This was posted 2 years 11 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Gigabyte Radeon RX 6900 XT GAMING OC 16G Video Card $1699 Shipped @ BPC Tech


A little bit cheaper than the last deal. Can be shipped for free with their preferred courier.

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  • +6

    this is a damn amazing price. faster than a 3090 and people would still rather a 3080..

    • I've bought my last nV card (my current 1080), the way they held people to ransom for GPUs.

      Once these things all drop another few hundred dollars across the board we'll be close to the mark.

    • -2

      DLSS + RT would be the obvious counter to that.

      • dlss? for what? a 4k240fps ultra rt game?
        rt? i mean maybe but who honestly cares about rt anyways. 70% performance loss for something that most people cant tell the difference in

        • Hahahahahahaha. Omg what are even talking about?

          • @sickaunt: dlss is useless for competitive games, literally unbarable smearing and input delay. rather run 1440p240hz native on max with this

            • +1

              @abjsdhasehasee: you are preaching to fan boys here - I played metro with RT only and without RT and haven't really missed out on much, in some places rt only is laughable…like a bug but not really - meaning the tech is not there yet - same with dying light, rt on doesn't add anything, it might in cyberpunk like wet street effect but for the performance you take its not worth it. but let the fanboys tell me I'm wrong and I'm missing out on gaming experience of my life :)
              most games I play benefit higher fps and thats what I will always look at - higher fps, lower power draw and quiet performance

              • +1

                @botchie: I'm not a fan of either. But isn't having higher fps for extra features still a perk of nvidia?
                If a 3080ti and 6900xt costed the same . It would make sense to get a 3080ti. In this case the 6900xt and 3080 are at similar price point (slightly pricier for 6900xt). The battle is a little closer and probably edges the 6900xt.
                Here are comparisons of both in 50 games
                This comparison still give the edge to 3080

                • @maverickjohn: 6900xtxh beats 3090 in pure rasterisation every single time when both oced

                  • -1

                    @abjsdhasehasee: Maybe but when the future is shifting away from rasterisation to Ray tracing. It will become dated much quicker. Right now Ray tracing is an option but in the future it will become the standard.
                    Even AMD will be shifting focus to Ray tracing model creation.
                    The Dlss is just the icing on the cake.
                    But your comment is the first I heard that dlss compromises competitive gaming.
                    I don't even own a pc, but I'm interested in graphics progression hence why I I'm discussing this with you. So please don't think I'm a fan of team red or green. I'm just thinking where peoples bang for buck would lie if they purchase a gpu.

                    • +1

                      @maverickjohn: well i mean considering dlss considerably smooths images and is why it only looks better standing absoloutely still is why its bad for competitive games. turns your enemies into a wall. also turns out the input latency is offset by the increase in fps but still the smearing is bad.

                      right now a 6900xtxh is simply as fast as it gets, it will always(*) beat a 3090 on the exact same settings until you enable ray tracing. which what im saying, is useless for competitive games, or when you use it, theres barely a difference to max settings

                      • @abjsdhasehasee: Thanks for the info and your experience. Appreciate it

                      • @abjsdhasehasee: While this is mostly true, I've seen a very recent 50 game benchmark put the 3080 at only 3% slower than a non-oc 6900xt @1440p (…)

                        I was actually surprised, I would've expected the 6900xt to come out by 10-20% at 1440p but I guess drivers are getting better for Nvidia. The decision then becomes - do I want DLSS + RT as 'just in case/future proofing' options, or do I want an extra 3% FPS for around the same price.

                        • @floplikeafash: not an xtxh and not oced. literally every ounce comes from an oc. amd cards oc (profanity) insanely. nvidia is mid

                          properly oced xtxh vs 3090 = 5% dif

              • @botchie: I couldn’t give a crap who makes the cards, I know what I like and I like CP2077 with RT and DLSS. Even performance DLSS looks sick at 2160 with RT. Prior to DLSS 2 it wasn’t great, but it sure as shit is now.

        • +1

          I'm guessing you have never played CP2077/metro exodus enhanced edition or dying light 2 with ray tracing. It is eye candy, but the difference is literally night and day (pun intended).

          Good implementations of ray tracing with GI and soft shadows are only going to become more common. That being said, not many current games actually have good implementations of RT, and a 3080 might actually be woefully out of date by the time this happens.

  • +1

    Is RT and DLSS important?

    • +2

      not to me but I'm sure others would disagree…

    • +2

      this has enough grunt to overcome most DLSS scenarios

      • Yeah was going to say, wouldn't it have sheer performance enough to use true res (<=4k), not upscale?

        DLSS has more of an advantage on lower end cards? Plus this can also RT, just at a higher penalty to RTX?

    • RT no but DLSS yes

    • Say for 4K on something like Cyberpunk, RT + DLSS give solid 60+ fps with high settings and looks awesome.

  • Damn good price. The only thing stopping me from buying AMD GPU is CUDA…..
    BTW 6950 XT is coming in June/July

    • +1

      And next gen cards coming later in year (and apparently en masse), if you can hold it seems next gen will be just as fast and hopefully a lot cheaper…

      • Nice. Got a link in regards to ‘en masse’?.

        I want to believe it’s true but am not convinced they won’t inflate RRP and have lack of stock again selling out instantly. I really hope so though!

        • Have seen a few comments about nvidia investing billions to improve stock, and AMD advising they worked with suppliers to improve also.

          But agree, think itll still be limited to start with and inflated MSRPs, but im hoping a quicker return to normal, and intel providing some competition in mid range also.

          Im still rocking a 7970… so im praying on this next gen being available after holding out 2 more years than i wanted to!!

  • Wonder is there a MSRP for this card?

  • +1

    Until AMD can actually match Nvidia's implementation of DLSS and ray tracing performance, it's team green for me

  • +2

    This is a great card, and great to see prices returning to some sort of sense.

    I paid $2200 for one a year ago, and sold it four months later for $2400.

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