I think the cheapest price ever for Series 7 watches (GPS only and GPS+Cellular).
To save a further 15%, get gift cards from the Coles Ultimate Card deal and ask to price match at JB Hi-Fi. 45mm GPS would be ~$386 and 41mm GPS would be ~$356.
I think the cheapest price ever for Series 7 watches (GPS only and GPS+Cellular).
To save a further 15%, get gift cards from the Coles Ultimate Card deal and ask to price match at JB Hi-Fi. 45mm GPS would be ~$386 and 41mm GPS would be ~$356.
I suspect the 'refurbs' are brand new though right? Just a way to mark them down without offending folks who bought recently at full price (and other retailers)
If that makes you feel better, then yes. Refurbs are brand new!
@itstuan: well I just received some 'refurbished' Sony headphones and they are clearly brand new, this is why it seemed plausible to me
The ones from this deal are brand new.
Good smart watch for those trapped in the fruity ecosystem.
Contrary to popular wisdom, we’re not actually trapped — the walls of our garden are good for keeping the riff-raff out
Christ Apple haters and fanboys are annoying. Can't mention anything smartphone related without some comment about how bad Apple is, or how bad android is
It’s time for Microsoft to resurrect Windows Phone and give everyone a new target for ridicule
It’s time for Microsoft to resurrect Windows Phone
So sad, they had an OKAY start, I was there in retail back in the day when they first released it and I thought they were actually pretty spiffy.
Too bad they dropped the ball, hard.
I had a windows phone for one of my phones. Tbh there was a lot to like about the tile Paradigm in windows mobile OS.
But, the phones were cheap rubbish and the apps sucked compared with iPhones.
So defensive? I have an iPhone 12 for my work phone, I come in peace.
I use both platforms, I really don’t care, I just think it’s annoying hearing these quips on every Apple related post lol
Oh so you are trapped too?
@onlinepred: If a free phone and all my bills paid (for many many years) is trapped, then lock me up.
/BlackBerry has been resurrected and has entered the chat
(profanity) devo my 9700, 9900 and BB Classic don't work properly anymore.
What I'd give for Nokia to drop a decent QWERTY feature phone in their next lineup. Give me a QWERTY pad, with Java support (never gonna happen, I know), and if you can somehow get the wireless buds from the 5710 in there too, I'd have no problem throwing 250 at it.
As an overall Tech enthusiast, I get angry at how Apple squanders its strengths just to “do things the Apple way” - i.e make users have to fk around to achieve simple tasks
It honestly could be the best ecosystem if it adopted simple things that android has had for years.
Nice upvote for a "fruity ecosystem" product deal, fella!
Enjoy giving Google all your data. The Apple Tax pays for itself with privacy alone, the top tier quality is just a bonus.
Thatd cute you think you have some sort of privacy online.
Thanks, cuteness is a desirable trait.
I wonder who they are price matching?
I got OW to price beat… but pretty sure I got the last )or one of the last) Series 7's in Brisbane
How long does it usually take for the Series 8 to get some discounts?
When 9 comes out
Series 8 is Series 7 with….nothing new.
$400 more for temperature sensing!
Must have. How else would I know that I’m HOT HOT HOT?
It's not a real-time temperature sensor though. It's a menstrual cycle tracker.
And the crash detection.
The 7 definitely best option at these prices.
If you’re in bright Australian sunlight, the Series 8 is 10% less unreadable
By that logic it's 10% more readable then.
This seems roughly the same price as the Apple Watch SE (2nd Gen ie 2022) GPS + Cellular — which is newer (and better?)
SE doesn't have always on display
right.. looks like they arbitrarily mix & match a confusing array of features to justify the pricing differences
There’s many differences.. the SE is the budget model. The 7 is the previous top of the range model.
Also has all the health sensors in the Series 7 that the SE misses out on (Eg: ECG, Sp02).
Given the choice between the two at the same price the S7 is a no brainer
Screen is a lot smaller too so bezels are thick.
Smaller screen, missing a lot of the hardware for health detection purposes, no always on screen.
