• expired

Join AGL Peak Energy Rewards Program and Reach Energy Reduction Targets to Earn Bill Credits (Excludes WA)


I joined this program just now. good to get some extra credits towards my bill in the summer.

How it works
Joining the Peak Energy Rewards Program is voluntary, and means you’ll join a community of like-minded people who don’t mind making small changes around the house to reduce their energy consumption during peak events. Not only do these small changes ensure energy is affordable and reliable when we all need it most, they also establish sustainable long-term habits that benefit the community in the long run.

Peak events are times when, because of weather or other circumstances, there’s a high demand for energy on the grid. Peak events usually only last from one to three hours.

We’ll text you when a peak event is scheduled so you’re in the loop, and if you opt-in, you can choose to reduce or shift your usage for the duration of the event. That might mean adjusting your air-conditioner a few degrees or waiting until the event has passed to use appliances like a washing machine or electric oven. See more small ways to make big differences.

After an event is over, we’ll send you an email report of your usage and reward you with bill credits if you meet your energy reduction targets.

Participation in events is voluntary. We’ll send an SMS asking if you’ll participate, and you simply need to reply YES to confirm you’re in.

How much can I earn?
For peak events, you can earn up to $10 in bill credits for every 2-3 hour event and $5 in bill credits for every 1 hour event*, when you reach your energy reduction targets.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    $3-5/hr for not using my air con so other people can? How the effing hell is this a deal?

    • +2

      They want you to 'suffer in your jocks…'

    • +3

      Nah I still use my A/C and always hit the targets.
      I just cool down the house prior and when it starts turn up the temp.

      I turn off my crypto miners, so perhaps my allowance was higher. Last event I could import 8kwh, but ran on solar only.

  • +2

    This isn't a bargain.

    This is part of their normal offering for about a year now.

  • +1

    Unfortunately you seem to be ineligible for the program. If you would like to find out how you can participate, please get in touch.

    • +5

      Unfortunately you seem to be ineligible for the program.


      Probably because I'm not with AGL.

      • Ah what! so this is only for AGL customers!? /s

        ps. think they were trying to reply to @kelasen

  • +4

    I got this one as well. The first peak event was yesterday between 6-8 pm. It wasn’t too bad. We switched on the aircon upto 6 pm and then switched it off. I didn’t mind it for the couple hours and but yeah - had to switch it back on at 8 again.
    Hope I met my target - will probably get to know in a weeks time.
    Not a bad way to get $10 off your energy bill.

  • Unfortunately, you are ineligible to take part in AGL's Peak Energy Rewards program.
    We're sorry for the inconvenience caused.
    Speak to an AGL agent for more information
    1300 377 118 (select option 3)
    9.00am to 5.00pm AEST Mon to Fri

  • Smart Meter required?
    How else could they tell you're complying?

    • ip cameras.

    • +1

      They use an honour system… obviously OzBargainers play with a straight bat and are not trying to circumvent the rules

  • i dont use aircon, do i qualify?

  • +1

    Not for WA

  • Would we be earning credits when we are not home during peak hours?

    • I don't see why not as they're trying to reduce grid load and don't know you're not home?

    • Yes I was already at the beach one day.

      • Did they set the goal for you got to the beach?

  • If you’re eligible you would’ve received sms from agl.

    • Spam is unacceptable. Unless it’s good spam, like this deal. Let’s all gather around the campfire and share stories of how we made a small contribution to saving the planet from an imminent climate emergency… fake campfire, I mean

      • Except I used double the amount of power the hour before freezing my house so I could live in relative coolness in that last 15 minutes of the hour period

  • +3

    from their site for 20/21

    51,000 Peak Energy Rewards members, More than $500,000 in customer rewards

    So on average each member got $10 for the year, which is just one event. Sounds like a scheme to take the load off AGL without them having to actually pay you that often.

    Scarier is their 'Peak Energy Rewards Plus' where you pay them $89 to get a device which allows AGL to remotely turn down your aircon!

    • I recall maybe 8-10 years ago there were rebates for people who installed devices on air cons which allowed the grid to reduce your a/c temperature or turn it to fan mode!

