Microsoft Xbox series x back in stock on Microsoft website
Pro Tip: See the Discounted Gift Cards WIki or read the comments on where to obtain discounted Microsoft gift cards.
Microsoft Xbox series x back in stock on Microsoft website
Pro Tip: See the Discounted Gift Cards WIki or read the comments on where to obtain discounted Microsoft gift cards.
cool but is it bargain ?
These have been allowed because stock has been so hard to find since release.. being able to pick one up at retail price with no hoops is a bargain in my humble opinion.
same as PS5 post lol
If you add the Shopback 10% voucher it sure is a bargain. Plus add the 3 years Gamepass ultra from Turkey, and you get the best bargain of the whole gaming world.
Given the time since the release of this and other conventional gaming systems, is it not about time the price dropped by now to something like sub $650?
Am I too mean?
Am I am holding out for something that will not happen in a long time?
Not going to happen. Sony have increased prices. MS knew pricing was going to be an issue this generation even before the pandemic and chip shortage, which is why the Series S exists. This was covered in a Digital Foundry interview.
“This was covered in digital foundary review”.
Not going to happen any time soon.
With the ludicrous price of the new GPU's, this as a complete gaming system still looks like a good price.
Theres heaps and heaps of stock at costco marsden park. $734
This works out to be $674.10 delivered if you use 10% off Xbox gift cards obtained by ShopBack.
PS there is also a $5 bonus with $100 spend on select gift cards challenge that is valid for Xbox gift cards
This comment should be pinned. Very useful to know
cant find them
In the Shopback app. I did it with mine free months back.
I remember paying something like $510 is this still possible.
It was Microsoft gift cards through Joyce mayne, Harvey Norman etc.
Can't remember exactly its been a while I've had my xbx
There's also a $30 cashback challenge for spending over 50 with Microsoft on ShopBack
Is this targeted, as I can not see this?
I had the same problem, click earn more at the bottom.
It should pop up
Amazon has had it in stock for weeks
It's in-stock on Amazon right now
Hell of a console the Series X… pair it with 3 years of Game Pass Ultimate from Turkey and you've got one of the best deals in gaming.
Do you have a link for the 3 years of Turkey Trick?
I'd argue this is a significant deal because of the high cashback percentage on Microsoft gift cards, plus a lot of people use Microsoft Rewards to stack up points which you can redeem for cheap Microsoft credit as well, letting you chip the RRP down significantly
(I was originally planning to get a Series X using ~$100 of Microsoft Rewards credit I had saved up, but ended up getting impatient and got a Series S, and redeemed the Rewards points for Amazon credit once they made it available)
This should be a good deal when you can use Amex spend $1000 and get $200 back, but you have to spend a bit more like getting extra controllers.
Do Amex have that offer at the moment?
Yes I have it on my platinum cards and it expires in 7 days.
There should be a niche post to stack with this
Would be interesting to know what's the best price ever if the bargain stars align :-)
Might want to add to the description that 10% Cashback can be had by purchasing XBox Gift Cards from the Shopback App?
I asked this in another thread as well but not convinced: would like to know the pros/cons of getting this over the Nintendo Switch for some light gaming for myself and my 2 kids who are 5 & 8? Ongoing costs, games fit for purpose are the key considerations
My 5yo daughter has enjoyed the free games pass games like Paw Patrol, a Mario Kart clone coming next week.
Disney Dreamlight a little too much for her atm.
I'd still always lean Nintendo though for kids. While MS has kids games, Nintendo has more, and better ones.
Hmm, so if prime users are kids then Switch else XBX
There is a reason why Mario Kart 8 has sold 50 odd million and remains in the top charts MANY years later. It's just timeless.
Everyone had tried to copy it, nothing ever comes close.
Maybe ask what systems their friends have too incase there's a trend at their school…
Also, MS best and exclusive games are geared towards Adults exclusively. Nintendo exclusives are very much focused on all ages and kids.
Xbox controllers are cheaper. Game pass may have all the games you ever need (check the list) whereas Switch games are prohibitively expensive. Access to hundreds of cheap games from one of the best generations of console games (Xbox 360).
The only downside is no Nintendo games (Kart, Party).
I like the fact that switch comes with two joy cons so no additional controllers needed for 2P. Plus games like Switch Sports - not sure if xbx has similar motion play features
No additional controllers needed for some games. A lot of games still require a set of joycons eg: Lego games.
It's such a big topic, that it's impossible to discuss all the pro's and con's in a thread like this. I think the best advise I can give is do your research. Youtube offers a lot of detailed reviews of the pro's and con's of the various console systems, games and subscription models.
Nintendo have traditionally been best for young kids, offering some really great family friendly gaming experiences. My kids grew up with Nintendo Wii and now as teenagers are into the Xbox, but still love to fire up the Wii for those really fun collaborative games from time to time.
I'd guess at your kid's ages, the Switch would be the best platform, but, do your research, YMMV.
Comes down to the games really. If they want the Nintendo exclusive, then Nintendo. If they are ready to pay for gamepass and play a huge catalogue of games then Xbox.
If stingy and don't want to pay subs, then they're on their own.
At least they are not considering PS5 :-D
Game pass is the key! endless stream of games for super cheap. Just load up 3 years of game pass ultimate using cheaper foreign codes and you are set.
What have the kids said?
I’d honestly go Switch, but the kids will have the best idea, and you won’t get mad when you buy the wrong one and they don’t seem interested.
