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Free Documentary Video @ The Real Anthony Fauci: The Movie


The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.

There's an email signup before you can access the full movie, but once you put in your first name and address, it goes directly to the movie, you don't need to click on a link in an email from them. And you can watch the trailer without signing up.

Available for the next 4 days.

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closed Comments

    • -4

      You do that everyday by watching the all great MSM
      Why not this??

    • +1

      As my father used to say, for every good deed you do, you make an enemy. By that, I'm not criticizing you, I saying that Fauci made enemies by trying to do the right thing.

  • +6

    I'd like to see proof that it is a bargain. What is the price at other places?

  • +2
  • +3

    Thanks OP, will give it a watch tonight

    no matter if you believe the vaccine is beneficial or not it can also be true that vested interests worked together to push their agenda, just because you support their agenda doesn’t mean this isn’t a good post

    • +11

      Yeah, but watch something balanced, well-researched and not bollocks.

      • +1

        Not possible these days, everyone has an agenda, look at the Disney “fauci” PR piece. In any event I certainly won’t be deriding a film I haven’t seen even if it might go against my personal narratives

        • +9

          Science = Facts.

          There are no such thing asl alternate facts.

          • +3

            @thangcuoi: What is a woman?

          • @thangcuoi: Not quite how science works, but since your reply seems to have no bearing on anything actually written there…whatever you say champ

      • +1

        Any suggestions?

  • +10

    Remember when being progressive meant fighting big corporations? Now it's deemed "far right". Bit of a joke really. Stay centred all.

    • +9

      You can hate big corporations and still understand/accept scientific fact in situations there are enough scientists inside and outside of big pharma who agree on it.

  • +11

    If any of this was real, the powerful shadowy forces we are told control everything would surely use their ability to control everything to get this film off the internet. The existence of stuff like this proves that the whole deepstate thing is a lie for idiots.

    • +1

      Lol yes. How is that never realised. Those in charge are said to control everything, but somehow can stop constant crap coming from conspiracy folks.

    • +1

      how is the deep state going to remove something protected by the first amendment?

      • +4

        God bless the First Internet Amendment!

        • +2

          Enforced by the internet police.

      • The same way the crackpots claim that the deep state do all kinds of shady shit that would be unconstitutional. It doesn't make sense, because the whole idea of the deep state doesn't make sense.

    • +1

      Yeah but not everything is under their control
      There are people who asks questions

      • +5

        So they aren't even powerful enough to have this scrubbed from the internet? Sounds ineffective, and not scary.

      • +2

        Most of my questions are about who gets the profits for this film when the 4 day free period expires?

    • Let's see what happens to Kanye.

    • +2

      But somehow paying money to see something carefully put together by a chiropractor or alternative medicine crackpot, designed to appeal to inherent biases and with the proceeds going to the bank account of the recently wealthy chiropractor, is brave, independent and truthful. Keep buying those Pete Evans sunlamps folks, only way to stand up to the conspiracy.

  • +5

    Jesus is my vaccine

    • +5

      Jesus gave me autism

      • +1

        Autism gave me Jesus

  • +2

    "Safe and effective" - now they admit it was all lies.

    • no they didn't

      • +1

        You got no idea 🤦 you need your booster 🤣

        • +3

          do i? and what do you think you have there to back up the comment? bring receipts

          • -1

            @subboy: What do you have to backup your comment? You bring receipt, I'm replying to your comment 🤣

            • +5

              @Bretttick: deflection is a copout my friend.. the original comment stated that "they admit it was all lies" which is not the case, so unless you can back up that comment for them, then it is not me that has no idea and my case and point "no they didn't" has been made for me.

      • +1

        I have yet to see admission that "it was lies" but they definitely haven't been fully truthful.

        You can make what you want of it, but the Pfizer representative from the EU hearing recently admitted that they never tested their vaccine for transmission reduction, which was the major selling point. We were all pressured into getting vaccinated to stop other people who couldn't get the vaccine getting sick, or those who were vulnerable.

        Complete information was not provided and therefore cannot constitute informed consent for those who have taken the vaccine. The company has knowingly taken billions in tax payer money from around the world to fund a misleading product where they had no research to back their claims.

        I can't find the full hearing video on the EU site, but the relevant bits from the hearing are shown here.

        Happy to hear thoughts on this.

