Is This Racism or Matter of Choice?

I am originally not from Australia and you can tell from my name. I have been here for a long time and luckily haven't encountered many racist people. I truly believe Australia is very tolerant and accepting of different cultures.

Recently I posted a job on one of the popular find-a-tradie websites (not Airtasker or Hipages). This is how the conversation went:

Tradie: I would like to do the job.
Me: When can you come over to provide the quote.
Tradie: Really busy
Tradie: Are you from ******?
Me: That's fine, I will look at the other responses for now if you are busy.
Tradie: I don't work for *******s
Tradie: They are cheap

I raised a concern with the website support and ask them to add a field for ethnicity, so tradies can choose which ad to respond to and people like me can avoid such encounters.
Customer service didn't see any issues with it, they said it's a matter of choice for tradies and they can choose who they work for.

I have no issues with choice, only how the point was put across. That guy knew my ethnicity form my name, yet he chose to respond to my job.

I just wanted to check if I am overreacting. It's not like he came with a mob to burn my house. May be he had too many bad experiences with ****** people and just wanted to vent.

So Ozbargainers, is this racism or just a matter of choice that person is entitled to?

Edit: Thank you all for your comments. Apologies for not being able to respond to all of you. So far the consensus is that tradie is racist, however the best course of action is to move on. I posted a comment about reporting this behaviour which got some negs. I just want to clarify that I was not planning to report the tradie, I was planning to report the platform for endorsing it.

It isn’t a small job either, it’s bathroom and kitchen renovation. It’s lot of money, and I definitely wouldn’t want to pay someone who hates me because of who I am or where I was born.

For those who are curious about my background, most of you have guessed it right. I am from a cricket crazy nation and I have the same last name as some very popular cricketers.


  • +176

    It's definitely a form of discriminatory racism. Horrible people exist everywhere unfortunately.

    It's definitely not okay and shouldn't have a filter field for ethnicity, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it, there's far more good people out there.

    Also, don't have a clue what your name implies. Never seen it before.

    • +18

      I think he means his real name not the Ozbargain name.

    • +4

      You are right, I have been here for 20 years and met some awesome people.
      Let's just say my first name and last name are very common among people with my ethnicity (actual name, not my user name).

      • +17
        • 33 months jailed for stealing and drug use.. wow why can't they do that here ?

      • So what does your names sound like? Chinese asian or south asian?

        • +2

          sounds Indian, I think the racist guy was calling him a cheapskate or tight@ss

          • +22

            @striker5950: I can confirm, after having dealt with Indians a lot , majority are cheap skate tight asses, this not racists just a observation from my own personal experience. They waste your time, try and get what they know is the most expensive item for absolute dirt cheap, have you send a hundred different quotes and end up going with the cheapest crap from someone else and you never hear back from them after sucking hours of time off you that could have been used with a paying customer. Before I deal with them I ask them straight up what their budget is and 98% of the time it's far below our companies price list which is already very competative, so straight away I can avoid wasting my time with them.

            Again this is NOT racist, this is my personal observation after being in and dealing with them for 10+ years. I will also ad that my brother in law is also Indian so I not only speak from personal work experience but family expeeience.

            • +10

              @Kmartsecurityguard: regretfully some people might have had bad experience with certain races when it comes to a non picky no headache paying customer, ill put it like this, based on my experience, people from India are "EXTREME bargain hunters"..

              • +9

                @striker5950: I have nothing against anyone looking for a bargain, that's normal human nature. What I absolutely hate is people that are happy to waste hours of your time, take your knowledge and waste your time only to use all that information and buy a more terrible/cheaper product elsewhere. And Indians (again NOT being racist) are notorius for doing that. Over the years however I devised a simple method for dealing with them. I simply ask what their budget is, and charge a fee for my time if it requires more than 30 minutes. If their budget lines up with pricing I'll happily spend the time, if they lie and say they don't have a budget I explain the consultation fee associated with my services that are fully refundable upon purchase. 99% of the time once they hear the price isn't $1 shop bargain for high end goods they move along within the first few minutes. Saves me time and money.

                • @Kmartsecurityguard: 100% - use to be in travel years ago and it was common practice. Always quoted below RRP so they knew I had one of the better prices then when they would come to book would say not available. Good times

                • +4

                  @Kmartsecurityguard: lol unfortunately we are on Ozbargin so even a bit of fair criticism that sounds harsh will get negged to oblivion..

