Albo Not Knowing The Cash Rate or Unemployment Rate Is Worrying…

how the hell can this guy be the leader of the opposition?

literally the 2 big issues us Australians are facing are employment/under employment and housing costs/cost of living guy doesn't know basic figures that you would expect every MP to know…..

is there no one else!? dead set this guy is worse then Shorten….every time he opens his mouth i think he is a fraud who knows jack all about the job he is going for…

i think i would honestly accept him getting the unemployment rate wrong because the number changes every 1/4 but the cash rate has been at 0.1 percent since November 2020 thats almost 2 years. Albo is trying to be the next PM and he studied finance how the hell could he not know what the cash rate is….

i know this place is a LNP hate fest but considering most people here want love the ALP to win and they 'probably will' but this has to be concerning that this guy is leading the ALP.

for people saying this isnt a big deal - it is actually huge it is a massive gaff and it is something that any MP let alone future PM should know, i think the 'bias' to ALP kind of shines though on OZbargin - i guess will see how things go on May 21


        • +2

          Yeah but you haven't thought of the Pink Batts scheme, have you!1!?

        • +2

          Absolutely. It’s just wild. Like knowing the exact figure makes one shred of difference.

      • I am personally mad that they've drained the funds for NDIS, and had the gall of calling it "a saving"

        Saving who?!

  • +7

    god who cares

    • +1

      The Murdoch media and everyone who reads that shit unfortunately.

  • +1

    Annastacia Palaszczuk did not know the GST % on top of her head on a radio interview, can't get worse than that…

    • But she she she she has a treasurer to look after treasury sort of stuff /s

    • -1

      Well I mean the GST is a Federal Tax, y'know, so…?

  • +6

    I am not really sure the unemployment rate matters anymore considering its a farce, if you work more than 1 hour per week you are employed…That is not really a useful statistic.

  • +1

    I'm not convinced with Albanese one bit. Anytime he's asked to comment on policies, he straight away directs attack Scomo. The typical Aussie knows Scomo isn't a nice person, we don't have to be reminded everytime Albo speaks.

    On the other hand, what's an alternative party you'd like to see ?

    • Why does it have to be "…an alternative party…"?
      My understanding is that we could have a government full of independent or small-party elected reps. A majority would just need to sign up to a coalition and take that to the GG to form a government. Like the Liberal and National Parties do now.

  • +1

    Might have just lost him the election. I'm not going into the many reasons why it's completely absurd that the favourite to win PM doesn't know the unemployment or cash rate. All I will say is, while Scomo may be the worst PM ever, Albo is the worst candidate ever.

    Actually, no. I will give one reason to show Albo's incompetence. Josh Frydenberg's very recent budget speech:…

    "Tonight, I can confirm to the House, unemployment is at 4 per cent, the equal lowest in 48 years."

    Shows Albo was probably sleeping on the job when the speech was given. And don't get me started on his budget reply speech when he doesn't know what's going on. Anyone who watches or reads the news daily could spit out the figures, and if he can't, he's not fit to lead the country. It's elementary shit. Utter incompetence or idiocy? Take your pick.

    • -3

      i think the race will be very close - if Albo can't manage a press conference (like today) without unscripted questions any live debate will see him get Slaughtered.

      The issue the ALP have now is they have spent most of the pre-election campaign slagging off Scomos character which for the most part has been 'effective' but if the Australian public think Albo is incompetent or unfit to lead it is a tactic that will backfire on the ALP as it will show his 'lack' of character.

      For me Scomo is a c—t of a bloke but being a leader isnt about being popular it is about being able to make hard decisions and lead. Im not saying Albo cant do that but to me the 1st two days of campaigning are showing some serious cracks in Albo i wouldn't be surprised if the polls up until the 21st of my point to a ALP win but on the day LNP wipe the election i think most intelligent voters keep out of online debates and away from public polls.

      Ozbargin is full of ALP voters but for people to shrug this off as not a big deal is simply clear bias, as this is a massive PR disaster and todays 8min press conference disaster is another blunder - i think Albo needs to dead set sit in a room and take any question fired at him for an hour or two with show he can 'deal' with the pressure.

