Albo Not Knowing The Cash Rate or Unemployment Rate Is Worrying…

how the hell can this guy be the leader of the opposition?

literally the 2 big issues us Australians are facing are employment/under employment and housing costs/cost of living guy doesn't know basic figures that you would expect every MP to know…..

is there no one else!? dead set this guy is worse then Shorten….every time he opens his mouth i think he is a fraud who knows jack all about the job he is going for…

i think i would honestly accept him getting the unemployment rate wrong because the number changes every 1/4 but the cash rate has been at 0.1 percent since November 2020 thats almost 2 years. Albo is trying to be the next PM and he studied finance how the hell could he not know what the cash rate is….

i know this place is a LNP hate fest but considering most people here want love the ALP to win and they 'probably will' but this has to be concerning that this guy is leading the ALP.

for people saying this isnt a big deal - it is actually huge it is a massive gaff and it is something that any MP let alone future PM should know, i think the 'bias' to ALP kind of shines though on OZbargin - i guess will see how things go on May 21


    • -1

      was it exactly 0.06% or 0.06x%

      I think being a smarty has possibly backfired on you.

  • -4

    At the end of the day, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t. Let’s revisit this forum in 4 years time, you think ScoMo is bad.

    • +4

      better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

      so, you don't care how poor an incumbent government may be, may as well keep them, as who knows how bad the other one could be?
      Hypothetically, none of the following would matter?
      Complete lack of leadership during floods, bushfires, pandemics… doesnt matter… other party could have been worse

      Massive increase in government debt, at a point where we're something like 5x what use to be called a massive debt problem last time LNP wasnt in power… doesnt matter…other party could have been worse

      Own members of his party saying the leader is a terrible person, craps on them in text messages talking about his true character…doesnt matter…. other party could have been worse

      Continually lies about issues or blames others as its 'not his job'…. doesnt matter…other party could have been worse

      Better stick with what we know, because at least we know the current government is doing an absolutely poor excuse and we get easily startled by changes.

      This seems to be a perfect summary of the stupidness of some voters, if that is how you determine your basis of voting.

      If you think all politicians are terrible, at least you should be alternate voting every cycle to try and have the illusion that they should try and keep your interests

      • +1

        stupidness of some voters

        I would say “most” voters, not some, because of what happened the last election.

        There’s a serious issue with the Australian electorate. People don’t read widely, they don’t actually think about the future of where this country is headed, they don’t even think about how the current government is performing. They jump at sugar-hit cash handouts and tax cuts like a two-bit crackwhore and they gobble up Murdoch crap like they’re giving Rupert a blowjob.

        It’s hugely evident even on these forums and each year I grow older I realise what a miracle it was that Kevin Rudd won the election in 2007. The Australian electorate is willing to vote for a party that doesn’t have the best interests of the country at heart, and that’s just simply appalling. These people don’t care about anything, they don’t even care about themselves.

    • +1

      That's illogical, so you always vote for the incumbent?

    • +1

      People like you are what’s wrong with this country and why we are headed in the direction we’re headed. Seriously, wake up.

    • +1

      That's such a dumb argument.
      So, you'd pick the guy who'll definitely keep punching you in the face, without even wondering if the others might punch you a bit less?

  • Is there any point voting? Both parties are out of touch and don’t care about us.

    • +3

      There is, just things up, keep each party in line. That's why I have no loyalty, I'm a swing voter.

      • +1

        Only the diehards (aka idiots) are loyal to one party.

    • Your not required to vote for the major parties.

      • you aren't as your first preference, but eventually as you go down the preferences, you will have to make a choice between Liberal/national and ALP even if you don't put them as number 1, which I rarely do. I like to go with the smaller parties as 1 to give them some funding.

        Look at most of the 151 lower house seats which determines who gets to govern, most comes down to either Liberal/National v ALP, some would not be, but the vast majority comes down to those two.

