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Makita BL1850B 18v 5AH Li-Ion Cordless Battery with Gauge $99 Delivered @ Sydney Tools


If you're in need of some 5AH Makita battery they are on sale for $99. For an extra 10% off you can head over to bunnings for a price match.


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Sydney Tools

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  • +11

    Yes, get from bunnings. Sydney Tools customer service is really bad.

    • +5

      Just be prepared for Bunnings price match Spanish inquisition

    • +14

      the owner is a total bastard.

      Had the misfortune of meeting and working with elvis back in 2011. The TLDR - Hired a heap of backpackers to work for $10/h cash in hand an hour and a sandwhich for the day - dangerous worksite, owner is dodgy af details below if you want a laugh.

      Had been told by the YHA I was at that they had a really good arrangement in the area for backpackers to go out to local places and helpout for work, all legal and above board, was backpacking at the time and had already done one job there where it was $25/h on books as casual labor hire at a local community center that was remodelling.

      Next day get sent out to a sydney tools site that was renovating, worksite was dodgy as hell, they seemed to have hired both backpackers and local lebanese and syrian kids who were all told that this work would help them get "shredded", was the only person there who spoke good english and knew workplace health and safety, and everytime i'd bring up something being unsafe, manager would be like oh ill document that and get it fixed (didn't) the "legit" work was all a black cash in hand job as I found out, got to lunch and there had been a near miss just before where something had fallen from capping and nearly hit someone, told the manager i'd come and do the near miss with them and got a yeah sure buddy, you just come here at lunch and we'll type it all up.

      Lunchtime, they bring us sanwiches and all the guys ho into them, I go over to the manager to do the near miss, and they all laugh at me about how i'm taking it seriously.

      Tell them, hey it was a near miss, being legit, theres lots of other safety violations and stuff, I pretty much get told to go back to the boys and shut up.

      Go back to the boys and im like i'm getting bad vibes, this place is unsafe lets get our pay and get out of here, the syrian and lebanese kids start calling us pussies for bitching out. They then tell us, that this is a sweet gig and not to rock the boat, we're all getting a whole $10 an hour and they even got us sanwiches today.

      Tell the kids the must be mistaken, the hostel told us all the jobs were $25 an hour and all legit, the look at us like we're on crack. Go to the manager get told nah we're all paying you $10, but don't worry it's cash.

      Go back to the workers tell them that they're illegally under paying us and we're now sure the job is off books so no one is covered and that this place is seeming like a death trap. Get laughed at by a few of them and the second lunch is over they jump back into work and a shelf gets bumped, a gaint tool box bangs against the capping ropes, the plastic hooks on it snap and it comes flying down and nearly flattens a worker.

      So they all agree with me work stops, we're calling in the authorities, we tell this to the manager, we get told to calm down and that none of us are being paid until the end of day, if we stop work none of us are being paid.

      Tell him we're taking our $25 each an hour and leaving, if they don't comply we'll call in safe work.

      As this is happening a brand new ferrari rocks up, all the employees of the place look down, and a guy walks in wearing trackies and a ton of expensive jewelery, they all greet him like he's the god father. He starts cursing at the manager, manager tells him in another language whats going on, and he comes over to me and demands I speak with him alone, I tell him whats going on, he tells me not to worry, everything is legal, i'm "worrying too much", how about I just "supervise" the boys for the next few hours, and he will make sure I get my $20 an hour, but don't tell the boys, I can be "supervisor". I refuse and go back and tell the boys what he's said.

      Bastard results to threatening me and claiming he has the authorities and police in his pocket, and that unless we all return to work immediately no one is getting paid, and if we want to keep complaining further, he will call immigration down here and tell them that we're all here on tourist visa's and that we've all come in here extorting him demanding to work off the books cash in hand, and that he will have me deported back to canada (didn't realize I was australian) and all the other guys back to their countries, and to the local syrian and lebanese boys, he'd have "his boys deal with them" whatever that meant.

      Half the guys instantly returned to work, picked up a hammer and asked him how much he loved his ferrari. Tries to tell me that threatening him was useless, he can buy another and he can buy my freedom away from me. Told him he has two choices, he pays us, we walk away.

      He doesn't pay us and makes a thing out of this, I call in the authorities, lets say you are as connected as you say, it's still gonna waste a lot of your time and be painful, just like how you could buy another ferrari, but having your's smashed up will cost you a lot of time and money to have sort out and be a total inconvenience.

      Turns to his stores manager and gestures for them to open the register and asks me how much I want. I tell him we just want what was promised, and we're going. The 25/h for us for the hours we've been here. we walks over, grabs a wad of cash without even looking at it and throws it on the ground in front of us, and tells it to pick it up off the ground like the "dogs" we are and one of our guys stupidly kneels over and starts collecting it all and he points to him and makes some comments about how we are all the scum of the earth, bottom feeders, sons of brothels, I made some comment to him I idiot young me thought would sound cool.

      As we're walking out he smiles at me and tells me he will find me and deal with me, how no one insults him in his own store, tried to do that whole intimidation thing.

