One of the best password manager for iOS and MacOS.
Open Source. Compatible with KeePass and Password Safe. One-time fee and allows family sharing on the AppStore.
Strongbox supports the open source Password Safe (version 3) and KeePass file formats (KeePass 1 and 2, i.e. KDB, KDBX (3.1 and 4)). Strongbox uses open source encryption algoritms likes TwoFish, Argon2d, ChaCha20, Aes, Salsa20 and various other cryptographic techniques (SHA256s, HMACs, CSPRNGs) to store groups and entries, containing various secrets, mostly designed around password storage. You can also store File Attachments in KeePass format safes. YubiKey is also supported!
WTF! Why pay $60 for this when Bitwarden is free and open source too.