        So if you put ALP ahead of Liberal in preferences, then you voted for ALP. If you don't fill out the preferences in full, then you've thrown away your vote, because as each candidate gets eliminated in each round, if your preferences don't extend to all candidates, then eventually it will be dropped and not counted in the final round.

  • +4

    He's not a walking talking statistic computer give him a break!

  • +1

    Albo was caught in a gotcha moment….but Libs are practically ideologically opposed to working class having a reasonable cost of living. So I know where my votes going…

  • +4

    Where's the same outrage when ScoMo doesn't know the price of milk and bread? That's more worrying for me.

    • You do know that milk ranges from $1.5 to $4 a litre right?

      Same with bread $1.20 to $9 a loaf.

      Milk and bread and VERY different to the employment rate and RBA rate. Which are individual figures and not variable figures.

      • +4

        Then give that answer, that would have been an acceptable answer to the price of milk and bread.

        The point is, Albo not being able to remember those two particular figures is not going to affect anything. If its required for policy, he'd look it up or his advisor will tell him, as per John Howard, "So what?!?"

        ScoMo not knowing the price of milk and bread means he's never had to buy those items, it suggests he has lost touch with most Australians. Can someone who sits in his ivory tower be an effective PM and have the best interest of the people at heart?

        • +1

          Or busy running the country.

          • @mdavant: Exactly, the man runs the country and doesn't buy the groceries.
            Must be out of touch, right?

        • +1

          If its required for policy, he'd look it up or his advisor will tell him

          Governments sitting in a room trying to make policy "proudly from memory" might explain some of things that have happened …

          Sounds damn contradictory to me. If something is so important to the country then you are a damn fool for actually relying on memory for it.

  • +2

    OzB is a conservative soapbox. Damn snowflakes need to find a hobby

    • OzB is a conservative soapbox

      i know this place is a LNP hate feet

      Which one is it?

  • +1

    One screw up is forgivable.
    But if Albo does it again, it's over.

    You gotta know your bread and butter, if you don't have these numbers memorised, then this ain't the job for you.

    • +3

      Going by that metric Scomo should have been printed a long time ago….

      • +1

        But that’s not what Rupert said.

    • SloMo literally effed this up two weeks ago, no one cared (I certainly didn't). Only the conservative snowflakes seem to care whilst ignoring SloMo effing up the figure just two weeks ago

  • +1

    SCOMO will be be the PM again.

    • +1

      Thanks to Murdoch and his mates imbalanced reporting

      • That's just discounting the ability of the community to read through spin or bias.

        Actually, It's quite insulting to a lot of people to think like this. You're calling people stupid.

  • +2

    Says it all that the populace seems to think knowing the RBA cash rate is a "gotcha question". It's not the quadratic equation guys, it's arguably the most important economic variable driving almost all of our current pain - fuel, living costs/housing etc. The unemployment figure is a bit of a farce so it's a little bit understandable (though not when jobs is such a focus for them) but he cash rate… wow.

    To pretend to have policy to tackle it all and not knowing inside and out what the rate is (and has been over many many months now) is laughable. Just gotta love the mental gymnastics from those emotionally attached to Albo/his success. It's not a mistake, it's sheer ignorance and incompetency, just like Scomo's grocery price BS. It's not a memory issue, it's that they don't even know the things they are pretending to relate to us on.

    • +1

      This is probably the most sensible comment here but you will get hate for it as Oz bargin is increasingly left wing.

      But imo it is spot on

    • +2

      How on earth is the cash rate driving fuel prices?

      Housing I can see simply because it’s tied directly to debt and easy/cheap debt has fueled the housing price rise. But petrol isn’t expensive enough we need to borrow to buy it (yet).

    • I think you need to learn the difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy

      • I'm aware.

        How anyone could proclaim to be so thoroughly proclaim to have a solution to the fiscal problems and not be aware of the main and most important variable is beyond me.