      So we get out of there and called in the authorities, to get told they're we'll known for this, have been caught doing it multiple times among other things, and yet fines and charges never seem to go anywhere, had cops go on to tell me he'd threatened to kill someone else who in turn went crazy and burned down some of his property, so karma?

      • Wow….

      • +1

        They got in a lot of trouble with ATO back around then. Leaving the country with suitcases full of cash, sudden inability to understand english.
        The guys at my local are good to deal with but always check that what gets rung up matches shelf price, at least half the time they scan higher than what's marked on the shelf.

        • +3

          not a lot of shock there. I'm at a point in my life now where I work in a field that a lot of what I do I can't talk about with my name on linked to it which is sad and annoying, a lot of previous stuff that's either declassified, not under an nda from the field I work in you swear people would hear and go, wow mate what bullshit.

          But the craziest stories I have from my days in engineering and backpacking, it's crazy when you mention some of the most out there stories, that gods honest truth that's where things landed and you expect to have people being like "whatever trevor" and instead your inbox blows up with people sharing their similar experiences with that area.

          Let me just first adress everyone who's had a nasty experience with them, i'm truly sorry you went through it, no one should ever be ripped off, abused or treated like they aren't even human.

          I'd like to say that you know these people will face justice, the court of public opinion what not etc, but that kinda leads me to the second point I wanted to address.

          I now work in a field where it's experiences like these seeing first hand how broken our system is, how systems put in place to protect people fail whether you are a consumer being ripped off, an employee being screwed over, or some bastard thinks the rules that govern us as a society don't apply to them and they're free to exploit everything they can and get away with it.

          So secondly I just wanna say to everyone, experiences like this lead me to the role and field i'm in now where, i'm not gonna lie, a lot of crap is broken and difficult to fix, regulation, compliance and enforcement of things is diffuclt and easily beaten by the bad guys, so as much as I want to say, hey look these guys will get whats coming to them, it's now a decade later pretty much and these guys are still doing well business wise, expanding to other states including my own, still doing all the same dodgy crap as always and getting away with it, so to say simply that these guys are going to get whats coming to them, I can't promise that.

          The ATO going after them for laundering, immigration going after them and the myriad of HR violations, anti competition levels and so on, this is the kind of business that will only be held to account by people.

          You sharing your stories shining the light on the bad practices places doing the wrong thing have done, will hopefully bring about action towards it or atleast inform others of what's really going on behind hte scenes.

  • +10

    login to say never buy any power tools from sydney tools.
    i bought a impact wrench. 2 months later won't spin.
    still waiting for sydney tools to get it back from 'manufacture'

    • +2

      That's understandable but let's analyse what you just said a little but further so we can also understand Sydney Tool's side as well. Now as I see it, Sydney Tools don't have the volume of sales and margins that Bunnings have to offer on the spot replacement without asking or checking for defects / faults. Bunnings get rorted with warranty claims and 'dodgy' exchanges all the time but they can absorb the losses because of the massive volume of selling more things than just tools. Thus Bunnings can offer a no ask swap while Sydney Tools due to their lower volume of sales and profit margins will need to send the defective item back to the manufacturer and get a proper check and authorisation to replace it under warranty, that takes time. Bunnings is also no longer a cheap place to shop, after decimating all the smaller hardware shops by undercutting them in the early days, Bunnings now pretty much sell everything at RRP prices after most smaller hardware shops have gone. It's only with Aldi sales and other surviving hardware stores when they do a sale, only then Bunnings will lower their prices to match.

      • +14

        Thanks for confirming not to buy from Sydney Tools

        • When returning an item, you end up with a headache dealing with them, Total tools staff has a better customer service and return policy. Of course Bunnings is number 1.

      • +5

        I'm not unaware. I used to work in a similar shop while at uni. Let's see what happened after I returned my item.
        1) No calls to let me know progress
        2) I have to call them, and every time, they promise to check and call me back
        3) Of course they never ever contact me even after promising to do so.
        4) To this day, I have no evidence of them ever contacting the manufacture or where my power tool is at.
        5) I crack the shit at them last time I went in, spoke to the 'manager' who again promise to call me then of course like clock work they never do.
        6) They also try to gas light me with garbage like they are just the middle man and complete disregard the Australian consumer rights.
        7) Their sales dude at the store also called me an idiot for even dare to ask for a refund.

        I have no hope to ever get anything from these scums. The tool is not cheap but my time is far more valuable so I'm not going to waste more time on the matter but I won't ever buy anything from them.

        And no buying power and such is not an excuse. Sydney tool is not a small business. They have stores all over the country. They are also not the cheapest.
        They are just trying to be the MSY of tools.

      • If you want to understand sydney tools' side of it (the internet enterprise)
        it is the customer comes last… we have no interest in return business.
        Any customer problems? Ignore them! Australian consumer law? ignore it!
        Business ethics? fork the customer!
        If you haven't had experiences with the sydney tools internet enterprise you should NOT be commenting.

