This was posted 2 years 7 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

IKEA VÄRLDSKLOK Plant Mince - $3/750g in-Store Only (Previously $13) @ IKEA


Saw it is store at tempe, fridge full of it. Never had it before but seems like it has good reviews.

Product description:
The VÄRLDSKLOK plant mince allows you to easily shape and prepare plant-based burgers and balls at home. Shape and season as you like!

Made from pea protein, a plant-based alternative that contributes to reducing your climate footprint.

Also perfect for use as regular mince, for instance if you want to prepare tacos, chili, lasagne or bolognese.

The mince looks and tastes like meat, but is 100% plant-based.

Includes no animal ingredients, meaning a good choice for vegetarians and vegans.

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closed Comments

  • +20

    $3/750g (Previously $13)

    I'm guessing it isn't selling very well…

    • +10

      It tasted absolutely terrible. Do not attempt. Mine is in the compost bin

      • +1

        Giving back to the planet then :)

  • +11

    I tried a beyond meat burger pattie the other day and it was delicious. Anyone know how this compares?

    • I 2nd this, beyond meat is good. Only buy it when its on clearance/close to expiry. Incredible for tacos. - Meat lover here btw.

      • How does it compare to the Future Farm product range?

        • Yet to have tried any of their products, on that note I disliked basically every other vegan meat at Woolies.

          • +1

            @Gravehaunted: These ones are sold by Coles, in the meat section.

            I have a free future burger sitting in my Flybuys account.

            • @jv: Good luck finding any. I got the same promo and went to 4 different Coles in my area and they were all empty where the Future burgers are.

              • +4

                @XVX: Oh, it's not there now… You've got to come back in the future…

            • @jv: I claimed the free one and bought another to round out the flybys weekly shop deal, and used them for taco mince.

              They're okay, pretty similar to all the other affordable meat alternatives, a bit soft and lacking in the tough cohesion which meat has.

              I think Beyond is the only one which really seems like mince, or maybe it's Impossible, but I can only really justify the price of that when it's half off close to expiry.

          • +1
        • +3

          I got the same flybuys deal. I was really impressed with texture and taste of the burgers, but felt unwell a few hours later with a nasty headache. Don't know what else could've caused it.

      • I've made a mistake, meant to say impossible meat not beyond >.<

    • +1

      Pure plant products never taste like meat. They would be awful.

      The secret of these "plant based" minces is to use plenty of yeast extract for flavour. Yeast is fungi, closer to an animal than a plant, and provides what plants lack.
      Both Ikea and Beyondmeat use yeast extract, the difference will be more in texture, fat and moisture levels. But try it, its not bad. A bargain for $3.

      • -5

        so you've never seasoned meat with s&p and herbs?

        • +7

          Sorry, I don't see how your question relates to my comment.
          I'm saying the essential umami flavour that makes these products taste "meaty" comes from the same source, so they will taste similar. HTH.

        • all he did was explain the difference in taste between the two, and youre suddenly attacking him?

      • +4

        Yeast is fungi, closer to an animal than a plant

        I assume you skipped biology in science class?

        • +2

          I assume you must of done biology quite a while ago.

          From an evolutionary/DNA/RNA perspective it is definitely closer to animal.

          From a cell wall perspective it is definitely closer to animals (mostly chitin -very similar to insects)

          From a cell motility perspective they are closer to animal -they use flagella

          From a metabolism perspective they are more like animals - they don't do photosynthesis and need to get nutrients from an external source.

          Please note this doesn't mean there aren't any ways in which they are more similar to plants biologically.

      • +1

        Yes, I did taste the MSG goodness!
        To your point, I don't mind it's not meat - I am just taste driven.

    • +5

      I seem to have offended some vegans with my wording. To clarify, I was talking about fake meat, certainly not all vegetarian food.

      I've had lots of good pure-plant/yeast-free dishes, but they don't taste like meat. That's not a bad thing!

      But I suspect a lot of vegans don't even know that fungi are not plants :)

        • +11

          it's so edgy of you to come onto a vegan product page and complain about hypocrisy.
          complete elimination of animal exploitation by an individual in our society is impossible, but at least they're doing something. your appeal to futility is lazy and boring.

      • +1

        Man people love to tell off straw-vegans.

      • Don't worry about offending vegans. They are looking out to be offended. Comes naturally after eating all that soy.

