• expired

Free Calls to Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia @ Belong


Free calls to Ukraine

Helping you get in touch with loved ones

We know you’ll want to reach out to loved ones in Ukraine and its surrounding countries to make sure they’re okay. And we want to help where we can.

All Belong mobile customers can call people in Ukraine for free until 31 March 2022. You don’t need to do a thing – just pick up your phone and dial. It’s not just Ukraine, either: free calls also apply to a few surrounding countries.

That means calls to the following countries will be free: Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovak Republic.

Note: we chose the surrounding nations based on the UN’s assessment of refugee movements.

Update: offer extended to 30 April 2022.

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (293)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (28)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    How to take advantage of this? I don't know anyone in those countries

    • +15

      Username checks out

    • +3

      Go visit Ukraine and make some friends.

  • +1

    Ah jeez Ricky, you reckon we could rescue some of those kitties with this deal?

  • +1

    Well done Belong! As a person using your service I'm happy to see you've joined the team. I wish there was a way to ensure the people over there had access to unlimited mobile data as much as technically possible at least without collapsing the system!
    Well Done I salute you :)

  • FYI Telstra made calls from Home Phones & Post Paid Mobiles free yesterday, if they haven't already I hope they see their way to including pre-paid customers in that offer.

  • Crazy even cheaper than Telstra STD rates

  • +6

    Why don't they provide free calls to Russia so that we can prank call Putin

    • +4

      whats Putin's number? i'm willing to prank him even if its not free

      • Let me ask Trump.

        • +1

          get me Xi's number too whilst you're at it

          • -1

            @Jaduqimon: Get me Clinton's, Bush's and Obomber's number while you're at it since they've killed far more people and destroyed far more countries than those two combined.

  • +2

    Don't remember them doing this when other countries were being invaded in recent years but a good initiative regardless.

  • +1

    I get probably 3-5 scam/spam calls a day - most times I hang up, sometimes I will go through to the operator just to mess with them, but for the first time ever, I got what I presume to be a scam call - mobile Caller ID said it was from Russia (I was mowing the lawn, so missed it) - sort of hoping they got through so that I could give them an earful…

    • Didn't neg you but you realise the vast majority of Russians are actually against this war? They're actively protesting for peace full knowing they'll likely be arrested, detained, sentenced etc.

      • the sad reality is that they are against the war in general but in this particular case the majority (i'd say almost everyone above 50 and many younger folks) supports the anti nazi cause, hence the waroperation.

  • -1

    Why not to Belarus?

  • Why not Russia?

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