  • +2

    I am not an expert on politics. But I have generally always been a Liberal supporter. And was actually shocked at how easily Steven Marshall lost the SA Election. I liked him.
    But it felt like they didn't even try to win. Labors campaign appeared so much stronger. And I do think Scomo is partially to blame.

    SCOMO is about to get absolutely slaughtered I reckon.

  • +5

    The OP was funded by the LNP for this post. They're getting desperate at this point.

    • +1

      It's sadder than that - he posted it for free, man

  • +7

    This is absurd, I find it hard to believe that anyone really considers this nonsense to be a direct measure of leadership suitability.

    My brain explodes trying to imagine any of you are genuinely arguing that failing to record a figure from memory is as serious as you're pretending.

    We've got a government who have demonstrated much more serious breaches of expectation but in all honesty it's just about image management and controlling the narrative as to why we're not more outraged about the various rorts and policy failures. If you're falling for this you're just a sucker and the telling thing in all this is that this is the worst that can be said after years of digging up dirt on the leader of the opposition…

  • +2

    Yeah, nah, not really though.

  • +4

    We need someone of character to lead and unitr Australia.

    That isn’t Scumo

    • Or albo

      Or anyone whose name is shortened to end in an o

      Why do we not show respect and use a person's name.

      We have zero respect for leaders of any party.


      • I think that sh!t started with Scumo and Turnbull, didn’t it, to make Scumo sound like “ one of the boys”?

        • Possibly. It just takes away respect for the role.

          I think the stupid rubbish moreso stated with Kevin Rudd.

          Now there is a difference with Bob hawke who was the genuine article.

          Nowadays you can be an inner city late drinking jeans wearing bearded manscaped tree hugging socialist and call yourself Bobbo and you are one of the boys

  • It's only a gaff in that he's literally running now for the job. Most people going for job interviews recite no end of info that isn't needed one minute after getting the job, the job then becomes keeping the job, previous knowledge recitement isn't needed. But the fact he stuffed up so quickly in 'the job interview' is a problem, just like it would be for plebs like us…

  • -1

    Im voting for the greens first, lots of free money for me to do nothing, saving the planet, big pension increases, maybe free electric cars for pensioners like me, lots of new disadvantaged migrants who will help the economy grow, free education - maybe I'll go to uni for free as im only 70, what could be better.
    Second choice albo, he also wants to give me lots of free things, if he does get in then I'm spending up big on credit cards 'caus I remember that fabulous inflation of the 70s and 80s, buy now and when its time to pay back, wages have doubled along with the pensions. I also like chinese gear like cheap tvs and trinkets and albo will help that along.
    Scomo, well its just plodding along, nothing radical, people employed, getting on with life and families, just boring sh*t.

    • +3

      lol nice try mate, but sarcasm just doesn't work for you. You need to have a sharp wit to pull of sarcasm; your entire post drips of double digit IQ.

  • +3

    Who cares? Apparently anyone looking for an excuse not to vote Albo. That's just shallow.

    I know and memorise lots of stats, exchange rates, prices, and random facts, but I would be absolutely terrible at running a country.

    First, I would ban the sale of all new treadmills, second, I would increase the fuel excise higher than it once was, third, I would impose a hefty tax on 2nd house ownership and even higher on subsequent dwellings.

    • +1

      I can see how your points would appeal to green and labor voters.

      • Ok, I'm also going to cut taxes for all brackets, especially the middle class

        • And tax the greedy lazy entitled lucky arrogant ahole high income earners.

          I think you will get in

          Cut taxes on beer and you are a certainty

  • +1

    Who cares?

    It's the treasurer's job to manage these.

  • Who was the guy who asked the question?

    • +1

      Reporter from the Murdoch press. Planted gotcha.

      • Sounds like he was just a grunt. Cannot ask anything insightful.

  • +4

    Not interested in having a statistician or salesman as pm.

