This was posted 2 years 5 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Documentary Video @ The Real Anthony Fauci: The Movie


The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.

There's an email signup before you can access the full movie, but once you put in your first name and address, it goes directly to the movie, you don't need to click on a link in an email from them. And you can watch the trailer without signing up.

Available for the next 4 days.

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Jeff Hays Films
Jeff Hays Films

closed Comments

  • +35

    Here for the comments

    • +27

      Grabs some non-GMO popcorn and puts tin foil hat on

      • +2

        Using my non-5g phone in my MAGA hat.

  • +2

    this is gonna be fun

  • +51

    Lol, someone has made a movie from their mom's basement. More right wing garbage. Grow up honestly.

      • -2

        he saved lives

        • His incompetency with hotel quarantine and hiring security guards who bonked infected travellers resulted in many deaths in Victoria..

          • +10

            @jv: Wait the Premier is also tasked with vetting, hiring and monitoring on shift security guards as well?

            • +4


              Wait the Premier is also tasked with vetting, hiring and monitoring on shift security guards as well?

              His government award the 'dodgy' contract.

            • @Hinee: Wow, 10 + votes?
              I don't get people putting the blame on decisions made by someone so remotely related to the actual incident. People should blame the unprofessional person not able to keep it in their pants or the company not doing the vetting.
              Reminds me of that other incident with the lights installations sponsored by the government and pollies get blamed even though the premier isn't an electrician. Blame the company who took OUR money and didn't train their staff.

              • -1

                @Popo: I think you misinterpreted my comment - we're saying the same thing.

                • @Hinee: Oh right. Then you deserve the 10+ votes. Faith in humanity is restored. I should have just ignored it all as it was just jv trolling us again.

          • +2

            @jv: Anyone would think that all quarantine is a federal government responsibility that's in the Constitution. Oh wait, it is.

            • @JCSyd2000:

              Anyone would think that all quarantine is a federal government responsibility that's in the Constitution.

              Yet all the premiers voted otherwise… Go figure…

              • +3

                @jv: Are you one of those sovcit cookers with a gofundme? Just asking for a friend.

                  • -1

                    @shaibankek2: What a lot of bull faeces you write…

                    You must have a PhD in scatology…

          • @jv: security guards bonking infected travellers … it like they swapped sex for cigarettes while in hotel quarantine?

        • -1

          🤣😂🤣😂 good joke

        • +1

          Mad cognitive dissonance you got there bro.

        • +2

          🤦🤣 I know who your voting for 🙄

          • +1

            @Bretttick: Not the teals or greens

      • +8

        Here comes the whataboutisms

      • oh sweet when is this movie coming out?

        • +3

          Not long, just waiting for Xi Jinping's approval…

    • -7

      imagine being that filled with hatred, the tolerant left in a nutshell.

      • +15

        Image believing in fairy tales, the idiotic right in a nutshell.

    • -7

      Because anything that is Right Wing is clearly evil and wrong? Grow up? Read your own comment and think again.

      • +7

        For the most part, yeah it is. Thanks for confirming.

        • -3

          For the most part? How have you determined that? Again you're demonstrating how you need to "grow up", you're welcome.

      • +1

        No but made up BS from.any side of politics is stupid made up BS, bit like the synopsis of this doco. The problem is the anti-covid vax movement were back by the Victorian liberals. Which is where the right wing element comes into play.

        Otherwise they're just ratbags whom happen to side with the right side of politics.

  • +28

    Tell me you need help without telling me you need help.

  • +5

    yeah nah…. i prefer watch JAV rather than this one lol

    • My middle name is no longer Aaron…

      • +3

        My middle name is no longer Aaron

        Thanks for letting us know and Thanks for nothing aye

  • +8

    Next thing you'll be telling me that the earth is flat and Narwhals are not real.

    • +22

      Time cost is a still a cost. You may as well say that hitting yourself over the head with a brick is free. Hang on, I might go and make a post about that right now, it'd be more fun.

    • +13

      "I know that ham sandwich smells funny and the bread has green spots on it, but eat it first then start whinging

      • -6

        Totally out of subject

    • +7

      I've got some great bargains for you, I've found links to over a million YouTube videos that are free

      just shoot me your deets and I'll write a bot up to make sure you get a constant stream of bargains, one at a time

      • -4

        Not gonna argue here all day
        Everyone is quick to come to conclusions
        I really don’t care what you do with your time and money
        Just do what you want to and be done with
        Don’t you curse anyone for their thoughts..!

    • +6

      I found some free dog poop by the side of the path yesterday, should I post that to ozbargain?

      • Is there enough stock?

    • +1

      Free Hat!

  • +21

    Another covidiot

  • +1

    Marg Downey said it best

    • +1

      hahahaha she's the best! PS She's in Season 2 of Fisk, which is also funny :)

      • Season 2 out? Bloody love Fisk

        • This Wednesday :)

  • Free is free,

    All the MSM normies will neg this before even watching it as it attacks their reality,

    I have no opinion of Fauci but may watch this to see what they say.

    • +3

      Spot on 👌👍

    • what does the S stand for in MSM?

