Unpopular Australian Food and Drink

Do you know any lost or unpopular Aussie food and drink products?

For example, my mother tells me Portello was popular once upon a time as it was manufactured here. Ribena also seems to have lost relevance (at least from my perspective and people I know). What cuisine do you think has faded from the public consciousness?


    • Marmite is where it's at.

  • +9

    i remember the good old days when i went to the milk bar to buy chocolate cigarettes

    im assuming they would have plain packaging and all the warning on it now

    • +1

      Yes, Fads…..

      • +21

        Fads were called Fags years ago… There was also chocolate cigs, from memory they were wrapped in cig-like paper that you pealed off…

        Edit; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FADS_Fun_Sticks

        • +12

          I remember “Camel” chocolate cigarettes that you peeled. Pack looked just like real camel smokes.

        • +5

          I think the the Cigar ones were called a 'Big Boss'….or maybe that was a later and inferior version because I don't remember peeling paper from them.

        • I had forgotten about those chocolate cigarettes wrapped in the rice paper, thanks for awakening that old memory :)

          I remember 'pranking' my mum by buying these joke metal stick things you stick into a (real) cigarette which were meant to stop the ashes falling off. 'why don't you have a cigarette mum here you go' etc. heh different times

        • +3

          No-one told me you had to peel the paper off

          • @quikchip: Someone mentioned it was rice paper, so maybe I was doing it wrong, as a 70's kid edible paper wasn't a known thing, the only time we chewed paper was to make projectiles to launch through a pen tube, lol …

    • +8

      We were the coolest kids in primary school, smoking our chocolate ciggies.

    • +2

      you reminded me of musk sticks and licorice sticks - 2 cents & 1 cent respectively. Used to sell them at the school tuckshop as well.

      • Musk sticks still exist

      • Both still exist.

  • -4

    Bundaberg Sarsaparilla, horrible shit

    • +2

      Still readily available at Colesworth

      • -2

        No idea who buys it but yeah

        • +16

          Yeah. Clearly no one. Two giant supermarket chains keep this product line on their shelves because no one buys it

          • +6

            @sjj89: Your username should be Sassy the Sasquatch

            • +3

              @DemocracyManifest: I don’t smoke enough psilocybin laced weed to be gifted with that title

          • +1

            @sjj89: Well the person you responded to never said no one buys it…;

        • +2

          that would be me.

    • +2

      Absolutely delicious

  • +2

    Not a particular food but I miss when almond Dark Chocolate actually had ALMONDS.

    Aldi used to sell this Dark Chocolate that what super almond-dense. Can't find anything like it now.

  • I remember trying maltesers but with wafers inside.

  • +3

    cant find any photos on Google, but Foster Clarke used to make Caramel Snack Packs.

    those things were crack in custard form

    • +1

      Yeah I remember those bad boys

  • +14

    I miss Space Food Sticks. Staple of my school days lunch boxes. I had a chocolate flavoured protein bar the other day whose taste and texture reminded me of them. Had forgotten about them until then.

    Something else I miss is Nuts About Chocolate ice cream. My family always got it when we had something to celebrate eg birthdays, good grades, Christmas, someone winning something, etc. Haven't seen it for sale since mid 2000s I think.

    • +4

      I remember Space Food Sticks - caramel and chocolate. Split them in two or eat both at once!

    • +2

      Nuts About Chocolate was the best (from Dairybell)!

    • +5

      I miss Space Food Sticks.

      I still hab some wegged in my teef.

  • +1


    • KB Gold in the crinkly can

    • Strange how it’s a thing overseas

  • +5

    Big Sister Self Saucing puddings. Chocolate and maybe butterscotch from memory? Put the tin in a pot of boiling water to heat and then serve with ice cream.

  • +1
    • Pizza Hut Cavatini pasta with big slices of pepperoni and covered in cheese.
    • KFC 3 bean mix.
  • +2

    The scorched peanut bar, it was called the hard bar. I remember seeing the ad as a kid.


    • +2

      It is back. And tastes the same. Good times.

  • +8

    Whiz Fizz.

    As in "it wasn't Cocaine"
    (Wayne Carey).

    • +2

      Pretty sure still available. I had a few years ago . Still yum.

    • +1

      Still available. Kids had some on the weekend. Even still get the little spoon

      There used to be this other sherbet, and the packaging was red and orange. Instead of a spoon, you got this big white thing you dipped in each flavour?

      • +2

        Yes! Big Dipper maybe?! That was one of my faves from the corner shop!

        • is that the one with the licorice stick?

      • +1

        Fun Dip

      • +1

        Double dip

  • +4

    sarsaparilla / root beer.

    there is only one "real" sarsaparilla here: bundaberg. schweppes and the like just have soda with sarsaparilla flavouring. sarsaparilla is what they call root beer in the USA, where it is also largely unpopular, with a small but strong following. i love the stuff.

    i had some A&W root beer and it tastes very similar to sarsaparilla here, but slightly different. it tasted a lot like schweppes sarsaparilla, but better, though if i understood the wikipedia entry correctly, it's also just flavoured soda now, which is probably why it tastes like schweppes.

