Albo Not Knowing The Cash Rate or Unemployment Rate Is Worrying…

how the hell can this guy be the leader of the opposition?

literally the 2 big issues us Australians are facing are employment/under employment and housing costs/cost of living guy doesn't know basic figures that you would expect every MP to know…..

is there no one else!? dead set this guy is worse then Shorten….every time he opens his mouth i think he is a fraud who knows jack all about the job he is going for…

i think i would honestly accept him getting the unemployment rate wrong because the number changes every 1/4 but the cash rate has been at 0.1 percent since November 2020 thats almost 2 years. Albo is trying to be the next PM and he studied finance how the hell could he not know what the cash rate is….

i know this place is a LNP hate fest but considering most people here want love the ALP to win and they 'probably will' but this has to be concerning that this guy is leading the ALP.

for people saying this isnt a big deal - it is actually huge it is a massive gaff and it is something that any MP let alone future PM should know, i think the 'bias' to ALP kind of shines though on OZbargin - i guess will see how things go on May 21


    • +3

      Apparently forgetting a number is worse. Nevermind the corruption and rorts!

      • +2

        Imagine if your anaesthetist forgot how to calculate your propofol dose.

        Btw. They don't look it up every time.

        They just know it because it is a very important number.

        A bit like how the energency record low interest rate creating runaway inflation is a pretty important basic number any competent senior politician should know.

        • +2

          I agree that he shouldve known it. It doesnt mean its the end of the world if he doesnt. Media making it out like he's killed someone.

          • +3

            @Piranha2004: I think he handled it well.

            He owned it.
            By doing so he actually said to the population he should have known it.

            Pity the rusted on lefties are defending it like he didn't need to know it.

            Yep, he should have, he owned his obvious mistake, move on.

            If he could have Bsd his way out of it he would have but his advisors obviously came to the conclusion he couldn't and if he tried to it would suck weeks out of his campaign.

            But shhhhh don't tell anyone on alpbargain that as they will defend his incompetence tooth and nail.

          • @Piranha2004: I knew both those figures, doesn't mean I should be running for PM.

            • @Brianqpr: Cant be worse than the moron we currently have in the post! :P

        • The man owned up to it as a leader should. IF this was Scott we would have heard 1000 excuses

          • +2

            @7wig: Yep. It wouldve been a variant of the following:

            "I didnt hear the question"
            "I thought you were asking about xyz"
            "I dont agree with the premise of your question"
            "I didnt check it with Jenny…"

        • -1

          Imagine if your anaesthetist forgot how to calculate your propofol dose.

          Btw. They don't look it up every time.

          They just know it because it is a very important number.

          Then if they get it wrong then can probably sue them for medical negligence or something surely.

          ScoMo today tried that line that if you don't know the number, you can't make policy.
          Well only idiots would make important decisions without checking the number, much like you'd expect a health professional to be damn sure of what they are doing and to check if they didn't know off the top of their head, which Albo admitted right on the spot. Compared to ScoMo who tried to waffle his way out of the milk equivalent.

          • @dufflover: An anaesthetist who needs to check the dose of an emergency medicine eg adrenaline is incompetent.

            They know it because it is important to be competent in their job.

            To be a competent leader there are certain things you should know
            And something as basic as that figure should be known.

            • @mdavant: Do tell what the emergency is around knowing the employment rate from memory?

              • @dufflover: Well if you followed what happened and understood which figure was at emergency levels you would know I am talking about, not employment rate.

                But then again, if you don't understand that then you cannot be expected to understand the importance of knowing it anyway.

        • Yes and he literally has economists for this. He's not the anaesthetist in this situation, he's the manager of the entire theatre.

          • -1

            @MessyG: Good comeback.

            If the alternate pm needs to consult an economist to know the emergency rate he is an absolute fool.

            But then again, I have posted this 20 times (and even his party knows he should know it, hence the acknowledgement of his stuff up) and rusted in lefties most of which probably can't balance their own personal budget probably don't understand the importance of it.

            • @mdavant: John Howard didn't know when asked in 2007 either and has openly said "so what" when asked about Albo not knowing. So it's not a 'rusted on lefty' thing whatever that means.

              The problem isn't rusted on anyone, it's thinking this way that holds this country back.

              • @MessyG: Oh, you think I think John Howard was a competent economic manager.

                How wrong are you.

                • @mdavant: That wasn't the point - the point is that you made it about 'rusted on lefties' when it's not a partisan issue, which is the point I was making.