        • +1

          so in regards to testing for transmission, that is not what the trials are for, it is about safety and efficacy.
          Also, the fact it is was not tested for transmission is not news, they mentioned that in the limitations of their study published 10 Dec 2020 via NEJM. also DR Soumya stated it via twitter 14 Dec 2020 as did Fauci via interview on the same day (could have been the day prior) so yeah not new news, .
          The above mentioned study also showed a 95% efficacy against catching it, so you cant spread something you don't have right?
          With that said, multiple studies had since been done showing good efficacy against transmission in respect the variant at the time.
          So when those things were promoted, they were backed by studies/science and indeed assisted with informed consent and certainly had the research and data to back their claims.
          If you interested in how they can normally assess whether a vaccine can prevent transmission, i encourage you to read this Nature article published 19 Feb 2021 (more to the point the heading "Gold Standard") and as you can see via the "Multiple studies" link i shared above, you will see the did exactly that (and more can be found via a pubmed search)

          I hope this information helped.

          • @subboy: My point is that it was touted as stopping you from being infectious to others when they couldn't have known. You point that out yourself. Many people took it or were convinced they should take it because they believed if they were infected it would stop them from passing it on.

            1) I cannot find anything relating to transmission or related limitations within that study. Can you please point me to the part?

            2) I cannot find the tweet from @ docotorsoumya as the feed stops at July this year and I cannot scroll back further. Twitter and Google searches are also not yielding this. Same with the Fauci interview. I just get fact checking websites for unrelated Fauci claims.

            It may not be new information, but it is quite evident that it was not well communicated and made more confusing by the conflicting information that it prevents transmission. The EU commission it was told to recently were shocked. People hearing about it are shocked. The messaging from the sources we were supposed to trust was inaccurate. This led to support of vaccine mandates. Whether you agree or disagree that is should of happened, people were not adequately informed.

            3) Leaving aside that the efficacy of the vaccines and tests has been all over the place throughout the last few years, I agree you can't pass on something you haven't caught. After confused messaging, everyone was on the same page that you could still get sick if vaccinated, but the messaging was still that you wouldn't get other's sick if you were sick.

            4) Those studies were after the vaccine roll out, after the vaccines were promoted inaccurately. You can't retroactively use data from studies after the vaccine rollout to justify the initial misinformation to garner uptake. We are only okay with what has happened because right now the data shows there was not any detrimental affects. If it were the opposite, we would not have been okay with the way the vaccines were rolled out and promoted/enforced.

            5) Thank you for the information on what is "Gold Standard" practice. This makes sense. It also supports the fact that the companies could not have known about transmission rates.

            Irrelevant of the actualities of how the vaccine worked, it was sold under misleading advertising to the Nations and to individuals.

    • Yeah it’s all coming out now
      Bit by bit
      Soon we will see court trials it looks like

      • +8

        For those uninitiated, "soon" is a codeword QAnon people use to mean "at some future point, according to my wild fantasy (and nothing else), and there's no concrete date that you can use to check in with me on how it's going".

        • -1

          Why you so interested

          • +2

            @Morpheus: Some of my clientele are the reptilian overlords and secret sigil protectorate. My place on the spaceship when the great reset occurs is guaranteed, but I need to give my gym 2 months notice to cancel my membership or you know, they bill you for the next cycle.

            It's really tedious. I asked my controller to help me sort it out but they just made a youtube video called "who is to say if there even is a gym anyway?", which didn't seem to do much. still, maybe it will start working 'soon'.

    • +2

      No they didn't lol.

    • +2

      Nope. None of them do. Maybe get out more.

  • +1

    Is this base on scientific back research or "research"?

    • +8

      “Facebook research”

  • +4

    All these criminals need to be hold accountable..

    • +3

      Which criminals, specifically?

      • the ones in charge of the genocide

        • +14

          so no one … good chat

        • +11

          Remind me, who are the ones calling themselves "pure bloods" unironically while calling the people they're scapegoating (anyone giving or promoting vaccinations) to be sentenced to death? This is what radicalisation looks like.

        • +8

          It’s sad there are Aussie like this :\

          Close your Facebook and go touch some grass.

        • +2

          Which genocide?

          • +9

            @eraser215: every cooker knows a load of people with vax injuries, everyone else … not so much

            • +2

              @2ndeffort: They also seem to have a lot of inside connections in government and pharma who share info on the conspiracy. I wonder why that is.

    • -1

      Soon !

    • +4

      This I got to hear. Which crimes? Which people?

      Details are important when you're spouting bollocks.

      • +3

        Well that's the problem actually. Detail doesn't matter to these people who want to spout bollocks.

  • +14

    Not a bargain. Your time is precious. Don't waste your time on this right wing conspiracy crap.

    • -4

      "Hurr durr anything that threatens my personal narrative that I engaged voluntarily in a safe & effective medical treatment program is a conspiracy".

      Seeing those excess mortality stats ABS keeps churning must be quite concerning to anyone who triple dosed or worse…

      • +7

        bro what

        • +1

          Name checks out 👌🏻

  • +14

    Dunno if this is a deal considering no one would pay for it in the first place.

