This was posted 3 years 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free - 5GB Online Storage for Every Amazon Customer @ Amazon AU

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OzReminder for those new to OzBargain.

All Amazon customers get 5 GB of free storage. The storage can be used to store photos, video or files, using Amazon Photos or Amazon Drive.

Various annual storage plans are available for all customers. You can see all storage plans and prices by going to the Manage Storage page.

Previous post

This has been marked as expired as the Amazon Drive product appears to have been discontinued in 2023. You will be now redirected to Amazon Photos (restricted to photo and video uploads) when clicking on your Amazon storage link

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +28

    on Amazon US, all prime members get unlimited photo storage, including RAW files from your camera. Too bad this doesn't extend to Amazon AU.

    • +73

      Prime US is also nearly triple the price of Prime in Australia.

      • +2

        i'll be ok to pay triple the price for the unlimited photo storage option. At least give us options to pay extra for it

        • Me too!!! I would pay triple if they offer unlimited photo storage.

          • @kl2999: Google drive allows you to backup pics for plans > 5 GB and isnt that expensive.

    • That would be great for phone backup

    • +10

      If there was a tiered prime membership in australia that included this, i would pay for this.

    • -5

      Unlimited Gsuite storage + Google photos + Auto phone backup including RAW for $16/month is the true OzBargain

      • +2

        Unlimited gSuite is going away in June/July?

        • Thanks for the reminder😭All good things must come to an end I suppose..

  • +3

    Nothing is ever free these days-

    • +5

      Bezos will gladly harvest your data

    • +1

      sure there are!!! alcohol free, smoking free

      • Don’t forget gluten free and dairy free

        • +2

          have you seen the prices of gluten free products, they are anything but free :-(

          • @gromit: Sugar Free, Lead free, Fee Free, Carbon Free (oh wait, that's Carbon Neutral! hahah), MSG Free, Fat Free, Tax Free, Odour Free, Animal Free… All things we each pay for, no matter how one looks at it!

    • +2

      And not to mention vaccine-free. Like me. ;)

      Come at me boys… ;P

    • some people have a sex-free marriage

  • -8

    Why is a reminder in the deal section?

    • +28

      Because you can't get upvotes in forums section.

    • +2

      I didn't know this. Thanks for the reminder OP.

    • +6

      why does it hurt u so badly when its clearly helpful for others?

    • +1

      Reminders are allowed after a certain amount of time (I can’t be bothered reading rules again to find the exact amount of time).

      • +1

        6 months

        • sounds like our NBN plan

    • +8

      Same reason we allow Aldi special buys. OzBargainers love normal prices.

      • better than JackBay's deal… it's free anyway ~~

    • Democracy.

  • +1

    That's great, but be careful of including any finals on the cloud. It's not 100% secure.

    • +1

      Interesting - what are the security risks with Amazon compared to other common free options?

    • Do you have the skills to manage your data with less risk than the big cloud providers, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, DropBox?

      • +8

        I mean, anyone can do offline storage.

        • +4

          You're on the right website to get deals on those sweet sweet 8/16TB NAS drives, too

        • -1

          But not as safely as Amazon, Google, Microsoft.

          • @matt-ozb: How do you store files offline with a cloud provider?

            • +1

              @NobalaKoba: Send them your hdd?

            • @NobalaKoba: Azure Stack? little expensive for home but fits the requirement:-). reality is 99.99% that use that as an excuse would have the NAS LAN connected and hence online anyway. The benefits of NAS etc are more the storage capacity combined with bandwidth, security is unlikely to be better in most home or office setups.

    • Nothing is 100% but AWS has a good reputation.

  • any bonus for prime members?

    • +2

      Yes, Prime Video

      • -2

        That's more a punishment now as you try to find content that doesn't require addition fees or subs in prime.

        • +4

          It has a lot of good content.

        • +17

          Prime Video is amazing value. Great content, and lots of it. Prime members also get free digital books, a limited version of Amazon Music, and all Prime purchases on Amazon delivered for free. Best bargain in Australia.

          • +4

            @altitudinous: Yeah I have prime. Plenty of value in most but I disagree on prime video, the video service is crap. It's only redeeming feature is it is basically free and the expanse.

            • +3

              @gromit: And Reacher and The Boys

            • +5

              @gromit: The video service has been great for me - no complaints.
              Not sure what you like, but here is some other entertaining content:
              Hanna, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Reacher, The Grand Tour, Clarkson's Farm, Wheel of Time, Good Omens.

              • +6

                @Radar: Remember the Cant! (The Expanse)

              • +4

                @Radar: Clarkson's Farm is real enjoyment. Every one can realise how it's to be farm owner.

              • @Radar: Clarkson's Farm is really great. Sure you get the usual Clarkson sillyness, but it is also educational and quite poingant in parts.
                Plus Amazon Video has 4K content. Look great.

          • +2

            @altitudinous: Prime video is crapola. All the good stuff is extra. The search function is hideous - it's a case of hit 'n' ope to find something.

          • @altitudinous: 100000% agree !

            i wont think second again for continuing my Prime membership.

            eBay Plus is next to nothing ! totally wasted, i almost never use my $5 voucher from eBay… they have this limitation of minimum spend amount…

          • @altitudinous: Where do you get the books and music? I have prime and didn't know

            • @furyou: Install Amazon Music app and sign into it. You'll get popup for Unlimited, just be careful not clicking it as it can auto purchase @$12 month (might get free trial too though)

              Books likely through Kindle or sometimes Audible.

