iPhone 16 128GB $1279.99 Delivered (Membership Required) @ Costco (Price Beat $1215.99 @ Officeworks)


On sale at Costco, cheaper than other stores. Price beat at OW makes it even cheaper.

(Yes Officeworks do price beat, I've recently done a MacBook Air and iPhone they both happily done)

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Costco Wholesale


  • +2

    Hot price. Still rocking 13’s but maybe one day…

    • +1

      I have my 14 but I dropped it in the ocean and it got water damaged. Apple gave me a new one 1 month out from warranty ending . So can use it for maybe another 2 years .

      • How did you do it with Apple? Is it because you have apple care+?

        • For accidental damage it should be Apple care unless very very lucky

  • +2

    Seriously good price.

    Good luck with the OW price beat, I’ve had no end of trouble getting them to do that even on reasonably low-value items.

  • Shall I wait or pull the trigger, was waiting for it to be around $1100ish, or too ambitious of me?

    • +5

      about as good as it gets for now, $1100s more mid year

      unless you can find it on eBay with a code to get it lower

    • +2

      Hmm, tried convincing younger brother, but he's still happy with his iPhone 7 :D

  • Anyone had any luck price beating or at the very least getting JB HI-FI to match?
    See they have the $1100 gift card offer available.

    • +3

      nope just tried, they don't do membership stores.

      • +1

        I work at JB and I always price match to Costco. Maybe it depends on store.

    • When does that deal end for the phone plan ?

      • no idea, did not ask

  • We’ve only just purchased from OW at their normal price. Will they refund the difference or anything or do we return it in the 7 day window and buy again?

    • +4

      Return and buy again. They don't have a price drop guarantee like other retailers. My local fed me some bullshit like "We have the lowest prices and they change all the time". Cool story bro. Refund me then.

    • +2

      if youve opened it, cannot be returned

      • They took back a router that I told them wasn't fit for purpose. I think it depends on the item.

        • No change of mind for used items, unless you buy from Apple Store direct.

          This isn't EU where 14-day change of mind for online pursmchases is mandatory by law.

    • +1

      Buy at the discounted price and then use the brand new phone to return with the full price receipt? Not sure if that will work? Is it linked to serial numbers?

      • Yes, they scan the serial number!

  • +1

    great price.
    Note: blue is the hottest colour among 16 series

    • Temperature or coolness factor?

    • +1

      I don’t really care what the colour looks like if its called ultramarine.

  • Current using the Optus X Pro I bought for $1.00. Is it worth upgrading to this?

    • +1


    • +2

      64GB vs 128GB, so yes, it's a huge upgrade.

    • +1

      Stick with it. It's GOAT

  • I'm thinking to upgrade to this from a S21, is the Pro better value than the 16?

      • +1

        This doesn't really answer my question or help at all. If I was looking to have a basic phone, say something that a $500 phone could do, why would I bother trying to upgrade from a S21?

        • -3

          You have answered your own question, you wouldnt. Is there something the S21 doesnt do that the 16 does?

    • +4

      If the camera is important for you then yes.


    • Downgrading to a 60hHz display like the 16 has would be a massive deal-breaker for me, personally.

  • Maybe the better deal is to try and get Apple to match it (think they still do up to 10% price match?) and use the 10% savings from the Apple gift cards.

    • +2

      Has anyone had luck getting apple to price match Costco?

      • Tried for Apple Watch, but they don't match Costco.

  • -4

    For 95% of people a 16e is a better buy at more than $200 less.

    • +7

      if it was 799, then i agree

      • yes you can

  • Only 128GB storage means you’ll have to be good at off loading photos/videos if this is your main “camera”.

    • +1

      Or cloud storage.

    • Glad I'm ugly. I only use camera to scan qr codes

    • I think the same can be done on higher storage versions.

  • +2

    128gb LMAO. This storage was the norm 5 plus years ago

    • +2

      Not every takes a photo of what they eat.

  • Is it just me, but according to officeworks iPhone 16s seem to be out of stock in pretty much every brisbane store right now?

    • Says you can do pickup on Monday?

  • Can anyone confirm that Officeworks requires a costco membership to pricematch?

    • No, they dont require proof of membership.

    • +1

      Nope. I did this very pricematch a couple of months back. They just asked who I was asking to pricematch and that was that. The only stipulation was that the pricematch had to be paid over the phone then and there. Seamless process.

  • +1

    Gf just did the OW pricebeat and purchase for this over the phone. Will be picking it up Monday.
    Thanks OP

    • +1

      Same. Got the 512Gb iPhone 16 Pro down to $2,070 from $2,349. Getting it delivered Monday. Over the phone is the easiest.

  • Which Officeworks was this?
    The one here in Sydney, North Ryde has an arrogant Store Manager who can't understand English.
    I showed the same product code, same everything and didn't want to price match.

    • +2

      At north ryde store if you have issues ask for another manager, I've has issues with inexperienced managers not knowing policy. My mate who works for Officeworks has told me Head office has explicitly stated that Officeworks can price match Costco no membership required

  • Does anyone have any thoughts on iPhone 15 Pro vs 16? I want great multitasking performance & battery life. The 120hz seems nice but doesn’t seem like a dealbreaker/maker for me. Upgrading from an iPhone 12 which has pretty average battery life and struggles sometimes with lots of apps open.

    I don’t really game

    • If you can get a iPhone 15 pro (probably refurb) for around the same price as the 16, then I would recommend it. Its got a better display, better camera quality, titanium, and you shouldnt notice much difference in performance between the two.

    • Second going for the iPhone 15pro
      You can compare them on Apple website.
      I did it for the 16e….and the 15 pro sure was a better deal refurbed.

      I feel odd number iPhones since 11, have been the better ones to choose

  • -1

    JB have the phone on discount atm too, then Coles have 10% JB included gift cards this week, so you can prob get it cheaper that way.

  • -1

    Much of an improvement to the camera from 11 to 16?

  • Any recommendation for phone case and screen protector for iPhone 16?

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