Limit of one $10 gift card per customer in one transaction. No change given and not redeemable for cash or online purchases. $10 gift card must be surrendered at the time of purchase. Not available on prior purchases. Available in Australian stores only.
Buy any $26.99 BabyLove Jumbo Nappy Box & Receive a $10 Babies R Us Gift Card @ Toys/Babies R Us

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Way better than Huggies, we have tried both and this brand fits better and after a redesign a few months back can hold a small lake without leaking. Also seems softer/less irritable
Completely agree, been telling everyone I know who's about to have a baby to use this instead of Huggies, way better and cheaper too…
My 2 year old daughter has been using this brand for a year now. No skin irritation from straps and no leaking but your experience could be different.
I was actually looking for toddler sizes yesterday but out of stock at Kmart and Coles. I ended up buying another brand, but might try at toys/babies r us.
My wife and I have bought multiples of these this week, asking the staff to process each one separetely with no issues. Yesterday I was told by the staff member (at Belconnen Mall) that it was limited to 1 per customer so keep mind some stores maybe are trying to limit this offer.
It actually says "Limit of one $10 gift card per customer in one transaction". But no one limits you in the amount of transactions.
1 gift card per transaction/receipt
according to doncaster staff today:
if you are shopping with some 1 else, then you can make 2 consecutive transactions, using the gift card from the 1st to immediately help pay for the 2nd box and receive another card :)
but if shopping alone, then you have to go back to the end of the queue if there is one :(
I've had this on my My 5 Fly buys and I havent walked into one Coles yet that Infant nappies aren't sold out.
BTW Huggies suck !That's awesome. That's a reasonable price and we like these nappies over all the others. Thanks for posting.
the babyloves are excellent,
no need to change nappy every feed, they're bone dry even after a few wees!babylove are the best nappies, huggies seem to leak more and cause more irritation for my little one..
Reckon you can chain this offer?
ie: Buy first box @ $26.99, then use the gift card to buy the next box @ $16.99 and get another $10 gift card etc..
I love the OzBargain way of thinking - totally taking it to the next level! Well done.
I used to switch between baby love and the Coles brand Comfy bots purely depending on where we were.
Strange how the cheaper brands are so much better, especially for night time.I recommended Dymples, cheap and fantastic!
great deal. Always prefered the babyloves for the kids.
btw, toys r us own brand of nappies are also great. they r called 'especially for baby'. And the 'especially for kids' pullup pants are good as well.has anybody bought this deal? Does the second box came for 17$?
Yes. I bought 5 boxes in 5 transactions in a row. No problems at all.
Have the design/make of these changed at all in the last 12 months? I have had to use huggies on my daughter because I have tried every nappy and they all leak, and I remember especially babylove being bad for night time nappies. By the morning it looks like the nappy is about to explode from such a thin lining!
I used to use Huggies, but the new Dri Wave design has been just as effective at a much cheaper price. For my 10mth old boy I use Babylove Dri Wave for nights and the new Woolworths Select nappies for daytime and haven't had any leaks.
Thanks for that. My daughter has just turned 2 so I might give the nappy pants a go. Also have #2 on the way in November, so any money saved is good thing.
Anyone have any experience as to how this brand compares to Huggies? Ta