      • +3

        Sadism, innit?

        • +1

          Or Soros, maybe.

      • +3


        • +5

          Incidentally, can you see any irony in embracing "be skeptical of MSM, big tech, finance/normie entertainment" while naming yourself (Morpheus/red pillers etc) after things from one of the bigger mainstream commercial science-fiction movie series of the last millenium? That thing that literally everyone watched?

          is The Matrix now some sort of underground speak-truth-to-media indie film?

          • @Crow K: It's called a meme mate, relax.

            • +2

              @Ham Dragon: haha yeah, all those people calling themselves red pillers and making replies like Morpheus did immediately below your comment (talk about timing), they're all just playing pretend and having some fun with the memes, they don't really think and speak and act like that

              kids and their memes, they really make you LOL

              begone, cooked unit

          • +3

            @Crow K: It was not a movie a documentary I believe
            There have been a few eye opening documentaries made like a movie
            There must be a group trying to expose the deep state nwo and free the people therefore they are releasing their own
            Have a look at; 1984, They live
            You are your own saviour
            No one can do it for you
            It’s same as the matrix story
            To find your higher self
            And the dark groups are trying to stop this
            They want you to eat drink how they want
            They want you to dress how they want
            They want you to live how they want
            They want you to earn how much they want
            They want you to believe or not how they want
            They want you to be what they want you to be but not you
            They want you to disconnect from you

            • +1

              @Morpheus: You forgot one: They want you to buy bargains how they want


          • @Crow K: Why do you link everything to US cultures? Did you heard that apart Hollywood there is one real world with no US like history and mythology but its own:
            "Morpheus - Roman Mythology the son of Somnus (god of sleep), the god of dreams and, in later writings, also god of sleep"

            • @simb24: Isn't it interesting that the modern era conspiracy theorists all have a shared interest of that particular aspect of Roman Mythology, and just that particular dude? Never Hypnos, Somnos or any of the others, just him.

              And I suppose the "red pills" they mention could just be some blackcurrant flavoured multivitamins, right?

              Here's your bad faith argument award, a stainless-steel-plated Occam's Razor.

      • Sulfonyl I believe.

  • +35



    • +2

      Polio did nothing wrong!

    • You forgot about Smallpox. Ten million died from it in 1950 when the global population was around 2.5bio which would equate to a death rate of 32 million today.

  • +15


    I was just thinking I could do with watching a well-balanced doco on Fauci's background.

    • +7

      Big pharma and big tech exist because those people didn't waste their time with prayer.

      • -1

        Whatever you say boy

      • and thoughts

  • +9

    and where does one’s name & address go? … and what is it used for?

    I try to be much more discriminating these days, ie not adding to the amount of data about me that is already out ‘there’, unless seemingly necessary.

    • +3

      Which is probably why OP indicated that you could use a fake name and email address if you wanted to.

    • +7

      Everyone should have a throwaway account they use for this shit.

      Email these days is just advertising from what I can tell. Once you've unsubscribed from everything your Inbox will be a much better place.

      And for stuff that requires registration, is your friend.

    • +1

      you'll be getting Alex Jones adverts for $30 a tube anti covid toothpaste and Pete Evans anti covid lamps within days

  • +6

    Those other Tone Faucies are just imitating

  • Anyone remember the big diesel scandal?

    All i'm saying is look into it. We really wont know anything until 10 years from now.

    • +6

      "All i'm saying is look into it"

      I'm not sure OzB is the place for the dO yOUr OwN rESeaRCh crowd

      • +5

        "Care to share your sources? Anything, anything you can show me will literally do."

        "Search YouTube"


      • +1

        OzB is just another website on the internet for those who wants to do their own research for the best deal…
        You'll most likely be ripped off if you don't do your own resarch lol

  • +3

    it only costs your email address to their database. so cheap.

    • +1

      You can enter a fake email.

    • +1

      Free three month sub to Truth Social and guaranteed first date on The Right Stuff* included


    • Can I enter your email?

  • Amazing !

  • +6

    In other news five times vaxxed cdc director Rochelle Walensky has copped Covid again.

    • +1

      What's your point?

      • +5

        I will go ahead and assume and attempted (failed) gotya moment

    • +2

      So she hasn't died from any of her infections, vax working perfectly.

      • +4

        You must have forgot vax was meant to prevent transmission

        • -1

          not the purpose of the vaccine, however it did just that, so I am failing to see your point here. (edit: based on your now removed later reply I will help out with a fuller reply here.)
          The purpose of the vaccine is to prevent serious illness and death, in regards to transmission, it did prevent both infection and transmission and this was seen via by multiple studies. so when the folks you mentioned (in your deleted reply) stated it prevented transmission, it in fact did and their comments were backed by those studies.

    • She took the Fauci sauce.

  • +1

    should i post free JAV on OZB ? lmao

  • +16

    The landing page strongly suggests this is a conspiracy-theory-laden pile of garbage. Free is too expensive to poison your mind with such tripe.

    • +1

      the fact it was written by kennedy jr should have been the give away lol

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