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$2.50 Fee Per Month for Investment Account Balance above $100 @ Spaceship Voyager


Following on from this forum post, it made me realise what a bargain this is for passive investors with over $100k invested in international stock indices.

Here's a fees comparison with other available index ETFs (using FTSE and/or MSCI World indices):

For $100k:
VTS/VEU combo (60/40 split): 0.046% = $46
VGS/VGE combo (90/10 split): 0.21% = $210
IWLD: 0.09% = $90
Spaceship Voyager = $30

For $1M:
VTS/VEU combo (60/40 split): 0.046% = $460
VGS/VGE combo (90/10 split): 0.21% = $2100
IWLD: 0.09% = $900
Spaceship Voyager = $30

The bargain gets bigger as the total invested assets grow.

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Referee must add a referral code and deposit a minimum of $5 within 14 days of sign up.

(Referrer must have already deposited a minimum of $5 to qualify.)

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closed Comments

  • -4

    PLUS Management
    fees and costs
    $30 And, for every $50,000 you have
    in the Fund you will be charged
    or have deducted from your
    investment $30† each year.

    • +2

      What are implying with that copy and paste? Its $30, nothing else. Unless they are lying on their PDS, which will result in litigation.

  • +1

    something something chess srn hin ?

    • -1

      Vanguard and Blackrock all use custodian models anyway. So, its sort of the same thing.

      ETF -> CHESS/HIN -> Vanguard -> Custodian (JP Morgan)

      Spaceship -> Custodian (IBKR)

  • +6

    Is this a bargain? Just seems like their regular ol fee schedule

    • +1

      Yeah, not sure where’s the bargain. The fund comparison is apple to orange too as they’re not investing on the same thing, so how can u even compare the fee?

      • -1

        If you split your funds something like 50/25/25 for origin/earth/universe. It should work out to be the same.

    • This is a bargain for HNWIs.

  • +20

    I am soooooo in the red atm it’s not funny

    • Looking like the worst fund managers

    • +1


    • Me too and I'm not with spaceship, everyone is feeling some pain right now. Hold on and it will get better.

    • +6

      You've only ever lost on an investment when you sell it at a loss. If you don't sell it while it's down, you've lost nothing. If the money in there was something you needed to pull out in a short amount of time, don't invest it. If it's your emergency fund, and it being down make you nervous, don't invest it. (something something that would have been great to find out before - well, you're hopefully still young, and can recoup your losses later, with this being a life lesson)

      I get most of this board are youngin's, in their 20s-40s, so can understand the worry - just don't worry about it until you sell it. Wait until you're 5-7 years from retirement before worrying about a sell time. Anything that you would need to pull out before then should be money that you can afford to lose and not part of an emergency fund.

      • 40s is not young anymore. Lol

        • +1

          It's relative - if you think 40s isn't young, you're probably a youngin' in my books :P

        • +1

          That's right, 40s is very young! Some of us are in our 'young' 50s and i know of others in their youthful 60s.

    • imagine selling china stocks yesterday at the very bottom

      hang seng techs up 20% today

      alibaba up 25% today

  • someone lend me 1m

  • +6

    You need to keep in mind you're comparing ETFs that essentially track stock market index's vs spaceship which is a glorified managed fund. Fundamentally quite different. Apples and bananas. Many people would hold money in both as they incur different costs and will experience different gains/losses. You really should edit your original past as the distinction matters.

    • If you actually dive into their holdings, they are spread pretty evenly and if you spread your assets across their 3 funds you'd probably get index results.

      • +6

        Wrong. If you dive into their holdings you will see they are very heavy in tech and emerging, especially the popuar universe. It is far from balanced or an index. I say this not to be negative or dismissive but it's important to comprehend.

        • +2

          Origin is similar to MSCI World/MSCI Australia 85/15 split. It should be the same for the rest if you manage the country allocations correctly.

      • No, they’re not. Post the performance data if u want, rather than saying “probably”

  • OP what about DCA approach (starting with a couple of k and then adding say 1k a month)

    This or use stake?

    • For DCA approach starting with a couple of $k this is expensive, find other alternatives.

  • +1

    Max investment is 500k. Still low fees for larger investments.

    • Ooo, dint know there was a max. Not a bargain then lol.

  • There was no fees at all before last year November.

    • +1

      There was for above $5k.

  • +1

    It is not a bargain. Plus the investment returns is terrible in the last 6 months

    • +2

      Buy the dip?

    • +2

      When returns are low, that means things haven't grown or have fallen. That is a good time to buy. If you had gotten in a few months before everything started to dip, looking at the 6 months prior to that with these amazing gains, you'd be in a lot more strife 6 months from now than you would investing now and looking ahead 6 months.

      With that aside, you should never invest in this way based on short term returns. This isn't day trading, this is put your money somewhere and forget about it until a few year before retirement trading.

      • But doesn't the gov say you should move your super if your fund isn't perfoming

        • +1

          If your super has been underperforming for the last decade or socompared to others, sure. If it's been underperforming for a few months, that is not something to go by.

          The worst thing anyone can do is mess with their super. You don't want to stay with one that underperforms over long periods of time if there is an alternative (and an alternative with the same amount of history to compare it to), but moving it for the sake of a short dip when the usual performance is good, isn't a great idea.

          Also, if you get the opportunity to withdraw your super to live off, don't do it. Do anything but this. You will be easily 5-6 figures short in retirement if you do this. The only benefit would be if it were to be invested in something with a better return, but if you're living off it, you're not investing it.

  • +3

    To the moon!

  • +1

    VTS and VEU have over 7500 companies combined.
    Origin holds 200 companies and Earth holds 30-50 companies. Not exactly the same thing as the index…

    • https://www.investopedia.com/investing/dangers-over-diversif…

      Market risk will be similar once you go past 20 stocks.

      • The 20 holdings number from the study refers to 20 uncorrelated holdings in a portfolio. Unfortunately the Spaceship offers are either Tech-heavy, ESG or large cap-heavy which are all too sector-specific to offer true diversification

        • Thats why i mentioned above if you mix all 3 portfolios you should get close to index returns.

  • Yes the market is rubbish at the moment. Remember things could get worse, but this will get better.

    • As long as the things getting worse doesn't improve…

  • Not a bargain, unless they make the fee free and only take a tiny percentage on profit.

  • +2

    Looks like they are not$2.50 per month anymore

    Me notice is $2 per month plus 0.5% of total net balance.

    Sounds like 50cent to hundreds of dollars switcheroo to me.

    I'm leaving that is for certain as considering the stagnant growth that cost will rapidly eat my account to zero

    Why the extra punishment for earth .50 vs .15%

    Earth 0.50% pa of the net asset value of the fund

    • Yes $$$$, considering to close my account now.

    • To me this change represent an increase of 568% in fees. Closing my account thus week and looking for alternatives… Raiz? Superhero? e-Toro?

      Any recommendation?

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