How Many Entertainment Subscription Based Services You Are Paying for?

Hi all,
The purpose of this poll is too see how many of us Bargainers are spending each month on subscription services. Please provide your honest answers.

** Not including any channels or influencer accounts. Only platforms such as Amazon prime, Netflix, Spotify, YouTube premium, playstation, Xbox premium, etc. **

Thanks for your awesome input everyone. I would like to emphasize again that this poll is solely for the purpose of gathering subscriptions for the mainstream media/gaming/movies/tv/news/sports/documentaries, etc categories.

This poll does not include any adult related content website subscriptions.

Please input the number for subscriptions you are actively paying for only. Free subscriptions should not be counted.
For ex - I have access to Netflix, PS, Amazon prime, binge, flash, kayo, YouTube premium.
However I only pay for YouTube premium only so my poll choice is 1 only.

Thank you very much for your involvement.

Poll Options expired

  • 193
  • 208
  • 167
  • 179
  • 70
  • 43
  • 26
  • 11
  • 7
  • 25
  • 213


  • +10

    1, and only because kayo is $5/month

  • +29

    1 YouTube premium
    Sonarr + Radarr + SABnzbd + Plex covers everything Movies/TV related.

    • +1

      Same exact setup. YouTube premium obtained via VPN?

    • I'm interested to know how to do this.
      Are there any guides available? I do a google search and most configuration videos are on OpenMediaVault - do you do the same?
      How do you download latest movies/shows to it?
      Is it legal?

      • +2

        It's not legal, but you won't get in trouble for it.

        • -5

          It's not legal in the sense that it is a breach of the terms of your contract so the provider can theoretically sue you for damages, but it does not breach any Australian law. In practice all the streaming provider could do is send you a stern letter threatening unspecified "legal action" and then cut you off. Whereupon you would have to open another account …

          • +1

            @derrida derider: What are you talking about? How could the streaming providers cut you off when you don't even have accounts with them?

          • +2

            @derrida derider: Circumventing copy protection is against the law and you can’t freely copy copyrighted content lol

            Sonarr Radarr etc aren’t exactly subscription services aha

            • @2025: Circumventing geoblocking by a VPN is NOT circumventing copy protection - you are not COPYING anything!

              And in any case the laws against removing copy protection in Australia are very different to those of the US (in the US it's enough to remove the copy protection to breach the DMCA. In Australia you have to actually copy it).

              • @derrida derider: Well by watching the content, your device copies the copyrighted content into the frame buffer before display.

                The act says this:
                116AN Circumventing an access control technological protection measure
                (1) An owner or exclusive licensee of the copyright in a work or other subject‑matter may bring an action against a person if:
                (a) the work or other subject‑matter is protected by an access control technological protection measure; and
                (b) the person does an act that results in the circumvention of the access control technological protection measure; and
                (c) the person knows, or ought reasonably to know, that the act would have that result.

                I would argue that the term “access control” includes geo location.

                I dont know if it’s ever been tested but my interpretation is that it isn’t exactly 100% ok.

          • +3

            @derrida derider:

            In practice all the streaming provider could do is send you a stern letter threatening unspecified "legal action" and then cut you off.

            I don't think you understand what a plex server is or where the content i have is even coming from.

            Plex uses content i store on my own hardware to stream over my local network or over the internet. Not even your internet provider knows what content is being streamed not to mention streaming services that have absolutely nothing to do with me, I also download my content via usenet which unlike torrents internet providers don't know what im downloading.

          • @derrida derider: This isn't r/piracy

        • It's not legal, but you won't probably won't get in trouble for it.


          One thing I've learnt in all my years on the internet is not to overestimate people. ;)

      • +19

        Plex - Guide
        Sonarr - Guide
        Radarr - Guide
        SABnzbd - Guide

        These are the programs you need to use and install.

