This was posted 2 years 5 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Avatar Blu-Ray $7.69 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Not the all time lowest, but still a good price. Be a good watch/rewatch before the new one releases later in the year. Enjoy!

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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  • +6

    $1 at the oppe shop near me

  • i haven't watched this film yet, is it good? any other deals on Blueray?

    • I haven't watched either. 7.8 in IMdB suggests not too bad (my guide is above 7+ = worth watching if you've got nothing better to do, 8+ = worth going out of your way to watch, 9+ = drop everything and watch).
      It does seem to be heavily reliant on special effects rather than storyline, but that's my impression. Would love to hear from someone who has watched though.

    • It's like watching Disney's Pocahontas - Storyline 90% match

      Place: New world - aka America
      Girl: Pocahontas
      Dude: Capt. John Smith
      The Problem : Gold

      Place: Planet Pandora
      Girl: Neytiri
      Dude: Jake Sully
      The Problem : Unobtanium

    • -4

      Its really no good. Wouldn't bother. The only reason it's a thing is the $$$ spent to make it, otherwise nobody would have cared

      • -2

        That's what I thought. Anyone I know whose movie taste I trust didn't watch it.

        • +2

          if they didn't watch it, they can't really comment on the quality of it… why not watch it and form your own opinion? if you don't like it, just turn it off.

          • -2

            @[Deactivated]: They did watch it, I'm the one who hasn't. Why not watch it? There's so many good shows/movies, I'd rather watch them. If I'm out of ideas, I'll give it a go though.

            • @kiriakoz: You seem confused. Watched it, didn't watch it, won't watch it, haven't watched it. Make up your mind.

              FFS, just go watch it, then write something. What are you doing here?

              Avatar is a fantastic movie, really innovative. Good message about the environment, and cheesy but good quality blockbuster entertainment. Looks great on big screens. It's actually a remarkable achievement.

              Should have won the Oscar back in 2009, but was robbed by the very forgettable Hurt Locker - which was a movie about a bomb that might or might not explode. And Hurt Locker has a lower IMDB average rating than Avatar.

              • @cerealJay: Hurt Locker was marked down because people in the military consider it unrealistic. It doesn't really bother me, I like that movie, but there's always anomalies in life. No need to showcase your asperger's by finding an example that doesn't fit with an overall rule. Note the word: guide.

                • @kiriakoz: Just go watch Avatar.

                  Hurt Locker is an unremarkable movie. Nothing much happens, it's macho drivel. Directed by the ex-wife of the director of Avatar.

                  • @cerealJay: Okay, I'll watch and review. I agree, Hurt Locker is fine, but nothing special.

    • It's about as good as any animated disney film. I would say watch it, but not worth owning a physical copy.

    • -1

      Excellent movie. Highly entertaining. Broke new ground in effects back in 2009. Still holds up today.

      Highly relevant themes about conservation, greed, spiritual connection with nature and unique ecosystems… and fighting back against corrupt forces and destructive agendas. Simple but effective execution.

      Should have won Oscar, but was robbed by Hurt Locker - a boring movie about a bomb that might explode. Hurt Locker didn't last the test of time, and nobody cares about that movie now.

    • If you're an engineer or scientist, be prepared to lose the "suspension of disbelief" part-way through. 95% of the movie is good, but for 5% of the movie you'll go "bullshit, that's not possible". And the impossible bit isn't even important to the plot, it's totally incidental. Fortunately it's easy to skip, once you identify it.

  • I'm surprised they haven't repackaged this in some sort of "Classics" range

  • +4

    FYI there's a 4K HDR remaster hitting cinemas on September 23. This version will presumably make its way to blu-ray shortly after.

    • there's a couple of versions floating around on the internet, i have the 35gb one but my tv isn't high end unfortunately, still looks pretty good though.

    • Sorry, but are cinema projectors capable of HDR now? Or only certain ones? Do they use Dolby Vision?

  • +1

    The only way to really appreciate this movie is 3D TV with the 3D Bluray or wait for the 4k remaster.
    James Cameron has already started filming the fourth installment.

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