      I think the ALP should of picked a better candidate to lead them but perhaps Albo will regain composer and show the Australian people why he should be PM

      • +4

        being a leader… is about being able to make hard decisions and lead.

        are you saying Scomo is going to start doing this at some point?

        and todays 8min press conference disaster is another blunder -

        what 'blunder' are you referring to?

      • +2

        "Ozbargin is full of ALP voters but for people to shrug this off as not a big deal is simply clear bias"

        That's made abundantly clear by the comments. But seasoned political analysts have already called it the worst first day of a campaign in living memory, so trying to shrug it off is futile.

        Despite what social media or the ABC might have people think, the number one issue each election is the economy. And Albo got an F. Easy ammunition for the LNP going forward. I can already imagine the ads on how Albo can't be trusted when he doesn't know the basics etc.

        How he was chosen over Jim Chalmers to lead the party is beyond me, but it's all about who's got the votes within the party and not who's the best candidate.

        • -2

          But seasoned political analysts have already called it the worst first day of a campaign in living memory, so trying to shrug it off is futile.

          lmao WHO?

          Despite what social media or the ABC might have people think

          ABC have been leading with this story and hammering it home, bro.

          Man you guys are bad at this

  • +5

    This whole thing is bigger than the leader. Its about picking the party that has plans, not just one that racks up debt and isn't accountable.

    • -2

      I agree, and if ALP (Albo) came out with a budget reply that said he was looking at paying down debt he would have my vote and i dare say most Australians want debt paid off or reduced.

      But to your point name one government Australia has EVER had LNP or ALP that was accountable?

      • +8

        We were ranked 1 in the world for our economy in 2008 under ALP. How has it gone since then.

        Also, more debt being paid off as a policy is just going to give the media an excuse to say "You will pay more tax under ALP" … "Albo wants higher taxes".

        • -4

          Actually we were ranked number 1 economy during most the Howard era 1997-2007… did the ALP Government do after being handed a surplus government?

          I dont care who you talk to Howard was the best PM this country has ever seen and anyone who looks back now need to realise we went to war and we were still making a surplus….

          I would argue Rudd was one of the worst PMs

          I would probably argue with worst PM ever had to be Turnbull who was a liberal so it goes both ways

          Gilard was actually an alright PM but the deals with the independents and Greens killed her ability to lead

          Abbot was a bit of a disaster, but it was more so Hockey being the worst treasurer we have even seen killing any good will he had.

          that brings us to our current government who depending on who you talk to have done a great job or an incredibility poor job given the circumstance it comes down to opinion - for me Scomo hasn't been a great but time will tell i guess how people look back on his time.

          The issue i have is most of the policies i have absolutely hated from this LNP government the ALP have bipartisan supported. - im not convinced Albo is a better choice and his campaign is built on 'im not Scott Morrison' isn't selling it to me and i think the vast majority of Australian voters.

          The fact Greens and the ALP think Job keeper should of been extended, and given to non-Australians ie Temp Visa holders, Asylem seekers etc has me very suspect on there extreme left wing agenda.

          I personally dont want a left wing government but from where im standing both major parties are left one is just extreme left

          • +4

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Howard threw away a mining boom to buy votes. He also put in a lot of the tax concessions we have today to get further votes (ie dividend imputation credits). We cant get even get rid of them now. Aside from introducing the Gst what else did Howard do for Australia? Oh yeah dont forget the great privatisation of Telstra. Everything the libs touch they f it up

          • @Trying2SaveABuck:

            dont care who you talk to Howard was the best PM this country has ever seen

            He got lucky with the mining boom and still squandered it all. Three-time failed opposition leader, Mr 17% the best we've ever had? Comedy.

          • +1

            @Trying2SaveABuck: You're joking. Without Rudd we would never have survived the GFC with every idiot government and his dog going for austerity measures - the LNP were calling for it too and look where it landed all the countries who did it.

            • +1

              @MessyG: Man I almost wish I knew what drivel Buck posted, guess if he can’t make a point without crying then he has no point to make.