                  As for who is the better economic manager - you have to look at the team behind the leader. You're electing a whole government, not just a person. I couldn't give two hoots whether or not Scomo or Albo knows a single figure. I DO care about their leadership abilities, because the best leaders assemble a good team, listen to them, and have a clear direction for the country. That's what I'm looking for when I watch people these days.

                  • -1

                    @MessyG: No. It is.

                    You clearly want to make it about us and them, hence dragging in John Howard to protect albanese.

                    Howard was terrible and albanese has shown he is incompetent.

                    Rusted in lefties will never admit to it though.

                    Thus thread is full of:

                    He would use an economist etc etc, which to me says either there is denial in his incompetence or the poster has very limited understanding of the economy.

                    • @mdavant: You're the one who made it about us and them when you used the term rusted on lefty mate. I'm a swing voter and have voted for every major party + independents in my life. And I never said I was an Albanese supporter either. My point is that you made it one sided when it isn't.

                      • -2

                        @MessyG: Sure

                        You are either a rusted on leftie or have no idea that the rate has extremely important ramifications to quality of life and the economy.

                        You are an albanese supporter which is why you used that puerile excuse of economists.

                        • @mdavant: You've just proven my point. There's no need to be so divisive when it's happened on both sides.

                          • -1

                            @MessyG: Explain how I have proven your point.

                            I am critical of the left and right.

                            You are bringing in a past incompetent statement to defend your leftist bias.

                            Come on I am educated too.

                            • @mdavant: My point is that I don't think him not knowing a figure in the moment is not the catastrophic moment everyone is clutching their pearls over. The level of hysteria over it is disproportionate. It didn't matter when John Howard said it and it doesn't matter now. The amount to which people have latched onto it is very, very telling. If you're going to call everyone who says it doesn't matter, "a rusted on lefty" when John Howard, the epitome of experienced, rusted on right-winger himself has said it doesn't matter, you're missing the big picture. You can know a number and still be bloody terrible with money. That's not how good economic management works.

                              • -2

                                @MessyG: Well I feel sorry for your patients when you need to look up the mims for every single common dose you need to prescribe.

                                It is part of the job.

                                It is an emergency level feeding into runaway inflation.

                                He doesn't need to know every figure for everything. But not knowing this is just incompetent.

                                I know what it is from the budget, the news, coronavirus response etc etc.

                                This man sits in parliament for a living and is putting himself forwards as the alternate leader of the country and he doesn't even know it!

                                He pretends to be in touch with the average Australian because his mother was in housing commission but has no idea of an extremely important figure which impacts everyone in the country.

                                Come on. Pull the other leg.

                                • +2

                                  @mdavant: If this is what you're going to sh*t the bed over, then you're going to have a rough six weeks. And I hate to break it to you, but healthcare workers forget stuff they should know all the time, for a variety of reasons. They tend to look it up and move on.

                                  • @MessyG: Well as a fellow healthcare worker I can delay I don't forget common, important things.

                                    I think the next few weeks will be fine.

                                    Better for albanese as his minders will keep him on an extremely tight, scripted leash.

                                    I wonder how long until plibersek usurps him.

                                    I don't see too much difference between policies so I don't really mind who wins the election.

                                    It has been decades since we had truly competent economic managers and a great treasurer

                                    • @mdavant: You've clearly not worked enough night shifts if you've never forgotten common technical facts. It's why we have the layers of safety that we do. It's a running 3am joke!

                                • +1


                                  It is an emergency level feeding into runaway inflation

                                  Not controlled by or set by the government

  • +7

    This has to be a troll post there is no chance you thought to yourself that albo mistake that he apologized and took responsibility for (which our current PM doesn't understand the concept of) is in any way bad compared what SCOMO and done to Australia, then again seeing as you would even defend such a pathological liar isn't surprising, drinking bleach is more comforting than another 4 years of SCOMO

    • +3

      This has to be a troll post

      Never underestimate the stupidity of RWNJs.

  • This reminds me of my NSW L-plater multiple choice test. I really liked driving and wanted to ace the test with a perfect score (typical teen ego).

    I got all the questions correct except for one:

    "What percentage of alcohol-related accidents occur on a Friday?"

    WTF? How is this related to my driving ability?!

    Every politician's goal is to get unemployment rate to 0% - who cares if its 4 or 5…. they just need to know that it is non-zero.