        • +1


        • The irony of people who always show up to whine about whiny vegans always goes a mile over their whiny head.

    • +1

      I tried Quorn mince and the V2 burger, as well as the IKEA one. The IKEA one doesn't taste as good as the first two.

      • Quorn is mycoprotein, not vegetable. Nice, but expensive.

    • +2

      Please don't feed this to a puppy. A puppy needs a specific diet and if you can't figure that out then Google it

      • -4

        No it doesn't, there is stuff good for it and stuff bad for it
        Always best to give puppies mixed diet and randomise it as much as possible, the only thing to make sure is that it is ok for them to eat.

        • +2

          When in doubt, ask your vet.

          I suspect they'll not recommend it.

          Happy to be proven wrong though? It is pretty cheap.

      • +1

        mmm, I hope you don't mean manufactured puppy food. I wouldn't ask the vet either - they recommend hills dry food; it has the biggest commission

        • I'd rather feed my dog that then plant based mince made for humans

  • +1

    Double check the use by dates. When I went they were all due to expire end of July

    • +7

      "use by" is more of a guideline for frozen food.

  • -6

    Good pet food I reckon

  • -1

    Wonder if my dog could eat this? Bargain

    • -2

      It could, but dogs can't eat a solely vegetarian diet.

      • Many years ago I worked on a farm in Boonah, QLD, run by vegetarians and their two farm dogs never ate meat. One of them was 11 years old and seemed fine to me. I remember those dogs loved almonds.

      • That’s my understanding too would be other stuff like roo as well but at $4 a kilo could be good addition.

      • -1

        Dogs can be vegan. Cats however don't generate enough Taurine, they require animal products, they can get by with eggs so you could have a lacto-ovo vegetarian cat, though without meat it can be problematic (eggs are affected by the hen and not all hens/eggs provide enough taurine)

  • +6

    They are actually pretty yummy :D

  • +23

    I'm doing a weekly meat replacement dinner with the fam. As a big meat eater, the new plant based nuggets, burgers, mince etc make it easier to substitute normal meals that I'm used to cooking and make the meals I normally would. Will increase this as prices go down over time.

    I love meat but finding that we all just grew up on it so it's hard to find ways to cook filling meals without it. So these sorts of things are great.

    Yea it doesn't taste the "same" but it still tastes good. After trying plant based burgers, chicken nuggets etc. I can safely say that I could live without meat if that was all that was available and the price was similar.

    The only thing I would miss is a good steak, where the pure taste and texture can't be substituted without drastically changing the experience of the meal.

  • +1

    This is probably the only feasible way to turn an entire countrywide gathering of tightarses to be short term vegetarians. PETA would be thanking ozbargain.

  • -6

    Nah. Thanks

  • Pea protein, is that some new trendy stuff to eat?

    • Been used for years actually. Nothing new.

    • +5

      It's one of the oldest known foods on earth dating back 7000 years. They should really have given you a guide to human culture when you arrived here from your home planet.

      • I get what you're trying to say but i think it misses the mark. Saying we've been eating pea protein for 7000 years makes it sound like a new trend compared to what we know of human diet for the last couple hundred thousand years. You know aboriginals were eating kangaroo over 60,000 years ago?

        • That's recorded history of eating peas. I bet it goes back at least one day further than that and maybe more.

  • +5

    Tastes amazing. Great for spag Bol. Bought a few bags last deal. Check the expiry dates

  • +2

    Have tried and make sure to season it a bit with S&P -and/or herbs otherwise it’s a bit plain. Shaping the mince can be a bit of a hassle, good tip to wet your hands before hand to stop the mince from sticking to them, similar to how you would with dough.

  • safe for human consumption.

  • +1

    Which plant?

    • +1


  • -1

    Antifa is hardcore plant "based" based.

  • +1

    This is the mince they use to make their plant balls in their restaurant. One of the better plant minces out there imho. Been using it for lasangas to good effect.

  • +1

    They still have plenty in stock in Tempe as of Saturday afternoon. The best before date was 4th August, which means they realistically they should last much longer.

  • +2

    As someone who's eaten practically every 'mock meat' on the market.

    This is great BUT it's very different from others, it clumps together because it's specifically designed for being shaped into balls/sausages/patties. It is not good if you want mince (e.g I tried to make burritos using it and it kept trying to clump together)

    I did make a shepard's pie though and it was fantastic.

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