  • +2

    How can the current pool of Australian "leaders" be this shit? Like every one of them?

    Bring back the Hawkes, Keatings and Howards

    • we wish we had one of them

    • +9

      Howard did the same thing, he got the cash rate wrong when asked as well back in the day. Thus why Howard even came out yesterday saying it's no big deal (and is now backtracking because it's blown up into a huge story being pumped to all hell by certain parts of the media).

      Yet you go read about Morrison's announcement of creating 1.3m new jobs at a factory that's in the process of shipping jobs off to Vietnam. Saw the Newscorp headline that "ScoMo’s election campaign demonstration doesn’t go to plan" and was pleasantly surprised that they'd be reporting that the factory is shipping jobs off to Vietnam.

      Nope, it's about how ScoMo dropped his glasses.

      We as a people need to get better at filtering the news from what's political stunts vs actual, relevant reporting. Albo isn't going to be required to remember the cash rate as any part of his day to day job, he can google it, he can ask the pile of financial advisors. What he does do is set policy and that should be compared to the past decade of Liberal policies and what they've delivered us. I'm more worried about growing inflation, huge debt and the government handing out cash to people and thinking that somehow makes a scrap of sense. And this is their well thought out budget plan, not just a top of the head question.

      • +1

        I don't mean the cash rate mistake. Just that the politicians we have as of late are reminiscent of a slimy used car salesman pandering to every opportunity to make a sale of public perception.

        They have little to no leadership qualities. A bunch of yes men at the helm.

        • Ah, gotcha.

          Yeah, the entire thing feels like a game and not a single person interested in running things well. The media are a part of it as well, there's no medium for a reasonable discussion on where the country is going, because people like soundbites, they don't read policy papers.

          The entire economic system needs overhauling: tax, spending, most ministries, programs, accountabilities, etc. But if you try explain that it'll be boiled down to "so you mean you're going to raise taxes/cut spending???"

  • People are calling him Australian sleepy Joe.

    • +10

      Sure they are….

    • Slurpy Joe. The guy needs intensive speech therapy. ;-p

    • +3

      Murdoch hired social media influences are doing that. They're just doing a copy and paste from the US strategy, the LNP hired them to do it because it took off so much. It's disappointing that so many Australians are falling for that yank bullsh*t.

  • +9

    Im more worried that Scomo refused to answer why Alan Tudges ex staffer was given 500k. Better yet what did we get for 5 billion in the submarine contract cancellation ?

    • +1

      A juicy alliance with like minded first world countries?

    • +4

      And who gave Christian Porter, a million anonymous bucks while a sitting member of parliament?! Imagine if that was a Labor politician…

    • +2

      So many monumental failures by SloMo, but even if you ignore ALL of them (I can think of 20 right now!) and just concentrate of proposed policies of the two parties, who in the world would vote for LNP?

      They are the laughing stock of the entire world. We could have been world leaders in renewable energy, instead we are seen as climate change denying laggards… pariahs… it's bloody embarrassing!

      LNP are so deep in the pockets of coal lobbyists, and so locked in to whatever the Nationals tell them to do (because they know they'll never win government again without them), that doing the right thing by the rest of us (the majority), is less important than doing what the Nationals want (they got 4% of the electoral vote).

      They are a disgrace. SloMo has to go!

  • -1

    If people thought things were needlessly oppressive the last two years, be grateful Labor/Greens weren't running the bigtop.

    Anyway BOTH labor and liberal are awful choices. Two sides of the same coin who have elections sewn-up to guarantee one of them always wins. This is why so many people don't vote, vote for Mickey Mouse, etc - and this MUST change. The only way to change this situation is to first vote to take away as many seats from both Liberal & Labor as possible - and give them instead to people who have vowed to change/pass laws to hobble their biased system/laws, to break up their little cabal.

    How? Consider voting below the line, numbering every box, and putting BOTH Labor & Liberal LAST (along with space cadets like the Greens). Vote for someone who won't give their preferences to Labor/Liberal (nor anyone who gives theirs to Liberal/Labor too, which is just as bad).