    Knowing the exact value to 3 d.p. won't make you design better policies. I don't know why people are so angry about it.

    I'd be pissed at a job interview if someone assessed me on my ability to route learn shit - go hire a laptop instead of wasting my time.

    • +3

      So how many occur on a Friday?


        Drink driving is a factor in about 18 per cent of all fatal crashes in NSW. Seventy per cent of all fatal drink drive crashes occur in country NSW. The majority of drink drivers in fatal crashes are male (90 per cent) and one third of all drink drivers in fatal crashes are aged 17-24 years (despite making up only about one seventh of all licensed drivers). Thirty per cent of all fatal drink drive crashes occur between 9pm and 3 am on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.

        On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights about 50 per cent of crashes involve alcohol. Crashes involving alcohol are generally more serious.

    • +3

      No, the goal is not to get it to 0%

      There used to be policies for full employment in the distant past

      For at least the last 20 years they have targetted 5% unemployment to keep wages low

      Meaning that we as a society require 5% of people to be unemployed at any time to keep the system moving. But…we pay them below the poverty line and gaslight them that the reason they're stuck there is because they just don't want a job badly enough

  • +9

    This is the biggest non issue during the election campaign. Scott didn't know the price of fuel or a RAT despite them being front page news for a fortnight, Albo didn't know a couple of economic stats.

    Who cares? There is more to the choice in front of us than this absolute rubbish.

    • -1

      cost of fuel literally changes every day cash rate has been the same for almost 2 years…. i can forgive not knowing unemployment

      if the cash rate changed few times over the past year it would be acceptable but the last time the cash rate changed was nov 2020

      • +1

        Way to miss the point. You're an LNP voter and you're not changing your mind.. we get it.

        • -2

          you literally asked the question who cares - my answer is any sensible voter would acknowledge this isnt a good look for someone trying to lead a country how much weight you place on that 'mistake' is up to you personally

          • @Trying2SaveABuck: I recommend picking up a high school economics textbook, so you can learn the difference between fiscal and monetary policy.

            Then that way, you won't conflate the two organisations (central bank vs government) and you will be able to understand the scope of their roles in our economy. :)

  • Do a poll: how many people go to the voting center, get their name ticket off and walk straight out without voting, the results will probably surprise you.

    • we should not make voting mandatory you get too many idiots just ticket box 1,2,3 etc

      everyone should have the right to vote but shouldnt have to

      • +4

        Compulsory voting is one of my favourite things about Australian elections - everyone is responsible for the outcome, not just those with strong agendas or ideology.

        • -2

          there is no point voting if you dont know what you are voting for compulsory voting is the dumbest thing about our election process

          just throwing numbers in the boxes without some idea of what you are voting for is actually dangerous - the fact that i got idiots here losing it at Scomo for the fires that happened when that is a state issue shows exactly how dumb the average voter is.

          matter of fact reading half the comments here actually worry me to how dumb the average person on here is

          • @Trying2SaveABuck: "there is no point voting if you dont know what you are voting for compulsory voting is the dumbest thing about our election process"


            Once again, the 'voting' part isnt necessarily whats mandatory, just the 'getting your name ticked off so you dont get a fine' part is.

            I would guess a large majority just put random numbers in random boxes, a majority of the population wouldnt know the difference between the political parties, or care for that matter.

            I would even guess that if voting wasnt mandatory, the crowds would be around 70% less then what they currently are (on voting day)

            • @SuperMid: thus as i said it should not be 'mandatory' - everyone over 18 has the right to vote but to force people to waste time to tick a name off is pointless.

              • @Trying2SaveABuck: Not to mention the millions of $ they waste on advertising every year, all those pointless brochures they bombard you with, all just to go straight into the rubbish.

          • @Trying2SaveABuck: I think ppl agree that ScoMo was well within his 'right' to go on holidays… Just most leaders would go -
            "Now's not the best time to be relaxing when a large proportion of my constituents are suffering. I should be there to see if I can help in any way."

            Objectively you could apply this same logic with Albo. Knowing the exact unemployment rate isn't going to affect his performance in his day-to-day job (because consultants are hired to create the policies really), but perhaps a passionate leader would know the value off the top of their head by now (i.e. from reading lots of docs).