  • +12

    You can get free 2-15 gb space at most cloud services without being a customer, what is so special about this?

    It is like posting an OzReminder “free water at every alcohol serving place in NSW”?

    • +13

      wow didn't know that!

    • +3

      The hack big water doesnt want you to know

      Thirsty when out and about? Dont buy a bottle of water, wander into the nearest bar, skoll a few glasses of water and walk out.

      • +8

        Here I was drinking from the sink in the bathroom!

        • +11

          You use the sink? I was scooping it out of the toilet!

          • +2

            @zzymurgy: Why didn't I think of the toilet? I was getting the left overs off the floor.

            • +2

              @ilikeit: By the urinals? That's usually where the best spots are

          • +2

            @zzymurgy: You were scooping?
            I’ve been lapping it up like a cat !

    • Any recommendations for free storage that is secure?

      • Define secure

      • Apparently it's everywhere, like water

      • Mega claimed that it is encoded and secure. But who's know true?

      • +1

        Secure as in? If you mean data loss, they usually have multiple servers around the world, with a mirror copy of your contents saved. If you mean in terms of data breach, you can use secure passwords and 2 factor authorization. Secure as in terms of access to the cloud provider, you can encrypt your data locally before uploading it. Depends on how far you want to go. Theoretically, nothing on the internet is secure. Offline? Even when the Iranian atomic power plants were offline, "they" managed to hack the firmware of the centrifuges using USB sticks inserted by inside agents. So yes, nothing is secure :)

      • Secure as in private? Use Cryptomator so amazon/google/microsoft/whoever won't be able to see whatever you upload.

    • Is it also available in WA ? Where did you get the free water from? Can you post your receipt ?

  • -7

    Not a deal. And a free tier is expected from every cloud storage provider anyway

    • +2

      5GB = 5000000000 bytes

      Bet you can't count that high either

      • Tagging @MrBeast.

      • +1

        yes because 5GB != 5000000000 bytes
        1kb = 1024b
        1mb = 1024kb
        1gb = 1024mb
        so theoretically 5gb = 5368709120b

    • iCloud’s default free tier is 5Gb also…

      • +2

        Do you think that is a "deal"?

  • Quote: "All Amazon customers, without an Amazon Prime membership, get 5 GB of free storage."

    Prime customers don't qualify?

    • +3

      Wording is not great there.

      Probably something like "All Amazon customers, regardless of Amazon Prime membership, get 5 GB of free storage." would be more clear.

  • +6

    5gb? Is this storage for ants lol

    • Yup. A human couldn’t fit in there.

    • +1

      5gb can store a decent of memes

  • +1

    Thanks OP, I just bought 2. ;)

  • +5

    5GB was huge when I purchased my massive 1GB HDD.

    Would have taken me a week to upload that with my 28k modem, assuming that no one in my family accidentally picked up the phone.

    • +1

      That's optimistic, it'd take months.

      • Perhaps it was my 56k modem.. good times when internet was not charged based on Mbps, but based on how long you logged on the internet for.

      • +1

        Would have taken 213:02:38 or 8.875 weeks at max speed

        • +1

          LED lights on the modem would have flashed like a disco.

          • @JimB: I remember downloading the 3d animation software Maya through Napster back in the day. It took me over a month, only for some of the zip files to be corrupt. Still leaves a nasty taste in my mouth thinking about it!

            • +1

              @Lucille Bluth: haha, Maya probably corrupted the download file to spite you.

            • @Lucille Bluth: took me 3 months to download an 800MB file. limited to 60 minutes max a day due to expensive dial up costs. the cost to be online back in those days for me was about a dollar an hour, at 56.6Kbps

              • @rasserie: Haha. I was a cheapskate, and had like 100 different "Freeonline" accounts which allowed me to have unlimited free dialup internet 30 minutes at a time. But when downloading stuff, the internet company didn't recognise the 30 minute limit so I was able to be connected to those p2p programs beyond the 30 minutes without being disconnected. Same with chatrooms like mIRC

    • That’s a lot of pictures of Jennifer Aniston.

      • More likely to Jenny McCarthy in the early 90s.

        DingoBlue- any relation to Dingo Blue who use to be my ISP?

        • That's where I got the name but I am not any relation to them.

        • I was with them back in the day it the dail up and they had a killer mobile deal then.

          • @Kiro: I was also with Dingo Blue.

            My cousin had 2 Dingo Blue accounts with 2 modems on the same PC/Network. Potential download speeds of 112kbps!

  • +1

    This is not even enough space for 1 month worth of photos…Also, Amazon don't seem to be doing reduction or conversion into HEIF format that Google does very well
    (when it works but Google is having major issues with many cameras nowadays that is also causing full resolution uploaded when you have reduced sizes selected)

    UPDATE: You might be better of using something like:
    - Google Photo's: 15GB free across Google services and extra storage is much cheaper than Amazon!)
    - Flickr: 1,000 photo's on the free account, buy PRO accounts for UNLIMITED storage but best value paying for 2 years upfront and will work out to approx AU$100 per year)

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