    For the first time we have a bunch of parties, called "Freedom parties" who have all agreed to ONLY preference each other. This means Labor & Liberal WILL lose seats, and WILL lose the ability to pass any oppressive law they please because it benefits them (like Dan did to Victorians, like NSW outlawing protests, etc). These simple videos explain it:

    • +3

      Some "quality" preference deals for Liberal Democrat party voters…..…

      All good to vote for independents, but often you need to be careful their preference deals dont disalign with your own, and often some of their policies could be questionable at best (or just completely unhinged, unachievable or unbelievable at worst)

  • +3

    The unemployment rate is vague, there is no accurate number and the way they calculate varies from department to department. I mean, wasn't there a stat stating that people who work 1 hour a week are considered employed?

    I mean, Scomo did say for people who are struggling in renting to just go buy a house.

    • +3

      Scomo did say for people who are struggling in renting to just go buy a house.

      If Albo said that he’d be torn to shreds by the MSM.

      OP and everyone like them can’t see that the LNP have the MSM in their pocket. Instead of actually realising where this country is headed in the long term, what the issues are, which party is vowing to make this country a better place for all Australians and not just the rich, they are so focused on this one gaff and trying to get people on-side to not voting Labor.

      OP should stick to the right wing comments section cesspool of a discussion if they want to find people to agree with them.

  • Pot calling the kettle black… same same, but different.

    • Fusion Party (contains the old Science Party)

  • -1

    literally the 2 big issues us Australians are facing are employment

    Unemployment rate is the envy of the world. Non issue.

    • +2

      Unemployment rate is the envy of the world

      It isn't, bro

  • +7

    The unemployment rate is fudged anyway, independent studies (Roy Morgan in this case) say it could be 4 points higher than what the ABS states, and under-employment is about 7%, or a total of 15.1% unemployed or under-employed. I don't expect Albo to memorize some made fudged up figures Scomo/Failberg created, Albo wasn't that fair off when he was guessing the figure anyway (I think he was only off by about 1%).

    In the end I trust Albo alot more considering how terrible Scomo has been at his job and the amount of corruption he's got away with, at least Albo seems to genuinely care about people and the direction of this country, the fact that he also has a Bachelor's in Economics and had a stint as acting PM fills me with more confidence than not holding a house or Scomo-ing off to Hawaii.

  • +7

    Having a PM who is untrustworthy ,lies, blames others is far more worrisome!

  • +4

    John Howard was asked the exact same thing in 2007 - and couldn't remember it. And in fact John Howard's response to this was "so what".

    If you can't see that then I suspect you were never going to vote for this crowd anyway. Voting LNP is essentially giving them a mandate to continue everything they have been doing. If that is what you want, then vote for them. I wont be surprised if they win tbh.

  • +16

    I liked Adam Bandt's response when receiving a similar question from a journalist today: "Google it, mate". Honestly, we should be more worried about actual policies than whether politicians have memorised various statistics to the third decimal place. As long as they know what it is, and whether it's too high or low, that's good enough for me.…

    • +5

      I'm no fan of the Greens but damn that speech articulated everything I was thinking about these gotcha questions.

    • +3

      Not a green's fan in the slightest, but hard to not agree with what he said… whatever party your trying to prop up his point was dead on.. less soundbites and more action..

      • +2

        Why aren't you a Greens fan?

  • +13

    Labor: Gets something wrong - admits it
    Liberal/National: full blown corruption - spending of tax funds on personal trips - literally wants the country to burn then flood for all eternity - lies at every opportunity

    Man (profanity) Labor how can you not know one really specific thing at a point in time where knowing that thing means nothing.

  • +6

    An election should be all about ideas, strategies, directions, policies and vision. While you are expecting Abbo to remember the stats correctly, it is far less important than what are his plans and solutions to tackle our society's issues at the moment.

    I come from 3rd world country where election is corrupted top to toes and used to be a swing here in last 2 elections. But now I think I want a change. Just cannot bear the constant lies, the corruption, the deflected responsibilities, the LNP controlled media, etc.

    Maybe maybe LNP will win again, but it is not too surprised given how everything is setup with the media.