        You will also need to subscribe to a Usenet Provider and a Indexer, you can also use torrents if you really dont want to spend money on usenet but i prefer the faster download speeds on usenet.
        I use Newsdemon and Eweka for my usenet providers and i use NZBgeek, and DrukenSlug for my Indexers.
        If you keep and eye on, some providers post specials on there best bet is Black Friday sales, that's how i got my newsdemon for $32 AUD a year.

        NZB360 - Android
        Lunasea - IOS
        ^these two apps is used to access Sonarr and Radarr from your phone or alternately you can access both from the browser on your phone/tablet i like the apps better.

        It can be confusing when your first starting out but it's easy once you're used to it.

        • Thank you

        • Thanks for this

        • ^^^^ MVP right here.

        • Just to add to this,

          Jellyfin is a good alternative to Plex.
          Prowlarr is good for managing your indexers.
          Bazarr is good for downloading subtitles.

    • Almost identical setup :)

      • Add in transmission?

        • +3

          Add in jackett and qbittorrent for my setup, all using docker containers.

          • +1

            @Mibo: I've replaced Jackett for Prowlarr, I find it is a lot more cohesive with the rest of the *arr ecosystem.

    • +1

      Same. YouTube premium, Amazon prime for the shipping component and 12€ for a Plex seedbox in Amsterdam.

      • How much storage does that hold?

      • Do you stream 4k content? I had heavy buffering issues. That stopped after I got one based out of Singapore.

        • Nope. 1080 even too classy for me.

    • +3

      He is obviously downloading various Linux distros using the downloader apps and tools and viewing and comparing the aesthetics and functionality of each one using Plex.

      Plex allows his friends and family to also view and compare the aesthetics and functionality of the Linux distros.

    • Dabbled with this a few years back. If you feel like sharing, what Usenet provider do you use? I remember a lot of the ones I looked at feeling super dodgy.

    • +1

      Don't you need a usenet subscription for SABnzbd?

    • It's not free then you need;
      Subscription to a newgroup services (eg: Tweaknews has had some good deals), then some backup block accounts on a different backbone, eg:, Newsgroup Direct, Astraweb ect..
      2-3 VIP subscriptions to Indexes (eg: SU, Planet, Geek)
      So cost can add up, but agree it's a good setup, all the media is in one spot. Excellent quality, perfect for people with low bandwidth, unreliable internet, as playback is all local.

  • +7

    Netflix and Amazon Prime. Hardly watch either though.

    • +33

      Does Prime even count? I use it far more for the shipping than I do the streaming or other features.

      • +3

        Pretty sure I use the gaming more than the video, but they have some decent series in there from time to time (i.e. Expanse).

        But it's always about buying for the shipping, making use of the extras where possible.

        • I'm having a great time with Far Cry 4 from this month's prime gaming, also The Boys season 3 is out

      • +4

        ^^^ Exactly this.
        I hardly count Prime because I use it mostly for the free shipping, the video is just a bonus.

      • I hardly ever use Prime video. I often get buffering issues then realise I can just download it like everything else. I do often use Prime for gaming. There are some real gems on there.

      • +1

        I had originally put 0 and then I saw the above comment and remembered "Oh yeah I have prime" even though I have never watched anything on it.

        • +7

          The boys. Watch it.

      • +4

        The Boys would say it counts, then one of them might sneeze….

      • +2

        Prime is definitely up there with the top 5 streaming services in terms of top original series, and the movie selection isn't bad either.

        Plus it's a third of the price of Netflix, plus free shipping, plus some free music, plus some free games, plus some free books.

  • +13

    5 Netflix, Disney+, Prime, Spotify, PH Premium

    • +1

      What is PH premium?

      • +1

        P- Hub

        Does that help?

      • +12

        In situations like this, discretion is advised, so to not reveal the full nature of the service, part of the name is Porn H Premium.

        • +7

          I didn’t realise people actually pay for porn.

          • @digitalbath: they're sickos!

            • @bohn: :-0

            • @bohn: 9 out of 10 men consume porn, the other 1 is lying.