            • @wimphrel: he booked his holiday 6 months in advance and as i said the fires were a 'state' government responsibly if Scomo came in and told the states how to run things they might of seen it as the federal government over stepping

              if you dont think that would not of happened look at how poorly Dan Andrews and Mark MCgowen managed COVID doing everything he could to ignore the federal governments support and involvement just to 'play politics'

              i reckon scomo has done a lot of rubbish but anyone who has ago at him for the fires doesnt under the divide between fed and state governments.

              if you have an issue wit the way the fires were handled blame premiers of QLD and NSW - one was LNP and one was ALP they both did a poor job

              • +2

                @Trying2SaveABuck: Yes nothing he couldve done /s


                He was warned. He did nothing to help. Then buggered off to Hawaii and stated he "doesnt hold a hose". Awesome leadership right there.

                • @Piranha2004: you dont call a plumber when your having a heart attack - i dont understand how you cant accept this 'actually' isnt his job

                  as for holding a hose Tony Abbott actually volunteered and helped fight the fires - the same bloke ABC called an out of touch misogynist on many occasions….

                  ill accept Scomo has a lot of corruption to answer for but people having ago at him for going on a pre-planned holiday with his family kind of shows how low some left wingers will sink to have ago at him

                  i dont even like Scomo but find the lack of understanding for the job is a bit concerning i blame the left wing media for not reporting the facts

                  • +1

                    @Trying2SaveABuck: Another pointless analogy. The government was literally told that by 2020 the fire season would become more intense in the Garnaut report.


                    i dont understand how you cant accept this 'actually' isnt his job

                    He is the leader of a nation. It is his job to look after the citizens of the country. Just because its not his responsibility doesnt mean he cant do anything about it. His govt's lack of preparedness and willingness to work with the states was equally to blame. The former chief also clearly states this:

                    "He says earlier preparation would have helped keep people safe in the horror bushfires currently gripping NSW and Queensland"

                    As usual, nothing's is ever his responsibility when things go bad. Always comes in to take credit when it suits him.

                    as for holding a hose Tony Abbott actually volunteered and helped fight the fires

                    and that has what to do with Scomo and his lack of action? Good on Tony for doing the right thing. Never liked him but he did the right thing on that occasion.

                    • @Piranha2004: we are not a Republic boss he is the leader of the federal LNP he isnt not a state premier of NSW or QLD - he is also not a president this isnt the usa

                      here is some history now once upon a time the states were not part of the federation they were 'independent' pre-1901 when they 'came together' as one country they had to divide up the powers of what the state and federal government had responsibility over

                      Guess which side of government fires falls under….

                      • @Trying2SaveABuck: OK so why did he visit the floods then? Arent they also state responsibilities? Cyclones? Any other natural disasters? Nearly every state was literally on fire but oh no lets not forget about his holiday he booked 6 months ago. Not his problem so he can do whatever he wants? This is from the same guy who condemned Christine Nixon for going out to dinner during Black Saturday. What a hypocrite.

                        Guess which side of government fires falls under

                        Guess which side of government quarantine falls under? Why didnt he do anything about that during Covid? Another handball and conveniently blamed the states for all of it. Thats actually his job.

                        • -2

                          @Piranha2004: boss they did do something about COVID they had a meeting with the state Premiers like a sensible leader would do and came up with the plan they all agreed on - the issue was a number of states simply refused to action what was agreed upon

                          Victoria and WA in particular used COVID to play politics to support there own agendas - id say for WA it worked to some extent and Vic is clearly didnt….

                          also floods isnt a fed responsibility and i do not support the fed govt getting involved in the recent floods - to me it looks like favoritism and votes grabbing. If you were bagging Scomo for that im all for it, why are they giving money for a state issue for me we have a divide in governments for a reason and i dont like thorwing money to win PR and vote grab Scomo should of stayed the hell out of it but it would been a pr nightmare because the media dont actually do there job…and would of ripped into him.

                          just like the individuals here having ago at him for the fires….because the media made you believe that it was 'his responsibility' when it wasnt. because people dont actually understand what the job of the fed/state government is and just want the government to 'do everything for them'

                          • +4

                            @Trying2SaveABuck: Quarantine is a federal responsibility and I notice you didnt answer the question. Why did he hand over his responsibility to the states? Too hard to do?

                            Victoria and WA in particular used COVID to play politics to support there own agendas

                            Play politics? They did what they thought was in the best interests of their states. You conveniently left out NSW who caused the Ruby Princess and kicked off the great wave of 2021. If anything, Scomo was playing politics by pitting the states against each other with his "gold standard" crap. Not to mention showing favoritism to NSW when it came to funding and vaccine allocations.

