dogboy88k » user profile

Member Since 07/06/2019
Last Seen 19 hours 46 min
Location Sydney, NSW

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Help please. Does this have middle button “tilt” or side scroll?
19/07/2024 - 09:21
Nice !
07/06/2024 - 14:20
No one will steal your cables at the next LAN party !
22/05/2024 - 09:01
It’s not free advertising if you’re expecting clothing as as payment.
01/04/2024 - 10:37
For iPhone + Apple Watch … Will this work with Apple watch “One Number” ?
20/10/2023 - 03:11
NT is above QLD ? NT is west of QLD. The most northern part of Australia is Cape York in Queensland.
28/08/2023 - 08:50
For safety, I paid via Paypal and paid a bit extra $7.17. Steam key was almost immediate ! Nice find @arsey !
12/08/2023 - 16:52
@bopter12 your advice was gold. I was getting so frustrated !
03/07/2023 - 22:41
Revolut Turkish currency purchase - almost immediate Revolut currency transfer - about 2 hours OlduBill balance actually appearing in the…
27/06/2023 - 17:19
Exactly. Imagine if they had invested in crypto !
21/03/2023 - 09:30
Oily cardboard may not be recyclable.…
05/02/2023 - 15:48
Taped up ? My, we are getting fancy. (note to self - get some tape)
22/01/2023 - 15:18
No change it seems :-( Happy to be corrected.
07/01/2023 - 13:54
I don't understand the graphic, but it seems to be saying it will take 6-7 hours to charge a phone ? Not the time to charge the bank itself…
26/11/2022 - 21:47
T60 ? Pfft ! I'll hold off until they release the Model 101 Series T800
02/11/2022 - 15:40
Yes. The site says 1780, but how can they make shelves with 1830x1820 dimensions in a 1780 box ? The video doesn’t show the bits lying…
21/08/2022 - 17:27
I have absolutely no need for this. So I only bought 1.
19/08/2022 - 21:32
This would support your position
11/08/2022 - 11:41
This is the most helpful post on this thread ! Thank you @adrianhughes1998 As mentioned in other posts, TunnelBear VPN is free and works !…
14/06/2022 - 02:03
"Connect In Series Less than 2 identical batteries Connect In Parallel Less than 2 identical batteries" I don't understand. Less than 2 is…
04/06/2022 - 00:21
You obviously haven’t paid $150 to a Notary Public to just look at a document or witness you signing and then affix a seal or stamp. You…
09/04/2022 - 02:08
There is no need to draw back. "Intramuscular…
08/04/2022 - 13:55
Why are you talking about hospital based trainees ? It sounds like you are hospital based. I think your concept of doctors is very skewed…
08/04/2022 - 13:42
I agree that pharmacists are generally almost completely non-clinical They are excellent at managing drug-drug and drug-condition…
08/04/2022 - 13:07
I've been to the chemist, stood in line to present my script, while I listened to people in front of me, talking over the counter, about…
08/04/2022 - 12:52
No. My device hasn’t been used for years. It was still in my account apparently. Refund successfully registered.
17/03/2022 - 11:36
OP said you had to have a functioning device. That is absolutely wrong. Sure, in some narrow use cases, such as not having the device…
17/03/2022 - 11:21
But your niece should still have the Fitbit in her account. The refund is still valid. Just get her email address and she can get the…
16/03/2022 - 15:35