Have been looking for this model for sometime, just cos of the superior battery life it offers among the Apple Watches.
Regular price at Apple: $1299
Have been looking for this model for sometime, just cos of the superior battery life it offers among the Apple Watches.
Regular price at Apple: $1299
Yeah you’re right, Apple are appalling at this. I mean iOS 16 only goes back as far as the iPhone 8. It really should still support the 4 at least.
@traversal: If only iOS 16 on iPhone 8 meant the same thing as iOS 16 on iPhone 14.
You can run newer apps but you don't get all the features. They'll happily slow your phone down to encourage you to buy a new one and restrict features.
You're also forced to update to run newer apps.
@traversal: With significantly reduced functionality. My father is still happily using my >8y old Galaxy Note 4 after I sent him couple of spare replaceable batteries.
@taki: I'm genuinely interested, can you install the latest version of Android on the Note 4 though?
Of course Apple will reduce functionality on much older models, I mean a lot of the newer features require custom silicon, particular anything needing ML.
People can regard this as "planned obsolescence" or whatever they want to call it, but it's also just the price of progress. If Apple didn't make any new features for new iOS releases, people would cry "Steve Jobs is dead", "Apple doesn't innovate anymore".
Personally I feel like iPhones and the Apple Watch are in a good place in terms of the number of years you can practically get out of them, as base-level performance has been "fast enough so they don't feel too sluggish" for years. That wasn't true in the early days of both products.
@taki: What limited functionality I have an iPhone X and works brilliantly!
thats one of the best things about Apple the software is supported for so long.
On the other hand my wife’s Note doesnt get software updates and its almost as slow as you are.
My Apple Watch is almost 5 years old and going strong. I just replaced the battery and expect to use it for another 3 years. That’s 8 years. I’m very picky about frame rate drops and lag etc and I haven’t noticed anything at all on my watch. Compared to android, Apple is phenomenal in this regard.
@FatBlanket: No SpO2, & many functions as in my $40 Amazfit? It lasts > 1w, with no slavery to daily recharges.
@taki: I’m genuinely glad you found a product that fits your needs. I found one that fits mine. Never found charging to be an issue as I always take my watch off when I shower anyway.
@FatBlanket: Taki is trying to pick a fight, why are you being so reasonable? Less fun for us observers 🍿
How many people are actually wearing a watch from the 1800s? And 200 years of careful maintenance costs how much, do master watch craftsmen work for free?!
What I ment was, you can go and buy an old watch, and it will work! There will be a time (as with all electronic technology, potentially) that even if you buy NOS, you will not be able to use this watch for it's intended purpose.
AustriaBargin's got a point, servicing mechanical watches cost quite a bit. You're probably looking at 300$ a pop every 5-7 years.
That’s like comparing a computer to a typewriter.
And how many vintage Teslas do you think we will see? The whole thing is a mess full of waste with batteries. My UE Megaboom battery now lasts 3 minutes.. what a waste
Oh dear, guessing you don’t it cars. They lose a lot more money
Waiting for the Ultra Pro .
Maybe it has a rocket engine and i can fly to the moon
🚀 🚀 🚀 lets go !!
Won't be surprised Apple will introduce one in the future with $2K price tag.
Future? With this pace its gonna be a 2k apple watch deal posted on here in 2023.
2023 = Future as of this date mate
Watch for mugs
Salty mugs 🤣
pretty good price awesome!
Does this watch can provide the rings of power or just the power of money
Maximum purchase only 5. Needed more :P
Have been looking for this model…..
Did you end up buying it ?
My eyes are watering 😢
Grabbed a few for stocking fillers for the kids.
Bought 2 - one for each wrist
It’s a great smart/sport watch, but it’s a waste if only for a daily use or indoor gym purpose. I would like to save money to buy a Apple Watch Series 7 or 6.
its useless trust me
Not according to apple fan boi
You seem to be easily triggered by other people's informed consumer choices
Do you also stand in the supermarket and whine when people buy expensive cheese
"HomEbrANd rAtmElk cHesE is JusT aS gooDErer!?!!"
I bet he does. And then throw soup and glues his hands to the till.
just cos of the superior battery life it offers
Yet don't mention how many days one can expect compared to "base" model.
