This was posted 2 years 5 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Metroid Dread $44.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Nice drop on the nice game.
Back in stock - September 10th.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • -2

    this game is too hard !!

    • -6

      Peppa Pig and Paw Patrol more your thing?

      Metroid is all about thinking, remembering etc etc. It's brilliant.

      Super Metroid is my greatest ever game.

      • +13

        Wow you're so smart

          • +2

            @scuderiarmani: get some sleep in

          • +2

            @scuderiarmani: I agree with you. Not sure why there are so many negs.

            Games are much easier easier these days. Look at Pokemon for example. They in built experience share so you don't even have to grind anymore.

            I have games from the Sega/game boy days that I have never even finished lol

            Battletoads, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Atomic Runner. I could never beat those games as there were no save states you just had to beat it in one shot. And unfortunately primary school me got my ass kicked. But I still lboef playing them.

            These days you just press A and the game gives you a win.

            • -4

              @Circly: Yeah I came back within an hour my comments were positive now mass neg lol. Hilarious.

              Nintendo is awful for it lately, so many games with stupidly easy modes.

              As a parent of a 5yo that's my only forgiveness for them, but she's not going to learn anything if she keeps playing games like that. You need a sense of challenge and accomplishment. For me Super Metroid was the ultimate for it. It rewarded exploration as good as any game ever has.

              I played many of the older CODs on Veteran, had a great deal of satisfaction beating those, despite limited experience in FPS games. It's hugely satisfying.

      • +23

        Watch out guys, looks like we've got a badass over here!

        • +8

          Once in a hundred years, a gaming prodigy is born. scuderiarmani is the current one. The rest of us gotta play paw patrol or peppy pig.

          • -4

            @CarpeDiem295: Every second of the day, a CarpeDiem295 is born. Who needs his hand held with 'press A to win' and save states. Maybe a few participation trophies along the way.

            Then proceeds to be offended when someone suggests a modern take on a Nintendo classic isn't that difficult.

            Maybe iPhone games are more your thing?

            • -1

              @scuderiarmani: Scuderiarmani…hmmmmmm, what price on you being an overweight, shut-in, Italian bloke who still lives at home with his parents at age 38 and yells at his mother for his pasta being too hot?

              • +1

                @choodi: Overweight - nope
                Shut in - nope
                Italian - nope
                Living with parents - nope
                38 - nope

                Metroid. Hard. LMAO.

              • @choodi: dude what are you going on about? You don't like Italians?

                • -2

                  @peterross: Racism and offensive stereotypes are fine here, as long as it's against Italians/Greeks/other Europeans etc etc.

                  It's funny when it's not against the usual recipients.


                  'The outcome of the review for this content is: No action taken.

                  Generalised comment, give and take'

                  Mods tolerate racism.

                  • -2

                    @scuderiarmani: LOL, you're a joke mate. You're talking to someone of southern european extraction.

                    • -1

                      @choodi: So am I.

                      But hey, wanna run any more offensive stereotypes?

                • @peterross: Plenty of love for Italians

    • +2

      Play Returnal, you'll feel better.

    • Curtis, you have this! You've been hit with a few shells, this is nothing by comparison.

    • Yes maybe…if you don't play video games…

    • +2

      Was my first ever Metroid game, I randomly picked it up during the $30 clearances a few months ago and yeah it kicked my ass. I did eventually get through to the end, lost count how many attempts I needed on some of the bosses, especially the last one. Needed a guide just on some navigation too, gotta randomly shoot walls and floors until you get the radar ability :/

      Can't deny it was overall pretty fun though. I think 30 was a good price but I can't see myself replaying it or spending more than that for the ~8hrs my savegame is telling me it was.

    • I thought that too. I had to look up a few guides, then practice and die a lot… Got there in the end and replayed on hard mode! 😃

      But now I'm playing Hollow Knight which makes Metroid look super easy. I like driving myself nuts ha ha ha ha

      • Hollow Knight is the same idea. You struggle at first then eventually it clicks and it feels amazing to play.

        • Thank you. I have been told this and am persisting, but I wish it (or I) would hurry up! I keep dying a LONG way from benches! 😆

    • you need more than 50c to play the game, thats for sure

    • -1

      I got through it but it was a slog.

      It wasn't that it was hard it was the RSI induced from some of the bosses constantly spamming buttons.

      The second you buy a third party controller with a turbo button and you don't need to button spam any more it becomes much more playable.

      But the fact that you need third party peripherals to really enjot it kind of ruins it from my perspective.

      • How is that a fact?? It's not a fact you need third party to enjoy it at all…

        • Pedantic adherence to being overly literal must be fun

  • +5

    Good price. Going to wait for JB to wake up to see if they'll price match as I don't like the Amazons.

    Edit: JB matched to $44.

  • +1

    There's other games on sale, too.

  • +1

    Wario ware get it together is $34.99

  • +2

    Same with Zelda Skyward Sword @ $44.99

  • +2

    Was my obsession over Christmas break l/y. Has that rare “Damn… OK just one more try” type gameplay.
    Tough to wholeheartedly recommend (due to the aforementioned difficulty at times), but if it clicks, will be an unforgettable experience for you.

  • +1

    My 9 yr old has beaten this game many times over……….its not that hard - amazing though!

    • +2

      its funny.. my 9 year old beat this game too, but was watching him play Super Mario 3, and he continually died within the first 20secs of the first level

      • haha, yep! Some older games just done click with younger generation - it doesnt help that the latest 2d mario game plays quite differently to the older ones…

        • I find Super Mario World the best as I grew up on it. I never owned the NES as a kid but played often enough though. The physics of Mario World just seem most natural to me.

          Mario 3 a little clumsier imo.

  • +2

    Got a price match to $44 from JB.

    • +1

      I did too. Interesting not $44.99.

      • +2

        Did you use the perks code of $10 34 sounds so much better lol

        • Thanks for the reminder!

  • Purchased one, applied the $5 credit from the Amazon GC deal, looking forward to the "hard" game :)

  • +3

    Easily my 2nd fave Switch game, next to BotW. Amazing game.

  • Does anyone know if the game play allow you to save at any point or only after completing a level?

  • For those who missed out, also $44.99 + Delivery ($0 with One Pass) @ Catch

  • +1

    Back in stock

  • thought a new post would suffice, since this one dated back in September, my bad.

  • +1

    Personal review of this game:

    Such a great metroidvania game with plenty of QoL improvements such as auto mapping and auto marking as you hit dead ends and don't have an ability yet to progress.

    The movement and combat feels very polished especially with the counter move. Biggest highlight though is how it's a modernised 2D metroid game - like with modern hardware, how can we bring 2D metroid to the next level?

    This game also encourages sequence break which I don't think has happened before. There are literally additional cutscenes for those sequence break.

    It's such a great game and after finishing it, it felt like the series peaked.

    Overall, it's a must get. Potential things that might turn people off:

    • $/hour. It's a short game and if this matters to you, maybe avoid this. But seriously, entire playthrough was such a blast and joy. Would pay RRP for it.

    • if you don't like losing progress from dying. This game personally has more difficult boss fights compared to hollow knight, but more forgiving. If you die, you spawn just before the boss room. However, dying outside of boss battles means you lose some map progress since your last save

    • hate stealth. There are enemies that are not killable until certain sections. They will track you down and chase. Some stealth involved but mostly running and hoping you counter the 1hko attack once you are caught for a second chance. Love this from someone that hates stealth

    -difficulty, it's a pretty tough game but with a very fluid control and combat system, it's such a joy to push through.

    • +1

      Thanks for your input, was interesting to read!

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