    • The sad, sad decline in Australia. We've slid down the Corruption Perceptions Index to an all-time low.

      Since 2012, Australia’s score has dropped 12 points, and our rank in the global index has fallen 11 places (from 7th place in 2012). Of all the OECD countries, Australia tied with Hungary in dropping the most points (12) over this period.

      While Australia’s score has been sliding down for a decade, countries in our region, such as Papua New Guinea, have been trending up. New Zealand again comes in at equal first.

      • +2

        Not to mention a drop on the human rights commission list thanks to the “captains pick” for senior positions at the commission rather than a fair selection process.

        I know I’m biased because I think this run of Liberal leaders is some of the worst leadership the country has ever had, but how do people put aside this level of utter corruption? Is it they really care more about $450 than a corrupt government?

        • It's beyond me. I think Gromit is the only user I can see in this thread saying they can't vote for the LNP due to the current leadership, so… there's somewhat hope?

  • +1

    Not knowing the exact number is bad.

    Not knowing a rough estimate is worse.

    Having the real data and not understanding what it means is even worse again XD.…

  • +1

    How is unemployment of 4% bad? This is frictional unemployment not structural.

  • +5

    I'm more concerned about the dire state of the country under the current Government than if the opposition leader can rattle off a figure at the drop of a hat.

    How this is receiving so much attention is crazy - but then you just have to look at the state of the media landscape in this country to know what people are really worried about.

    • -1

      'dire' state of the country bar the large amount of debt what dire state?

      this isnt just an LNP or ALP thing but Australia is probably one of the best countries to live in the world

      The fact we dont have food, fuel, employment and power shortages like most countries right now is testament to that…

      • +5

        Just because we're doing ok, doesn't mean we shouldn't try to be better. I've lived here nearly 25 years, Morrisson is comfortably the worst PM in that time.

        • -4

          K Rudd
          M Turnbull
          T Abbott

          all worse in that order

          Gillard was also worse but it was more because she was un-able to lead due to deals made with independents if she had majority power should probably would of been decent

          • +1

            @Trying2SaveABuck: Lol you reckon Scomo is a good leader? Even his own party members hate him. What a daft observation.

            • @Piranha2004:

              Lol you reckon Scomo is a good leader? Even his own party members hate him. What a daft observation.

              never said i thought he was a good leader…. we havent had a good dealer since Howard he just isnt the worst leader we have had since Howard

              • +2

                @Trying2SaveABuck: So what measure are you using to determine who is "worse"? Your personal preference isnt a metric.

          • @Trying2SaveABuck:

            K Rudd
            M Turnbull
            T Abbott

            all worse in that order

            How did you come to this conclusion? Sure Rudd and Turnbull weren't perfect, but at least they had some passion and did what they believed in. I'd rather have a PM who actually tries to do something to move this country forward.

            Scomo has done nothing for this country except increase our govt debt while making his mates richer..

            The problem with the media in this country is that they will attack anyone who tries do something new and focus on all the negative aspects. Just look at Andrew Forest and his Fortescue Future Industries, constantly getting picked apart by the media who completely ignore the massive potential of his projects for this country.

  • +6

    Google it mate

  • +5

    OP whining about Labor bias on here, when the only reason they've posted this at all is to try and boost LNP support.

    Thanks Scotty but there are far, far bigger issues at play. Like a PM who is repeatedly dishonest and has multiple sources (including many within his own party) seriously questioning his character and calling him a bully.

    Albo stuffed up, but at least seems like a genuine human being who cares about people.

    • -7

      "Albo stuffed up, but at least seems like a genuine human being who cares about people."


      • +2

        Nice measured response there.

        Well done.

        Google it, mate.

        • -3

          Mate Both Albo and Scomo dont give a single f—- about you your family or anyone you care about they care about your vote so they can get in power.

          If anyone is dumb enough to vote for a leader because you 'think they care' then your brain damaged thats why im laughing at you

          • +1

            @Trying2SaveABuck: I happen to know Albo's partner, ex work colleague. He's a decent guy. Due to the media bias, Labor has had to become coalition lite to even have a hope of getting in. There's no such thing as an actual left wing major party any more.

