OzBargain QLD Solar Feed in Tariff (FiT) tracking

So the fantastic deal posted by CrocDundee here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/538080 has been marked as expired so we are no longer able to discuss the best Feed in Tariff available.

This thread is for people to monitor and discuss what they find in achieving the best possible plan for their power needs, specifically in relation to solar feed in tariffs.

This thread is in specific relation to plans available in Queensland, as per the original deal linked above.
While some may be available in other states, this isn't always the case.

Note that if you don't export a large amount of power, that having a large FiT with higher usages fees might not be the best deal for you.

I will continue to update this main post with any information people find useful, however the latest actually deal should be found within the comments.

Whirlpool forum thread


Easily accessible : ?

Best: ?

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy


              • @CrocDundee: FYI I called EA today and they reassured me they no longer charge demand or solar fee on their packages (lets see if this is true!)

                • +1

                  @deezenuts: Fingers crossed! I guess your next bill from them will tell.

  • +6

    I ported from Origin to EA a couple of weeks ago. I got a call from Origin on Saturday, old mate reckoned they might have a better deal in a few weeks so I said he's welcome to call me back then. will post the offering if so.

    • Is guru gone from the retention team? I thought he was the man.

  • I'm about due to renew, so would be interested in the new offerings.

  • I'm on Origin Solar Boost, currently exporting 30kw per day (and using ~6kw from grid). Is my best course of action a port out to EA and wait for retentions?
    My Account is current $1250 in credit due to
    Customer service gesture $200.00
    Australian Government $75.00
    Queensland Government $1,000.00
    Am I at risk of losing the $200 credit by switching away (I understand the Govt credit can be refunded on account close)

    • Origin assures me you request a refund post closure of your account - strange process

      • I'm now with EA, and have confirmed a $1250 refund is being credited to my bank within the next 5 days (going towards my recently installed secondary solar system). Awaiting a call from Retentions

        • Retention call today offering:
          17c for first 14kw Feed in (no supply discount)
          19% Discount and 4c Feed in

          Asked to proceed with 17c offer but caller then couldn't find the offer in his system. Expecting a return call on Monday.

          $1250 refund landed in my bank today

          • @nwood: Was the rep Guru? Or another rep from retentions?
            Also what is the FIT after the 14kw?


            • @sod: not guru pretty sure it was 'Josh'

              Dropped to standard 4c after 14kw

          • @nwood: Did you finally get the offer?

            • +1

              @Summoner: Josh Called back and despite part of his system showing I was eligible for 14kwh @ 17c the best he could offer me was 14kwh @15c (followed by 4c for remaining). I've taken it for now but will calculate if Alinta's 8c flat rate works out as a better deal overall. Interesting to hear if any better offers are tabled

              • +1

                @nwood: My plan with uncapped 12c FIT with Origin is expiring soon. So i moved my plan to AGL(im in QLD) with following rates:

                Daily Supply Charge: $1.35872
                First 10kwh: 10c
                Thereafter: 4c
                Upfront rebate: $225
                No solar meter charge, No demand chargses

                This comes out cheaper for me when i compared currently available plans using my last years usage. I guess i will stay on this plan for now until origin comes up with better plan.

                • @Summoner: Hey mate how do you get the 225 rebate with agl? I can only see 100 dollar rebate on the signup page

                  • +1

                    @holden74: I call AGL on 07 3510 4910 and asked for their current promotion and was offered $225 credit on both Gas and Electricity account (total $450).

                    • @Summoner: Nice thanks mate

                    • @Summoner: Thanks Summoner - I called AGL was offered $150 for electricity only. Will be credited on the first bill

  • I recently moved to AGL when my 12c uncapped FIT expired with Origin.

    I received a call from Origin retention team today who offered the 12c uncapped FIT with following rates:
    General Usage: 33.957c
    Daily Supply: 138.028c
    Solar Meter Charge: 9.567c
    FIT: 12c uncapped (Only available for inverter size up to 10kw)

    I already received the plan confirmation letter, so this plan is now available for their retention team.

    • Good to hear 12c is still floating around, sucks ot is limited to 10kw inverter

      • Just checked the plan comfirmation letter and found this:

        your solar PV system must not exceed 10KW of inverter capacity or must be limited to 10KW of export

        So, i guess if you limit the export, you should be alright.

        • Thanks for the info, but I’m exporting about 50kwh at the moment.

          • @ilikeit: You may not lose that much with the 10kw export limit in that case. It may only affect you during the short peak hours.

            I have 10kw fronious inverter and my highest daily export in this month was 43.23kwh.

