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Free Calls to Ukraine: Vodafone, Amaysim, TPG, Kogan, Lebara, iiNet, Internode, Felix, Westnet, Mate


Great to see more telcos joining the cause. Stay safe :)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Does Ukraine have a 'talking clock' number?

    • +1

      Are Crimea and Donbas included? Serious question.

  • -6

    Just called izmail police station and reported some cereal killers

  • +11

    Why only to Ukraine?

    • +14

      because there's a new war there?

      As a Ukranian I wish that the world had this energy for other conflicts (not just white people wars) but it is what it is

      • +7

        'but it is what it is'

        there in lies the problem… we just accept it.

        Hope your family is safe.

      • +9

        not just white people wars

        Reminds me of this thread that someone made of how several media outlets have been describing this war:

        • Meanwhile conflicts have been going on for years around the 'non-white' world, ignored by the media.

          • -2

            @ATangk: Are they really ignored? They don't get the same coverage, but they're usually reported on.

        • +5

          the double standard is so obvious.

      • -1

        not just white people wars

        … is it, though?

        Apparently the West is more likely to intervene in actual combat were something untoward to happen in Taiwan (aka Chinese Taipei) - east asian people wars, anyone?

    • +5

      They've worked out that so little people is going to use this, it's pretty much free marketing for them.

    • +27

      Yeah, the US invaded so many countries but no one was doing such things.

      • +6

        Wait, so you're telling me the Opera house was not lit in Afghan or Iraqi flag colours?

        • +2

          Never let the facts get in the way of a good rant 😁

          • +5

            @1st-Amendment: Where were those weapons of mass destruction again? They were the basis of a war which birthed ISIS but I don’t remember when they ended being found, remind me when that was?

            • -4


              Where were those weapons of mass destruction again?

              If you feel that someone should provide free phone calls to Iraq you are welcome to offer that. Why aren't you doing that if it means so much to you?

              • @1st-Amendment: Did I mention phone calls? Quite a leap even for you.

                • -3


                  Did I mention phone calls?

                  You responded to a thread about phone calls. Or did you not read before you decided to rant?

                  Quite a leap even for you

                  The leap was when you joined a conversation about phone calls to war zones, then claimed this discussion was not about phone calls to war zones. Kids these days…

                  • +1

                    @1st-Amendment: I did respond to a deal about phone calls but why would I be offering them? I also responded to a deal about a water jug and guess what? I’m not offering those either.

                    Where’s the logic? I have to be offering a product when I comment on it? Are you offering free phone calls? After all, you’ve responded to a deal offering free phone calls too.

                    • -2


                      I did respond to a deal about phone calls

                      So not a leap then? Glad you worked it out…

                      Where’s the logic?

                      It up there, try reading before posting next time…

        • Putting aside that the first lighting of the opera house was after both those wars, you wanted us to light the opera house in the colours of the countries we were waging war in?

        • +3

          Aus and US were lighting up Afghanistan directly :'(

      • -8

        Yeah, the US invaded so many countries but no one was doing such things.

        Why don't you do it?
        Because it's always someone else's fault right?

        • He's trying to be cool at this stage. He forgot to mention, o why no free local phone call when the original land owner of Straya was invaded.

          • @Fredfloresjr: At least Trump had airports when Britain invaded the east coast of the US.

      • +2

        Virtue signalling wasn't a big thing back then.

    • -4

      What country do you want to make free phone call? I'l let Putin knows.

    • +4

      Because of white privilege of Ukrainians, and double standards by the West.

    • It would be great to get free calls to Russia..
      Then we could call random numbers and try and counter the Putin News machine.

  • +1

    You can add "Mate" to the list as well.

    • +1

      Done. Thank you.

  • most of the telcos now

  • -4

    Who to call?

    • +2


      Or maybe if you've got no friends/relatives you're worried about in Ukraine, no one? Just because it's free doesn't mean you have to use it.

  • +13

    I want free calls to Tibet, Iraq, and Afghanistan as well

    • -1

      I want free calls to Tibet, Iraq, and Afghanistan as well

      And a pony for Christmas?