Don't you sleep in a bed with a wireless charger on a bedside table? Partner never complained on battery life of her 2nd gen. 1 grand+ wow
Wouldn't this mean you couldn't use the sleep tracking features and defeat one of the major selling points of devices like this?
Much cheaper on apple store with trade-inn and gift cards .. around $300 in discounts.
Can I have your watch go trade in?
No smart boy coz I’m tradin mine.
Whatever Apple is offering as a trade in credit can almost certainly be beat by selling your old devices on some marketplace.
It doesn’t sell anymore plus a lot of low balling or someone wants his nephew to receive the gift without paying first.
Sapphire crystal face for the win though!
Does OW price beat cosco?
Yes they do. They did for Airpods Pro 2
I cannot decide between this, Series 8, Galaxy Watch 5 Pro, or a Garmin.
Just want it for cycling, swimming, gym and running.
But I also want good smartphone functionality which kinda rules out Garmin. Been trying to decide since this came out.
If you don't mind 1 day battery life, Series 8 is more than enough for most users. Heck, even older versions will do.
I've just got to decide if I can bear switching to iOS. Trialling it now and it isn't fun :(
It takes a bit to get used to, pure bliss will entail tough. Unless you download torrents etc on your phone, then you will hit a brick wall.
@onlinepred: I don't. But I recently got some AirPods Pro 2, and I have an iPad and the switching is so seamless.
@giventofly: Yep, I have been on android for over a decade and only just bought the iPhone. Thought I’d get an Apple Watch to upgrade my old Samsung watch active 2. Overall the experience is exactly what I wanted. Everything makes sense and works reliably for me. It all looks pretty, and is simple. I don’t need to download roms or torrents on my phone anymore, just take photos and browse the web hey.
If you paying almost $900 for series 8 an extra 200 is worth the titanium and the cellular feature included
Amazfit with > weeks battery life - freedom. IF you want more functionality Huawei is the best.
Not really interested in those brands.
But some do buy crap
Garmin. Best fitness tracking and algos. Plus no monthly subscription.
The first real redesign since the original.
I got it on launch and the battery easily lasts 3 to 4 days.
Flat sapphire screen is crystal clear and almost indestructible and much higher brightness especially outdoors and in the sun
It’s a good purchase and worthy for me. It’s barely more expensive than the titanium models in past series.
If only it didn’t have the orange scroll wheel
I got mine last week. Absolutely love it to bits!
I wonder if most of the comments in this post are from people who just want to let other people know they don't like Apple because backing one soulless megacompany over another in a pointless brand war they already lost is as close to a personality as they're going to get
oh hey it is
Wonder where is the soul in the likes of Samsung who only use contractors to work in their customer facing roles in Australia - which they can sack on a whim.
In fact come to think of it commonwealth bank and the other mega banks does not have any soul either yet so many Australians worship and love to do business with them despite the royal commission into misbehaviour in financial institutions found all are guilty.
Paying Australian contractors vs buyers paying US exploiters is bad?
No one say its bad just dont call the kettle black when youre a pot
There’s people that love commonwealth bank, or any other one?
That's not the reason why I don't like Apple ha ha
It’s honestly embarrassing that people act this way. Either they’re demonising apple and putting other companies (who would be apple at a drop of a hat if that was on offer to them ) on a pedestal, or maybe they’re just envious of people who can afford this stuff without hesitation.
Either way, I don’t see a nice sports car parked on the side of the street and get filled with rage. What good would that do anyone.
I don't use apple products but I like their company and brand. Are they souless? Sure but what company isn't. The fact is, they have created a (profanity) amazing ecosystem and their laptops and tablets are unmatched. iPhones last forever and have way better resale value than other phones.
I bought a Samsung tablet that retails around $550 and it's laggy as shit, a $600 iPad would smash it. But the only reason I bought it was cause of USB C.
I don't follow apple watch but what makes this so much more expensive than previous apple watch?
Features that you don’t need. :)
And that applies to most things you can think of, in samsung in oppo in nokia etc.