                            If only you realised that there are aspects of fires that are a federal responsibility. Here's a lesson for you:


                            Some important functions – notably aerial firefighting, telecommunications infrastructure, emergency broadcasts on the ABC, electricity grids and assistance from the military – are in the hands of the commonwealth, or funded by it.

                            A funding agreement between the states and the commonwealth for the National Aerial Firefighting Agency was reached in 2003 after a particularly fierce bushfire season. The Howard government agreed the commonwealth would provide 50% of the funds each year.

                            But by 2017, the federal share of funding had fallen to 23%.

                          • +3

                            @Trying2SaveABuck: It is the responsibility of individual states and territories to respond individually, but it's been well known that climate change was driving the severity and frequency of such disasters to a point where it was not fiscally or logically possible to continue under the old regime where everyone did their own thing. That's why the Commonwealth Government (Home Affairs) published the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework in 2018 - they were supposed to be responsible for coordination and the sharing resources between states and territories should the need arise, but they failed miserably.

                            The whole COVID sage was basically an entire repeat of that - the state and territory governments all started implementing restrictions to limit movement while Morrison was busy tweeting about how everyone should relax and still go to the footy. Morrison then hijacked another separate body to "coordinate" the responses between states and territories, which also had no real results. The parts that the Commonwealth Government actually had responsibility for (border control & vaccines) were well and truly botched.

                            The performance of the federal government has quite frankly been shocking these past few years. It really calls into question if the nation should reconsider the power levels between our three levels of government (The Commonwealth Government raises around 80 per cent of all tax revenues) as the federal government simply isn't being effective. If that needs constitutional change, I think the public would be respective to that.

              • +1


                he booked his holiday 6 months in advance and as i said the fires were a 'state' government responsibly

                As I said - ScoMo was well within his right to take the leave, I just don't believe it is what a leader would do.
                Lots of politicians on both sides admit this: Albo too by refusing to criticise it openly. But a lot of backbenchers concede: it was pretty poor form for a PM. The bushfires were reported as a tragedy even in other countries (due to no real big westernised-country tragedies happening), and relatives & friends from overseas were asking me "Why is your leader on holidays?".
                That said - if ScoMo proposes policies (not promises) that he plans to put forwards once elected & I like them, I will vote for him.
                (But if both parties just make vague promises and just berate each other, then I'm just going to look at what the current party achieved and see if it's aligned with what I want, and then decide if I want them reinstated or out)

                It's also worth pointing out that no where has it been documented that an opposition leader must remember the unemployment rate at ALL times, so it's not Albo's responsibility to be able to knock it out from the top of his head by the same logic, NOR is it ScoMo's responsibility to remember the price of bread & milk. As others have commented these are rather stupid reasons to elect a party into power.

                I just really don't want people going "I'll vote for them cos they know the value of X from the top of their head"… no one does that in job interviews anymore, we shouldn't do it for ppl who will lead the country.
                Click-bait journalism is ruining politics & Australia.

                • @wimphrel: boss you can vote for who ever you want but fires are not a federal responsibility

                  however setting a budget, immigration, funding infrastructure and government borrowing are all federal government responsibilities thus knowing unemployment and the cash rate is a vital part of the job not just for the pm but essentially anyone in policy making

                  • +1


                    boss you can vote for who ever you want but fires are not a federal responsibility

                    Again - some commenters are pointing out - knowing the unemployment 'off the top of your head for a reporter' is not a PMs responsibility. It will take Albo 1 minute to WhatsApp his subordinate to get the EXACT number and do whatever 'vital thing' (that is probably automated in an excel sheet somehere by another financial consultant) that needs doing.

                    If a number in a PM's head were that critical to the running of a country - ScoMo wouldn't be allowed to go on Holiday.
                    (See what I did there :D)?

                  • @Trying2SaveABuck: It doesn't matter about whether its his responsibility, it was just a really terrible look. He should have come back and shown some leadership during a disaster, looked like he gave a crap, end of. He could always have another holiday some other time.

                    This bloke's biggest strength is supposed to be marketing himself. That was an enormous failure.

  • +8

    Why can't we downvote forum posts?

  • +1

    I don't see how its worrying, if you believe the federal govt has a direct involvement in controlling either, shouldnt we vote out the govt that got us here in the first place?

    • No they dont control either

      However there policies are around spending and immigration are influenced by both

  • +1

    Do you really think that either of these bozos cares about the price of milk or the cash rate? Only enough to win an election. Put your thinking caps on and vote elsewhere.

