.

    Anyone that has owned a business knows that there is a list price, but things like discount off invoice, bonus stock, rebates and other incentives need to bE taken into account to reflect the real cost price. An owner usually wouldn't disclose that information to the monkeys that roam their floors.

    • +1

      Although true, you're not going to get anywhere near the wholesale prices of their inventory… unless you know the owner of the franchise …. or the people working on the loading docks :)

  • +1

    I second what supabrudda says. I have experienced it first had too. Just be nice to the them and show genuine interest in buying it. If they are convinced that you will 100% give them a sale, they will work towards making you happy.

    • Every time I've been in JB the people were flocking to the iPads, never seen anyone picking up an Android tablet. You might get a good deal just because they're keen to move Android stock

  • The JB "cost price" is the lowest price the system will let them sell it for…it's basically the lowest price it can b sold for without them actually losing money on the deal - ie. unit price + transport costs, etc to get it into the stores warehouse.
    The "cost price"is definitely the lowest price you'll be able to find.

    • you work for JB?

      • +3

        Nah, I don't, but I had a good friend who DID. Worst day of my life when he quit!!

  • we got it for $389 and that was after tracking down one of the last ones in the state! good luck finding another at this price!

  • That is cheap. I got my galaxy tab 7.7 for $360 a month ago. Btw, anyone knows if asus firmware upgrade is as slow as samsung?

    • Samsung is always slow. My old tf101 had an update every 6-8 weeks. Got 4.0.3 in a month and never had a drama with it. I would only buy ASUS from now on :)

  • Has anyone else got the tab for the cheap price, i might go in tomorrow and see but ill probably fail at haggling.

  • +1

    I got this today at Chadstone JB for $368. They had 4 in stock when I got mine. Apparently Holmesglen has got a few as well. I didn't need to haggle…I just asked for their best price and they offered me $368.

    • thanks! makes it easier!

  • Not bad…

  • damn northland didnt have any today, ill be going to doncaster and heidelberg tomoroow though

  • Got the 'last one' at JB Chatswood NSW.. unfortunately my haggling powers aren' t as good as yours, as the best he could give me was 404… was about to show your receipt but he said it was circumstancial and they match off that (?). For the people out there in the know, is it because the margin on certain items are good (like this one can go as low as 368) but since it's advertised at 550+ they pretend there's no stock (so that they can sell it to someone who'll get it at a higher price - I only say this because I was at the JB in Macquarie Centre and the girl with the scanner thing had a look for it, seemed to briefly taken aback, said that it was 'old' stock and that they were out and that Chatswood had five. When I got to Chatswood, guy tells me they're out, but after saying that another store told me they had it, said he'd check out the back and then found one. So just saying is all :P )

  • Got mine for 368, at chadstone , just told the guy that my friend bought it for that price and he said okay :)

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