Pro model typically retails for around $350. (Update: Sold out online & NSW. Now VIC C&C only.)
Non pro Shield TV for $189 (Update: Sold out NSW. Now online & VIC C&C.)
2% surcharge for AmEx payment.
Pro model typically retails for around $350. (Update: Sold out online & NSW. Now VIC C&C only.)
Non pro Shield TV for $189 (Update: Sold out NSW. Now online & VIC C&C.)
2% surcharge for AmEx payment.
I'm convinced that the existence of Ps5 is just a deepfake. It's not real.
i have One … could have ordered More … march last year was the boat - july - sep was a good time to order pending on what state you were in …
I registered interest at JB HI FI a few months ago and yesterday they messaged me saying there's one ready and waiting for me to pick up, but I can't because I'm stuck at home with COVID lol and they're only holding onto it for 4 days. At this point I'm not in a hurry so will probably wait for a PS5 Pro instead.
Get a family member to pick it up for you
Stock alerts Australia, will alert you the moment stock is available. Made it pretty easy for me to grab consoles.
Thanks. Bought a pro
Used amex on applepay instead. No surcharge
Waiting for Amazon to price match.
Said they ain't going to "sorry but we are just following the price that was suggest by our supplier and manufacturer"
Edit: they really need to reword their (not) price-match policy wording…
Thanks OP bought none
Thanks, I ordered one. Already have Google Tv, Firestick 4k Max and Apple TV 4k but I don’t know why I wanted this.
edit: downvoted as if it's not true.
Thanks! Just ordered a pro.
Doesn't this have Android adverts served into the main menu - you can't disable them?
You are the product!
I had to google this as I didn't notice any "ads", but my 2017 Shield has show "highlights" on the main menu for shows that are available to stream. Doesn't really bother me tbh. I mainly use mine for Plex.
Yea it has promotions on the main menu, but you can install custom launchers with no ads, unlike some Android Smart Tvs
You can disable them unofficially by uninstalling Google home and disabling updates. I have been using these since 2017, and that update was the crappiest thing ever as not only were they adverts, you had to scroll through them to get to stuff you need. Apparently its a google thing, not Nvidia, but it was forced upon us either way. Evil.
Yes it does, which is pretty outrageous given you pay a lot for this device. It ‘highlights’ content from services you don’t want or subscribe to, without the ability to hide them. Changing launcher app is a bit much. Check the reviews from all the customers they’ve upset. Yet Google keeps this in.…
The reactions to this have been so over the top. It's the home screen. You're on there to choose what app you want to open, that's it. You would be on there for 10 seconds max.
Its not just taking up half the screen, you have to scroll through the adverts to get to stuff you need.
my shield sucks
You're using it wrong.
Get a Dyson…
When is Nvidia going to release the new shield?
When they do.
Probably not until there's a new Nintendo Switch, as they use the same processor.
Why would the switch have any bearing on what Nvidia decides to release?
Because the Shield uses the same SoC as the Nintendo Switch (just clocked a little faster).
@idonotknowwhy: Yes I know that. But why would what Nintendo does have any bearing on Nvidia releasing a product. It’s their chip so surely they don’t need to hold back until Nintendo is ready to release a new Switch. I wondered if there was some news that Nvidia had to wait until Nintendo ordered enough chips to make it worth producing a new shield or if this is just unsubstantiated rumour that gets propagated around the internet.
@phatmike128: Nvidia will wait until Nintendo want a new processor because it makes no sense to make one earlier. What other devices are going to use it?
@phatmike128: Just makes sense. As you can see, the Nvidia Shield has no competition. They can keep selling the same hardware (same as Nintendo with the Switch SoC really).
Might as well wait until Nintendo need a 4k chip. Nintendo can pay for it, they can use the same thing in a later revision of the Shield.
I wondered if there was some news that Nvidia had to wait until Nintendo ordered enough chips to make it worth producing a new shield
Not that I've heard.
most modern TV's and streaming sticks have caught up with its performance.
nowhere near…
just get the a cheap firestick 4k Max
sure, if you don't mind much slower response times.
