Have been looking for this model for sometime, just cos of the superior battery life it offers among the Apple Watches.
Regular price at Apple: $1299
Have been looking for this model for sometime, just cos of the superior battery life it offers among the Apple Watches.
Regular price at Apple: $1299
Cost more than 4x my phone. Wife gets 10 days on her fitness tracker. Even I feel that's a PITA.
3 days of battery I'd be so annoyed for a wearable.
I have a series 6 and I hear what you're saying when you compare that to typical mechanical watches. But I take it off when I shower so it gets put on charge then, not too big of a deal.
I don’t wear a watch to sleep, so it’s never an issue for me. The health thing can track me while I am awake. I don’t care sleep tracker as the watch will disrupt my sleep!
@goraygo: Why has this comment got 5 negs?, @Scotty needs to stop hiding these neggers and let us block these sheeps!
That's why I stick with the Huawei Watch GT lineup, 2 weeks of battery is amazing.
But this has superior battery life. 😂
Diving down 200m the Apple gadget is useless & insane price :(
A stupid comment to a stupid comment
The Seiko will still be worth something in 10 years time and will still work. The Apple watch is unlikely to be either.
A reasonable comment to a stupid comment
Different use cases. Try taking a call in the toilet using the Seiko watch. The number of calls that would have been missed if a smartwatch wasn't on their wrist is more than you'd think :)
@us3rnam3tak3n: LOL the toliet part was, but the next part absolutely wasn't. I have a bad habit of not keeping my phone with me when I'm working out in the garden. Having my smartwatch on meant I was always notified when my phone was ringing.
In hindsight, I could have used a better example than the toliet.
Actually that was mid $600s a while back (comparing OZB prices to OZB prices).
Also that watch will be doing its job well after the AWU is in landfill 🤷♂️
Costs more than my car
Time to change your car ;-)?
Nah Nubbin saved money on their car so they can splurge on watches etc
He doesn't have a watch to tell the time
What car do you have? 👀
watches used to cost 100x more than phones.
It costs more than my physical watch that appreciates in value since buying it.
This will only plummet in value.
Like features on the apple watch are important to some, but this is throwing that money away IMHO.
I don't think people buy Apple watches as investment. Just like a lot of items we buy, they don't appreciate in value.
This is true - but the watch you can use while it also goes up or stays the same in value.
For an apple watch you'll lose all your value within a few years.
You could say the same for computers I suppose, but there's no real alternative for those.
But you're right overall - these aren't an investment and they're something to consume.
At least it makes the regular model look cheap!
It's a nice upgrade from the stainless steel for those who don't want to splurge on the Hermès line.
It makes the MiBand & Amazfit look like extreme bargain. Planning for my next trip with the saved money for eternal memories :)
Oh man I was about to buy a couple .
def: Out Of Sanity oO
Is there any android watch that does proper Heart beat monitoring and ECG as good as an apple watch does?
I think google watch as it uses Fitbit health tracking. Also Withings.
Not an android watch but Garmin Fenix are awesome. Designed for athletes with superior heart rate functions and the Connect app has plenty of analysis features
Negs for stating a fact. Neg further insufferable fanboys
Garmin Venu has been rated there not Fenix. Very different target audience and tech for both watchs.
@deepdag: Fenix 7 is in the list as well, with a correlation of 0.72 roughly for heart rate tracking while cycling (correlating to his chest strap heart rate tracker).
Though if you go to it's own video you can see correlations around 0.8 (still not near the 0.99 of the apple watches). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka9LXKQy-fQ
Keep in mind he only tests it on himself so his results may not translate the same to another person.
@Thanges: Thank U. Will check this out again. Very much interested to understand accuracy of the reading for activities.
@deepdag: Apple Watch SE is as good as the Apple Watch Ultra. Why are you making an excuse for Garmin? Its not a cheap cheap watch like those Mi's on sale.
Samsung and Google Watches has ECG and heart rate monitoring
Also not an Android watch, but Huawei's GT3 supports those features too.
I think all in the list of recently released flagship watches would likely fit what you're asking for. Apple probably has the least features (and always has) excluding specific apps.