                  I've sold two cars in the past few years, and a few things on FB marketplace, each time I got an Indian buyer who calls, they ask so many questions and talk for 20 mins, than they offer half of the advertised price and say its cheaper elsewhere.. lol

            • @Kmartsecurityguard: This really shouldn't be downvoted

            • +3

              @Kmartsecurityguard: One of my fav movie lines is from the hundred-foot journey…

              Indian family asking for a discount at fancy restaurant: "Madame, asking for a discount doesn't mean I'm poor, it just means I'm thrifty"


            • @Kmartsecurityguard: I know its a stereotype, but every time I get ridiculous offers (way below a fair price) for things I'm selling it seems to be from people with Indian sounding names. In particular when I've sold cars its been a real PITA. Some of these people seem to spend their time trawling thru facebook marketplace etc looking for people who will fall for it. I guess it must work to a degree or they wouldn't bother.

            • @Kmartsecurityguard: It's not their race it's coming from a country with a strong culture of bartering/haggling. Not going through the whole process of geting the lowest price would be like paying RRP at Harvey Norman.

            • +5


              majority are cheap skate tight asses

              As much as it makes me feel bad to admit it, this is true unfortunately, true for atleast a majority of Indians who live here in Australia (or any other developed country).

              But, speaking on behalf of the rest of us (I'm Indian too!), not all of us are cheap. Actually, some of us are even scared to look/hunt for bargains so that we are not seen as cheap (because of the image that's been created by the other half).

              My 2 cents on why they behave that way - (definitely not justifying that behaviour!!!) - back in India, customer service is almost unheard of in most places (may be for very expensive purchases / high establishments though, but not for everyday items). In most places in India, no one would dare go back to the seller because the seller wouldn't take any responsibility once it is sold - very few would dare send the food back if it was incorrectly prepared or even party uncooked.

              So, once you move here the idea of refund or returning an item because it is not good (or you don't like it) seems too good to miss. And most of us (them?) take a little too much advantage of it.

              I've had many of my friends do it and I've hated it.

              • I've seen people buying Tomtom GPS (before google maps became mainstream) just for a weekend trip and returning it on Monday complaining that they were not happy with the quality,
              • used pipe sealants and return a half used pack to Bunnings saying it was not up to the mark,
              • buy apple watches just to get a feel of it and return saying it is not for them.

              And the same attitude trickles down to every business they interact with - the idea that they don't owe anyone anything .

              So, yes, it is more frustrating seeing them as a fellow Indian as they've messed it up for the rest of us >:( And some of us trying to over compensate so that we're not seen as cheapos.

              Sorry about the rant - this is just 7 years of frustration built up over time watching the some ruin it for the rest of us.

              About the main thread - like many said, you've dodged a bullet. Just move on.

              P.S: We're not a cricket crazy nation. It's just an image that the media generated over the years (and even made us believe). We are a nation of multiple interests :)

            • @Kmartsecurityguard: ditto to this.
              I sold like 150+ items over FB market over the years and have dealt with plenty of indian background.
              About 80% of them are low baller and waste your time.
              Like asking already cheap brand new item that I listed for $200 (retails $300 in shop) for $90.
              Asking for address stright up without any nego and suddenly they only have little cash on them.. lol
              I am not racists as I'm also from different background but nowaday I just ignore most of their dm.

            • +2

              @Kmartsecurityguard: I can also, unfortunately mostly echo this.

              Run an IT business, and the indian people who I have either quoted or undertaken work for have mostly been after the bare minimum to have their business operate. I'm okay with me proposing a lower end solution to something that meets someone's needs but it's more of a haggling style thing going on.

              That said - I do have 1 client with an Indian director and they're great though - It's definitely a dick move to assume all indian people are going to be cheap.

              TLDR: Even if your experience with a particular ethnicity has historically been problematic you shouldn't judge the entire ethnicity on your experiences.

    • +16

      We are based in Melbourne for more than 10y now and went to Adelaide for a holiday and people there are quite racist against us.

      • +3

        Dude don't say that. I'm flying to Adelaide in 8 days.

        • +3

          Can confirm just got back and There was racism at play

          • +3

            @gungirlyuna: Dammit, I've never been but some people have told me how nice everyone there is and recommend I visit. Now that I think about it, they're all white guys.