  • +5

    I think the Greens leader actually had the best response to it - figures that can just be googled aren't that valuable to commit to memory like this.

    What really matters are the things they would change if elected.

    And boy, do we need change!

    • not the change the Greens leader is talk about…. i get he is in a position where no one with common sense takes him seriously but the way that man talks in incredibly dangerous i understand why younger voters are likely to vote greens as they generally dont have the life experience to understand the magnitude of what the Greens want to do.

      imho Greens are extremist and anyone who cannot see that do not understand the subject matter at hand.

      the funny thing is i dont disagree with a lot of what he has to say but i disagree with the way they want to go about it

      • +3

        Nah. I think the Greens have been thoroughly cornered by a hostile media fuelled by deep pockets who do not want the balance of fossil fuel power to change. Everything people have said about the Greens for the last twenty years has been a copy and paste phenomenon and parroted and repeated over, and over, and everyone has fallen for it. Bandt was bloody spot on.

        • Yea…Nah

          Unless Bandt doesnt use a moblie walks or rides a push bike everwhere doesnt own a home
          Doesnt use air-conditioning, doesn't use the internet… etc

          The man and his party are a bunch of frauds

          All for renewable but the way the FF industry is treated by the greens is disgusting ti employees 1000s of people and provides 90% pf our enegery and his answer is shut it down we don't need it duento carbon…. but I won't support nuclear energy because because it might be unsafe…oh and please legalise weed and other drugs becuz they arent thay harmful….but wait Smoking and alcohol are bad and should be banned or tax more to I dunno

          Non of this is the media but actually policy's the greens have been pushing for the past decade only uni students with Zero life experience would vote for these frauds

          • +1

            @Trying2SaveABuck: No, if he did those things he WOULD be an extremist. That just tells you that he's not one. You're demanding they be extremists while at the same time decrying them for not being that way?

            Please. Literally everyone, left and right, are hooded by the media, big corporates, and establishment government on these guys. The fact that you called them 'dangerous' shows just how deep it runs.

            • @MessyG: Literally what he said at the lastest press club ilk quote no more gas no more coal

              No more investment in to oil

              Now i understand the environmental impact of FF but Australias CO2 contribution is less then 1% of the total worlds emssions….

              If he actually cared he would be having ago at China, India, Japan UsA and Russia who make up 50% of emissions…

              Imo the greens are extremist but they don't even represent what they claim to represent which also makes the frauds

  • +1

    Albo is not perfect, he doesn't have a lot of charisma, but an average PM at this point would be a vast improvement on the last 3. From where we are, any change has to be an improvement, and this current Government rabble does not deserve another term.

    Abbott said in 2013 that "the adults are back in charge", 9 years later we can safely say there's been no evidence of that.

  • +2

    Amazing how feckless the government can be, blowing billions on their bungled NBN, billions more to get out of their submarine catastrophe, half a million for Alan Tudge's mistress to go away, etc etc etc…yet nimrods like the OP somehow have more concern with the opposition leader not knowing headline figures that will have little bearing on his actual work.

    To say nothing of his bungling of vaccines, bushfire response, and the list goes on.

    Just shows how incapable of critical thinking some people are.

  • yeah it is a bit worrying. Is there any comparison website that lists differences between the policies of the two parties? That would make it easier to vote :). Hard to find that simple and important information

  • -4

    Albanese has not costed his urgent care clinics.

    Apparently this is a contradiction to his statement.

    He is out of his depth.

    • +1

      what about the wasted money my the libs? 5 billion+ for scrapped submarine deal, corporate welfare that they refuse to get back from companies, 10 billion + fossil fuel subsidies… This shits me when needed community services are shot down because of cost or uncertain costs - the amount of money wasted or lost to fraud currently is billions but (profanity) thats fine.

      • Costed plans can change. Not costing is incompetent

    • has not costed his urgent care clinics.

      Costed, based on work by the parliamentary budget Office…
      Not 'officially costed' just means it's not a finalised and completed cost item in their completed budget, but as they've said, will be completed prior to election.

      Seems strange that not 'fully costed' means he is out of his depth, but just blowing several federal budgets completly or being incompetent for the last year's means the LNP isn't :/

      • I didn't say that the lnp wasn't incompetent. If you look at my posts you will see I think they are incompetent too.