  • +10

    Scumo taking credit for saving 40000 people during the pandemic; even though his government was ultra-slow with signing up for vaccines, choosing to sign-up for too few, and then distributing them at snails pace while virtually ignoring aged care facilities. Remember, “It’s not a race, mate.” Failed to put together a NATIONAL approach to pandemic outbreaks and then critisised Pemiers who HAD to do the heavy lifting and make the tough decisions on the wearing of masks, lock-downs, etc. I wish they’d stop calling him a spin merchant and call him what he is; a liar.

    • +9

      Scomo rewarding Gladys who locked down extremely late with all that extra Pfizer through the gp network, on top of the half a million he bought for her from another country and the Pfizer she stole from people in regional nsw who had appointments scheduled. The Victorian federal and state liberal mps did nothing to stick up for victorians in getting our share of pfizer when Gladys put vic in lockdown last year. Instead had the likes of frydenburg attacking victorians on a regular basis dutifully shown live by a biased media.

      • +1

        Tell me again, how did the hard lockdowns in Victoria go?

        • +4

          Outbreak in hotel quarantine occurred in Sydney last year and “gold standard” Gladys in all her hubris failed to lockdown in a timely manner causing it spread to vic and caused lockdown 5 and 6. It then took us longer than Sydney to meet the vaccine targets based on what was set out in national cabinet, thus longer lockdown, because the little Pfizer Australia had was rewarded to Gladys.

          Everyday during lockdown 2 Victorians were told by the media that they were in lockdown due to an outbreak in hotel quarantine caused by Daniel. Everyday during lockdown 5 and 6 victorians were NOT told by the media that they were in lockdown due to an outbreak in hotel quarantine caused by Gladys. That’s because she is liberal and the media is bias.

          • @barghunt1: Yet NSW exited lockdown before Victoria.

            Why did the virus behave differently there?

            I think you will find that Gladys did not clear the passengers to come off the boat. A health official stuffed it up.

            The original hard lockdown was before vaccines. Come again.

            • +3

              @mdavant: Have you ever actually thought harder about it why the virus behaved differently, rather than do the easy thing by simply asking why?

              It still requires more study, but it’s possible the hotter weather and the higher humidity in Sydney helped to prevent spread of the virus.

              As someone who has spent a lot of time (i.e. actually lived — not visited or holidayed) in both cities it is, in general much warmer and more [disgustingly] humid in Sydney than it is in Melbourne. A few years ago I noticed the high in Melbourne would be the low in Sydney.

              Just because lockdowns in general didn’t save Victoria — although if I recall correctly the first Delta outbreak was quashed after a hard and fast lockdown — doesn’t mean that lockdowns don’t work and that the way the virus spread was solely a result of government action.

              I’m not saying the climate is the definitive answer either by the way, as I’m sure there are instances where it was hot and humid somewhere and it still spread. The fact is there’s so much more to how it spread other than LaBoR BaD!1!1!1111!

              One thing I do know with a very high degree of certainty though, is that if you have someone who is infected with an infectious virus that spreads through the air and you tell them they cannot leave their room whatsoever and they can’t open their door and there’s no ventilation to other rooms, it is unlikely the virus will spread outside their room. This is the same reason why lockdowns are implemented, to reduce peoples’ mobility and therefore spread of the virus. It’s not a hard concept to grasp, but when you have millions doing it (or not) in an entire city there will always be a chance for the virus to spread.

              • +3

                @Ghost47: I’m tired of the media trotting out the myth that labor is bad.

                • +5

                  @barghunt1: The effect Rupert Murdoch has had on this country is likely unparalleled to anyone else. It’s quite amazing but also incredibly sad. Even when he dies things won’t change as one of his sons is happy to keep his legacy going (the other one woke up and realised he didn’t want to be part of all that crap anymore).

                  It’s all propaganda, people with brains will see that but sadly many people lack most of their brain and are still trying to grow the second half of it.