Oh really? thought apple was leading with all those lives saved articles that popup. Never really investigated into this. Just found a site that compares many watches - https://www.reviewsbreak.com/best-ecg-smartwatch/
Actually, Apple Watch has the MOST features, which is why the other manufacturers copy it (notice how most of them look like Apple Watch). Just because a cheap knock- off LOOKS similar, doesn’t mean it’s the same. The knock offs are mostly plastic rubbish that fall apart quickly.
The Ultra is IP6X certified, 100m water resistant, has a Sapphire crystal front, ceramic/sapphire crystal back, an eSim, and is made of TITANIUM. There’s no comparison to the cheapies.
Perhaps that’s why it’s now sold out.
You sound like a clear fanboy/girl. Just because a watch is a square or rectangle doesn't mean they copied Apple watch. Apple watch also doesn't have the MOST features, all of the high end smart watches have similar sets of functions and features, not better or worse features, just varying sensor accuracy and battery life.
When it comes to features for a fitness wearable apple watch isnt even remotely close to the features of the Fenix 7.
Don't kid yourself Apple is no longer the innovator it once was under Steve jobs, now it is just rehashing and refining existing ideas as opposed to anything truly revolutionary. Its anti consumer practices has meant I have boycotted all things Apple for the past 10 years. Iphone still using the lightning connector, especially given they pretty much stopped all development on the connector, otherwise it would have updated specs to something more than USB 2.0 for the cables.
Being sold out doesn't mean much, could have just meant limited or low stocks in the first place.
@azukay: It’s currently the best smart watch. If all you want is fitness tracking beyond basics like nearly every smart watch can do, like marathons for example, then yes Garmin Fenix all the way.
@onlinepred: What else does the apple watch provide then?
There's health monitoring stuff in it - don't other watches do that? Is there stuff that the apple watch does in that department that others don't?
Integration with the phone is prob where it excels, yes?
@CaptainMaverick: You can have apps that run on the phone. Like the Qantas app for instance, has my boarding passes in it, on the watch. Or my pregnancy app that keeps track of feeding/sleeping is an app on the watch that syncs to the app on the phone. So you can do so much from the watch without using a phone. I even use it while shopping, having google keep as my shopping list, tick items off on my watch rather than pulling my phone out every 30 seconds and unlocking it. I have my two factor authentication apps running on my watch too, so I can authorise authentication attempts from my watch. I also have Spotify, audible apps on my watch and high is great for when I go jogging and don’t bring my phone.
Also pointing out that some people pay more for titanium version, especially if they have metal allergy. Titanium has been considered to be a non-allergenic material (except may be 0.6% of the population). It is also the reason the same people pay more for genuine Apple bands with titanium hooks and links. The cheaper knock-offs use cheap metal that may irritate skin over extended time.
That's what I have. I had the GT2 before it, both get 2 weeks battery but the GT3 doesn't leave a rash and is more comfortable. Both have been brilliant in terms of features and dirt cheap compared to the apple.
Most watches have heart rate tracking, and for the most part, (probably gonna get negged for this) most fitness-orientated watched do a pretty good job. The only watches that offer ECG on android from memory are the Galaxy watch 4 and 5. (Samsung phone only, but there are workarounds) the withings ScanWatch, the new Google Pixel watch, and a couple of the FitBits. The only Garmin with ECG (which has not been approved yet by any heath organizations, so is only available in a dev mode) is the Venu 2 Plus.
Galaxy watch 3 also
Fitbit sense and sense 2 do ECG.
With 6 days battery life.
I wanted a decent smart watch for Android that could do BPM and ECG so i bought the galaxy watch 5 pro as it seemed like it was the only one that fit the bill but based on my experience in the two days I've had it it seems those features have come at significant cost against the Fenix 5 it replaced.
The Fenix had real-time hrm, battery life long enough that the charger didn't have/deserve a permanent home so I'd have to go find where i left it whenever it went flat, intuitive controls that just worked out of the box and a now I've got hrm measured in real time but recorded every 10m (after jacking up all the settings), 1d4hr battery life (or 1d6h if i turn on power save mode) and on the intuitive side there's simple things that I try to do with this watch that I have to spend time and effort to get to work properly / the way I expect it to / research how to set it up, things as simple as setting a timer and watching it count down requires some sacrifice in either battery life, or stuffing around of some sort.
Hopefully it's just teething problems but I'm amazed that simple things like that require effort.
