We all pay the medicare levy as we are covered by the public health system. some pay surcharge and loading even.
Could or should an individual have the right to opt-out from medicare completely and go full-on with private insurance at their own risk?
I believe a lot of people go for the basic tax-effective cover to avoid surcharge and loading and these covers probably only cover items covered by medicare already.
Some company websites even brand as tax saving plans.
Scenario 1 - public only, he/she will pay for levy and surcharge but no MLS.
Scenario 2 - private only, he/she will pay a higher tier of private health insurance but no MLS
So private cover holders only go to private hospitals and medicare holders go to public hospitals?
For example, A pays a $2000 levy and $1000 private insurance to get public health treatment and low to no private health treatment.
Would it A better of paying $3000 or $3500 more for private insurance only to get better private health treatment and free up public resources for others.
Almost forgot that their opposite is to not enrol any private insurance and happily pay for the levy.
Whether buying private insurance or not shouldn't be a tax-related action and the surcharge and MLS should be gone.
Happy discussion
Art subsidies
Womans groups
Anything to do with funding for MINORITY groups such as LGBTQ
thats a start
thats a start