                  • +4

                    @Ghost47: I recently went back and watched season 1 of Lois and Clark. There was an episode where a media tycoon took over a rival newspaper to the daily planet and their sales soared because they were suddenly 1st to the news. The reason they were first to the news because he was creating the news and ensured his reporter was there before his criminal activity occurred to be first to break the story. This was to destroy the daily planet so that he owned the majority of news in the USA.

                    His idea was when you controlled what people READ you controlled what people THINK.

                    Sound familiar?

                    Sadly nine media is following in his footsteps. Nine news has become unwatchable due to the political reporting.

                    Is it too much to get balance?

                    No politician is a saint but you’d think the liberal party were with how they are reported in this country.

                    • @barghunt1: Lois and Clark is a guilty pleasure of mine haha! Haven’t watched it in years but that episode sounds interesting. I particularly liked the pilot where Clark flies to Hong Kong to get yum cha to eat with Lois in the office (I think that was the pilot ep?).

                      But yeah, the concept is simple but it’s disturbing people actually try to take advantage of it.. like how badly did someone hurt them?

                      • @Ghost47: It’s currently on 7plus if you want to check it out again.

                        The episode I talked about was called the rival episode 17 from season 1.

                        That flying for food scene was in the pilot but I can’t remember what country he flew to. The pilot is a good episode.

                        Would also recommend Superman and Lois. Different take because their married with teenagers but found season 1 enjoyable.

                        Sadly there are people in this world that just crave power.

            • +3

              @mdavant: Nsw exited lockdown before victoria because Gladys was rewarded with more Pfizer when she stuffed up. Thus they had the supply to get people vaccinated quicker and come out of lockdown quicker. You can’t vaccinate people when you don’t have supply. It’s not rocket science.

              My original post was about lockdown 5 and 6. No idea why your discussing the ruby princess but your quick to let Gladys off the hook on that one. Wonder why?

              No vaccines in 2020 duh.

              • @barghunt1: Lockdown 5 and 6.
                You are the one who mentioned lockdown 2.

                It got hard to keep up with all the hard lockdowns Victoria had.

                As for vaccines.

                Please let me know why hard lockdowns didn't stop the spread.

                Dan locked down hard.
                It still spread. How?
                It cannot spread if there is an enforced hard lockdown.

                Vaccines may have helped, but we all know that you very easily get covid when vaccinated.

                Hence why we have huge numbers every day.

                And iirc there was SFA covid in Victoria at the time when NSW received extra vaccines, and none were released from Victoria?

                Ps I don't live in Sydney, so didn't get access to earlier vaccines either but it behaved outside of Sydney

                • @mdavant: Yes, too many lockdowns in Victoria which is why I focused on lockdown 5 and 6. I didn’t discuss lockdown 2. I just mentioned how different the media narrative was when the same thing happened in lockdown 2 to 5 and 6 just because she was liberal.

                  Not a scientist here but basically viruses are designed to spread and they will find a way I guess. Also variants change and vaccines that may work one variant don’t necessarily work on another. Omicron also apparently spreads more easily than delta. The longer people in lockdown people were less compliant. People only stayed in lockdown till certain vaccine targets were achieved. Just throwing some initial thoughts out there.

                  Recent trend in nsw in hospital numbers much higher than victoria? Today reported vic is 391 while 1583. Curiously no one is talking about this.

                  • -3

                    @barghunt1: Covid numbers are inaccurate and irrelevant

                    Rats are inaccurate
                    Covid is endemic
                    Measures to eradicate are unaffordable
                    We are a trillion in debt

                    Imo we should not exclude for a week. It is so widespread it should be treated like a cold.

                    Though I do follow the rules I believe they are antiquated.

                    If people are high risk, wear a P2 mask, maintain vaccinations.

  • +9

    Please add "This message paid and spoken for on the behalf of the Liberal Party, Canberra." to you posts. Thanks.