  • +6

    I could find any number of free documentaries online that seem somewhat legit. I do not believe this to be in the spirit of ozbargain. A forum post at best.

    • +1

      What exactly is the ozbargain spirit here 😀

      • +1

        Bargains. This is worse than x new movie is on y streaming service.

  • +12

    Cooker crap

  • +5

    No comment on this movie/doco as I haven't seen it or know what it's about, but the amount of people above who are still backing fauci despite all his failures is astounding.
    Some people really will treat authority figures like a god.

    • -2

      They are not ready to accept
      The greatest con job in the history

  • +4

    And, despite censorship, boycotts from bookstores and *"libraries**, and hit pieces against the author, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book, The Real Anthony Fauci is a New York Times bestseller with over 1,000,000 copies sold.

    If libraries don't want your content on their shelves then that say a lot about the verifiable information in your book and what your content is worth.

    • +2

      government workers will always lean to the bidding of their masters,

  • +12

    This is garbage

  • +2

    An item they can't give away marked down to free…for 4 days only. I'll pass.

  • +7

    Used up all my negative votes on this post.

    Are mods asleep or is this Anti-vax bargains all of the sudden?

    • +8

      I'm all out of negs too. We need a special negative vote bucket for conspiracy theories.

  • +6

    If nothing else, we now know who the conspiracy wonks are on OzBargain. Surely there's a badge for them.

    This is spam at best, phishing at worst.

  • +5

    BREAKING: The court has granted our request to depose Dr. Anthony Fauci, former White House Press Secretary Jennifer Psaki, FBI Supervisory
    Special Agent Elvis Chan, and other Biden Administration officials relating to collusion with social media to suppress free speech


    • +4

      Regardless on if I agree with your position or not, I appreciate that you included your sources and linked to documentation that isn't from Facebook! :)

    • +1

      That's not what that says. And won't happen. But carry on.

      Bit like when all the "common law sheriffs" handed "warrants" to WA Premier.

    • +3

      LOL nice case you've got there: In the Complaint and Amended Complaint Plaintiffs set forth examples of suppression of free speech which include: 1) the Hunter Biden laptop story prior to the 2020 Presidential election; 2) speech about the lab leak theory of COVID-19’s origin; 3) speech about the efficiency of masks and COVID-19 lockdowns; 4) speech about election integrity and the security of voting by mail

  • +4

    Sounds like stupid crazy propaganda.

    Weird how there’s a global pandemic and Americans alway have to make out it’s all about them. Not everything is about you, get over yourself. FFS.

  • +4

    Worth every cent of the purchase price - ie nothing.

  • +4

    Any deals on tinfoil? I'm going to need a bigger hat.

  • +5

    Wouldn't watch this garbage even if they paid me

  • +8

    Does anyone remember earlier in the month when anti-vaxxers were saying that October 12th(?) was when vaccines would activate their ingredients, and something was going to happen?

    As someone who is triple vaxxed, I definitely got activated and am now in Antifa military. My mind is no longer my own and I ceased being Zythyx and I'm now known as #4736291 according to my skin label that appeared after I was activated.

    • +3

      Hope you're using 5G to post this

    • +4

      Hey #4736291, #4693912 here, looks like we're pretty closely related!

      Wait, I mean.. "Braaiiiinnssss…"

    • +1

      I legit read somewhere that it was when 5G coverage reached >75% and "they" were going to crank the 18GHz signal and anyone who wasn't a "pureblood" would be zombified.

  • +3

    LOL, its free for 4 days meaning the rest of the time some scammer is bilking cooker rubes for money to see a conspiracy video designed to appeal to their inherent bias, typical

  • +2

    wow this sucks

  • +3

    Not a bargain; costs you and society. Not a good product, this marketer lies.

  • +6

    cognitive dissonance.

  • +1

    It’s been proved now how bias this site has become
    Reporting certain comments do not make any difference but when it doesn’t suit they remove or give you warnings
    Ozbargain remove this because you haven’t removed offending comments here
    I dare you
    I will report you to certain channels for discrimination
    I make sure it happens
    Enough is enough!

    Screen shots and your previous actions and messages all are available!

  • +5

    Oh sweet a schizo thread

  • +2

    The video reels you can find online about his back and forth on various aspects of the pandemic are quite shocking.

  • +4

    WTF, how many people believe this conspiracy theory crap?

    • +6

      Why call it crap?
      Because you don’t want to hear the other side
      I believe it
      What’s wrong with that
      You believe what you wanna believe
      If you don’t like it you put a negative button if you don’t you put a plus
      Why everyone has to be judgemental

      • +4

        because it is crap

        • +6

          Ok because you said it? Lol ok ok 🤣

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