    • I am not an expert… What if they invest that money into better infrastructure and more power generation?

      • +2

        Essentially nothing. The small costs of this scheme are tiny in the context of increasing peak power generation/distribution.

        If demand management can be effective then it should be rolled out. This program is AGLs response to the market, power becomes massively expensive for AGL to purchase when the market peaks, so they're better off paying people not to use electricity. It won't necessarily work for every consumer, but if you can get even a small fraction to reduce the load they can save significant amounts of money

      • Think you will find it is solely about saving money for AGL.

        Good example is below someone saying if they cut their usage by 3.57kw/h they they can earn $10, guessing they are in Queensland where the price is predicted to surge to $13000/MWh from the current $100/MWh.

        So if all people need to save the equivalent 3.57KWh, then for AGL to cut usage by 1MWH need 1000/3.57 = 280 people to each save the 3.57KWh, AGL pay them $10 each or $2,800 all up, but save $13,000 - $2,800 = $10,200 over that period.

        But beauty for AGL is if you cut by more than the 3.57KWh, which most people will do to play it safe, then the saving is even more for them but not for you, and if you cut for a bit less than the 3.57KWH then you only get $5 and AGL still save a lot, and if you fail to reach 2.91KWh saving then you get nada but AGL still makes a good saving.

        • -1

          Nice to know. So, (profanity) AGL then, this is just a grift to save their own butts.

  • Not a bargain

  • My peak rate with AGL is 0.42c/Kwh (Exc.Gst)

    • +4

      Less than half a cent per kWh… what a deal!

    • +2

      The market rate this afternoon in Queensland is predicted to be $12000/MWh, so about 25 times more than the rate they charge you


      Edit - maths was wrong, I think it's actually 2500 times what they charge you

  • If you have solar it can be a good way to get extra cash from them. I got about $60 with themlast year when their fit was still competitive.

    • Extra $240 per 2 years with an EV.

  • +2

    Government website to compare which retailer is the cheapest for your address, for gas and electricity:


    • +1

      They need one for solar FIT

      • +1

        And Demand tariffs

    • +1

      If it also calculated the benefits from your feed in it would be good

      • I think it does do this if you put in your meter number and have a year of solar data on it

  • +5

    Just move to ReAmped instead…

    • +1

      ReAmped rates are so much better (alteast in Melbourne) than the competition.

      • Agreed. I have saved 30% at least so far compared to my previous provider (Globird)

  • Wonder how they figure out if you've 'shifted' particularly with a Solar + Battery…to them i'd be 'consuming' 0kw before and..0kw after.

    • Are you eligible?

    • They don't care what you do behind the meter with solar generation or battery charge/discharge, so long as the smart meter sees a reduction to below whatever their threshold is.

      Presumably, all the peak events will be in the evening, 4-8pm, so over summer your solar should be running at a decent level for some of that time, but during winter it would take genuine behaviour changes (or simply being out of the house).

  • +1

    Have done this for a few years, usually just go to Coles and Kmart for a few hours, just plan to do the shopping around then.

  • similar to origin energy spike program

  • Does anyone know how this actually works? 3.57kWh less than what?

    My message said

    AGL Peak Energy Rewards: Event Tuesday, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
    Reply Y by 6:00 PM to take part.
    Earn up to $10 in credits for hitting the following targets:
    Target 1: Earn $5 for importing 3.57kWh less from the grid
    Target 2: Earn $5 for importing 2.91kWh less from the grid
    Tips to help you reduce: bit.ly/aglenergytips

    • +2

      If you have a smart meter believe that is the required drop in usage from the preceding period (i.e. drop from your usage from 5pm-6pm) but AGL not very clear on that!

    • I've received one about the same previously. But the numbers don't make sense for me as I wouldn't import that much total in that period anyway. I'd have to drop my import to 0

  • Is this just for electricity or gas also?

  • Guessing this is not good for solar.
    Anyway, still hurting after dropping from 22fit to 12. Going to lose $150/quarter from the software.

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