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L Vittoria Cappuccino Cup from Woolies $1.99 Save $4.99


It's normally $6.99. Looks fantastic! Works out to be a pretty decent saving if you are buying quite a few. I bought 4 and saved $20

Even took a cappuccino pic for u guys! :)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    You also bought 4 and spent $8! And lost some cupboard space ;->

      • It was a joke, as most people come home from the shops and say "oh look I only spent $8" as opposed to "hey honey look I saved $20".

        Best not to think about it.

        • +2

          Live with it… I do that constantly as i'm confused 99% of the time. :-)

        • or you only know what your on about 1% of the time :D

        • So its been almost 2 weeks now and I still don't understand what voteoften meant.
          Day and night I have been pondering it…

          Still awaiting an explanation…

        • Hi grapedrink,

          I received your private message. I have not visited this thread since my original comment so I did not know of your distress.

          I can confirm that what itsross said,
          "It was a joke, as most people come home from the shops and say "oh look I only spent $8" as opposed to "hey honey look I saved $20".

          Best not to think about it." is an adequate explanation.

          It was a joke. I even put a winky face in the response. Your comment about $ saved as just a little bit different than expected.

          Your distress receieved some negative feedback from the community. You can take this as meaning that your concern that there might be some hidden message is not shared by a number of people in the community.

          Your deal received a large number of positive votes, it was just the perceived hyper-sensitive reaction by you to a playful comment that attracted negative votes for your comments.

          No offense was meant. I will not, however, address this issue again, either in a PM or in a thread, as I suspect that your agitation is a beat-up and not genuine.

  • It's just a cup and saucer, right? What do you mean 'can use … Capsules'? Do u mean it is large enough to hold that quantity of fluid? Or does it actually use the capsules to make coffee?

    • I have the same question.. or does it mean you have to purchase some coffee to get the discount?

      • +1

        Huh. Who said capsule?

  • how many mls? is it 90? or more?

  • +1

    sorry it's just to give you an idea of the size of the cup. haha I have a lot of cupboard space so it's ok ;) $2 is dirt cheap for a quality cup!

    edited the post so it's not too confusing.

    • Hey Sal,
      which section were these cups located?
      Thanks :)

    • +2

      lol I made it and it's my 1st attempt! I am usually a latte girl. I even overflowed the milk in the frother. any tips?

      • +3

        drink espresso :-)

        • +1

          What machine do you use? That was how my 1st Attempt looked! Make sure your frother is on full blast and then turn it off and quickly stick it into your milk. Then allow it to froth at about the surface without much exposure to air. Youtube it to get some ideas. It took me about 1month to master it (as best as a non-professional can anyways!) If you have a cheapy machine then it'll be hard to get a good froth!

        • +1

          The secret is hold back the top froth with a spoon when you pour…let the better foam come out under the spoon! Oh, and everything lostincanberra said! :)

      • +16
        • Half fill (or slightly less) the milk jug with cold milk.

        • Make sure that your machine is pushing out DRY steam before you start working on the milk (depending on your machine, the first few seconds with the steam on full will be producing wet steam).

        • Then put nozzle JUST under the surface of the milk so that the steam flow sucks a bit of air into the milk along with the steam injection.

        • once the milk volume has approx doubled, move the steam wand to the BOTTOM of the jug and heat&swirl until the jug becomes JUST too hot to touch for more than a second or so - then turn off the steam.

        • Let the jug sit for a few seconds while you give the steam wand a good clean. It's a good idea to send through another second of steam to make sure that no gunk gets trapped above the spout.

        • Tap the jug against your bench to 'knock down' any big bubbles that you've accidentally produced. Then give a bit of a swirl to try and get your foamy milk well mixed.

        • Pour and enjoy!

        • It takes practice. You can drink your mistakes (if you don't overheat the milk) though. Steamed milk does add another dimension to your coffee even if you are just doing it to make milk for a latte (or flat white).

        • Google/Youtube can be your friend. Look at a couple of examples and it'll help you on your way.

        • Have fun!

        • pour straight and quick for a cap. Pour slowly for flat white/latte and be cautious with the froth (as in; dont get any froth in it)

        • +1

          When steaming milk, don't forget to form a whirlpool/vortex by blasting the nozzle at the side of the milk jug, this will help fold the microfoam into the milk, as well as get rid of bigger bubbles.

          If you have to hold a spoon to hold the bubbly foam back, you're not there yet - you should be able to stretch milk completely and pour without relying on holding back with spoons.

      • Why does this comment even exist???? reply to unpublished no?

    • +11

      Metrosexuals… even a cuppa has to be a bloody work of art.

      • metrosexuals don't use 2 dollar cups… LOL

        • It's worth noting that these were $7 cups…metro-worthy at that price I would imagine! ;)

  • +2

    I got one of these as a 'freebie' when I bought a kilo of 'Special Italian Blend Beans' @Woolworths. Told about it via an email from Vittoria - but local Woolworths didn't bother putting the cups on the shelf OR putting out a promotional tag. I saw the carton on top of the shelves sitting unopened and I had to tell them about the deal. I hope Vittoria didn't pay them anything for the promotion!

    The cups? Pretty good for $2 - but a joke at the supposed shelf price. As for 'Special Italian Blend Beans'? IMHO… avoid. The alternative of 'Espresso Beans' is so much better.

  • +1

    Got these for $1 at my local woolies

    • +12

      yet you didn't share…

      • There were 3 only in my store and i picked them all up, no point sharing if there aren't any available at that price!

  • +1

    They sell cups like that 24/7 for ~$1 in Dimmeys Richmond.
    Just basic el-cheapo "powdery" china with a thick rim.

    Would buy them on supa spesh for $1 or less but care-factor is low.

    Thanks OP for posting though, appreciate the effort :)

    • The cup was not made of china or porcelain. Just powdered stones.

  • +2

    +1 for "cappuccino" pic


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