Might have to bite the bullet and read the 130 page manual it doesn't come with, factory reset it and try setting it up again from scratch 🤣
At least i can yell at bixby even after i removed her microphone access, she's like that an ex girlfriend you busted up with because she was too needy that is now camped in her car in my driveway when I get home from work… Get the f off off my watch b… "here are the top search results for this song"… "Get the f off my d by Vince Staples" 👌🤣😭
Thanks for the review. I think in your case you already have a Samsung phone? I dont. So I might have to look else where. I am currently on Amazfit stratos 2. Does it job fine, but lacks the ECG, HRV monitoring hence the search for upgrade.
True, I have an S22 Ultra.
The ECG, BPM and SpO2 features work ok for me, when compared against my BPM and SpO2 meters, though you have to sit completely still in a specific position with specific fingers on the buttons to get an accurate reading… And despite there being an option to set the SpO2 measurements to constant it still only seems to record the measurements in the app at certain intervals/events, mainly during sleep… Or when you manually choose to record it.
wear os was/is/will always be a dumpster fire
seems most people worry about inflation? But Some others still spending like no tomorrow…
Say it out loud in a fine dining restaurant
Priorities. Some wants sports car, while others want expensive watches, while others buy enough houses and make the housing market more expensive. Its a good thing there is a spread. Imagine if everybody spent on buying more and more houses.
What is the roi for this watch for 5, 10 years?
@[Deactivated]: I do understand what you put.
Do you believe this watch can be classified as investment or spread, except for rolex maybe..
@HolyCr4p: Priorities again. if a person fully utilises this watches feature to the max and is less interested in other things, that investment is totally fine. I got a 180$ mouse yesterday as I sit in front of the computer the whole time. The ROI is making using computers more fun. That light weight mouse is so much easier to move around, that i started feeling why I didnt try it earlier. For others a 10$ mouse will suffice, but wants more booze in the fridge.
I got a 180$ mouse yesterday
Thanks for telling us.
The Roi is making using computer more fun
@[Deactivated]: Which mouse? I have too many but all cheapo max $90 (because they were bought second hand).
Its easier to say about mouses as we using them but smart watch i dont really see a job that really need it?
@CyberMurning: Logitech Pro X superlight. Got it for gaming, but it now took the spot of my older G603 for everyday use. I still prefer my MX Master 3 for work. Never thought light weight mouse would feel so much nicer to use. Of course on a good mouse pad (i use steel series).
@[Deactivated]: I see. I have master 1, trackball ergo, vertical ergo, mx keyboard, few wire, anker vertical…
@[Deactivated]: I buy alot of wine, but most increases in value
Your mouse, and this watch will both decrease in value
So booze can be an investment 🤣
@HolyCr4p: What the ROI of spending time on OZB? You can spend that time working and get more money than you save on deals here?
@HolyCr4p: At the end of the day what will you do with all the things you buy thats just ROI proof? You would eventuallly have to spend it somewhere for entertainment? Or will you just pass all the money savings to your kids before you die and die a happy death knowing that you made your kids/wife rich so that they can spend it on entertainment?
@[Deactivated]: U meant there are different types of insane people.
The best things in life are free - eg. knowledge, socialising & love.
Omnia mea mecum porto. Properties are for those that invest in others' fortunes, not themselves.
What is the roi for this watch for 5, 10 years?
If you use that as a criteria for buying things, you won't buy 99% of the stuff listed on OB 😂
Makes more sense to spend it now rather than wait for it to be worth 10% less next year.
Take it on loan - if WW3 U won't have to repay it ;)
They’ll repo your gun and ammo while you’re in the frontlines mate ;)
It’s almost as if everyone has different amounts of money available to them. For people without a mortgage I’m sure the ongoing inflations much less significant compared to those with million dollar loans, as an example. Everyone’s circumstance is different.
Buy now otherwise your money is worth less tomorrow/stuff is more expensive tomorrow.
But also not everyone needs to save. Some people are wealthy. Some people are poor. It's unfortunate. I say this as a poor :(
$1199.99 for a watch and it is a bargain!!
Considering this will eventually be recycled; a watch made in the 1800's (with care and maintenance) will still work today. I doubt this would make it past the next decade! Planned obsolescence - unable to repair, unable to obtain parts, but supported with future software updates…
I understand most technology is like this, but I would hope people but this for the other features and not for watch purposes!
Wow the watch costs more than my phone