@jv - Completely agree. Most tv’s aren’t running Android or can access the number of apps the shield can. Picture quality is great, 2 years in I have no lag and I find the remote better to use than any tv.
For this price, a shield is a great buy.
And the most horrendous UI.
The Android TV UI is fantastic though?
My parents found it much easier to operate than LG's WebOS on their new LG C1.
Dno about that, my LG B8 and even CX are laggy enough in the Plex app to be annoying. Especially the B8.
Plus sending or transcoding lossless audio tracks and using ARC seems to introduce lag for me. Not to mention you can't pass through DTS tracks on the CX
I guess these could all just be LG issues…
Yer my new 2021 Sony x90j runs Google TV really well, I'd say equivalent experience to my shield.
Until it needs to deal with something requiring grunt that you do not want transcoded like 4K remuxes.
Like others have said the response time for shield is so much better. Has the best upscaling by far, only device to play lossless audio like Atmos & DTS-X, Backlit remote, Dolby Vision. Lots of other features they have that others don't or they just do so much better at. No other device comes close if you have the other equipment to use it with
Eww no.
Only way to play remux 4k dolby/dts by direct play without reencoding is through nvidia shield pro.
Pretty much the only good thing the shields got going for it.
I don't use remux and switched from a slow laggy shield pro to an apple tv 4k and it's still working perfectly and the ui and apps like plex are MUCH faster.
They need to update the shield pro soon.
My 5 year old 2017 Shield Pro runs flawlessly. Dunno what crap you installed on yours but your case is clearly the outlier.
@Tacooo: Plex, factory reset the thing multiple times and installed plex and only plex and it was a laggy mess.…
Here's my reddit post from when I compared both.
Wrong. You cant beat 4k files on a usb stick.
Do DV movies on MKV work?
Do DTS audio work on an LG?
There are different types of 4k files. Judging by your ignorance, I guess you don’t even know what remux files are lol. There isn’t a single TV in the market that can handle DV/atmos/dts remux files.
@lookingforTV: Same could be said for you.
Shield has issues with colour when using DV.
Atmos/DTS REMUX? Most movies now are TrueHD Atmos which most TV’s support.
The Shield doesn’t handle DV with profile 7 (consistently). And I doubt many people here know about FrameStor’s Hybrid releases.
The only thing the Shield can do that TV’s can’t is play MKV DV.
@askbargain: I have several media in TrueHD atmos, and my C1 cannot play them. My main usage for Sheild Pro is to direct play media with atmos/dts and at the moment so, Sheild is the only way. Correct me if I am wrong.
I have never read something so incredibly, incredibly wrong.
Please for the love of God, delete this before you steer anyone wrong.
Can't play Gamecube and Wii games on my Firestick 4k Max like the Shield can.
Not worth paying money for the privilege of being double dipped on with ads.
My 2017 Shield has show "highlights" on the main menu for shows that are available to stream. Doesn't really bother me tbh. I mainly use mine for Plex.
Doesn't properly play FEL. For this reason I am planning on going Chromecast w/ Google TV + Ethernet dongle. I miss out on lossless audio but it doesn't matter because my receiver is old and doesn't support EARC or 4K passthrough.
Also its $160 cheaper.
Any thoughts?
What is fel
Basically a higher quality profile of Dolby Vision
Dolby Vision Full Enhancement Level. There is also Medium Enhancement Level. It's basically a souped up version of HDR.…
You would have to have a 2020 or newer TV with built in support to take advantage of this.
How does a Chromecast help with DV FEL?
My AVR also doesn't handle 4K passthrough or have eARC. I use a HDMI splitter to send the Video to the TV directly, and Audio to the AVR, works a treat.
Also helps me deal with the LG not handling DTS.
Supposedly it can play FEL but shield cannot:…
AFAIK with HDMI splitters you're limiting yourself to the lowest supported resolution of the connected devices. So since my AVR only supports 1080p, splitter would make chromecast -> splitter -> TV output also 1080p.
Thanks for the link, so next question, how much content do you have that is Profile 7 FEL?