  • +4

    This is correct. Please send me your name and number if you want to jump back in the 12c uncapped or 10c uncapped (with 10% usage discount).

    This could be offered for limited time only though.

    Also for a limited time, you don't need to have recently left Origin. As long as you have an existing electricity supply with a retailer eg EA, AGL, Guru can transfer you. Wow!

    But remember, be nice to Guru. He said some people he calls get mad if he can't offer the deal to them (e.g. new connections). If you are one to spit the dummy from bad news, please don't contact me.

    • mine just finished a few weeks ago but again I would need to port about before getting to talk to guru right?

      • +1

        Yes, I believe transfers out or transfers in, not current customers

        • thanks mate once I am sorted ill reach out

    • Great news thanks for info mate - Guru is a legend

    • Was there any mention from Guru that this deal is only available for customers with inverters up to 10kw?

      I have a 13kw inverter, and this new offering looks enticing.

      • That might be a condition - I am not sure - but I also believe Origin have no way of knowing inverter size other than customers advising the size of the unit……..
        more dots …. and more dots….

      • Just checked the plan comfirmation letter and found this:

        your solar PV system must not exceed 10KW of inverter capacity or must be limited to 10KW of export

        So, i guess if you limit the export, you should be alright.

        • Are you jumping back to Origin Summoner or will you stick with AGL since they were offering 450 credit?

          • @holden74: I have already jumped back to Origin as 12c uncapped FIT is a lot better than $225 credit for my current solar generation and usage.

            I will lose the $225 credit on my Electricity as the transfer is scheduled today, but $225 credit on Gas will stay as i will keep the Gas account with Agl.

    • +1

      Guru has asked me to clarify that the 10% off is usage and supply charges.

  • anyone has the current rates for 10c feed-in + 10% off vs the 12c feed-in plan?

  • +2

    10c fit uncapped with 10% usage and supply discount. Inc gst in $
    1.24223 daily supply
    0.30558 single rate usage
    0.9567 solar fee daily

    12c fit uncapped. Inc gst in $
    1.38028 daily supply
    0.33957 single rate usage
    0.9567 solar fee daily

    Sorry on mobile

    • Correction! That is 0.09567 solar fee daily

  • +2

    For a limited time only, you can be with another retailer and transfer in to origin to get these rates. You don't need to have left origin recently

  • Just got the Guru call: 12c uncapped or 10c uncapped +10% discount.

    I went with the 10c/10% off as i'm expecting I'll be buying a bit of energy through hot Brisbane summer nights with a 3-phase ducted system. Will find out if that was the right when i do a bit of maths after summer!

    • Any mention of inverter size?

      • +1

        no sorry, not sure if he was passed that on from Leeroy. i have 8kW on three phase

        • +2

          Didn't mention inverter size

  • +1

    Guru called, back to unlimited 12c FIT :)

    • +1

      you got there in the end mate ha ha

    • Just out of interest did you get your rebate refunded or it just stays with the renewal with origin?

      • Hahah yeah mate. 12c FIT is backkkk.
        Rebate is being transferred to my new account. Confirmed I can cash it out.

        It would be lovely if AGL paid out the $150 sign up bonus ha

        • +5

          I can confirm AGL is processing my sign up bonus :)

          Confirming a refund of $144.58 was successfully processed for closed electricity account ending in XXXX

  • When switching, does anyone say they just moved into the property, so the switch happens straight away vs waiting for billing periods?

    • i think it was about 3 days later for me I was switched? and iirc was similar going from AGL -> Origin -> EA before this last one back to Origin!

  • +2

    Guru has done it again. Back to 12c unlimited FIT :)

  • +5
    Some good news from our mate Guru - detailed below

    There is now a new 21% off supply & usage plan with 8c FIT. Only the retention team can offer this. Single rate, inc GST, inc 21% discount:
    - 26.829 c/kw usage
    - 109.043 c/day supply
    - 8c FIT up to 14kw/day
    - 4c FIT over 14kw/day
    - 9.567 c/daily solar charge
    Eligibility: must be with another retailer or have left Origin recently. Those on the Gov 44c-ish offer cannot be offered this plan
    Do your sums - this new option may be better than 12c uncapped plan for some - as some households may only average 14kw export

    There is also a change to the EV plan - this now includes any BMW or Merc owner for 8c charging 24/7.

    The Gas offer is also now 21% discount (was 16% discount)

    Guru can still offer the plans to people currently with other retailers who have not recently left Origin (in addition to those who have recently left Origin)

    • Nice mate thanks for the info

    • Switched to Ampol today, how long should i wait before requesting a call from Guru?