            • +11

              @idonotknowwhy: Gotta be careful about recommendations from people. All I ever heard about Germany was how great it would be, and how awesome everyone is. But, as a travelling mixed race couple we found Germany a horrible experience, and genuinely felt very unsafe at times. In hindsight I realised all the recommendations were from my white friends.

          • @gungirlyuna: what happened?

      • +4

        im born and raised in adelaide (not white). curious to know what you experienced?

      • +1

        That's odd though, I have nothing but praise for people in Adelaide when I'm on the ground as a tourist or working with people from there in a professional capacity.

    • +9

      To be honest if a tradie needs to hunt for work in this environment, they are probably not very good in the first place.

      I agree some tradies might not be the best at advertising, but from his demeanour he was probably a terrible tradie in the first place.

    • +3

      Sounds like a racist action. His prejudice very well may have been based on past experiences, but still racist.

      Do you really want to force him to come do the job though? It's like getting into with an argument with a tattoo artist and then still making them do the work on you……you might end up with a willy on your back XD

  • +88

    Racist tone; moreover the tradie is obviously a massive a%$@hole

    • +16

      Yeah OP probably already avoided potential hassles. This tradie smells like troubles lol

      • +2

        Nah, if it's an anti-Russian thing as suggested below

        Suggested on the basis of absolutely nothing though.

        The OP is likely Indian/South Asian.

      • +6

        Do everyone a favour and have your internet disconnected.

      • +20

        Discrimination on the basis of many factors is legal. For example, based on your intelligence, I wouldn’t hire you for a job Discrimination on the basis of race is not legal.

          • +6

            @Gnostikos: Open your heart to kindness Gnostikos! You mightn’t understand nuance, but love will see you through.

              • +9

                @Gnostikos: Hey! I didn’t insult your intelligence! I just said given your intelligence, choose love :)

                Alternatively - learn to understand the difference between racism vs choosing to not visit a cafe based on their health practices.

                But I’m thinking love might be the easier path for you.

                • -7


                  I just said given your intelligence, choose love :)

                  Wow, that's touching… in a Harvey Weinstein kind of way.

                  Alternatively - learn to understand the difference between racism vs choosing to not visit a cafe based on their health practices.

                  Learn to understand that the OP has zero proof of racist intent, just like they had zero proof that going into a hairdressing salon where the employees weren't wearing masks constituted a real risk to their health. They were making unfounded assumptions that the employees were carriers of disease in a manner identical to the tradie making unfounded suspicions about a particular ethnic group.

                  Nothing explicitly racist was said to the OP in any case and tradies are free to turn down work as they see fit.

                  That's the beautiful thing about freedom of choice, no one has to do anything they don't want to; something you seem to find inherently problematic, which is your problem.

                  The one thing the OP and yourself have demonstrated here is that you're both prone to making massively ignorant assumptions about people you don't know.

                  Both the OP and yourself need to learn how to regulate your emotions better and behave in a rational manner.
                  Instead of going off on a diatribe about peace, love and good vibes or whatever the hell your point was, try practicing some patience and tolerance.

                  • +7

                    @Gnostikos: gotta learn when to quit.
                    You got owned big time.

                    • -3

                      @gimli: The only person that got owned here is the OP who is an excellent example of: what goes around, does indeed come around.

                      • +1

                        @Gnostikos: I think you may not know what owned means.

                        (Dont take it personally. I get roasted for being a clown all the time)

          • +6

            @Gnostikos: Keep digging.

            • -3

              @smartazz104: You gotta like… open yourself to love maaaan, it's like… you're just so hateful maaaan.

          • +1

            @Gnostikos: Cringe.

          • +1

            @Gnostikos: I give 15 personal thumbs up.

        • +3

          Discrimination on the basis of many factors is legal.

          Correct, but that doesn't make it moral or justifiable.

          I am entitled to discriminate against a business if they allow Asians into their store. That's my decision, and it's perfectly legal. But it still makes me an (profanity) and ultimately makes the whole world a worse place.

          OP discriminating against a business for their mask policy is really no different. Masks weren't a legal requirement which, in theory, meant that safety was no longer a reasonable concern. OP was not discriminating based on safety, he was discriminating based on personal preference. This makes him just as bad as anyone else who does so.

          • @SlavOz:

            OP was not discriminating based on safety

            Lol two years later, still don't get it.