SE also doesn’t have a keyboard to respond to messages. It’s either script writing or voice to text only. I couldn’t find this written anywhere and just got a 2022 SE 44mm. Annoyingly reviews say it’s because of the screen size, but my wife has a 41mm AW7 and they squished the keyboard on there. I’m getting used to dictating my messages. Just annoying when your in public..
cheering mate, just submitted a price protection claim with 28D for a 7 purchased in september.
thanks op ya legend.
does the price protection come with your credit card?
I believe Jimothy uses bikies to collect the difference on his behalf.
Free service with platinum ozbargain membership.
It’s not free per se, you have to feed the bikies a weekly diet of Eneloops.
Yes OG 28d
And yes I’ll prob have to resort to bikies once my lifetime price protection claim limit hits
wong wins
Can the ultimate cards use online or in store only?
Why do I need this when iPhone can do everything
True true, the most useful is that I can talk via my watch and free my two hands. Or a notification when I receive message/email. That's all
Can't see anyone asking this so here you go. What am I losing if I get this compared to Series 8?
Temperature sensing but that feature only applies to women for period tracking.
The series 8 has minimal to zero differences otherwise
Car crash detection and ovulation tracking and not much else
I wonder if you can price match at officework
cant see why not - ymmv wrt the cs agent you have at the time and what excuses they think they can get away with
Officeworks will price beat by 5%.
no stock anywhere in Vic when i called apart from Mildura, cost more in fuel to get there than the watch itself for me
OOS… was lucky enough to get one in store with a price beat and paid with 15% GCs 🥳
Any way to use the lte without being in postpaid
JB don’t have 41mm midnight gps, surprise surprise, so no price match.
can ya go a 45? 41 is pretty small if it's just the price point you're worried about.
Yes true, but then I can just buy the amazon 41mm at about the same price as JB 45mm. Trying to save a bit!
They had them this morning and the black nike 41mm and they were $419, both sold out really quick though (before i could post)
Pulled the trigger for missus…
RIsky buying Ultimate GC to find out Amazon is out of stock…
you can use jb hi fi online chat to get a direct order link with the matched price. The jb hi fi link would be valid until tonight - gives you enough time to try getting the gift cards and not worry about Amazon deal running out
Can't you only use 1 gift cad online though?
yes, not unless you have the $500 variable gc from the woolies 10% off promo
I was able to convert the ultimate ones to JB Hi fi gift cards in store and there is no limit on number of jb hifi cards one can use online
@barandgain: How do you do that? Did you just go to the store and buy JB gift card with the Ultimate gift cards?
@barandgain: I just tried to do this, they said it wasn't possible. Now I've got gift cards to give away.
Can you pay instore this way?
I got my link, you are a legend
Managed to get a Gold 45mm Stainless Steel S7 from JB for $688 yesterday, but after I ordered they removed the page of the item. Hoping it still gets fulfilled and if it gets cancelled this is still in stock
Amazon have free returns FYI, might as well buy now just in case
Good point, much prefer the Stainless Steel model but at this price…..
Stainless Steel is an absolute steel at that price, praying for you that they honour it
If your requirement is like mine:
- have app notifications to watch
- check time and weather
- play local music from watch to airpods
- screen bright enough to see under sun
- some basic smartness like chaning watch face, scheduled Do Not Disturb, etc
- battery life at least 1wk
then my current Amazfit GTS 4 is doing much better job than apple watch. Much cheaper price and specially the battery life can go 10days with all monitoring features turned off, and screen lid on hand raise. In my case I dont monitor health, it is only for notifications for work purpose.
Mate i don't disagree with anything you say, it's just if you were to buy this series 7, this is the best price for it as this is ozBargain not ozReview….
30% off is considerable and excellent. I just boughht one as it has the latest chip and even though I wanted the Ultra, I can wait for necxt year's version. And save lots of money.
41mm GPS in midnight now OOS.
Yeah looks like you can get Green, Green or Green.
I got a Green.
I bought 5 for scalping on ebay.
Do you want 41mm GPS in black for $500?
the honest man on earth
but i don't like green eggs and ham…
Is the aluminium frame on the green actually green? It looks to be the same colour as midnight.
Good question, it does look midnight. Buy a midnight coloured band!?
They're both dark, but it's definitely different to midnight. Compare the second pic, zoomed in.
Thanks, though I’d go crazy staring at a green frame that almost looks like midnight. I’ll pass.
Wow. I just spent more on a refurb as a gift… $459 for 41 GPS model