        But people like you defend Alp tooth and nail as you are biased and have your red bead and neck in the sand :)

  • +5

    We have shit like this going on in Parliament, but the media decides to focus on a number the opposition can't remember.

    • +1

      Idiots will vote how they want regardless of facts. If this corrupt incompetent government is returned, I'll take some comfort in knowing at least those who keep voting for it will suffer from its incompetence.

  • +1

    If Scott Morrison is “Scomo” .. Anthony Albanese is .. :-)

    • +1

      ScoMo is the nickname his marketing team gave him, to make him more appealing to the unwashed masses; unfortunately his stupid smirk in almost every photo negates that effort.

      • Oh, I thought it was (An)thony (Al)banese

        • Would it not be AntAl if you're at least making the same abbreviation?

    • labor should do a trump and call him slowmo or scummo to remind people how horrendous he has been, When you think of Biden you thing of sleepy joe… slowmo would stick with ads of him hiding from the media or just making policies on the fly that are never followed up

      • “SloMo, stuck in reverse”.

  • +2

    Adam Bandt copping the same but receiving differently:…

  • HAHAHAHAHAHAH you people.

  • +1

    Absolutely horrifying.

  • +2

    i guess will see how things go on May 21

    Just say you're a right-wing shill and get it over with.

  • What's worrying is people trying to choose the "less worse" between Liberals and Labor, again, "because one of them will be elected anyway". That has been working pretty well for years, right?

    • +1

      I agree both parties are crap but the Greens are unvotable
      There isnt much choice…. sadly

      • +1

        That's your opinion, which must be respected. About 50% think Liberals and unvotable and 50% think Labor are unvotable. That's part of the problem… The main general motivation for people to vote seems to be "avoiding the unvotable".

        I (have the right/obligation to) vote in four different countries and it's been very difficult to make a decision considering parties, history, facts, and people behind the parties. They all seem very problematic in so many ways. And I don't believe in anarchy either… People are too stupid/bad to self-govern… 🙂

        In Australia, I can say that I completely understand those who vote Liberals and I completely understand those who vote Labor. It's not like one is amazing and completely free from corruption and bias and the other is obviously corrupt and biased. They are both corrupt and biased and anyone who says otherwise is just turning a blind eye and making a choice based on their own interests (which is fine, they just have to be aware of that).

        Some people base their decisions on taxes, others on NBN, programs for electric vehicles, corruption scandals, or links with foreign dictatorships or democratic governments, poor educational levels, Medicare, COVID-19 management, drugs policy, LGBT rights, migration, pot holes that are never repaired, traffic, maintenance of parks and reserves… The list has no end…

        People will prioritise different things and have their own interests even if we think they are being stupid and naive.

        I believe that anyone who doesn't see that and doesn't acknowledge their own interests is being hypocrate, or naive, or both.

        I'm pretty sure you have your own good reasons to say Greens are unvotable. Everyone has good reasons to vote or not to vote for X or Y, even if they seem stupid to everyone else.

        • look everyone is entitled to there opinion - ideally you should vote for the party 'benefits you' the most if everyone did that the majority would get the most benefit out of every government and thus benefit Australia.

          the problem is politics has become a popularity contest and governments are far to involved in socialism - the best leaders are the ones that make the hard choices not the ones you 'like the most' or think 'is a good bloke'

          i often say Howard is one of if not the best PM we had not only was he good as managing money he pretty much bad guns after the shootings. Banning guns as the time was not popular and actually cost him a lot of votes but it was the 'right' thing to do eve the staunches of LNP hates will admit one of the better things about Australia compared to the USA is gun violence.

          Scomo isnt a 'likeable' bloke but time will tell if the harsh measures we took during COVID were the right thing to do - it isnt easy shutting down an economy and sending a nation into trillion debt. This wasnt a decision that was done 'lightly' it was a decision that has seen us 'recover' from COVID but also harm us from such a long time for generations to come.

          the issue im having with Albo is he is trying to 'not be unpopular' he is trying to talk about expensive policies but be vague on how he is going to fund them using vague language like 'tax multi-nationals' always has alarm bells for me.

          i didnt like Shorten but at least he was open and honest about his plan, although i didnt agree with getting rid of franking credits etc at least he wasn't selling you a dream he was selling a reality.

          im going to have a big pop a LNP now in the sense i dont like there future economic plan, they go in power on the promise they would bring Aus back to surplus now i understand that couldnt happen due to COVID but i want that government back the one were spending was going to be reined in and tax cuts and increases in super where the prime way to better Australia.

          i dont want my child and my childrens children paying back a debt that we 'somewhat' irresponsibly have racked up.

          i honestly would vote of ALP if they said there focuse was getting rid of Debt - i honest couldnt care about 'aged' care i understand it is probably a 'good' thing to do but right now we need to stop stop spending, stop all non-essential spending and bring Australia out of debt and into surplus in the asap

          • +5

            @Trying2SaveABuck: People dying of neglect in aged care and you honestly couldn't care because "debt"?