              • @Archi: but do 9 out of 10 pay for premium pornhub?

          • @digitalbath: They don't take cash because of the risk of cross contamination

        • +2

          Lisa S… No that's too obvious. L Simpson.

  • +2

    Netflix, Amazon Prime (hardly watch), Stan, Spotify Premium. On one of those OzB family plans for Spotify, very good discount on it.

  • +2

    paying for 2 thrashing 'free' subscriptions from random places included 5 lol

  • +3

    Does this include subs to individual twitch/YouTube channels?

    • +7

      No. Only premium subscriptions to ott platforms. Not including any subscriptions towards any particular influencers/channels.

      Good question. Thanks for bringing it up.

      • +9

        Most healthy response I’ve seen on ozb

  • I myself only pay for YouTube premium which I am subscribed to from past 1.5 yrs or more.
    Other than these I am enjoying the the free 1 hr subscription with Amazon prime, binge and kayo from earlier ozbargain posts. I don't use much of Kayo but other two very seldom as well.

    • +1

      and yet I myself dont pay for youtube premium as I just install Adblock for youtube and see no ads

  • +2

    Does Nintendo Switch Online count? I do miss YT premium though

    • Yes Nintendo Switch counts.

      • +2

        Then I need to change my number to five because I have Gamepass and PS+.

      • +1

        Really? We’re counting gaming subscriptions but not subs to individual content creators? Patreon?

        • No buddy. I feel like individual content creators needs a standalone poll because not everyone has acess/awareness to all of the content creators.
          Let me know what you think.

  • +3

    1 - Netflix. Parents pay half as they watch at their place.
    Prime and Disney for free.

    • +18

      Seems a bit rough to charge parents for Netflix, I let mine use mine for free. 100% agree re: the flag.

      • -1

        Depends if they charged you rent or not while living at home

        • +22

          my parents charged me rent for 5 years…

          then gave it back to me when i bought my first place, told me they were helping me save, YMMV

          • +1

            @Archi: i've heard of that happening, but in most cases it seems the parents just take the rent and don't give it back when the kids want to buy their own house.

          • -5

            @Archi: Hope they gave you the accumulated interest too…

        • +11

          I just realised I paid rent when I lived at home AND they use my subscriptions free of charge these days.

          I was a sound investment by my parents, it seems.

          • +4

            @freefall101: They really played the long game 👍

          • @freefall101: If you know how much money your parents spent on you since you were born…. they are definitely still in the red 😂

      • +1

        My parents have 3 adults and many grandchildren visiting or staying regularly. They are very happy and are the ones who drop the cash into our hand for access.

        I guess they like to think they're not taking advantage. Ofc we pay it back in other ways 👍😊

        And I never paid rent. I was out straight after high school.

  • +1

    3, but two of them (Prime Video and Apple TV+) I would pay for even if they didn't include any video streaming services. I tend to pirate tbh but I love the convenience of having a few streaming apps.

    • +1

      Curious as to why you’d sub to Amazon Prime and Apple TV+ even if they didn’t offer their primary service/product?

      • +2

        Prime for the free delivery. And Apple because I'd pay the same price for Apple Premier for the Apple Music and iCloud storage, and the ad free news is a nice to have. Apple Fitness I should probably look into to lose weight, maybe some day.

      • I never even considered video for Prime, I'm subscribed solely for free shipping and never touched their streaming service

        • +2

          Their video selection isn’t bad I think, same with the music streaming, I don’t use Spotify now.

  • NBA League Pass US$42.99
    MLB.TV US$0.00

    • Golden State or Boston? You think Boston can force a game 7? That'll be fun to watch.

      • +3

        neither are my team, but,… GO BOSTON! ha ha

  • +2

    Amazon Prime - $60/year
    Plex Library - $132/year (my share)
    PS Plus - $40/year
    YouTube Premium (Indian) - $12/year (my share)
    Xbox Game Pass - $36/year

    • +2

      Plex is free, is someone scamming you? wtf

      • +1

        Plex allows you to share your library with other people…

        There are people out there who (for a price) will give you access to their libraries.
        I can then share their libraries with people I know who then contribute to the overall cost.