To get the cous cous special you need to pay membership and it does not come with a 14 day return exchange no questions ask even if the box was crushed and dipped in soy sauce - but you get all that at apple store, with no membership required. I know where to go for peace of mind, certainly not the cous cous warehouse to save pennies
you need to pay membership
The membership fee is less than the $100 you save with this deal, so you would be in front and still have a year for any other specials that crop up.
If you are really dissatisfied with your membership for any reason, Coscto will refund your membership fee in full at any time.
it does not come with a 14 day return exchange no questions
That is true, it doesn't come with the minimal 14 days return offered by Apple, it comes with a far superior 90 days return instead, but surely that is an argument against buying from Apple?
I know where to go for peace of mind
If you get "peace of mind" by paying more AND receiving an inferior return window through Apple directly, you are different to most people.
The Costco Australia return policy allows most items be returned with no time limit whatsoever (main exceptions are gold bullion and certain custom installed/manufactured products).
Electronic items like this have a 90 day return window (even if the item is opened/used and you don't like it for whatever reason).
You can also take your Costco purchased device to Apple Store for any service and warranty issues, so customer service is the same post sale.
TIL Costco return policies are so generous!!
Might have to sign up for a membership
Far superior? I think not apple store was happy to do refund for the watch on my wrist worn at the gym for days with no box cables with me - happily refunded because it was within 14 days , beat that the likes of jb ow or cous cous warehouse
surely cous cous warehouse would refund you whilst you remove the watch from your wrist which you have worn for days and your skin scent is in the strap and no box no cables nothing just the thing on your wrist you'd be lying if you said cous cous and jb would happily refund
Holy moly this is more expensive than some mechanical watches with complications
The only thing common between this and the mechanical watch you talk about is, both are worn on the wrist. Thats it, thats all.
What is your salariy range? (For people who buying this without blink)
Does it matter?
If you want it and can afford, buy it. If not, carry on and worry less but other people’s financial positions.
Ladies buying $20,000 bags at louie vuitton without even using a calculator, saw standing at a bus stop
Maybe she has sugar daddy or rich partner who knows
What a stupid comment, she bought it with her money
What is your salary range where you baulk at the price of the Apple Watch ultra ?
Will it make you feel better or more sad? Why does it matter lol
Grabbed 4. That's the wrists and ankles sorted.
One small wrist missing the watch
Should have picked one up for your ding dong.
So many concerned citizens in here, as usual when it comes to Apple!!
I thought it was the wrong price……no it really is 1.2k…..
$1199……damn…talks to watch….beam me up Scotty!
not sure why there are so many people bragging about this one. This is probably the best deal if one was looking to buy ultra's.
TLDR I'm probably going to pass on this one, just waiting for them to be around 1k
These are the standard comments on OZB under any apple product deals, by their standard apple should have been bankrupt many ages ago because nobody will buy their expensive crap.
This is probably the best deal if one was looking to buy ultra's.
The best deals for buying new Apple products that don't qualify for education discount, are the TCN/Ultimate gift cards offers (which can redeem at either JB Hifi or Apple) from Woolworths, Big W Target when they have the equivalent of 10% back in reward points.
Have I been using ozbargain wrong? Are negs just for products we dislike?
Im a simple guy…i see something i think is not a bargain…i neg
Ah yes, and the technological capabilities of the Pebble are equivalent to that of the Apple Watch Ultra right?
forgot to add /s
My $150 citizen eco drive never needs a battery. This must be a scam
Have had my Ultra since launch week and I’m absolutely thrilled with it.
A lot of people are making battery life comparisons to other fitness oriented watches (Garmin Fenix etc.) without also acknowledging the drastic difference in technology and computational power between the products. It’s akin to comparing the battery life of a Kindle to that of an iPad - it’s unfair to do so without also acknowledging the capabilities of each product and how they might affect the power consumption.
FWIW, I particularly love the cellular connectivity - I often leave home without my phone now. Viewing and responding to messages is seamless - as is taking phone calls on the go. I’m happy to charge it for an hour or so every second day.
It’s okay to not want to buy this watch. I respect that some people would like greater battery life for example. But it would be nice to see some critical thinking around device features and their trade-offs.
Only for a few cycles after which Apple will consider is too slow for the latest software update.