  • How does one get in contact with the Guru if they no longer a Origin customer? Thanks

    • Send me your name and number and I can pass to Guru

  • Signed up to the 21% off plan woth Guru tonight.

  • +2

    Massive thanks to leeroys_dad, as he put me in touch with Guru and I will soon be on the 12c uncapped FIT.

    Should save me more than $500 over 12 months compared to my previous EA plan.

  • +2

    @leeroys_dad shout for the hook up. Got the Guru call. Uncapped 12 FiT

  • my plans come to an end ill be moving then get back onto the 12 FiT if possible.

  • Thanks @leeroys_dad Guru called today and put be on the 21% discount electricity plan. Also offered a special plan for gas at 25% off supply. Happy about that I was on 4%

    • Also offered a special plan for gas at 25% off supply.

      That's great offer. Can you share the rates you are getting with the discount.

      • +1

        I'm in SE Qld

        Daily Supply: 104.322 c/day
        General Usage 0-26: 3.507 c/MJ
        General Usage 26+: 3.259 c/MJ

        • So 25% off supply only not usage?
          The $104.322 supply you quoted is that before the 25% discount?

          • -1

            @sod: Not sure to be honest. That's what I got out of My plan page. Guru told me it was a 25% off supply but according to the origin website for my area these are the current reference prices as of today (I've been on the plan for a few months now):

            Daily Supply 109.89 ¢/day
            General Usage 0 - 26 MJ 3.70 ¢/MJ
            General Usage 26+ MJ 3.44 ¢/MJ

            So looking at it it's definitely not 25%.. Guru lied to me…

            • +1

              @zethos: Call and find out what has happened. Guru is a good bloke and sometimes errors can happen

          • @sod: Guru just called me (Thanks @leeroys_dad!) The issue was me, I was looking at the wrong plan on the origin website. I had Solar ticked when comparing the plans and that doesn't give me Origin Basic.

            With just Gas selected in the compare the base rates are:

            Daily Supply 139.10 ¢/day
            General Usage 0 - 26 MJ 4.68 ¢/MJ
            General Usage 26+ MJ 4.35 ¢/MJ

            So with my current:
            Daily Supply: 104.322 c/day
            General Usage 0-26: 3.507 c/MJ
            General Usage 26+: 3.259 c/MJ

            Thats 25%. Guru said to mention that he can do it for other people, but it is very dependant on your location in SE QLD as there are different patches and it might not be available in yours.

            So apologies to Guru, he's a very good bloke and does his best to get people a good deal!

  • Thanks to @leeroys_dad Guru rang this afternoon and back on the 12c uncapped fit - Merry Christmas everyone

  • +6

    If you are messaging me your details to send to guru, you need to advise which retailer you are with. Guru cannot help you if you are with origin.

    It's a simple ask but it causes much wasted time.

    Do not send me a message if you are with origin.

    I've asked this plenty before, so if you don't follow this simple instruction you will be ignored

    • +1

      Thanks for helping out mate. I've sent you a PM.

  • +1

    Big ups to @leeroys_dad, Guru called and offered:

    • 12c uncapped
    • 10c uncapped + 10% discount

    12c works out better for me based on the numbers.

  • +3

    Sounds like the glory days of 12c FIT uncapped are over. Guru confirmed today it's now harder to offer as the system has to do it.

    If anyone has any luck on here from tomorrow onwards please keep us all in the loop. He can still provide good rates on electricity I believe.

    Thanks all been a good ride

    • Oh no!!

    • Thanks for the update massari. Can confirm uncapped is over - please no more PMs until advised otherwise

      • All good and thanks for verifying. I'm sure a new offer will pop up, but I have been waiting for this day the last 6 years. I miss the days of 20c FIT.

        I still have a few months on my plan so will see what offer comes up next.

  • +4

    Offer expired for now. Will update when there is a new offer. Not taking PMs

    • @leeroys_dad can you get good rates for ACT customers when there are offers or only QLD?

  • +2

    Anyone know the next best deal is SEQ? Any other uncapped deal out there?

  • Red Energy is offering 8c per KWH with no cap and no peak usage time additional charges. As far as I can discover this plan offers the highest FIT as an alternative to Origin. I believe you have to leave Origin and once enough customers do leave they will then offer the 12c FIT again. Just not sure how long that will take, but the more that leave the quicker it should be.

    • I think RED energy has a demand charge even though it’s not advertised but once you give them your address depending on weather you have a smart meter installed it will tack on a demand charge for your plan

  • That’s very disappointing

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