2022 model, USB-C, R/427 W/115 from Amazon review. Enjoy the deal!
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2022 model, USB-C, R/427 W/115 from Amazon review. Enjoy the deal!
Buy 2 or More Qualifying Products from Amazon UK Store to Save 20% @ Amazon AU
You are a wizard sir.
This was def one of those "Do I REALLY need to get this?" deals to agonize over haha.
Thanks "brandogs", just got two packets of those yummy lollies only lol.
blah spending money on stuff i don't need but too cheap to pass by again hahaha
Why is being financially irresponsible funny? If you don't need it, save your money for a future purchase that you do actually need.
Spare USB always good to have around for phone photos n gopro
@MaxHashrate: So you do have a use for it. I'm sick of the "haha I'm wasting money" joke on here. It's not funny.
@PainToad: man your life must be sad to make a fuss over stuff like this
I can move it to my computer if i need the space but now i can just keep it on my usb or backups.
Its a luxury, not a need.
anyway thats that, this is ozbargain. not moanabargain
@MaxHashrate: Got a link for moanabargain? Now that's a site I want to see. I pay far, far too much for my moans lately. Also, inflation.
for a future purchase that you
dodon't actually need.
But then dentist bill :(
There has been absolutely NO established link between tooth decay / gum disease and Type-C USB Drives.
Oh I would think there is an obvious link if chewing on these usb drives :p
you missed the lollies hook?
This is just more propoganda coming out of Big USB!
Look at the frequency bought together for the lollies… Chuck some pliers in the trolley, problem solved!
How do you do it? I have the usb and the one of the Lollies and the total is 56
Discount appears once you go to checkout
Aww I really liked those lollies now they are Ozbed :(
The real deal is always in the comments.
I rather get this one than that. The 256gb is around $40 and has both usbc and normal usb
but this samsung one has up to 400mb write speed
There are also these - https://www.amazon.com.au/SanDisk-256GB-Ultra-Drive-Type-C/d…
I have a few of these (plastic and metal). They are a imilar price and performance for the other two listed above, but a bit smaller and without any moving parts to get in the way. Insert joke about people trying to put it in a computer whilst having their thumb on the release button.
I've got one of these and it's great to have the 2 connections in the one device, however over time it becomes harder and harder to insert the usb plug into a device without it disappearing into itself. Would recommend having one of each.
are these suitable for use in a dashcam for constant read/write?
No, the heat from the sun would cook it
I'd go for a high endurance micro sd with an adaptor. Tried using low capacity usb drives for dashcams and they've died with 6 months or so
If you have samsung EDU access you can get the 128GB for $29.96 free ship
Do they have the 256GB?
Sure do but more expensive at $59.96
2TB Large Space USB 3.0 Drive at $9.99 each on ebay. Is this a better buy?
Check out Samsung, HP, SanDisk.
Link us. What you're saying sounds like a crock of shit.
@Ferocious: The product itself is real. Those 2tb flash drives on ebay for $10.00 will definitely not be the 'real' product.
@congo: I bought 2 anyway. Let's see what arrives. At this price, nothing really to lose if not the real deal.
@Ferocious: Sorry mate but you've been thoroughly scammed, I'd try cancel that order. just read some of the reviews on them:
These are fake. They are only 4GB, not 2TB. Typical fake drives the internet is saturated with. The seller keeps receiving negative feedback for fake items and yet he keeps selling them. I thought it was against eBay policy to sell counterfeit items here.
I was obviously skeptical of this purchase because of the price but decided to go ahead with it considering the high ratings of the seller. Turns out my suspicions were right. The usb drive is a fake. Cannot write more than 6GB data on it. I performed multiple tests to check the real capacity of the drive and every test pointed to 6GB capacity.
At this price, nothing really to lose if not the real deal.
You'll lose the money you spent and the data you put on the device.
This scam has been around forever. They take a small cheap drive and hack the firmware to make it appear larger than it actually is. Then when you go over the devices real size (probably like 16gb) the device will corrupt.
@PainToad: Yes, I knew the risk but pulled the trigger. If unhappy with product I can always do a negative review for the seller and make a claim for a refund through PayPal.
@Ferocious: Might as well have bought one of those $50 Samsung S22s, at least then you'd have a prop.
I can always do a negative review for the seller
This doesn't really affect them, they just bot write positive reviews or start a new store. Going through eBay/PayPal's resolution programs because you technically got what you asked for is a pain too.
Glad to see you cancelled order, it'll save a lot of time :)
If the buyer receives the wrong item, they are entitled to return it for a refund, even if the seller doesn't offer returns.
For sure you will get them for free.
@Ferocious: Those are fake ones.
I have seen them being sold on the streets of Mumbai( India) for as low as $1 for 128GB. The street slang for these are cheap stuff from china (no offense to anyone)
As @Dvbargain mentioned - if it's too good to be true… It's probably not true.
I bought myself one (completely unware of what I was buying at the time) and it turns out to work only 3-4 times before getting overheated and stopped appearing upon connection and it 2GB or so.
So ALWAYS read the reviews and do a bit of research before buying anything that sounds too good to be true.
would this be any good for Tesla sentry mode?
No, the glovebox port isn't USB-C.
Would these work on a samsung phone to say back up photos on a trip?
Good question, OTG support?
OTG is obsolete. You're not thinking fourth-dimensionally.
They show it being used with mobile devices on their website https://www.samsung.com/au/memory-storage/usb-flash-drive/us…
It will work with any (phone/tablet) device with a C port.
Thank you!
Have never quite needed one of these but love the design.
Xbox expanded storage?
A lid on a USB is the worst idea ever. Easily will get lost the first time you use it.
At this price point, other than a smaller usb stick form factor, I don't get this "bargain".
I rather get a T5 if size is not a factor to carry around.
It is faster than the "other than a smaller usb stick"
If you don't need the tiniest possible USB stick.
Wouldn't this be better value:
It'll be much faster being SSD and larger storage.
buy a USB universal 2280 M.2 holder for, what, $20. Then buy an M.2 drive to put in it.
Capacitywise, cheaper. And swapping M.2 drives in and out of laptops is useful to be able to do.
The cheapest m.2 256GB drive on eBay is $35 for a refurbished one. How is that better than this deal if you add in a $20 enclosure?
Also, these drives are quite small and portable, no m.2 drive will match that.
A m.2 drive might have better performance because it would have better controllers onboard, but that's about it, your solution would cost more and less portable.
I bought a 1TB NVMe M.2 drive from Amazon for $100. The $20 enclosure came with short type A and Type C cables that don't block neighbouring ports. it's the size of the original iPod shuffle, or a stick of gum.
And, at some point, I can swap drives around, and put 1TB in my laptop.
So, flexible.So flexible!
But so big. What if I want a drive about half the size of my pinky? :D
Its all about portability. With this tiny drive.
Can you link me the nvme ssd enclosure for $20?
@wasdw246: I paid an extra ten bucks for a universal enclosure that handles all keying and SATA too. Worth it for the time it saves.
its showing up as two for $109.90 for me, am i doing something wrong?
Discount should apply at checkout
that worked. cheers
You can also just buy one along with some cheap lollies to get 20% off. For instance add one to your cart plus these lollies Total works out to be $45.38 delivered