  • +7

    I'd never consider someone's ability to memorise a stat as a reflection of how well they can do their job, unless they're a quiz master.

    It's ridiculous how much attention this has received.

    • -6

      It is not memorising pi to 100 decimals.

      It is an extremely important, prominent economic figure which is at emergency levels and contributing to inflation.

      How any pm candidate cannot know what it is is just crazy.

      And then we have potential voters not knowing how incompetent this is.

      • +6

        So you are very concerned that SloMo fudged the unemployment number up just two weeks ago?

        • -1

          Can you please explain to me how the unemployment level is at emergency levels and contributing to inflation.

          Or are you trying to muster up a strawman argument?

      • +4

        Adam Brandt had a very good response to another reporter that tried to catch him. They're talking about the wrong things…ask them how they're going to fix inflation, and if that answer is bad, then let's talk about that instead.

        • Not a bad answer really.

          A labor supporters are going the wrong way about it too.

          They should be criticising the terrible jobkeeper and jobseeker rollout and the lack of insight if the govt to pressure the reserve to raise interest rates instead of being fixated on unemployment.

          Jobseeker and jobkeeper. Stupid policies which have helped contribute to inflation

          Shame they effectively had bipartisan support

  • Revelation of Hunter Biden's laptop prabably made a similar dent. Once a Narcissist is hated to a point, the general public is still way to easy brainwashed by mainstream media.
    Everybody is in for their own benefit. The "owners" of the most influential media have a secredt code of a long term plan. They do NEED a weak government for their plan to come to fruition.

    • Who are the "owners" of influential media and what is their long term plan?

      • Just google about who owns what. It is scary.
        At least Musk is taking care of twitter now. I might start using it again.

  • +1

    Don't think it really matters (NOT a Labor voter btw). I don't mind if they are not across everything, I more care that they are truthful and say they don't know as opposed to trying to make something up. ATM both parties to me are bla

  • +7

    So Alan Tudge, Liberal Minister, has cost you and I and all the taxpayers $$$,$$$ because he bullied a colleague ….

    Unless he is paying out of his pocket he needs to quit and go learn some basic human decency

    • +5

      The Liberals think his behavior is fitting for a front bencher. It says a lot about the party.

  • +6

    Not knowing a percentage snapshot of 1 out of 10-20 metrics your subordinates would be monitoring & admitting you don't know rather than lying or giving a 'politicians answer'


    Deciding it was still OK to go on holidays when one of the biggest bushfires in the world was running, even though you get CEO-like compensation (via perks), and then claiming the opposition isn't qualified or experienced enough for the job a few years later….

    Yeah I know which one I'd rather pick.

  • +8

    Smells of desperation.

    Lib/Nat's tried a budget to buy an election and their polling only went up within a margin of error. Pathetic. How is that even strong economic management?

    It's pissing money up the wall, moving the nation no further, and for what, a little bit more incumbency in ACT. On that basis alone they should have been laughed out of candidacy by effective journalism and scrutiny, but instead we got coordinated press to campaign for them.

    I'm amazed they have the gall to campaign on economic management and "safe hands". They butchered everything they touched, be it housing affordability, JobKeeper, Jobseeker, pandemic response, preparing the future workforce and industries. List goes on and on… It's embarrassing.

    Can we get started on how inept the lib/Nat's were on any national issue, be it integrity of government/corruption, useless on Covid, emergency response, foreign relations, national identity, security.

    Lib/Nat's have taken Aus backwards, only ever point the finger and somehow people still use the straw man of "oh, well, it sucks, but if Labor was it, our massive debt would be twice as bad".

    So no, I don't care that Albanese missed a number. He can forget his name and I'd still think he's more competent than Morrison.

  • -1

    It is unfathomably bad. If it was just a brain fade, couldn't think in the moment, I'd understand. But to genuinely not know. That is and should be terminal to a career.