            You've come on here cheerleading Scomo, now you don't rate him?

            Also moaning about bias when 80% of the media is run by LNP supporters is a bit much.

            Whatever you think of them, you can't seriously be suggesting that Albo is less genuine than Scomo? I'm struggling to think of anyone more fake than Scomo in fact.

            • -2

              @Brianqpr: Name one place i have 'cheerleader' Scomo matter of fact if said on multiple occasions i think he is a c—t.

              I dont vote for people based on their character i vote for people based on if i think they can lead and the policies they bring to the table in which both parties are pretty poor i'd edge the LNP on policies because they arent willing to side with the left wing Extremist that are the Greens for power. - with that said if ALP were happy to tell the Greens to f—k off and actually lead the country without socialist Sun Glasses my opinion would probably change.

              "Whatever you think of them, you can't seriously be suggesting that Albo is less genuine than Scomo? I'm struggling to think of anyone more fake than Scomo in fact."

              This might be the case the fact is Albos campaign has been built on lies and BS claims just as much as Scomo so for me i dont see the difference, if anything Albos willingness to make pie in the sky claims via (most likely) raising taxes isnt something i can support. Personally i dont like any of the party leaders for LNP, ALP, United Aus and Greens (Greens being the worst)

              But Oz-ALP love to bag out LNP and the OPs here love to big up ALP so i thought for fun ill level the playing field.

              It would be even more funny the melt down the left wingers on here will have with the ALP lose this election considering they pretty much have been the wide favourite for 12 months

              • +3

                @Trying2SaveABuck: "This might be the case the fact is Albos campaign has been built on lies and BS claims"

                Citation required. What evidence do you have they will raise taxes apart from LNP claims?

                • @Piranha2004: Albo straight claimed he was an economics adviser to the reformist Hawke government which was proven to be a lie….that is just one of about 30 he had made

                  dont get me wrong Scomo has his fair share of BS too and dont get me strated on the Greens leader that lunatic is full of it

                  • +2

                    @Trying2SaveABuck: He was there to provide economics advice….how is that a lie? More importantly they are not basing their campaign on it at all. I notice you didnt answer the second question I put there.

                    • @Piranha2004:

                      Citation required. What evidence do you have they will raise taxes apart from LNP claims?

                      well when Albo was asked he avoided the question…if he wasnt going to raise tax he would of said No…. i'd say that is strong evidence

                      He didnt provide any advice mate, he is talking out of his ass.

                      This is where i Scomo for all his flaws is better he straight said LNP are looking to lower taxes - Now that Might be a 'straight' lie but it is what voters with half a brain want to hear.

                      Winning election is about making promises people believe you will keep if you actually keeping them is a different story - avoid questions is probably worse then lying about the answer from a PR point of view - if you dont understand that then i dont know how to help you

                      • +1

                        @Trying2SaveABuck: So you take a non answer as an affirmative and you use that as your "evidence". You do realise the LNP govts are PROVEN to be the most taxing? You realise the low/middle tax offsets are running out in July which will mean MORE tax for these people? Tell me again how ALP will raise taxes. Keep clutching at straws mate.

                        • +1

                          @Piranha2004: you literally just ignore what i say and go off on a tangent.

                          Staunch ALP voter you make me laugh because income taxes have actually come down for middle low/middle income workers in Australia - i much as i dont like Scomo

                          Tax cuts in stage 2 of the Personal income tax plan apply from 1 July 2021 as follows: the upper limit of the 19% personal income tax bracket was raised from $37,000 to $45,000 the upper limit of the 32.5% personal income tax bracket was raised from $90,000 to $120,000.

                          Source ATO

                          Ill put this out there if you earn over 60k a year and have a home loan you are an idiot if you vote ALP unless your a unionist which then that is fair enough.

                          • +2

                            @Trying2SaveABuck: All the libs did was adjust for bracket creep. Labor did the same whenever they’re in power, it’s normal course of business.

                            Speaking of promises, how is federal ICAC going? Especially considering the string of corruption issues they’ve had. Promise made, nothing delivered.