      • +1

        And if i only like butchers that wear gloves?…

      • I agree both are the same. OP, is not going into a barbershop because of not wearing a mask and a guy does not want to accept his job because of his ethnicity. Both are senseless and irrational.

        • Would you shake hands with someone with weird skin conditions on his hand?

          • @Ughhh: No, But I wouldn't mind talking to him

            • @[Deactivated]: How senseless and irrational of you. There's no law against it so safety is not a reasonable concern.

              • @Ughhh: Would you have intercourse with an STD person assuming you are bisexual?

                • @[Deactivated]: I'm not the one who doesn't understand control measures, due diligence and can't differentiate between a contagious disease and racial discrimination.

                  • -3

                    @Ughhh: I know you are not that person. You are a genius who thinks a virus will act according to CHO guidelines. People in the UK are not required to isolate their close contacts, poor UK virus. Here virus attacks those who don't isolate themselves. I never wore a mask or sanitize my hand in these 2 years. I haven't got any virus. Come out of your F*****g shell.

                    • +1


                      You are a genius who thinks a virus will act according to CHO guidelines.

                      If you are a genius, then you would have noticed that doesn't even make sense.
                      I'm not the one who said or agrees to

                      Masks weren't a legal requirement which, in theory, meant that safety was no longer a reasonable concern.

                      Only a sheep would think that just because the gov said its OK, therefore the virus no longer exist or a risk to each individual. Please think for yourself.

                      I never wore a mask or sanitize my hand in these 2 years. I haven't got any virus. Come out of your F*****g shell.

                      So just because you're OK, it means everyone else will be OK? Do you think you're God or something? Has it not crossed your mind about other peoples condition?

  • +25

    It's not only racist, it's illegal, but it happens all the time. Probably just not as blatantly as this.

    That's why they wouldn't put it on the page, it's opening themselves wide up for a huge pile of lawsuits.

    • +19

      Lots of words. Lots and lots of words. So many words. Zero actual substance. So do you think that the tradie is a racist?

      • Yea it’s was. Was painful reading it. But last paragraph was ok. That’s all that was needed

    • +22

      Dont forget also they arent university educated and dont always have the best people skills

      No University = bad people skills? Lol.

      • +2

        Can confirm true. I never graduated uni and my people skills are abhorrent. </s>

  • +31

    Tradie: I want the job
    Also tradie: I'm busy.


    It was a good thing lol

    • I was going to post the same thing. Why bother saying you want the job???

    • +14

      Sounds like every tradie to me.

      "Yeah mate, I can do that. Let's see, the next available slot I've got is… this time next year, does that work for you?"

    • +2

      Just a kent seeking as much money as possible.

      • +1

        Gotta pay for that RAM vehicle.

  • +35

    it was probably a good thing you didn't give him the job.

    i find some people will rip others off because of their vulnerability,

    friends dad doesn't speak much english and isn;t that mechanically minded, and refuses to go to a western mechanic because he thinks they will rip him off because he doesn't understand them much.

    he then goes to a chinese mechanic whom he can converse with ends up charging him more for work he doesn't need.

    there are just S%$# people everywhere

  • +25

    Wow - yep racist.

    Would be easy to report to relevant authorities anonymously - might need a new anonymous account.

    We need less of this in the world - I hope you’re feeling okay.

    • -2

      I am thinking of reporting it to Australian Human Rights Commission. I am not sure if anything will be done, but I would have done my part.

        • +24

          I bet you’d have a problem if you enquired to an in demand business run by Chinese Australians and they said, “nah sorry, we’re only doing jobs for other Chinese people”. (Assuming you’re not Chinese).

          It will not change him, it will only make him more angry/bitter/whatever.

          Possibly true, but that’s not on OP, that’s on the racist F for being so stubborn and narrow minded. Doing nothing won’t change him either.

          • -5

            @morse: I wouldn't have a problem at all, I'd go to the next service provider and tell as many people I could about the first one, without dobbing them in to government.

            "Doing nothing won’t change him either."

            So if I have a choice between doing nothing and throwing flames on the fire then I choose to do nothing. Is that OK with you?

            • +7

              @EightImmortals: Like I said “in demand” so you’re going to have difficulty getting someone else, but they are deprioritising you because of your race - you wouldn’t like it.