I just went over a bunch of my remuxes, and they are all usually Profile 6 & 8, I found one that was Profile 7.
As far splitter, no, the one I have, it send 4K out via one HDMI, and then 1080P out the other. Obviously 4K goes to tv, 1080P goes to AVR -
@snuke: Ooh, very interesting. Could you just confirm whether that splitter supports dolby vision files too? And do you get any of the audio stuttering issues that some of the reviews mention?
Re: P7, I don't want to buy a device that doesn't properly support all video formats (esp an expensive one like the shield). For me it's video > audio.
@SuperMrBlob: I am unable to test DV, I have OG 2015 Shield, but there is zero reason it shouldn't, there is nothing different to it passing through 4K remuxes with HDR.
I have never had any audio issue at all, including zero stutter.
Understandable re P7, for me, basic usability , so using a remote and not ever needing phone, and maintaining lossless audio is paramount. I am happy with HDR. I may just grab one of these to test DV remuxes and see if I have a noticeable difference, because for streaming platforms, there is not much in it, and HDR is usually better. For full UHD discs/remuxes DV should be better, but i doubt it is better enough at the cost of usability.
Each to their own of course, we all have different priorities.
FYI as I was digging around for players that can do P7 FEL, came across this -…
Wish I could find the actual MakeMKV forum post that has it, so far no luck.
List of all movies with P7 FEL -
@snuke: What TV do you have? I have read that DV is a substantial step up from HDR so I am keen to use it.
Great to hear the splitter has been solid for you. Some more questions! Does that splitter passthrough CEC? So if you turn your shield on/off, will it auto turn on/off the TV? How does it work with volume controls? Does adjusting volume with your shield remote passthrough CEC to adjust the volume on your AVR? What about adjusting volume with your TV remote?
Very useful spreadsheet, cheers for that.
As for your second link - that list of movies seems a bit out of date, e.g. I think No Time to Die has FEL.
@SuperMrBlob: I have an LG G1, so top form for quality. HDR vs DV will vary from movie to movie, source to source.
For streaming, generally HDR is better as the DV mastering hasn't been don right, or was never actually done for DV.
From what I have seen, you can clearly see differences side by side, but unless you're actively looking for it, you would most likely never know what was been shown to you if, the difference isn't that big a lot fo the time. I used to worry about, I don't so much now as it is minor detail I would be stressing over. I would get more form a professional calibration I suspect than making sure I had DV as much as possible.
Re CEC, no, it doesn't via the splitter. I use a Harmony Universal remote, so I do not need CEC. In fact, CEC is so continually buggy, I have usually had it turned off on all devices. Reading the Sony 2021 thread on Whirlpool, you will see it's a constant nightmare, less of an issue n the LG thread, but still pretty common that someone can't get something to work. My dads G1 and Soundbar are forever not turning on as they should.
All that said, I do have it on, and it works for the most part. Shield is to TV, TV to AVR, if I use TV remote for volume, then yes, AVR will adjust volume. 99.99999% of the time, AVR will not turn on if just TV is turned on.
@SuperMrBlob: See this video from 2hrs33mins -
A few calibrators talking about HDR vs DV. Basically no difference.
Edit, it's not 2hrs 33 in, it is 2hrs 33 back from where the live stream is now, so not helpful. Should be about 3hrs in.
the Splitter you have is Very Cheap …
@snuke: so i asked the Rep for one of the Navker switch's What made there switch better than the No name ones floating Around and this is what i got
"Different resolution mixed work together: switching HDMI IN 1 and HDMI IN 2 with different resolution smoothly,Such as HDMI IN 1 with 8K@60Hz, HDMI IN 2 with 4K@120Hz resolution,or HDMI IN 1 with 8K@60Hz,HDMI IN 2 with 4K@60Hz(Note:The another 8K switch can not support this function)"
the Switch i have is Cheap but they still Cost 50 to 60 bucks …..
and i haven't really seen any Pro gear offering the same Thing
recently ordered a MOSHOU 8K HDMI 2.1 Switcher with a Remote control ( its 3 way input)
will see how i go with that and if it works Well i will Retire the other Switch's.
