All new low for the 6700 XT, great price and worth buying. Surcharges: 1.2% Card & PayPal, 2% AmEx.
edit: shame it went oos in just a few minutes
All new low for the 6700 XT, great price and worth buying. Surcharges: 1.2% Card & PayPal, 2% AmEx.
edit: shame it went oos in just a few minutes
Great price!
But not available. So fake.
Oo new ATL
Oos already
In store but shows out of stock so maybe reserving the stock for tomorrow
Yet another quick OOS sale… will they honour the price?
really hope they honour this price
I feel you brother. Heres hoping for the best with your order, just letting you know so that in the event they cancel-you would know its their common practice nowadays.
It's listed in their boxing day promo thing. Maybe that is the actual price of them but only had a couple as a draw card. I know online shops in recent times have had an absolute BS price saving but sell out in minutes because they only had a handful to sell at that price.
They should at least have a 'number in stock' sort of sign to indicate the numbers
know online shops in recent times have had an absolute BS price saving but sell out in minutes because they only had a handful to sell at that price
Online shops? Bro NVIDIA themselves do this.
How else do you think a $2500 GPU would "sell out".
I guess they will as it is only one store in vic has stock and you need to pick it up.
Centre Con
All time low price and with the cost of new gen most likely not coming down much being prived the same $ per frame as this gen your better off buying these when they go on sale as the price per frame will be the same but your paying less for a slower card.
I just bought a 6700 so I'd have been a tad annoyed if this didn't go oos almost instantly
Give centrecom deal a neg by default and ban them for taking our money and then cancelling our orders.
As a victim for Centre Com's dodgy practice, I would not consider anything from this dodgy company as a deal.
Neg for business practices. Placed and paid an order. They cancelled it ad refunded me in store credit instead of the way I paid for it. Wasn't a bit amount of money but it's still not OK.
I’d be making them refund it fully to the original payment method or charging back straight away.
That's grounds for a chargeback
Former long time employee here. That should have been refunded back on the payment method it was paid on.
can't comment on what's happened with with pre orders
Here a copy paste of their email.
Order status: Complete
Dear Customer,
Due to we can’t reach out to you, your order is now canceled after 7 days and the fund is credited to your account, if you wish to have the fund refunded please inform us via ticket here:
I know it is, I just didn't want to waste anymore time with them. And as I said, it was around $30
There's a few refurbished units on ebay from another seller for like $420 less plus discount
lol these are definitely not "refurbished"
“Used in Good Condition, 3 Months warranty.” ex mining cards can be had for cheaper then $450
@vid_ghost: You can buy used off a FB or Gumtree seller for cheaper. Can you prove it's been thrashed 24/7?
@vid_ghost: Yeah but this seller is really good. I 9rdered a PC from him a while ago gfx died just around 3months and he sent a replacementas promised.
Is this the new 5600 @ $350 that was sold out super quick but mentioned in deals for months to come?
Avoid giving any money to Centre Com
They don't honour the prices on their website and attempt to weasel out of deals with this disclaimer at the bottom of every page:
Centre Com reserves the right to not make a loss
Check this deal for the most recent example
This is now 2 GPU "deals" from Centre Com that are like Tasmanian Tigers - they were reported but you can't actually catch them
Just about to purchase something and thanks for the comments…I'll pass!
I live near one of the Centre Coms, I might head in early and try and get one of these 6700 XTs at this price, I bet the store has like 1 of them. And staff grab it before they open.
Very poor experience trying to order that RAM from centre com recently. Refused to honour the price and refunded me
Great price. I bought two used yesterday for $450 each, but they still had 2.5 years warranty.
I lost patience with these fake deals that have decent prices but virtually no stock.
where did you buy them
lol took long enough. Clearance sale 7700xt out <3 months
Says $599 now and in stock lol.
So did anyone get one of these?
lol, theyre still having ads for this bull**** and showing the $499 price.
Yup and you click on the page, all stores and online say OOS and for 4 stores it says Call Us, of which when I tried 2 didn't answer their phones.
Hope Scorptec match this price so I can give them my money instead.
Seems In-store only