              Reporting it too the HRC isn’t throwing flames on the fire, hurling abuse back at him would be. Do you suggest we just let racist tradie do whatever he likes because we don’t want to make him angrier. That’s like suggesting not calling out an abusive partner or a bully because it will make them worse. The problem is with the perpetrator, not the victim.

              • -3

                @morse: I already said the problem is with the perpetrator, not the victim. He was not being abusive nor was he bullying, stop raising false equivalents. There are better ways to deal with issues. As I said the OP should just ignore it and move on the next person.

                • +15

                  @EightImmortals: I don’t think we should ignore racism. I think we should call it out.

                  • -2

                    @morse: He just did.
                    And I agree with the OP.
                    Maybe he should just post the name of the tradie or leave a comment on his Airtasker page, that would be proportionate to the offence IMO.

                    No need to escalate the issue to state violence that I can see?

                    • +3

                      @EightImmortals: I was comparing other situation where it’s not okay to ignore - not all abuse and bullying is physically violent either. Whether OP chooses to go HRC or not is up to him - he has the right to, and shouldn’t feel ashamed of doing so.

          • -3


            I bet you’d have a problem if you enquired to an in demand business run by Chinese Australians and they said, “nah sorry, we’re only doing jobs for other Chinese people”. (Assuming you’re not Chinese).

            So then you go online and buy whatever you wanted from them at probably half the price they were selling it for.

            Lol, what "in-demand" category of business do Chinese people exclusively operate that no one else does? Aside from maybe Chinese grocery stores…

            These preposterous hypothetical scenarios hold zero weight. There's literally no small business that can monopolise an entire product/service market these days with online shopping, everything-as-a-service platforms and the range of choices available to consumers.

            • +4

              @Gnostikos: The only shop in town with pool salt in stock? (That’s a real issue at the moment)

              A roof repairer after a storm?

              A person who hires out construction equipment during a building boom?

              The only restaurant open on a public holiday and one table left?

              There’s lots of scenarios where it might make life difficult if they were told they’d have to go somewhere because of their race. And yes it’s preposterous, and no it doesn’t happen often, because most people are not like racist tradie, which is a good thing because no one likes to be on the receiving end of it.

              • +1


                There’s lots of highly unlikely scenarios


          • -6

            @morse: lol Chinese work for anyone if you pay them enough.

            • +7

              @Rillanon: Anyone works for anyone if you pay them enough

          • +4


            I bet you’d have a problem if you enquired to an in demand business run by Chinese Australians and they said, “nah sorry, we’re only doing jobs for other Chinese people”. (Assuming you’re not Chinese).

            Around here there is a shopping plaza full of Chinese owned resturants/takeout shops & variety/grocer stores where everything is in Chinese. They don't provide any English menu or translations for the items in store. It's not outright saying they only deal with Chinese people but as someone who only speaks English i'm definitely excluded.

            • @Agret: And how do you feel about that?

          • -1

            @morse: You’re decrying racists but you just gave a hypothetical directed at a particular race??

            • @Optimusprimetime: Yes, I used Chinese Australians as an example of people who have historically faced racism in Australia, to reframe the scenario, if the shoe was on the other foot. It’s not secret people in the majority or powerful group in any society don’t like it when a more marginalised group has the power even temporarily. So my example wasn’t ‘directed at’ Chinese Australians, it was placing them in the hypothetical position of power.

              Way to troll a thread 3 weeks after the fact btw.

              • -1

                @morse: Uh no, you just gave a hypothetical example perpetuating the stereotype of Chinese Australians being an insulated migrant population.

                • @Optimusprimetime: Nope I didn’t. I basically just named a group. I’ve not heard any businesses run by Chinese Australians who wouldn’t sell to none Chinese, not a stereotype I’ve ever heard of, so maybe you just made it up in an ongoing attempt to stir the pot. It would be pretty weird as pretty much most people of any background are keen to make a buck from anyone of any background.

        • +4

          I wonder if the black population in the USA took your advice whether they’d be allowed to go to the same schools as the white population?

          • -6

            @Vote for Pedro: Wait what? Someone is stopping the OP from going to a certain school now? Gee that escalated quick.

            • @EightImmortals: You intentionally ignore what I said to make a silly point.

              Have you got mein kempf on your desk?

              • -1

                @Vote for Pedro: No I didn't ignore your silly point I merely called it out for what it is, completely unrelated to the topic at hand.

                And Mein Kampf is so last century dude, we're up to Mein Reset now. Try to keep up.

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