      • Sydney Tools don't have the volume of sales and margins that Bunnings have to offer on the spot replacement without asking or checking for defects / faults. Bunnings get rorted with warranty claims and 'dodgy' exchanges all the time but they can absorb the losses because of the massive volume of selling more things than just tools.

        While I can understand the sentiment and what you're trying to portray as a whole, this is ironically irrelevant wrt to the case of power tools. Bunnings don't offer on the spot replacements for faulty tools unless they literally have a replacement warranty from the manufacturer (eg. Ozito, Ryobi). Brands like Makita and DeWalt meanwhile have repair warranties which involve having to send the tool off to a repairer who then assesses it and from there either repair/replace.

        Buying the exact same Makita tool from Bunnings and ST will involve the exact same repair warranty process.

        So in this particular scenario, there isn't really any reason to be offering sympathy towards Sydney Tools for needing to send a product with a repair warranty off to repair.

    • +5

      Sydney tools are hopeless for warranty. In my experience, if you have faulty tool within 12 months- Total tools will replace it on the spot for you. Sydney tools on the other hand will try and make you pay for expedited repair otherwise make you wait a stupid amount of time for it to be ‘fixed’ (i.e. replaced), often over a couple of months

      Edit: total tools is also a franchise, so maybe it can be hit and miss. I have shopped at a few though and always found them great

    • +3

      Agreed, sydney tools customer support is way over their heads recently. Shit ass attitude from their front desk as well.

  • +3

    Anyone has experience with Total Tools?

    • +5

      I'll always try shop at Total tools. The only reason to buy this at Bunnings is the price beat. Total tools will price match any deal and I've done it heaps before because I refuse to buy from Sydney tools unless I can't avoid it. Total Tools also give you points based on money spent which can be redeemed for purchases.

    • +2

      Many… they are like gold compared to the sydney tools internet site being a turd on your doorstep!

    • Yep, good experience.

  • Surely when you buy a Makita battery with free delivery there cannot be too many problems.

    • +4

      if the battery is dead 1 month in, good luck trying to get it back from Syd tools.
      don't say no one warned you.

      • +1

        Bunnings it is

  • Didn't take long, Bunnings now dropped their price to match, so no more 10% price beat :-(

    • Doesn’t show up as 99 hopefully it doesn’t change till tomorrow I wouldn’t mind two extra batteries

    • +1

      Its still showing as $155 for me.

      • Same in Melbourne

    • -1

      Neg. Still $155

    • When did that start? I bought a Makita drill on Sep 20 and I did get a price match.

      • Maybe you misunderstood. They still do price-beats at Bunnings if you find a lower price.

        But they now tend to very quickly adjust their own price to be the same or a few cents lower, so they don't have to give the extra 10% off to everybody who's asking for a price beat.

        That's what happened here. By the time I looked Bunnings had the same $99 on their website (now back up, since Sydney tools offer is over too).

        • "But they now tend to very quickly adjust their own price to be the same or a few cents lower, so they don't have to give the extra 10% off to everybody who's asking for a price beat."

          I know exactly what you mean, nothing new, Officeworks does that all the time, dropping the price by $1, but your line "so no more 10% price beat" is confusing and incorrect.

          But now that you have clarified your statement, all good.

  • +2

    Sydney tools are transparently cheating bastards! (I'm talking about the internet site… I don't know the setup with the bricks and mortar stores). I bought a very expensive Daytona brand battery/ jump starter charger. About 30Kg with various power settings, the highest being suitable to jump start a big vehicle. It was DOA - not a whimper or a power light from it. I emailed them and suggested they give me approval to take the cover off and make sure everything was connected… refused. In a process that took about 6 months I had to return to them at my cost (from interstate), and they eventually had someone legit (ie someone that gave a printed report on the job)… who stated that leads inside had not been connected!… They sent it back to me, no payment for the DOA return freight… after about 6 months. If I had been more dedicated I would have pursued it through consumer law, but I ended up heartily sick of the exercise, which I guess was their plan.
    TLDR: Lying cheating internet sellers whose first tactic is not to respond (I only got a response of any kind after ringing a Sydney tools bricks and mortar store, who promised to pursue the online store for resolution… DON'T DEAL WITH THE INTERNET SITE FOR ANY PURCHASES!

    • +1

      Plus one for that Sydney tools is rubbish. Total tools is better QLD go to Trade tools…

  • +2

    Physical stores are atrocious as well. You will have to wait at least for a quarter to pick up a click collect order. More often than not cases are they can not find your order or missing items. It is better for both them and us to turn the store into a giant vending machine.

  • -1

    can this be used on ozito? anyone?

  • Now listing at $157. Deals over.

  • What's the best way to sell makita 18v kit (in Brisbane in case that matters)? Marketplace? Whirlpool? Here?

    I bought a big combo kit after the floods and have spare double rapid charger and 4ah batts and big arse drill.

    • Marketplace or eBay would be your best bet.

    • Everyone sells on FB marketplace

  • Offer is back

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