    I was genuinely on the fence with this election, but I couldn't in good conscience vote for someone who pays such shockingly little attention to the economy whilst in opposition.

    • +10

      but fine for voting in good conscience for someone who pays such shockingly little attention to the economy whilst in power?

      make up whatever excuses you want, but don't try and fool yourself that not knowing one number off the top of your head for a gotcha question has swayed your vote one way or another (and if it has, well…you're likely to change another 50 times between now and the election then if you're so easily swayed)

      • I just can't see how supposedly intelligent people think knowing the rate is a gotcha question.

        It is bloody important.

        In your mind what other incompetencies can he get away with because he is labor?

        • +3

          I think this instance will not sway labor or lib voters - I distain Morrison, the corruption, lies, refusal to answer questions, lack of accountability and lack of any vision but obviously its not an issue with some lib voters. I live in a safe Labor seat so dosnt matter what i think. I dont know if this will sway votes in marginal seats who are swinging voters. Honestly i hope it dosnt but i suspect you have a different view which is fine..its wrong but its fine :)

        • +1

          I used to work on a life support ventilator product - I don't remember the maximum specified flow-rate it was designed for:
          But I certainly knew where the source of truth was to look it up.

          Every employee was trained that it was important to KNOW where to go to look up things, and that it was NOT important to know it off the top of your head - as a significant number ppl can be shit at recalling numbers. This is very common in the medical industry (I've been in 2 companies and they've independently came to the same training guidelines)

          Hopefully you understand why a significant number of intelligent people can understand why Albo may not know, and it was much better for him to admit it upfront & not waste anyone's time.

          • -1

            @wimphrel: Sorry. I just don't buy your analogy

            This is the prime minister candidate.

            It is a very basic number which anyone with any interest in finance / economics should know if they are investing millions let alone looking to lead a government running Australia.

            I bet you could ask any serious property investor and they could tell you what it is, and the interest rate they are paying.

            It is a massive failure. It has been stable for a long time and at emergency levels.

            • @mdavant: I am a property investor and don't give a shit about the interest rate.
              And yes - I have to log in to find out what it is exactly. 4.xx something, and yes we pay a lot more than owner-occupiers who are a LOT more closer to the RBA interest rate, but not equal to it.

              I care about whether I can afford repayments if the interest rate rises 2-3% - i.e. I care about the delta - not the exact value.

              That's it and my broker works it out for me with a well defined equation on a computer (banking regulators define the algorithm I believe to prevent inservicable loans being given out - e.g. US 2008 GFC)

              • -1

                @wimphrel: Well you could do better.

                It is not my fault you are not good at what you do.

                I am not talking about mum and dad investors.

                I am talking about people with a high net worth

                Edit. I just checked your posts. You are a low net worth investor.

                • +1

                  @mdavant: Think of it this way.

                  If a politician earns $200/hour from tax payers money.

                  Do you want them to:

                  A) Spend 10 minutes a day to remember the state of 20 metrics every day that a reporter could randomly quiz you on
                  B) Spend that 10 minutes pushing & selling a policy to members for lowering childcare costs for people earning < $60K per year.

                  Which one would you pick?

                  I think people are honestly forgetting these people have limited time in a day.

                  Property investment is not my full time job - and memorising stats is not the PM's or opposition leader's job neither!

                  • @wimphrel: If he sits in parliament, reads anything to do with the economy or paid attention to any of the settings over many months he would have known it.

                    As for a policy, perhaps designing one so that people would work for what they want no expect others to fund it for them through middle class welfare.

    • +5

      So instead you'd vote for a bloke who forgot to order vaccines and RAT tests?

      • Which vaccines should he have ordered and how many of each one?

        60 million of each one that was available?

    • +7

      Just like when Frydenberg lost $60bn worth of JobKeeper?

      FYI there's a huge difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy.

      • +7

        I love how outraged these clowns get over something small like this, but point to genuine rort and failure and it's just flippin crickets man

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