            First of all, surplus isn't paid back debt, it's the money left over after paying the required amount to the debt, the debt is still there! It's the leftover money you have after making your repayment. Debt is not a bad thing when the money spent is used on investment.

            The real question is, do you think the money spent by the government over the last decade (almost) has been wisely invested? Will that debt repay itself many times over? Or has it been funnelled into private enterprises with links to the incumbents that do nothing for investment in this country or its people? Expensive policies aren't necessarily a bad thing if the future payoff is good. For example, a less sick population is more productive, and has less sick leave. More tax is paid, more profits are made as they spend their money, and so on. That's why Medicare works so well.

            Good investment into aged care means people live at home for longer and cost LESS to the taxpayer. Keeping people well in earlier life means less disability in later life, and less healthcare costs. There is good debt and bad debt, it's an important thing to remember.

            • @MessyG:

              First of all, surplus isn't paid back debt, it's the money left over after paying the required amount to the debt, the debt is still there! It's the leftover money you have after making your repayment.

              lol and that extra repay is used to pay back the debt if you never hit a surplus you will just accumulate debt

              Debt is not a bad thing when the money spent is used on investment.

              you're correct but in a 'rising' interest rate environment which we are entering in i'd argue it is bad esp when what the government is spending it on isnt making more money

              People dying of neglect in aged care and you honestly couldn't care because "debt"?

              throwing money at something wont change the neglect - as for people dying they are in aged care you might not like it but that is what happens.

              Good investment into aged care means people live at home for longer and cost LESS to the taxpayer. Keeping people well in earlier life means less disability in later life, and less healthcare costs. There is good debt and bad debt, it's an important thing to remember.

              this is actually incorrect - strictly business speaking people in aged care are 'not working' thus not contributing to the economy very much i'd argue most are on the aged pension thus also drawing a living off welfare of the system. However some are 'self funded' but only around 24 percent of people retired are self funded retirees the rest draw at least some kind of a pension.

              why do you think the government wants to rise the pension age it is to keep people working because once you retire you are essentially a burden to society if you cannot fund your own retirement

              now strictly humanitarian speaking there is a fair arguement that elderly people deserve to be looked after and cared for in there twilight years thus those who cannot look after themselves should be looked after in our nursing homes.

              regardless your argument is 100 percent incorrect from a financial stand point and it is why the ALP are getting torn apart when questioned on it, and if you want to fix aged care you need to fixed the management and oversight of it as someone who has spend a fair bit of time working in aged care the issue isnt the lack of a nurse the issue is greed ie cost cutting to make as much money as possible.

              although i kind of agree changes to Aged care need to happen i wouldn't be throwing money at it there is about 5 things i can think of at the top of my head that are more important to be addressed right now in addition a fair number of issues in aged care could be solved if regulation was tightened and enforced as more aged care centers 'failed' min standards of care based on the enquiry…if those standards were met i'd argue you wouldnt need to 'throw billions aimlessly'

              • +3

                @Trying2SaveABuck: People die in aged care, but not of neglect. Important point.

                Secondly, if you manage peoples health well in earlier life, they don't need aged care = cheaper for everyone.

                Thirdly, the greed in aged care is what's causing the neglect. And this government is well in the pockets of the providers, which is why they haven't implemented the RC reforms, and why they've done sweet fa to try and do anything about it. Aged care costs will blow out, the government will keep propping them up because they directly benefit it. Aged care organisations can go belly up with impunity because it's legislated that the government has to pay the RADs back if they do fail, not the providers. The amount of corporate welfare provided to these so called 'private' organisations is eye watering.

                Finally, if people are spending their pension money, they are contributing to the economy. If they have care needs, people need to be employed to care for them, and they are contributing to the economy.

                And finally, a surplus is the money left over AFTER making a debt repayment. You are still repaying your debt if you don't have a surplus, a surplus means you have a bit extra to spend!

                You are the one who has a superficial understanding of things.

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