• expired

Free Calls and SMS to Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia @ Woolworths Mobile


Providing free calls to Ukraine and some surrounding countries

Woolworths Mobile wants to help where we can, and make it easier for our customers to stay in touch with friends and family by providing free calls to Ukraine.

Update: offer extended to the end of May, and extended to international roaming services.

From Tuesday 1st March 2022 until the end of May 2022, you can make free voice calls and SMS from Australia to all destinations in these countries: Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia.

From Tuesday 8th March 2022 until the end of May 2022, you can use International roaming services in Ukraine and these surrounding countries for free: Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia.

We’ll be waiving charges for calls and International Roaming to these countries until expiry, and will continue to monitor the situation.

Things you need to know:
  • Keep in mind that calls to these regions may not always go through, due to potential infrastructure damage in the region.
  • You will not see the free calls logged in call records via the Mobile app, My Account and Invoice. You will however see these in your phone usage.
  • This applies to all Woolworths Mobile active services - Prepaid, Long Expiry, SIM Only and Phone Plans - even those without international call inclusions.
  • International Calling is enabled by default. If it has been switched off, please Chat with Us so we can re-enable it.
  • If you currently have a PAYG International & Other and make calls to any of the above countries, they will be free and won’t come out of your Add-on.

Note: I am not posting this in any official capacity and am not speaking on behalf of Woolworths Mobile. I am only posting this as a member of the OzBargain community. I'm happy to provide general information, but for account-specific support please visit https://mobile.woolworths.com.au/support

Referral Links

Referral: random (320)

The referrer and referee will both receive a $10 WISH eGift Card. Referral codes can only be shared after 35 days of service and gift cards sent only after staying for at least 3 active months. Maximum of 10 referrals per year. Once referred customer activates on Woolworths Mobile, they must download the Woolworths Mobile App, and enter the eligible referral code within 30 days by selecting “Refer a friend” from the slide out menu.

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closed Comments

  • -6

    Providing free calls to Ukraine and some surrounding countries

    Why not the other surrounding countries?

    • +3

      They probably don't want to pay for 1000s of prank calls to Putin and his cronies 🤔

  • -3

    Nice! I hope all the other phone companies are following suit. Money shouldn't be an object when it comes to contacting people when their country is being invaded.
    As others have said though it would be nice if it was expanded to other countries that many refugees have fled to.
    Love the intent though :)

    & No I'm not implying Russia in any way shape or form should be on that list.

    • +1

      "As others have said though it would be nice if it was expanded to other countries that many refugees have fled to."

      It is!

      Free Calls and SMS to Ukraine, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia

      • Yes, but I think it could go beyond just those. It's great that the obvious countries on their border were included from the jump though :)

    • +7

      "& No I'm not implying Russia in any way shape or form should be on that list."

      Should be. Pretty narrow minded comment to be honest. I'm sure there are plenty of russian people affected badly by the severe sanctions who dont want any wars.

      Nonetheless, nice show of support from telco

    • +2

      You have been negged by Russians for sure

    • +1

      Giving away something that costs them money is hardly "virtue signalling"

    • +2

      I'm not a fan of companies who jump on board social causes and blatantly virtue signal with no real benefit but in this case it's not that. What if the people you are trying to call don't have an active data plan?? I think this will be useful for many and it's quite possible people lose their mobile data access crossing borders and possibly being in rural areas without good data connections.

      • -2

        "What if the people you are trying to call don't have an active data plan??"

        What dose it have to do with this deal?
        This is fees waved for Woolworths mobile customers if they try to call those affected countries.
        Australian telcos can't possibly provide free mobile data to them.

        • +3

          Because the comment I replied to inferred everyone could just use WhatsApp and this deal served no real purpose. I simply stating that if those people in Ukraine can't access data they also can't recieve WhatsApp calls/messages either.
          Maybe read the context before you throw your 2x in hey and try to understand what you are commenting on.

    • I'm sorry you feel that way. This is in place to support people who do not use those services.

  • +9

    Those overseas Russians beyond the propaganda bubble would also appreciate making it easier to call their families and tell about the lies from their government.

    For example, if your family was in an isolated country where they can't get outside news. Imagine being told that the invasion is going well and economic setbacks are only temporary.

    After all, a lot of Russian soldiers allegedly thought they were rescuing Ukraine from Nazism.

    • +1

      I hear what you are saying but if they have access to the internet they have the ability to research and find out the perspectives of others. Look at many in the US who refuse to believe any news coming from the other side of politics. Let's hope there are enough independent thinkers and people with family/ friends outside the Russian sphere of influence who are giving them a protective that's different and they are willing to listen to as it's coming from someone they trust. Can only hope.

    • Just Google Azov and see

  • I guess the Russians are leaving all the infrastructure intact. They probably want to take it without having to rebuild. Hopefully this means as few civilian casualties as possible.

    • +1

      check the latest news from yesterday when Russia destroyed broadcasting towers in major cities in Ukraine and do not spread lies.

      • -1

        Why offer free calls if there is no infrastructure? Seems like a cruel joke by virtue signaling corporations.

        Edit: Also, be very careful about what you read in the news. There is a huge propaganda war going on. Russia and Ukraine are both waging it, but the Ukrainians are winning big time so far. Wait until the dust settles before deciding what to believe.

        • There may be limited infrastructure due to the damage, but limited =/= none at all.
          However free calls/SMS are being provided for surrounding countries as well, which do not have infrastructure damage.

  • This would be the correct link to the terms and conditions of the free calls; https://mobile.woolworths.com.au/mobileupdates

    • That was the one that was posted

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