    • -6

      Tibet is Chinese territory and calls to China from Australia have been free for several years. Are you sure you know what you're talking about?

      • +1

        Mate this is Australia, we have American propaganda. Too hard to google that India tried to Annex Tibet by sending money and guns for 20 years after WW2.
        Not to mention the Tibet region is much bigger then "free tibet" area, much like how westerners think Canton region is just HK.

        • +1

          Neither the Australian nor the US government has ever questioned the status of Tibet, I was surprised to get so many negative votes. What I don't understand is why people support Tibetan separatism when they protest against Russia's separation of Ukraine.
          For me, I don't like "Free Tibet" itself because its very existence was a kind of retrogression of civilization. When we turn to the descriptions of Tibet before the communist revolution in various countries in history, Tibet was under the rule of the Republic of China. It was a feudal serf society ruled by religious aristocrats.

        • +1

          Google CIA Tibetan program,an operation that has been declassified by the US government.

  • +7

    Awesome, I can cally Russian friends for free now

  • It's good to see the Telcos behaving like this. I don't know anyone in Ukraine… but if they want to do free calls to Nigeria, I'll start ringing people and offering help to get their millions out of the country.

    • Good afternoon Sir, this is King Billy Guyatt - the King of Australia - calling!

  • At this rate… you probably get more free calls from the wars USA and Australia is involved in than Russia.

  • +12

    Should be free calls worldwide for all the countries the US has attacked for our freedom.

    • +3

      that would be a long list

      • +2

        Easier to start a list where calls arent free.

    • +2

      Telcos would go out of business

    • +1

      This is understatement

    • They are not attacking. They are spreading democracy !

  • +2

    can't wait for woolies and coles to join the telcos by supplying free chicken kievs

    • Well seeing as its largely believed to be invented by a Russian chef that wouldn't exactly be tactful.

      Calls for supermarkets to change their name to chicken kyivs (the actual Ukrainian spelling, rather than the Russian spelling Kiev) would be much more appropriate.

      • +1

        Russian spelling for Kiev is Киев…
        Киев - мать городов русских…

        • +1

          And Ukrainian spelling is Київ. The western world however uses Latin and not Cyrillic so it's put into "English letters"…

          Otherwise you'd have people calling it knib.

          Btw it's the mother of cities (what we'd call a metropolis or capital) for the Rus' people. Not Russia… And Russia is named from a Greek word Ρωσία (or Rossiya in Latin).

          Hope I could educate you :)

  • +7

    I have never seen free calls/sms to Syria or Iraq, or I am dementia and too old to remember?

    • +6

      no you are absolutely right, This is just Western hypocrisy/ double standards at their best, after their reporters saying stuff like

      " they are just people like us, white, they aren't like arabic, iranian or syrian, or asian etc "

  • +1

    It would be good if they included China, Thailand and Philippines

  • +1

    Anyone have any sample Ukraine numbers I can dial :)

    • +1

      next thing you know, you end up calling random Ukrainian number that belongs to a Russian spy or something, (or you being treated like one from someone who ends up checking phone records of whom you called)

      Dont dial random numbers

  • +1

    hooray i can finally call to my friends back in Iraq free of charge now

  • -1

    It's amazing how all of the moaners werent complaining about Iraq and Syria when the telco's announced free calls to Nepal after the earthquake and Tonga recently. I wonder why that is?

    • +1

      They were natural disasters. This one is a man-made disaster and years in the making…

  • +4

    I will need to call my Russina friend to get some true story, too much American propaganda, so sick of it. I stand for both country who are effected by this war. #standwithputin

    • +2

      Yes I agree , Russian troops aren't shooting at a nuclear power station ,
      they are liberating some isotopes that have been under the grip of nazi scientists.

      Move along.. Nothing to see here..

  • O trumpy where are you. This promo would’ve been “free call to Russia”.

  • Is this offer valid to call Ukrainian 1900-PHONESEX numbers? I love these sly Ukrainian accented voices

  • Not working with Amaysim sim won’t allow me to call Ukraine’not enough credit’ ?

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