Kids don't have much of an opinion.
Guess its the Switch as they quite like the motion based play and for me the fact that I don't have to buy separate controllers.
Switch controllers suck tho.
It's really 1 controller or 2 halves …
If they aren't already decided, I'd say go Switch if the intention is to play with them. Especially if they are just being introduced to games, the motion controls of some titles (Arms, Sports, for example) are intuitive, and more "party" focused.
Look at the games is the best advice I can give, thats the core difference between the two consoles for families at least, Xbox will get fed 99% of the AAA titles that come out whereas Nintendo will have a significant lag before getting them, and even then it will get at best 50% of AAA titles released, but as a compromise you gain access to Nintendos exclusive titles which are extensive(mario, pokemon etc).
Other things that warrant the xbox's higher price is it plays a more all-rounder type role, you can use it for media streaming as well as gaming, it has much more powerful hardware and a more diverse ecosystem all round.
Having had both my personal experience is the nintendo really excels in group and family situations, the xbox excels at being an all rounder, I found my xbox not getting touched when friends visted, but the opposite when I had a friday night to myself.
HWFLY with Oled Switch. Done my one as a trial and now have done the sons and the wifes. Pretty cool picking any game and being able to play on local network without having to buy 3 copies of the game.
I still feel the XB Series S is better value when it's $399.
Right now this is just RRP for people that want to play physical discs or watch 4K. Which admittedly a Nvidia Shield is better at.
big performance difference between the two (even if not going 4k on XBX), tho again depends on what your expectation vs budget
Also double the storage.
With a disc drive.
Rewards Gateway (EPP) currently has 10% discount on Xbox giftcards. I am guessing you can use that to get this for $674.10.
These are collecting dust at Costco stores.
Probably because for those willing to wait — going through retailers like Microsoft offer free delivery, as well as a significantly cheaper price through Shopback/EPP vouchers
Wonder if the cost of the storage expansion will ever drop. Game pass is great, but the storage makes it a bit more painful then it should be.
Buy a regular drive for backwards compatibility games and storage of Series games you’re not currently playing.
My setup is:
Internal: Currently playing Series games.
External 1TB SSD: Backwards compatibility games games (runs straight off drive).
External 2TB HDD: Series games I’m not currently playing (need to copy back to internal before playing)
Can someone explain how long shopback cashback takes for the Xbox card? I have had a number of orders not tracked in the past so given up on shopback
You order the gift cards directly from Shopback via their app. So they should track immediately since they’re the seller themselves.
Thanks mate. Tempting but I am gonna pass. Already have a series s which doesn't get that used.
Also available on Amazon.
Where's the bundle with the overpriced RRP game though?
Both Xbox and PS5 seem to be regularly available now
Cheaper at Costco
Not with stacked gift cards and Cashback
After almost two years since launch, my passion for this has died down…… I’ll stick with my One S for casual gaming and wait for the next iteration. I know it’s years to come.
If you have one s, I highly recommend X box series S. I had S and sold it to buy Series X.
Of course, X is better in many ways. But with the price (you can buy 389 with discount), it is the beast! The quick resume function and frame boost are another level.
I have 1440 monitor not 4k. So I was pretty happy with Series S.
Thanks for your invaluable contribution Australian Peter.
I've decided to HODL for the refresh version. The One X will be adequate until then.…
Probably not worth getting anymore at this price. The 4080 is out soon and the better model will only be about 2 grand. Add another grand for the rest of the new pc and you can get several times the framerate of a series x for only several times more power usage for only a few grand more
Hahaha only 2 grand for a video card and another 1 grand for the PC parts . LoL speaking like $3000 is nothing when comparing to an expensive 750$ console..
Anybody else’s Series X fan continue spinning when you leave certain games in Quick Resume?
It runs constantly unless fully shutdown.
How is that for reliability you think, having it run 24/7. Mine doesn’t turn off unless I remove games from Quick Resume or do a full shut down.Thought it was defective
Even when fully shut down it's not really shut down. If you have a USB drive connected to it. It's still on..
Lol. Back in stock, back at RRP and back at 100+ votes? This is no deal…. It's simply an announcement
Read the comments…. Microsoft have easily obtainable 10% off gift cards so not really RRP…
What's the deal that's RRP Of xbox 🤔
10% off with gift cards makes it cheaper than RRP.
Back in stock as of 27-Sept-22 2:58PM AEST.
Just wondered if anyone's order has moved from pending?
Not yet. Ordered on September 22, still showing Pending. And I noticed the Pre-auth on my credit card has disappeared. Don't know why. When I ordered mine, the website said "Order your Xbox Series X now and we'll ship it by 28 September 2022".
Just called M$ and got replied, "The shipping timeframe of the Xbox Series X will start today (Sep 28th) then it will take 2 to 5 business days for the delivery timeframe. So you may expect the product until next week."
Cheers, I had contacted them as well and heard similar, not sure why it's so hard to give better than "pending" status, basically meaningless, as good as the MS "working on it…" always expect a bit more from a massive tech company, especially if they want to save on support calls and increase experience /endrant
Have just received an update 29-Sep afternoon. Progress updated from Pending to Shipped with a tracking number.
mine too. shipped via FedEx.
"In transit
Estimated delivery September 29"
Better off with a $1400+ bundle from the Gamesmen … Said no-one ever