        I essentially am paying a third party to host a server, pay for a newsreader (or be in private trackers) and be constantly downloading content that is accessible 99.9% of the time from any location.

        • I know what plex is, if you look at the second comment i say i have my own server.
          $132 is more than all of my Usenet providers and Indexers cost each year, seems expensive for someone who has no control over anything.

          • +8

            @Axelstrife: Well it's not exactly someone's library they are sharing, it's a 1.4 PETABYTE library. It contains basically every show and movie that can be downloaded in both 1080p and 4k (remux). Even random shows like "The Cheap Seats" are available hours after it has aired.

            By paying $11 a month:

            • I don't need to buy and keep a device online 24/7
            • I don't need a NAS and large storage to keep media files
            • I don't need a Usenet or newsreader subscription to monitor and download files
            • I don't need a decent download speed to be constantly downloading media without affecting every day use
            • I don't need decent upload speed to accommodate friends/family watching the content I am providing
            • I can request any movie/show that isn't currently available and it's generally downloaded in the next few hours
            • I can download the content to my personal devices to watch offline

            The service I am using can currently have around 4-6 people watching content at the same time (depending if they are transcoding or not), so I can technically bring the cost down to around $5 a month for myself. Much cheaper than any streaming service out there and it has 10x the content of any streaming service as well.

            • @SnowDragon: Interesting.. How do you subscribe these libraries?

              • +2

                @bargainHunterOz: There used to be a subreddit /r/plexshares but it went private recently - probably because it's quite a grey legal area

                This post contains a lot of the providers still around.

                Feel free to PM me for more details.

              • +4

                @Axelstrife: I'm not trying to talk down to you. I know you are aware of what a plex server is.

                I'm just saying that I am paying $132 a year to not have to pay for any other steaming service and not have to manage my own server.

                You say that $132 is more than your Usenet and indexers cost, but what is the cost of your server - upload (if accessing remotely) electricity, hardware and storage overall?

                I feel, if anything, you are speaking to me like I don't know what I'm talking about.

                • @SnowDragon: HDD's (initial cost spread over 5 years which they could very well last double that for all i know), Usenet, Indexers, Electricity (using current rate im on) = $177.15 a year

                  Other hardware like CPU, MB, PSU, Case is older stuff from old Gaming PC.
                  Internet connection doesn't count either as i'd have the exact same connection whether i had the plex server or not.

                  If i started over and got to chose to have what i have or do what your doing i'd go my route every single time, for two reasons, 1. that guy reselling plex is VERY illegal and you could very well not have access one day. 2. i still have accept if my internet goes out (local network access only ofc but still access.)

                  Sorry for late response, had to find my wall plug thing to measure the exact wattage my plex server is using.

                  • +1

                    @Axelstrife: I'm glad we're finally meeting eye to eye.

                    I think we can agree that both aren't exactly very legal. However mine would get in a bit more trouble due to distributing and receiving funds for doing so.

                    I am aware that eventually this particular reseller will go belly up - they all eventually do for one reason or another. I'm paying monthly for that reason.

                    Yes, if their server goes down or my net dies then I'll have no access to the files. Guess I can just go outside and touch grass or finish an audiobook I have locally. Accessibility isn't a big thing for me personally - I don't NEED to have content at my fingertips 24/7.

                    In the future I would like my own local server as a hobby. But for now (and while I can) I'm happy to pay the lazy tax. Kinda surprised Plex has allowed this to happen for so long tbh.

            • +2

              @SnowDragon: You can watch Cheap Seats anytime you want on 10play:

              • +4

                @Quantumcat: I know I can I'm just pointing out it has obscure Australian panel shows of all things.

                • @SnowDragon: out of curiosity, this plex server guy is in Australia or overseas? cos uploads speeds are pretty horrible for 4k streams here.

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