                            This voting on whoever promises me the most dollars in my pocket and screw everyone else is ridiculous, they threw billions away with jobkeeper, more billions to come in tax cuts for the rich, billions on submarines, can’t spend money on flood relief though. There’s more to economic policy than tax cuts.

                          • +1


                            you literally just ignore what i say and go off on a tangent.

                            What tangent? We are still talking about taxes. Maybe you dont like hearing the truth about how the Libs are the highest taxing govts and continue to increase taxes?

                            Ill put this out there if you earn over 60k a year and have a home loan you are an idiot if you vote ALP

                            And I think anyone who votes for the LNP despite their incompetence, rorts and corruption is equally an idiot. Not everyone votes with their wallet like you think they do. They have literally set this country back a decade.

              • +2

                @Trying2SaveABuck: It won't be a surprise if the coalition win, not because they are any good but because they have the vast majority of the media on their side and, like it or not, this influences people who don't think for themselves. Murdoch etc wouldn't bother doing it if it didn't work.

                Any genuine "left wingers" wouldn't be supporting the current Labor party, as there's pretty much nothing left wing about them any more. Actual left wing policies have been demonised so much by a right wing media that Labor won't go there.

                There's both good and bad about most ideas, left or right leaning. What gets in the way is human greed and power hunger.

                You started a thread slamming Albo for a meaningless error responding to a dumb "gotcha" question. He should have responded like the greens guy did, that's all that sort of rubbish "journalism" deserves. Slamming one side implies strong support for the other. Support for the LNP implies support for Morrisson.

                • -1


                  It won't be a surprise if the coalition win, not because they are any good but because they have the vast majority of the media on their side and, like it or not, this influences people who don't think for themselves. Murdoch etc wouldn't bother doing it if it didn't work.

                  Honest to god on left wingers think the media is pro LNP

                  Bar The herald Sun (or what ever it is call in your state) and Sky News - which is staunch Right Wing - which you need to pay to access these forms of media

                  The media is pretty left - id argue the project/10 news is out and out Greens/ALP

                  ABC hates LNP because they cut there funding (for good reason)

                  9 and 7 are somewhere in the middle - pretty sure they donate to both parties equally

                  The Age is pro left

    • Yep this. They must love what this government does if they want them in for over a decade jaysus.

  • Massive gaff, yes, but not really a big deal. Does he know the name of the current Italian Prime Minister? How about the leader of Indonesia? I dont envy them…..

  • +2

    Geez Albo is friggen clueless when dealing with the press, a week ago I would have said SloMo couldn't possibly win against even a lame duck, but damn Albo is trying to give him every possible chance.

  • +5

    I think its pretty telling you didn't set up a poll on this. You were afraid of the smacking your opinion would get.

    SloMo is history. Build a bridge (or a car park) and get over it.

    • +5

      Surely even LNP supporters don't want him as leader any more? Absolutely no substance to the man, a complete fraud.

      Given how well we dealt with the pandemic (managed by states mainly) compared to others, he should be in a no lose position. However his many shortcomings and general fakeness have him well behind in the polls.

      • +3

        As a LNP voter I can say I will absolutely not vote for LNP this election or any, where Morrison or Dutton make up part of the leadership. I dread the thought of Albo, but current leadership is completely unacceptable.

        • +2

          As a LNP voter I can say I will absolutely not vote for LNP this election or any, were Morrison or Dutton make up part of the leadership

          Glad to hear that sanity, at least.

    • +2


      • +2

        LeFtIeS AnD ArTs are WoRThlESs!1!1!!

        proceeds to sit on butt watching Netflix, go out to the theatre, go to movies

    • +4

      I think its pretty telling you didn't set up a poll on this. You were afraid of the smacking your opinion would get.

      you're welcome to set up a poll boss - i honestly didnt think this post would get this much of a reaction

      dont worry ill balance it out the next time Scomo or the LNP do something incredibly stupid ill post that to…

  • +5

    Who cares. The amount of (profanity) ups Scomo has done the past few years is indefensible.

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