Great price relative to the market, supposed to be for 1 hour only but they Scorptec don't seem to be reducing the price back.
ZOTAC GeForce RTX 3080 Ti AMP HOLO 12GB Graphics Card $2399 Delivered ($0 NSW/VIC C&C) @ Scorptec

Last edited 29/11/2021 - 17:12 by 1 other user
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Great to hear as I copped one myself at this price, only downside is RGB does not sync with motherboard.
Referring to another model? 3080ti wasn't released then
Great card for gaming. If you are after mining I would not recommend it.
strangely you only get this price when you follow the link, as i had accessed the site directly at the price was still 2699
They were advertising this as a flash sale on Facebook, so perhaps that's why.
I'm gona wait for next series. If I'm dropping 2-3k on a card I'll take the new 2-3 times faster one thanks.
just keep in mind it wont be easier
youll still be going up against scalpers all over again
it all depend on the wafer shortagesWith the high demand and limited supply this run, next generation will be 10-20% better tops.
I didnt want to post it since you can get an evga card for $100 more
Why get EVGA for $100 more when you can get this for $100 less?
EVGA higher tier than Zotac
Performs virtually the same in benchmarks?
@exit: Better cooler on evga probably. For $200 more you could get the tuf which runs cooler than both.
@badjazy: Dunno my ftw ultra sits around 58-73 while over clocked and under full load. Cant say much about the tuf but the card i have is great. That said the Tuf is only 100$ more now on a promo. My big thing is the warranty, i know EVGA offers cross shipping if some thing fails, and ASUS has service centres in australia i dont know about the warranty process for zotac.
@Kiato: $2300 gigabyte was the best this month. MSI/zotac for $2400 is decent and the $2500 evga/$2600 tuf have good coolers and might be worth the extra price. Depends on the person really and how much they value cooling. With warrenty evga looks to have the best as usual.
lol @ great price…
Is this LHR?
eh, facebook only links to their sale, not to mention their generally higher prices…i'd take the Eagle from shopping express for same price or wait for orders to pop up at PLE for evga.
solid price, i paid 2599 for this 2 months ago. the rgb on the card in stunning and worth the price if you are going for a show build. its not the most budget card however.