    • +1

      I remember the old Tarax(?) brand of sarsaparilla when growing up and loved it. Nothing else quite tastes the same, although the Cascade ones are pretty nice in a different kinda way

    • +3

      Being from Canada, I can tell you A&W root beer is a (Canadian) national treasure.

      Love going to A&W when I visit and getting an outrageously large frosty mug of root beer that they take out of a freezer just before filling so you get this root beer slush that floats to the top.

      I have never had Australian sarsaparilla though because I rarely drink drinks like that so I can still just buy A&W when I get a hankering.

      • if you like A&W, you would probably like sioux city root beer, i just had some of it and it was rather nice

    • You can still get multiple flavours of sarsapiralla / root beer on any supermarket. You can even get A&W at costco.

      • coles & woolworths do not have anything called "root beer", what they do have is bundaberg and golden circle sarsaparilla cordial, coles even has schweppes, but that's the limit of their offerings.

        no costco in my state

    • There's a drink from Malaysia I think, called Sarsi. You might be able to find it in some specialist shops. I used to like it when I went there on Holidays.

  • +4

    Fresca? (for those around in the 70's)

    • +1

      Watch The Boys, and relive your Fresca days

  • +1

    Streets Mango & Coconut Ice Cream 2L


  • +2

    Why has no one said “Foster’s”. Why is this our national beer in other countries and I cannot remember the last time I even saw it on sale here. Every time I get into a party chat with pommies of yanks when gaming online, it’s always with the “I’ll have a Foster’s, mayte…”

    The other one is “shrimp on the bar beee”. I have never ever in my life, been to someone’s house or party where there has been a bbq and has anyone ever put any prawn of any type on there to cook with the other meat.

    • +2

      Barbecued Seafood is delicious
      So is barbecue pineapple and banana

    • +2

      dust said fosters above.

      We don't drink Fosters. We export it.

      • +1

        You can still purchase it, however it's no longer marketed, so maybe hard to find. I know a bottlehop near me used to sell long necks of it on Ice, which was quite refreshing. Out of all the Megaswill beers, this is probably one of my favourites, along with Tooheys Old.

        • +3

          At least Tooheys Old Mate is drinkable for megaswill

      • Fosters in Europe is produced by Heineken in Manchester.

    • BBQ prawns are fantastic, by far my favourite way to eat a prawn. Get it to a high heat, cook it quickly and consume immediately.

      Used to amuse me that Fosters sponsored the F1, even buying Fosters at the race when you can't get it anywhere else in Australia. But it's a massive international audience, so I guess that's the target. They "relaunch" it in Australia every few years but I don't know if they've killed it for good now. They last tried that in 2020 but now it seems unavailable everywhere.

    • +1

      I have never ever in my life, been to someone’s house or party where there has been a bbq and has anyone ever put any prawn of any type on there to cook with the other meat.

      You're missing out then… Get some better friends

    • +1

      Good marketing with Fosters, especially in UK where the ads with Paul Hogan were hugely popular.

      Extremely average beer but became the go to for many off the back of that advertising.

  • Whitakers, chocolate boxes of Carmel chocolates. Used to come as a box of a dozen or so square milk chocolates with a chewy caramel on the inside. Probably good that they stopped coz I'd be twice my size now!

    • +1

      You're right. I remember these selling for around $1 per chocolate, not in boxes. Then about 15 years ago I looked for them and no longer sold anywhere.

    • Legit username haha

  • +11

    Nesquik banana flavour. So good when I was a kid. Still sold in the UK and USA as far as i can tell.

    • +2

      Oddly also the reject shop from time to time

    • +8

      When I was a kid in the 80s it was just called Quik.

      • Ah shit I’m old, I think I remember that.

  • +2

    Snowflake chocolate bars. White chocolate flake covered in milk chocolate. If the brought it back now I’d buy it by the case.

    • Is it the same as snowflakes biscuit blob from New Zealand? Found In the aisle at Woolworths depending only local kiwi population

      • No, no biscuit involved. Just chocolate.

    • +1

      These were delicious. We loved them.

  • +2

    Portellos still made here by multiple companies.

  • Licorice blocks. Choo choo bars were almost as good. You can still buy choo choo bars at speciality shops but they're nothing like the original.

  • +9

    Yogos, this is where my love for 6 packs started

    • +2

      Yes! The banana and strawberry flavours were gold!

    • +1

      And snack packs!

  • +1

    Promite. It was popular when I was a kid, but rarely see it sold or eaten nowadays.

    • +1

      It's still sold, usually found on the top shelf.

  • +1

    Do pasties still exist? I remember every kid at school that got a pastie for lunch was wishing he/she had a meat pie instead.

    • +1

      Yes they do. You can buy the Garlos ones at most Coles from chilled or Frozen Dept.
      Check with your local Pie shop?

    • +2

      Balfours 4 pack in the freezer at colesworth

    • Super popular in SA at least… every bakery sells their own.

  • +12


    • used to love these

    • +1

      I think you can get these in Woolies still. You could a couple of years ago.

    • +7

      What’s the deal with Ovaltine? It comes in a round container, you put it in a round glass, why don’t they call it Roundtine?

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