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[eBook] Free - Rubik’s Cube: How to Solve The Famous Cube in 3 Easy Ways! @ Amazon AU

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Free ebook to help solve that Rubik's cube you bought for your kid for Christmas that you really bought for yourself.

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  • +16

    You purchased this item on 30 June 2020.

    • +6

      Still trying to solve it?

      • +10

        I managed to get one side done about a month ago.

        • +2

          1 side in 6 months. See you in 3 years!

    • 2020??? Amateur. ;)
      I've had the same one sitting on a shelf in it's case for around 15 years now.
      It was perfectly fine for a few years being changed between solved, checkers, dots, etc.
      Until one day a 'friend' decided to mix it up… And it's never been the same since! :(

      • +1

        There’s some pretty good apps now that will scan the cube and tell you what moves you need to do to solve it.

        • +1

          I guess I've just become accustomed to the perpetual feeling of inadequacy. 🤣😭

      • +3

        I'm no speed cuber. But I can do it in under 3 minutes now.

        I was the same as you guys. Then, 3 years ago, I thought.. rightio, let's finally do this or throw it in the bin. I did it. Using my old book from 1980, i took 3 weeks to be able to do it without the need for the book. I still do it daily so I don't forget them moves. When the grandkids cone down, they know they have to mess it up for me , so that I get the practice.

        To do it.. 1. I stayed on the white face for a week, until I could do it from memory. 2. Then I did the middle layer same. In week 3, I did the top level.

        I'm just saying, you can do it too. But it takes dedication not to give up.

    • always embarrasing when it says you already own it .. had the same

    • At last ahead of jv:
      You purchased this item on 27 June 2020.

  • +3

    Will make great stocking fillers for the kids… thanks…

    • Will you print the eBooks?

  • +3

    YouTube it

  • +3

    youtube and save your time

    • Bah, we're old school boys

  • "bought for your kid for Christmas that you really bought for yourself."

    I bought 3 haha

  • +1

    Better to learn Friedrich method, especially intuitive F2L, then just need a hand full of algs to get through the last layer.

    • +1

      Intuitive F2L is well taught on youtube in 2 (short) videos as RiDo's Hunting Story

      • +1

        Yes! The hunting story is the only way to learn, what a great underrated video

    • I wish I learned F2L first. I capped out my speed at beginner method and had to relearn to get below about 50s.

    • Over cfop?

      • +1

        CFOP = Friedrich

        • Thanks, I only know beginner and need to decide where to go next.

          • @kulprit: JPerm and are two good resources which you'd probably be interested in :)

            r/Cubers is also a subreddit dedicated for cubers alike

  • +1

    Long time ago in my childhood I had one of these type of books and had all my parent's friends thinking I was some sort of genius for being able to solve it.

    There was a kid in the UK at the time that did very well out of publishing a book showing how to do it. I however found a much cheaper version at my local market, probably about 20% of the price of his book.

    • +1

      "you can do the cube"

      • Yes that's the one. The version I had was easier to remember and as mentioned a lot cheaper to buy.

  • +8

    Spoiler: 2 of the 3 ways are dismantling and removing the stickers

    • Speed cubers can do it faster than this^

      • +1

        speed sticker cubers are even faster than this^

  • +1

    Kids at school in the 80"s used to solve it for 5 cents.

    • +4

      I wish I'd thought of that. I could have blown it all at the school tuckshop buying a Sunnyboy ice block, sucking all the juice out of it, crunching the ice, repeat.

      • I had to read that twice…

      • Sunnyboys!!!

        Damn I loved those triangles of goodness!

      • Oh, one of rich the kids are ya… i had to make do with funny faces

  • +4

    If anyone needed the american kindle link’s+Cube%3A+How+To+Solve&qid=1671595537&sprefix=rubik+s+cube+how+to+solve%2Caps%2C426&sr=8-11

  • What's a good recommended physical book? Was going to get this one for my son, but can't find it in stock anywhere.…

  • I love you OP!

  • Awesome

  • If you like a challenge, once you've learned how to solve the cube, try solving it into one of the patterns you can make on the cube, like dots, flowers, snake…

    Note that you have to know the pattern you're aiming for is possible. Some patterns are impossible, e.g. the "dots" pattern but with the centre squares being the colour of the opposite side.

  • perfect gift for myself. I am learning how to solve the 3rd row.

  • +1

    I think the OG Youtube tutorial is the way to go.

  • I picked up a Rubiks cube from woolies the other day. Build quality was terrible.

    • +1

      Actual Rubik's cubes are trash and horrible to use. Buy any speedcube off Amazon for ~$15 or even a pop up stall at your local shops and it will be about 5x better to use.

      • Good to know! Cheers

  • 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 4.

    Depending on the starting sequence you solved the cube. On a 3x3 rotation.

    4x4 read the book.

  • ^)*@!, I really needed this back in 1985.

  • What?! 3 easy ways are 80 pages? Dang! Must've been using big fonts to explain the steps

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