@mikezillakind: The splitter @snuke linked (1 in, 2 out) is a different product to the switchers you describe (2 in, 1 out)
@SuperMrBlob: I noticed - completely Different
it probably lacks the bandwidth to do most things as well
id suggest an upgrade
it probably lacks the bandwidth to do most things as well
id suggest an upgrade
Dude, what the hell are you on about? Why on earth do you think I need an upgrade, when you can't even get the product type correct and I have stated it works 100% as intended?
We are talking about splitters, you are talking about switches they do completely different things.
Always get the pro with these and save yourself from headaches!
Why is that?
I have the pro in the lounge room.
Setting up a TV in another room purely for kayo and minimal Netflix. Was thinking of just getting the standard model. Will this be sufficient for such a purpose?
this the latest Model ?
but it's been around for a few years now.
It's impressive how old this is and is still apparently one of the best home streaming devices?
Yeah, it is a bit sad really. With TV's and game consoles so locked down on features, the old more open hardware can be much more useful to so many people.
I have this paired with lg oled 77" and it's glorius. I run everything through the shield, so much better (imo) than any standard smart tv interface or apple 5v box which you can download as a app anyway on the shield, if you like apple tv screen savers as well then get this, amazing. It sucks all apples stuff straight to your shield and looks amazing…
I ordered my shield pro a few months ago around this price and it's a steal for what it does.
Curious what apps you use on the shield ? I have a 77C1 but it's fast enough for all the apps and Plex works a treat so I'm struggling to see the benefit buying one
Yer I had posted earlier but was down voted.
Anyways unless you need to run a plex media server or are a hardcore movie buff there is no need to get one if you have a TV from 2020ish and onwards.
Yer I had posted earlier but was down voted.
For posting rubbish that wasn't true…
@jv: Jeez mate, the average person won't even notice the difference between this and a fire tv 4k max.
average person won't even notice the difference between this and a fire tv 4k max.
I guess I'm not average them…
I find the delay in response on the Fire TV and Google TV devices irritating.
@jv: Yeh I can completely understand where you are coming from, but yeh I can 100% tell you my wife can't tell the difference lol.
I do reduce animation speed to 0.5 in all my android devices, maybe that's why it's harder for me to tell the difference.
Also have you updated your Shield to 9.0+?
@idonotknowwhy: Can easily tell between 60hz and 120hz.
120hz to 360hz not enough to make a big difference to me…
However I'd still be happy with 60hz just like most people.
I'd say you're probably someone who has a 360hz monitor lol.
But yeh point of diminishing returns and all that…
I'd say you're probably someone who has a 360hz monitor lol
You got me lol.
I also have a CRT on my desk for input-lag sensitive retro games ;)
My LG C1 is frustratingly slow. I can’t stand it. I’m supposed to be the bottleneck - not my equipment.
I guess it’s response may be quick enough for some, but the C series are far from being known as a snappy device.
Yeah it’s gets the job done, and if you hate waiting for things to load, there is still a reason to get one of these.
@2025: Yeh I'm pretty happy with my Sony x90j's speed running Google TV…
However I have heard the new version of WebOS has significantly improved speed, maybe see if you can get early access to it on your C1?
I use every app, netflix, apple tv app, spotify, stan, amazon, disney+ etc. I also use steam app and pair it with my xbox controller. It supports dolby vision etc as well. I download everything through the play store and have it paired to my samsung devices and google account. I'm about to set it up to use as part of my smart home as well.
Like you I didn't think I'd need it either… until I got one and it blows everything else out of the water, I can't speak highly enough of this little device. It's also great at emulation if you like old sdhool games (ps2, nintendo, sega etc) the shield pro is one of those devices you never thought you needed till you actually get one.
Thanks for the detailed review interested about the steam link/emulation im sure I could pair my ps5 controller or just buy an Xbox controller and also Dolby Vision playback with the stuff I download ;)
After failing to get a PS5 this week and Xbox Series X last week, I feel that I must get this.